Friday, November 18, 2011

Smith and Lindley

I heard Al Smith and Michael Lindley are no longer President and CEO of Church Street Health Management/Small Smiles dental.

True? I don't know.

update:  11-10-2011
Michale Lindley is "no longer with the company"

Still working on ole Alford Joseph.

update: 11-18-2011

I hear Todd Cruse has been put in charge to guard the hen house, taking Lindley's place.
Still not sure about Smith.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Stockton, California 4 year old, dead after dental surgery


Jermaine Harrison


By Joe Goldeen

Record Staff Writer

November 16, 2011 12:00 AM

STOCKTON - On Friday, Dominique Smith brought her son Jermaine, 4, to a dentist in Oakland. She later left him with the Alameda County coroner.

Something went wrong after Jermaine was given an oral anesthetic to calm him down and subdue any pain caused by the dental procedure intended to remove some rotten teeth and cap some others. The family wants some answers.

Jermaine died after doctors unsuccessfully attempted to revive him, administering chest compressions for up to 45 minutes, his family said.

On Aug. 6, 2007, in Stockton Jermaine Lee Harrison was born with a hole in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of his heart. He required open-heart surgery and, about 12 months later, he had a pacemaker installed. Three years later, he was thriving and healthy, his family said.

"He was playful. He never wanted to stay in the house. He was a jolly little boy, a happy little boy," said his grandmother, Pamela McElroy of Stockton, who accompanied her daughter and grandson to Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland last week where the dental procedure was scheduled.

Children's Hospital Oakland was familiar with Jermaine's medical history, the family said, because that's where his initial open-heart surgery was and where he returned every six months for a cardiology checkup.

The family is at a loss on what to do next. An autopsy report on the cause of death from the Coroner's Bureau of the Alameda County Sheriff's Office is not due for about a month, according to a coroner's spokesman who said it is standard procedure.

A spokeswoman for Children's Hospital Oakland said late Tuesday neither she nor hospital staff could speak about any aspect of the case without written consent from the family, which they are working on obtaining.

Anyone wishing to contact the family may call McElroy at (209) 271-3401.

Contact reporter Joe Goldeen at (209) 546-8278 or Visit his blog at

STOCKTON, Calif. (KCRA) -- A 4-year-old Stockton boy who survived three open-heart surgeries died Friday while having his teeth capped.

The boy’s grandmother, Pamela McElroy, said she watched as he was taken into an operating room. She never saw him alive again.

The cause of death remains a mystery, and an official at Oakland Children’s Hospital – where the dental surgery was performed Friday – said an investigation is underway.

“I just want to know what went wrong,” McElroy said.

Strange visitors indeed

Over the last 5 days there has been an increase in web traffic here.  Some of the search terms used are:

Todd Cruse
Forba Nashville Closing
Stockton 4 year old death
Eight dental office closed over billing news 8
Smile Starters Complaints
Heartland Dental Complaints
Neta DeRose Obituary

Friday, November 11, 2011

Xerox owned company contributing to dental Medicaid fraud; Fraud from the dental office to the billing processor exposed

It’s apparent to me that neither private companies or government operated health care can operate and deliver healthcare to American’s for a fair price, since theft of taxpayer dollars is part of the business plan.  I’ve said all along that people who think Obama Care will solve the problems are so wrong.  Some seem to think the government will actually operate it—which somehow would be better.  But that simply isn’t the case folks.  The government will hand out contracts to greedy corporations to oversee and operate.  The same corporations who donate and lobby our lawmakers.  All I can see Obama care doing is giving the government the ability to add their favored companies to the free-for-all raiding of the taxpayer money pot. 
Byron Harris
November 11, 2011
DALLAS - Claims procedures discovered in a News 8 investigation of "Your tax dollars aren't working," said a former claims specialist, one of several News 8 has interviewed. "You're paying for [dental] services that shouldn't be paid for."the Texas Medicaid Dental program may apply to the whole country, because of the payment process employed by a major government contractor.
In a series of investigative reports over the last several months, News 8 discovered hundreds of millions of dollars in Medicaid billing for orthodontics. Now it appears the problems, which have triggered a federal audit, may be linked as much to the way the claims are approved, as they are to the individual dentists involved.
It turns out that the claims examiners are paid by quantity, and not
Employees who might have been making $20 per claim two years ago, now are making $10 per claim. To take home the same pay, they have to push nearly twice as many claims through the system.

"People didn't know how they were going to make their mortgage payment, their car payment, pay their babysitter because every time they turned around, their pay was being reduced again because corporate felt they were making too much money," a former employee said.
necessarily quality, under a program called Activity Based Compensation, or ABC. The more claims they process, the more money they make, creating a strong incentive not to take too much time with each one.
"Your tax dollars aren't working," said a former claims specialist, one of several News 8 has interviewed. "You're paying for [dental] services that shouldn't be paid for."

Latest Small Smiles Job Postings

Wait a minute, I thought Church Street Health Management was simply a “management company” contracted with dental centers to manage day to day operations.  (sarcasm) Hmmm… 

They aren’t even telling folks this is to work at their Small Smiles Dental Centers.

If anyone reading this ad has a brain cell one left, do NOT call Jacob!  It’s a trap you don’t want to be caught up in…  I promise! But if you are here at this website, you likely already know that, don’t you?

Here’s a current job posting:

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Lawsuit on behalf of 23 Smile Center patients was filed sued by parents

Wednesday November 9, 2011

Reported by: Brian Collister
A chain of dental clinics here in San Antonio is hit with a massive lawsuit filed by parents who took their children to The Smile Center.

