Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dr. Marcia Stoddart White charged with 73 counts of Medicaid fraud


March 23, 2011

Montgomery dentist charged with Medicaid fraud:
A Montgomery pediatric dentist was indicted on charges of Medicaid fraud, the Montgomery Advertiser reports. A grand jury returned indictments against Marcia Stoddart White charging her with 73 counts of Medicaid fraud and one count of first-degree theft of property.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dr. Thomas Corcoran-Topeka Kansas Small Smiles Dental Clinic Owner-No longer with Small Smiles. Did he sell? Of course not, you can’t sell something you don’t own.


In November 2010 I wrote about the Kansas Dental Board sending a “prove-it” letter to Dr. Thomas Corcoran.  The Dental Board was questioning the true ownership of Topeka Dental Clinic, LLC and another CSHM dental clinic.

Dr. Corcoran forwarded the letter on to Church Street Health Management’s headquarters.

[If he owned the clinic I’m not sure why he would forward this on to a company who just provides billing, payroll, human recourses, and other mundane office related services, if that is truly all they do for their “associated” clinics.]

Church Street Health Management had him listed as being the owner of one of their Kansas clinics.

Bye Bye Birdie
CSHM must have cleared the issue off their to do list.  According to information received, Dr. Thomas Corcoran’s has not seen a patient since early October 2010.  Dr. Corcoran had been with Church Street Health Management since May 2004, almost 7 years. 

Over the next 5 years, beginning January 21, 2010 Kansas is to receive approximately $1.2 million of the $24 million dollar settlement Church Street Health Management agreed to pay so the DOJ would not look into their operation any further.

Evidently the Dental Board is involved in those payments.  I say this because in a letter to Dr. Corcoran, Dental Board Director, Betty Wright said, “ Since this amount is substantial and is being paid by a corporation and not by yourself, it is evident that although you have indicated  in the past that you are the owner of the Topeka Dental Clinic, LLC and previously Small Smiles of Wichita, that in fact the owner of the clinic in not yourself, but instead a corporation.”

Originally, Dr. Corcoran had 10 days to answer several questions that Ms. Wright brilliantly asked.   Any person who owned a business would be able to answer the questions with ease.  A sample of the questions she asked were:

1.  A copy of your purchase agreement or ownership documents of the clinic.
2.  An employee handbook
3.  A copy of advertisements published to hire dentists
4.  A list of member of your LLC with ownership interests.
5.  An Operating Agreement between yourself and FORBA
6.  Attach your personal and business FEDERAL income tax returns with attachments, including Schedule C with W-2’s or 1099’s.  If you are a PA or LLC include returns for you personally and for the business entity.
7.  Attach five payment reimbursement forms from Medicaid and five from insurance companies.
8.  Attach copies of promissory notes or loan agreements with amortization schedule used.
9.  Attach a copy of the latest bank account statements for the business.
10.  Do you own the fixtures and equipment?  ___ Yes  ___No  If “No” state from whom it is leased.

[Looks like that 10 day deadline from Kansas Dental board, turned into a 10 day notice for Dr. Corcoran.  I’m told Dr. Corcoran was not officially listed as “terminated” until January 31, 2011]

Can the new “owner” answer those questions presented by Ms. Wright, probably not. 

So what to so?  What to do? 

Oh, lets change the laws in Kansas!  Yes, that’s it!  So much easier!  Let’s use Comfort Dental as a front.  We know they want in the state.  Shoot, they won’t even realize they are being used.  Get franchise dental clinics allowed in the state and it will save our three clinics. 

Then we can say we are a “franchise” too.


  1. So who “owns” the clinic now? 
  2. Sale agreement? (Dr. Corcoran selling to whoever)
  3. Should there not be some tax related issues for Dr. Corcoran since he “sold” this business?
  4. Is anyone checking? 

    Hello  IRS!
    We are loosing out on some tax dollars folks! 

KWCH Investigation into Small Smiles and Church Street Health Management ( known then as, FORBA Holdings)
Kansas Dental Board Asking Dr. Thomas Corcoran To “Prove It”
Kansas House Bill To Allow Expanded Functions for Hygienists Appears Dead
Look Out Kansas – Say it ain’t so
Gates of Hell opening For Kansas citizens; Corporate Dentistry

Monday, March 21, 2011

Five Year Old David Liddell Stops Breathing At Dental Clinic - Later Pronounced Dead

Update March 21, 2011: Re: Dr. Derek Mason and David Liddell's death

I received the following paragraph from a reader:

David went to the dentist to receive his dental treatment. He was accompanied by his older sister and his mother. David's family was not allowed to go to the back with David for his treatment. David was happy and healthy when he arrived. David was in the back for only ten short minutes before something went wrong with his procedure. He was not in the back long enough to finish his dental work, the dentist was just getting started.  David's mother was called to the back when things went wrong where he laid not moving strapped down with vomit on his clothes, no seizure was apparent the child was not conscious and strapped down. No one was doing CPR or anything. Dr. (Derek) Mason assured  the family that David was okay and he was dead. There's nothing natural about a five year old child dying under the care of a dental physician. Dr. (Derek) Mason stated that the ambulance came to late. To late for what? What happened while David was under his care? David Liddell had a chromosomal deletion which caused him to be physically and mentally delayed other that he was very healthy at the time of his visit to the dentist.

August 19, 2010 7:26PM

Five year old David Liddell stopped breathing while at Children's Dentistry of Camp Creek in Atlanta on July 12, 2010.  David was rushed by ambulance to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.  Children's Dentistry is owned by Derek Mason, DDS.  It is reported little David had a seizure after the dental treatment was completed, but before they left the office.  I am afraid since this sweet child had an underlying medical issue, a closer look into his death will not take place.  I hope I am wrong.



Dr. Derek Mason is not registered as a Pediatric Dentist at the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

Visiting his clinic's website there are various pictures confirming the clinic is a "volume" based, with as many as 5 hygiene stations.

Under the "Meet The Doctors" section it appears that Dr. Mason is the only dentist as it lists no others.  Here is what the site has to say about Dr. Mason:
Dr. Derek Mason, DDS
Prior to attending dental school, Dr. Derek Mason attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. After attending Morehouse College of Atlanta, Dr. Derek Mason went to Meharry Medical College, School of Dentistry in Nashville, TN. Dr. Derek Mason spent four years as required to graduate with the title of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS). Dr. Derek Mason went on to complete his residency at Kings County Hospital Dental Clinic and Maimonides Medical Center, both of Brooklyn, NY. This training enabled his continued growth and development, pediatric dentistry, hospital dentistry, treatment of traumatic injuries, treating patients with special needs, and specialized areas unique to younger children and adolescents.

Children's Dentistry of Camp Creek: A Galaxy of Smiles
Derek D. Mason, DDS & Associates - Pediatric Dentist
Ph: 404-349-7900  Fax: 404-349-7899  3890 Redwine Rd. Suite 206  Atlanta, GA 30331

 The Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry offers graduate programs for General Dentistry and Oral Maxilliofacial Surgery. (DMD and DDS).  However Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn has a 2 year residency program where they have 4 new openings each year.  

The only other reports that can be found is from the AP and it is very short and sweet.
ATLANTA (AP) - The Fulton County medical examiner’s office says it’s investigating the death of a 5-year-old boy who died after going to the dentist.
The medical examiner’s office identified the boy as David Liddell of Atlanta and says he died Friday.
Atlanta police say the dental work was completed when the boy had a seizure. They say he was taken to Children’s Hospital of Atlanta at Hughes Spalding, where he died later that day.
The medical examiner’s office says the death appears to be from natural causes, but investigators want to review medical records and lab test results before a ruling is issued.


  • No statement from the AAPD?
  • How much local anesthesia was used?
  • Was he or had he been sedated?
  • Was is heart rate being monitored?
  • Was he strapped in a papoose board?
  • Was CPR performed?  
  • Did he vomit during treatment?
  • Was his mother present during treatment?
  • No further followup information available?

 Little David Liddell makes death number 6 in two years.

Smile Center–Minnesota

March 2011

They may not be all smiles, but Delta Dental and Smile Center clinics have reached a multimillion-dollar settlement over a fraud claim, avoiding a trial that was to begin next month in Hennepin County.

Smile Center has agreed to pay Delta Dental $750,000 and drop its claims to about $3.1 million that Delta Dental had held in escrow to cover disputed payments.

[Smile Center paid off Delta to drop it, in my opinion.] 

Delta Dental, which administers dental benefits for insurance companies and had no financial stake in the suit, will turn over the bulk of the $3.85 million settlement to Medicaid and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, plus a handful of smaller health plans that receive state funding to provide dental care to poor Minnesotans. About 10 percent involves claims under Delta's commercial plans.