The court action is more fallout from my investigation into the clinics and allegations it did unnecessary work at taxpayers expense.

The lawsuit filed Wednesday on behalf of 23 children alleges the Smile center would routinely recommend unnecessary and excessive dental services.

The lawyer filing the suit says this is the first of many to come as they prepare to file on behalf of one-hundred children.

“The lawsuit alleges and we intend to prove with substantial evidence that a lot of the dental care received by these children was unnecessary and improper”, says Attorney Tom Crosley.
Read the entire story at WOIA TV
If your child was injured due to dental treatment received at The Smile Center, Kool Smiles or other Medicaid dental centers in San Antonio contact attorney Tom Crosley for a free case review at:
Crosley Law Firm P.C. Free Case Review
Injured Smile Center Patients Information
Attorney Tom Crosley named Texas Super Lawyer for 2011

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

I think Kool Smiles Dental press releases about “new jobs” is very misleading

Over the past several days Kool Smiles Dental (NCDR, LLC) has published press releases about their expansion, growth and plans to hire from 80 to 100 jobs in various states. i.e. South Carolina to get 100 new jobs, Virginia blessed with 100, Indiana 88 new jobs.
Using buzz words and phrases such as “expansion”, “bright economic outlook” “provide jobs” leaves the reader feeling warm and fuzzy about Kool Smiles doesn’t it?  Heck they are providing dental treatment for underprivileged children and children whose parents have fallen on hard times due to the poor economy and bleak job outlook.  As the cherry on top they state they are providing jobs for states and local communities. 
Shoot, they even have lawmakers commenting about the fabulous news:

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Just saying...

The only thing worse than bad people doing bad things is good people doing nothing.

Friday, November 04, 2011

North Carolina Dental Board nixed Heartland Dental’s attempt to take root, taking the bull by the horns.

It looks like North Carolina is taking the lead to put an end to the corporate take over of dentistry.  Now, if they would just look into the Smile Starters agreement with Root Dental Management, and the sales agreement between Dr. Rivera and Dr. Michael DeRose another income flow to the DeRose family might be cut off. 

If you want to understand how the corporation do business, you should read this.  It lays it all out for you.

North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners (NCBDE)


Heartland Dental Care, Inc
d/b/a Heartland Management, Inc
Gary Cameron and Associates, P.C and';
Gary L. Cameron, DDS

Case 11-CVS-2343

Heartland Dental Permanent Injunction

heartlanddentalThe NCBDE filed a complaint in Superior Court, Randolph County, North Carolina in September accusing Heartland Dental of implementing a series of transactions, contracts, documents and agreements to which Dr. Gary Cameron, DDS of Asheboro, North Carolina unlawfully transferred to Heartland Dental; Ownership, Management, Supervision and Control of his dental practice, Asheboro Dental Care..

Dr. Cameron was selling his dental practice to a corporation, “an unlicensed individual or entity.”

Heartland denied Dr. Cameron transferred ownership or management to anyone and maintained Dr. Cameron merely sold certain assets to Heartland then entered into a lawful management agreement with Heartland.

This violates North Carolina’s Dental Practice Act (N.C. Gen. Stat. 90-22) and the Management Arrangement Rule (21 N.C. Admin. Code 126X.0101).

Heartland Dental denied the allegation that Dr. Gary Cameron transferred ownership or management to anyone and maintained Dr. Cameron merely sold certain assets to Heartland Dental then entered into a lawful management agreement with Heartland.

[I’m seriously trying not to roll on the floor while laughing at Heartland’s position]

However, in 2009, Dr. Cameron hired Roger K. Hill and Company to assess and valuate his dental practice and provide him with a valuation of $2,350,800.00.  I’m not even going to get into what was likely done to make sure the the clinic had a high value.

By December 1, 2009 Dr. Cameron and Heartland agreed on a price of $2,450,000.00 PLUS the value of his accounts receivable and entered into a “Letter of Intent to Acquire Certain Assets”.  In this letter of intent it listed the “assets of the Seller” to be:

”All operating assets, leasehold improvements, office equipment, dental equipment, supplies, inventory, trade receivables, licenses, contracts,
trademarks, and other tangible and intangible property necessary to the operation of the Seller

In January 2010 Dr. Cameron established a new company called Gary Cameron and Associates, P. C. with him being the sole owner.

Is this Kool Smiles way of pretending they are paying back the millions defrauded or trying to head off some bad publicity in the works?

Can you consider  “patient shopping” a donated service?  Here is their Press Release for today:

Kool Smiles Donates $12.5 Million in Dental Services to Underserved Communities and Launches Facebook Campaign to Donate a Toothbrush for Every "Like"

ATLANTA, Nov 4, 2011  Kool Smiles is proud to announce that so far this year it has donated over $12.5 million in free dental services to underserved communities. In celebration, they are launching a new Facebook page. In addition to keeping the community engaged in its vision and efforts to increase accessible dental health nationwide, the page allows individuals to have an impact on the wellbeing of children in need. For every "Like" the Kool Smiles Facebook page receives, a toothbrush will be donated to an underserved child.

Quality dental care at a young age plays an important role in both the physical and psychological well-being of children and adults. Now, Kool Smiles is empowering every person who "likes" its efforts by donating a free toothbrush and is prepared to provide up to a million toothbrushes for a million healthy smiles.