A portion of the plans' share will be returned to the state's Department of Human Services, said Robert Milis, an attorney with Blue Cross.

The Smile Center has clinics in Deerwood, Big Lake, Savage, St. Paul and Brooklyn Park. It was started in 1990 and states on its website that it takes insurance that many other dental offices do not, including government-funded insurance.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Kentucky Striving For High Quality Dentists

Kentucky Board of Dentistry has filed regulations related to Licensure of Dentists and Licensure of Dental Hygienists with the Office of Administrative in Frankfort:

Number 1 on the list is the following

(1) Understand, read, speak, and write the English language with a comprehension and performance level equal to at least the ninth grade of education, otherwise known as Level 4, verified by testing as necessary;

Really sad isn't it? Nobody can say the goal is too high for Kentucky! 
Who is doing the testing? 
A 5th grader? 

No this is not directed toward foreign trained dentists.  In that section expectations are much higher:

(a) Provide proof of having passed the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) administered by the Educational Testing Service with a score of 650 on the paper-based examination or a score of 116 on the internet-based examination, if English is not the applicant's native language;

The Board has scheduled a public comments hearing on these regulations for March 29, 2011 at 9:00 am at the Office of the Kentucky Board of Dentistry.  To request that the Board hold a public comments hearing, you must send a request in writing to:
The Kentucky Board of Dentistry
312 Whittington Parkway, Suite 101
Louisville, KY  40222.

You may submit the Comment Form [PDF - 236K] for consideration in writing up to the day of the meeting on March 29th or testify in person on that day.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dental Mill Dentists: The Art of War Applied


Learning dental mill recruiters are very well trained should be no surprise.  How far they will go and sources of their tactics may be very surprising to some, not so much to others.

While the dental students were studying Cariology, dental mill executives were studying the dental students by way of Strauss and Howe’s, Millennials Rising: The next generation and Hershatter and Epstein at Emory University.

They have your number letter

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are those born between 1982 and 2002.

The first group of Millennials are out of college.  They started entering the workforce approximately 6 years ago and were studied extensively prior to their grand entrance. 

They are getting their chance to make their mark on the world.   In their mind, they plan to do it right.  GenYers feel prior generations half-assed everything they touched and it must be fixed to save all of mankind.

Andrea Hershatter and Molly Epstein of Emory University’s Goizueta Business School have studied Generation Y and published their findings, “Is Your Firm Ready for the Millennials?”

Hershatter warned “integrating Millennials into today’s workplace may not be straightforward” and “[a]mong the college-educated who have been polled," Hershatter says they seem "not to be particularly comfortable around populations less educated and less well off than they are."[1]

Epstein pointed out:

  • Nearly 70% of Millennials agreed that “Authority figures should set and enforce rules”. – compared to appromimately 40% of Generation Xers.” 
  • 60% of Millennials agreed with the statement, "I trust authority figures to act in my best interest." Only 40% of GenXers agreed.
  • Nearly 60% of Millennials said they "felt comfortable asking for special treatment," while only 40% of GenXers felt that way.

    "They need to understand what the organization stands for and what their role in it is; they are much less likely to be focused on their next step in terms of career progression, and more likely to care about making a meaningful contribution in their workplace."

    “This interest in doing good appears to be very deep-seated, according to Hershatter.”

    “There is a strong millennial dislike of ambiguity and risk, which leads them to seek a lot more direction and clarity from their employers, in terms of what the task is, what the expectations are, and the job progression.”

    “They are like quarterbacks: the whole team has been blocking and tackling for them so they can run the ball, and they come to expect that level of blocking and tackling so they can get the job done. They feel entitled because they feel special, they feel entitled to have others support them in their efforts to accomplish and achieve.”

“The promise of the brand has to match the reality or they quickly shift preferences. The ones who are unhappy in their first jobs in general are not complaining about the amount of work or day to day tasks. It’s that the culture doesn’t feel as meaningful to them, or isn’t as conducive to belonging as they expected.”

Teamwork will be stronger - "Millennials are unbelievably gifted at building, maintaining, and tapping into networks. I think that is a very interesting resource that more companies will figure out how to use," notes Hershatter.
Racial and ethnic tensions will be lower - "One of the things you would find is a very high comfort level among these students in working with others who represent different ethnic and racial backgrounds," Hershatter concludes.
Class tensions will be higher – “Among the college-educated who have been polled, Hershatter says they seem "not to be particularly comfortable around populations less educated and less well off than they are."
Sense of personal responsibility will be lower - "I think they're very reliant on people to tell them what they need to do," notes Hershatter. "The least positive thing I can say about this group is that they're not very good at accepting end-line responsibility."
Risk-aversion will be greater -  Hershatter mentions that in William Strauss and Neil Howe’s Millennials Rising: The next generation, "they'll either be on the platform on time with their ticket punched or they'll miss the train and never be on the platform again."   Millennials may have difficulties if they run into situations that are less structured and ambiguous than their life experiences have been thus far.

"They don't do very well in situations of ambiguity," Hershatter says. "They have been protected and directed since early childhood.  The helmets they have worn during every potentially dangerous physical activity are a great symbol of their early years.  From nanny-cams to after school programming to teaching-to-the test curriculums to early and binding college admissions, they have been shielded from unstructured time and unknown outcomes their whole lives. They have not had to be big risk takers thus far."[2]

As pointed out, Generation Y is looking for certainty in their lives – no guessing, no what if’s and as little risk of failure as possible.

”Everybody needs me” – They feel they call the shots now.  They can make the deal that suits their needs and the life they have envisioned for themselves. They are certain of their future. 

“Get ‘er done” - as Larry the Cable Guy put it, they want to complete the job at hand with as little resistance as possible - ideally with as much support as can be mustered and safety harnesses in place – staff raised and the Red Sea parts on demand comes to mind.  Rebels are a thing of the past.  They have never heard about ‘failure’.  They feel entitled to the protection and support to ensure perfection and no accidents.  They have been shielded from all scrapes and bruises. They were given a trophy just for showing up.

”Keep it real” – another phrase we hear these days.  This too is assigned to the Millennial group.  They want things to “be real” - authentic - and will settle for nothing else. 

”Yes we can” – here’s one we have heard a lot since 2008.  It’s another important part of the Millennial mindset and, I might add, easily exploited.  They have been told from infancy it is up to them.  They know they will make a difference in this world.  They will  give and volunteer. They are a ‘cause’ - without a rebel.


Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

All warfare is based on deception.
– Sun Tzu, The Art of War


The Art of War Applied: The Battle and Conversion

The war for the soul begins.

Parents preparing to sue The Smile Center–San Antonio, TX

Published 3/16/2011 6:08PM
Updated 3/17/2011  8:01AM


SAN ANTONIO - More than 70 parents are preparing to sue a local company of dental clinics called The Smile Center.  A News 4 WOAI Trouble Shooters investigation unleashed a flood of complaints by parents who say their children got poor dental treatment at the San Antonio clinics.  The San Antonio clinics have made millions on work paid for by Medicaid.
Tom Crosley runs the firm that is preparing to file suit. “In the last few weeks we've been approached by the families of 60 or 70 children to investigate whether their kids were victims of unnecessary dental work, shoddy dental work, excess dental treatment," said Crosley.
The Smile Center handed out letters to potential new patients that state the allegations are gross misrepresentation of the facts. The Smile Center also claims they are saddened and shocked that we would report this story without telling their side of the story.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Families Plan to Sue The Smile Center Dental–San Antonio Texas

March 16, 2011

Reported by: Brian Collister

SAN ANTONIO - More than 70 parents are preparing to sue a local company of dental clinics called The Smile Center.  A News 4 WOAI Trouble Shooters investigation unleashed a flood of complaints by parents who say their children got poor dental treatment at the San Antonio clinics.  The San Antonio clinics have made millions on work paid for by Medicaid.
Tom Crosley runs the firm that is preparing to file suit. “In the last few weeks we've been approached by the families of 60 or 70 children to investigate whether their kids were victims of unnecessary dental work, shoddy dental work, excess dental treatment," said Crosley.
The Smile Center handed out letters to potential new patients that state the allegations are gross misrepresentation of the facts. The Smile Center also claims they are saddened and shocked that we would report this story without telling their side of the story.
  See shocking video report here

Small Smiles Dental Clinics Employment Information

or Here

click the heading to see the comments, very interesting!

Look Out Kansas–Say It Ain't So


Update March 16, 2011:

HB 2241 was introduced February 9, 2011.    Originally, the Kansas Board of Dentistry and the Kansas Dental Association rejected the idea of open the boarders for Corporate Dentistry.  Between February 9th and 24th deals were made, the bill was amended and passed with a vote of 120 to 1.  My hat goes off to the person who had the guts to vote no.  Read about the deal here.

On February 24, 2011 the bill was sent to the Senate for consideration and referred to the Kansas Senate Public Health and Welfare committee. Here is the report from the Kansas Health Institute.

This bill is NOT good for the citizens of Kansas for reason stated below.  The amendments to the bill do nothing to stop the corporate legal games that are played to hide the real owners of these chains/franchises. 

So far the Kansas Dental Board has done NOTHING to protect the citizens of Kansas from the abuses and fraud perpetrated by the Small Smiles clinics the board allowed to open up shop a few years ago.

KWCH Part 1 report on Small Smiles Dental Centers
KWCH Part 2 report on Small Smiles Dental Centers

See the Youtube Channel featuring 40+reports from across the country on chain dentistry who profess to treat the underserved. 

Related Article:

Kansas about to open gates of hell
Kansas Dental Board asking fake owner to prove it ( the board took no action!)

Follow the bill here

Contact Senate Committee Member immediately and ask them to vote NO to Kansas HB 2241.
Chair Sen. Vicki Schmidt -

Vice Chair Sen. Pete Brungardt -
Ranking Minority Member Sen. Laura Kelly -

Sen. David Haley -
Sen. Terrie Huntington -
Sen. Dick Kelsey -
Sen. Mary Pilcher-Cook -
Sen. Roger Reitz -
Sen. Chris Steineger -



December 20, 2010
A report from Kansas on the issue of Corporate Dentistry by Dave Ranny along with my commentary in black.

By Dave Ranney
Monday, December 20, 2010

Corporate dentistry debate looming

Law prohibiting dental franchises will likely be challenged this session
Dave Hamel, one of three dentists in Marysville, examines a patient’s teeth. Hamel, who’s also president of the Kansas Dental Association, defended state laws that prohibit corporations from owning dental clinic. “I think a dentist ought to be able to look at a patient and say ‘What can I do for you? How can I be accountable for your care?’ I don’t know that you get that with corporate dentistry,” he said. Also pictured: dental assistant Courtney Luedders and patient Amanda Foley.
Dave Hamel, one of three dentists in Marysville, examines a patient’s teeth. Hamel, who’s also president of the Kansas Dental Association, defended state laws that prohibit corporations from owning dental clinic. “I think a dentist ought to be able to look at a patient and say ‘What can I do for you? How can I be accountable for your care?’ I don’t know that you get that with corporate dentistry,” he said. Also pictured: dental assistant Courtney Luedders and patient Amanda Foley.

TOPEKA — Under Kansas law, only a licensed dentist can own and operate a dental clinic.  A corporation cannot. It’s illegal.

It’s been that way for as long as most dentists can remember.

“The law protects the public,” said Kansas Dental Board Executive Director Betty Wright. “It puts patient care ahead corporate profits.”
This blogger is applauding Betty Wright, Kansas Dental Board Executive Director.  The law absolutely protects citizens.
When a corporation is involved, dentists, hygienist, office managers and other corporate staff have to answer to shareholders and investors.  When this happens, your dentist is failing in his fiduciary duty to have "your" best interest in mind.  He/She is worrying about the report they are going to have to fill out at the end of the day and what will result when the production numbers are too low. 

Some legislators aren’t so sure that allowing corporate clinics that are owned and operated by Kansas dentists would diminish the quality of care that patients received. During a recent meeting of the Joint Committee on Health Policy Oversight, several members noted that so-called franchise clinics tend to accept more Medicaid patients.
Kansas Dental Board Executive Director Betty Wright testifies during a recent meeting of the Joint Committee on Health Policy Oversight. She defended current state laws restricting corporate-owned dental practices. “The law protects the public,” she said. “It puts patient care ahead of corporate profits.”
Many people who contribute, read and follow this blog could have told the Kansas Joint Committee on Health and Policy Oversight things that would give them nightmares for years to come.

A recent Kansas Department of Health and Environment survey (PDF) found that less than one-third of the traditional dentist-owned clinics in the state see Medicaid patients.

“I think it’s pretty clear that we’ll be talking about this next year,” said Rep. Brenda Landwehr, R-Wichita, referring to the 2011 legislative session, which convenes Jan. 10.

Lobbying effort underway

Earlier this year, Comfort Dental, a Colorado-based company, sought the Kansas Dental Board’s permission to open dentist-owned franchises in Kansas. The request was denied.
Kansas law, Wright said, specifically forbids “...the franchise practice of dentistry.”

Company officials were taken aback by the ruling.
“They practically slammed the door in our face,” said Lawless Barrientos, a spokesman for Comfort Dental.
Lawless Barrientos, a spokesman for Comfort Dental, listens to testimony during a recent meeting of the Joint Committee on Health Policy Oversight. The Colorado-based company has asked legislators to consider dropping laws that prohibit dentists from entering franchise agreements.

“A lot of states don’t allow corporate dentistry – that’s not unusual,” he said. “But as far as we can tell, Kansas is the only state in the nation that prohibits dentist-owned franchises, which is what we are.”
Mr. Barrientos is not being completely truthful here.  He is referring to the fact they find a "good ole boy" dentist to put his name on the Corporate papers filed with the Secretary of State Office.  Just like FORBA Small Smiles does currently.  

The law, Barrientos said, stifles competition.
“Everybody keeps talking about how health care costs keep going up and about how dental care is too expensive,” he said. “The way to fix that is competition, to make dentists compete, to make them find ways to bring down their costs, to let the free market work.”
DeRosefamilypicThis is one case "competition" does NOT keep costs down.  It only allows another corporation to siphon off more Medicaid dollars to line their coffers.  Where is will go to build mulit-million dollars homes for themselves; maybe even their very own football stadium as in the case of the DeRose family, also of Colorado.DeRosestadium2

Comfort Dental has almost 80 franchise practices, involving 286 “partner dentists,” in seven states: Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, Kentucky and Ohio.
Typically, Barrientos said, Comfort Dental franchises are owned by two to five dentists.

The company has hired Federico Consulting, a Topeka-based lobbying firm headed by John Federico, to oversee its campaign to convince Kansas lawmakers to repeal the prohibition on dental franchises.
A corporation who hires a lobbying firm to help them buy their way into the state tells me the piggy bank is appealing and they want a huge piece of it.  It also tells me these clinics are NOT owned by dentists. 
A group of dentists who get together, form a legitimate corporation and hang out their shingle have no need for a lobbying firm to begin to treat patients. 

It’s about accountability
The Kansas Dental Association is expected to oppose efforts to repeal the restriction blocking franchise practices.

“At this point, there isn’t a specific proposal so it’s difficult to say whether we’re for it or against it,” said KDA Executive Director Kevin Robertson. “But, yes, we have a lot of concerns about corporate dentistry.

“Our position is that the person who owns a practice or a clinic ought to be person who’s in contact with the patient,” Robertson said. “That person, that dentist, should not be having his or her arm twisted by some middle man who’s main concern is meeting their quota for the month.
“That,” he said, “can result in abuse and fraud, quite frankly.”

The nine-member Kansas Dental Board – six dentists, two dental hygienists, one lay representative – shares the association’s concerns.
“Once the dentist becomes simply an employee or an absentee owner, the office tends to focus on maximizing profits rather than on maximizing care for the patient.” Wright said.

Kansas law allows a clinic to have more than one owner, but each owner has to be a dentist. A dentist or a group of dentists can own more than one office, but each owner is required “ be present in the office a majority of the time the office is operating.”
Nor should they be distracted by the thrill of this month's bonus check.  There is no patient anywhere who wants their medical professional to be thinking about bonuses and meeting treatment goals set by some corporation.  The patients treatment will not be based on the needs and well being of the patient, it will be based on goals, quotas and bonuses.   It's not that it could open the door for fraud and patient abuse, it's that it does.  See the video above for a real good look at it, up close and personal.

Dave Hamel is one of three dentists in Marysville. He owns his own dental practice and is serving a stint as president of the state dental association....

...Like the association he represents, Hamel has strong concerns about corporate dentistry.

“I think a dentist ought to be able to look at a patient and say ‘What can I do for you?  How can I be accountable for your care?’ I don’t know that you get that with corporate dentistry,” Hamel said.

“People want that accountability. All of us, I think, have had the experience of calling an insurance company or a government office and not being able to find anyone who’s accountable.

“We don’t have that in Kansas (dentistry) now, which I see as a strength,” he said.

One exception already OK’d

In 2005, the Kansas Dental Board agreed to allow FORBA Holdings, a management company based in Nashville, Tenn., to market its services to dentists in Kansas.

Subsequently, three dentist-owned clinics entered enter contracts with FORBA to help them manage their practices. They are:
• Topeka Dental Clinic, Topeka;
• Indian Springs Dental Clinic, Kansas City;
• Small Smiles Dental Clinic, Wichita
In 2005 FORBA Holding was FORBA, LLC and owned 100% by 5 individuals from Pueblo, Colorado; , Dr. Eddie DeRose, Dr. Michael A. DeRose, Dr. Adolph R. Padula and Dr. William Mueller and Dan DeRose. 

The Colorado Dental Board among others let these individuals run wild within the state until the state finally had to pass laws trying to limit the amount of abuse they inflicted on children, but not before one child died in one of their clinics in Arizona. 
Dr. Michael DeRose finally had his licenses revoked and locked out of the Medicaid system, but not until 2009.  Dr. William Mueller was locked out in March 2010.  The Colorado Dental Board let Dr. Eddie DeRose "retire" his licenses.   However, their tentacles and spawns reach far and wide and still live very nicely from your tax dollars.  See:
Small Smiles Scam
Spotlight on Small Smiles 

Dr. Michael DeRose and another partner, Dr. Trish Ballance opened clinics in North Carolina.  They were investigated for mistreating children and performing up to 18 baby root canals in one sitting on several children.  Dr. Michael DeRose never lived in North Carolina, let alone treated any children there, he just "owned" the corporate clinics and pushed for "production".  They settled with the government for $10 million in April 2008.
Are they still involved in the clinics in North Carolina?  Yes.  They just put it in the name of a loyal employee, Dr. Raf Rivera.  If corporate dental clinics are allowed to invade your state, it will literally take an act of congress to get them out. 

Nationally, FORBA-run clinics are marketed as Small Smiles Centers. But in Kansas, the restrictions on corporate ownership prohibit the three clinics from marketing themselves as part a chain, consequently only one of the three calls itself Small Smiles.

In November 2007, ABC News reported several parents in Washington, D.C., accused a local Small Smiles clinic of mistreating their children.

Months later, The Wichita Eagle and KWCH TV Channel 12 ran similar stories on the Small Smiles clinic in Wichita. (Watch the 3-part video series on Small Smiles in Wichita).

In January 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that FORBA had agreed to pay $24 million to “resolve allegations” that it had billed Medicaid for “medically unnecessary dental services.” FORBA agreed to alter its billing practices.

Kansas’ share of that settlement was $517,959.60.
Earlier this month, Brad Smoot, a Topeka attorney who represents FORBA, assured members of the Joint Committee on Health Policy Oversight that the accusations of impropriety involved FORBA clinics “on the East Coast” and were unrelated to the three in Kansas.
If Mr. Smoot does not know that he is making a false statement, he should know.  If all of this only involved those clinics on the East Coast, why did Kansas get a cut of the pie?  Mr. Smooth used to be in the Kansas Attorney General's office.

“FORBA did not admit wrongdoing,” he said.
Smoot, who also lobbies on behalf of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, said the FORBA clinics in Kansas were in full compliance with state law.

“Each of these clinics is owned by dentists who work there,” he said. “They are independent of each other – the dentist owns the building, the equipment...everything.
Here is where I almost puked.  These dentists do not own one item in the building, let alone Topekaclinicthe buildings themselves. 
Does Mr. Smoot actually believe Dr. Tom Corcoran owns this whole shopping center in Topeka?
Click on, it will take you right to Small Smiles with a map to all of the other dental clinics they own. 
What about the Wichita clinic?  No, Dr. Mohammad Reza Akbar does not own it either.         WichitaClinicOwnership                                                    You can look for yourself if you like, click here.
Here is a link showing a campaign donation from Pueblo, Colorado in the name of dentist, Dr. Mohammad Akbar to Kansas State Representative, Bob Bethell campaign in 2006 in the name of Small Smiles of Wichita Health Care.  In Dr. Mohammad Reza Akbar's NPI record, it asks if this is a "Sole Proprietorship " his answer is NO!
Mr. Smooth, you really should take time to know what you are talking about before going before a government body.  Please do not let Todd Cruse give you his line of crap and you believe him.  I have personally caught him in three lies this month alone.  He just did not know I knew the answer to my questions before I asked them.  Clearly he has not had children.  If you have children, you must always know the answer prior to asking.
What about the Indian Springs clinic?  Well, if I were to pull up Dr. Blacknall's NPI information it would look just like Dr. Akbar's.
But here is Indian Springs NPI record:
It is not that hard to debunk the "ownership" issue with FORBA's clinics in most states.
"They also have management contracts (with FORBA).”
Smoot said that approximately 95 percent of the patients treated at the clinics are on Medicaid.
Not exactly, Mr. Smoot.  The dentists have "Employment" contracts with FORBA."  But you almost had it right.  Close but no cigar.

“These are exactly the people, the critically underserved population, you’re hoping will be served,” he said.
Barrientos, the spokesman for Comfort Dental, said the same would be true of his company’s franchise clinics if they were allowed to operate in Kansas.
I do not think Mr. Lawless Barrientos was wise to say "the same would be true of his company's franchise clinics".

“We are one of the largest Medicaid providers in Colorado,” Barrientos said. “Forty percent of our patients are either underinsured or uninsured. They come to us because we’re 40 to 60 percent cheaper than what other dentists’ charge.”

Distinction without a difference

Rep. Jim Ward, D-Wichita, a member of the health oversight committee, challenged Smoot’s assessment, saying he didn’t see much difference between a dentist signing a management agreement with FORBA and a franchise agreement with Comfort Dental.
There is none.

“It sounds to me like you’ve created an exception that makes the (no-franchise) rule unnecessary,” he said, referring to the Smoot-crafted agreement with the Kansas Dental Board.

“This, for all practical purposes, is what a corporate practice would look like,” said Ward, who’s also an attorney.

After the FORBA settlement was announced, the Kansas Dental Board, Wright said, decided to take a second look at whether the management contracts comply with state law. The investigation, she said, is ongoing. She declined further comment.
This is where the "Prove It" letter come in to play. Dr. Tom Corcoran was sent a form to fill out and he had 10 days to do it.  If that form was filled out honestly and was back in the hands of the board by the deadline, I’m not sure what else there is to investigate.  After the quote from Rep. Ward, I’m afraid they are working on another “deal”.   I hate being cynical, but after watching these people for over 3 years now, I can’t control it.  Surely the board is not trying to protect FORBA/Small Smiles/Church Street Medical Management’s playground?  No, that can’t be it, or the board would not have sent the “prove it” letter.  But there are always those dog and pony shows.  I’m giving the Dental Board the benefit of the doubt on this one though. 

The board rejected Comfort Dental’s request after it started its re-examination of the management contracts.

Dave Sanford runs one of the state’s largest safety-net clinic, GraceMed Health Clinic in Wichita. He, too, has concerns about corporate dentistry.

But he said the Kansas Dental Board may find it difficult to justify allowing the FORBA clinics while disallowing Comfort Dental.
Don't.  Kick the FORBA owned clinics to the curb as well.

“At some point, there needs to be an evaluation of the quality of care that a corporate model would produce and how it would compare to the model we have now,” Sanford said. “I don’t know that we know that.”
It won't take five minutes to evaluate the "quality of care" delivered by any of these dental mills.  Google.
photos by Dave Ranny
Testimony: Betty White for Kansas Dental Board

Download .PDF

Testimony: Lawless Barrientos for Comfort Dental

Download .PDF

Here is how you can contact Rep. Brenda Landwehr and Rep. Jim Ward:
Legislative Hotline: 800-432-3924 (Jan.-April)
Rep. Brenda Landwehr: Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee
2837 N. Edwards
Wichita, KS  67204-4646

ne: 316-821-9800
Capital Office for Rep. Landwehr:
Room: 151-S
Phone: 785-296-7683
Rep. Jim Ward
3100 E. Clark
Wichita 67211
Phone: 316-683-3609
Capital Office for Rep. Ward:
Room: 359-W
Phone: 785-296-7675
Kansas Dental Association
5200 SW Huntoon
Topeka, KS  66604
Telephone (785) 272-7360
Fax (785) 272-2301
Kansas Dental Board
Call: (785) 296-6400
Kansas Health Institute
212 SW Eighth Ave., Suite 300
Topeka, KS 66603-3936

Kansas Dental Board Asking Dr. Corcoran To Prove He Owns Small Smiles Clinic