Tuesday, February 14, 2012

- Dr. Patrick Bamgboye-Another dentist has killed two children - One in 2004 and another one last week

Two sets of parents are demanding a criminal investigation into the same dentist in New Jersey. 

A child from both families suddenly died after routine visits to the dentist.
"He was my dream.. My future. The light of my life," said Jose Quiej, the patient's father.

Little Juan Quiej was just three years old and suffered cardiac arrest during a routine dental procedure. His mother watched helplessly as Juan slipped away.

"I started shaking and crying," Antonia Chajchalac-Garcia, the patient's mother said, "To this day, I don't know what happened or why."

She brought her son to Dental Health Associates in Irvington, New Jersey.
The procedure was conducted last week under local anesthesia by Patrick Bamgboye.

His dental license was suspended after a six-year-old patient died under somewhat similar circumstances in 2004.
"This is shocking, and they should have done something in the first place," said Farah Torres, the patient's mother.

Kyneicha Pagan had cerebral palsy and suffered a seizure.

But, his license was suspended for, "Failing to obtain an appropriate medical history, failing to adequately assess the patient's medical condition, and failing to ensure all emergency equipment was available."
Dr. Bamgboye, the board concluded, "Has engaged in repeated acts of negligence."
State regulations allowed the dentist to resume practicing under probation.
Joseph Ginarte is now representing both families.

Has your child suffered injury due to the unnecessary orthodontic Medicaid treatment in Texas?

I'm hearing a firm in Texas is interested in Texas Orthodontics cases.  Here is the contract information.

4203 Montrose, Suite 150
Houston, Texas 77006
713-528-0700 or 800-677-7095

Moriarty-Leyendecker on Facebook

Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement yeilds record breaking amounts

HHS released their annual report today on their efforts to control Medicare Fraud and the amount they recovered in Fiscal Year Ending 2011.  They are reporting a record amount recovered a whopping $4.1 billion dollars. Of course every year is a "recording breaking:" amount. 

I'm not so sure this is anything to brag about, I'm leaning toward NOT!

I'm thinking if every year I was returning a record number of cows to the barnyard, I would not qualify for a bonus. I'm just guessing, but I think I would be fired for continually letting a record number escape.

Just saying...
$2.5 billion was recovered in 2010
$1.63 billion was recovered in 2009
$1 billion was recovered in 2008
I'd like to see that number down to all but $0!  

February 14, 2012

Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Efforts Result in Record-Breaking Recoveries Totaling Nearly $4.1 Billion

Largest Sum Ever Recovered in Single Year
WASHINGTON –Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today released a new report showing that the government’s health care fraud prevention and enforcement efforts recovered nearly $4.1 billion in taxpayer dollars in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011.  This is the highest annual amount ever recovered from individuals and companies who attempted to defraud seniors and taxpayers or who sought payments to which they were not entitled.
These findings, released today, in the annual Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program (HCFAC) report, are a result of President Obama making the elimination of fraud, waste and abuse a top priority in his administration.  The success of this joint Department of Justice and HHS effort would not have been possible without the Health Care Fraud Prevention & Enforcement Action Team (HEAT), created in 2009 to prevent fraud, waste and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and to crack down on the fraud perpetrators who are abusing the system and costing American taxpayers billions of dollars.  These efforts to reduce fraud will continue to improve with the new tools and resources provided by the Affordable Care Act.
“This report reflects unprecedented successes by the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services in aggressively preventing and combating health care fraud, safeguarding precious taxpayer dollars and ensuring the strength of our essential health care programs,” said Attorney General Holder.  “We can all be proud of what's been achieved in the last fiscal year by the Department’s prosecutors, analysts and investigators – and by our partners at HHS.  These efforts reflect a strong, ongoing commitment to fiscal accountability and to helping the American people at a time when budgets are tight.”  more here
Prior Year Reports

Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Fact Sheets

Prevention and Public Health Funds for your state


September 23, 2011

Moving Aggressively on Improper Payments

Today, the Washington Post ran a story about an Inspector General report that showed that from 2006 to 2010, the Office of Personnel Management paid $601 million to retirees who are dead.
Unfortunately, paying people the wrong amount or paying the wrong people – what we call “improper payments” – has been happening in the Federal government for far too long, and it is just plain wrong. It’s why, as faithful readers of OMBlog know, the Obama Administration has moved aggressively against improper payments and wasteful government spending since day one.
President Obama set a goal of preventing $50 billion in improper payments and recapturing $2 billion in erroneous payments. The Administration has taken important steps towards achieving the President’s goals, which have yielded early results.
In 2009, the President ordered agencies to identify programs with the worst records in this area and to select a senior official to be held accountable for coordinating agency program integrity efforts. The Administration set up a public website to track progress on reducing these payment errors and hold leaders accountable and called for action against government contractors for failing to report significant overpayments received on government contracts in a timely way.
In 2010, the President directed that Federal agencies use technology to attack this problem and return billions of erroneous payments to American taxpayers. As the Vice President announced in June 2010, we have expanded the use of cutting-edge fraud mapping tools to gather enormous quantities of information in real time, analyze the data, and connect the dots to identify indicators of possible fraud or error. ...more here



Monday, February 13, 2012

Dentist admits filing false Medicaid reports | The News Journal | delawareonline.com


WILMINGTON — Prominent Wilmington dentist Marieve Rodriguez admitted to 10 misdemeanor counts of filing false Medicaid reports today in exchange for state prosecutors dropping 19 felony counts of health care fraud.

In addition Rodriguez, who operates Gentle Care Family Dentistry on Gilpin Avenue, will pay a $100,000 fine, repay $72,000 to the state’s Medicaid program and $50,000 to cover the costs of prosecution.

She also agreed to have her license to practice medicine suspended for a year and to not participate in the state’s Medicaid program -- should she get her license back -- for at least five years.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Culture of silence is ending

It is unacceptable when people of authority allow their own interests and greed, influence the treatment of children; be it teacher, doctor, dentist, or therapist.

Nothing less than jail should be acceptable for each person involved. Are we beginning to see a slight advancement in this area? I hope so.

Financial profits of the greedy and executives at private equity firms are over riding professional standards of care in corporate medicine, especially dentistry and troubled teen youth centers.

When a top pediatric dentist in America, Dr. Steven Adair,suggests to dentists working for a corporation where he is an officer, the chief dental officer and head of the advisory board, that using a pillowcase to tie a child down for dental care, as to speed treatment, it is not exactly a high point! ( see Superman Cape) Does Dr. Adair teach this to hid student in Georgia?

Many times it's the same slithering snakes, who move from venue to venue, with the assistance of companies like McBee and Associates, a Medicaid revenue finder for medical professionals.

The culture of silence is ending and presently a handful, and growing, group of brave, strong, and outspoken people are being heard I for one am determined to bring this to an end, at least in the dental profession.

No longer can these abused go unnoticed and unquestioned. The Internet has made information about corruption available for the world to be advised.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

WR man charged with practicing dentistry without a license - Crime & Courts - Macon.com


A dentist who surrendered his license in 1993 was indicted Tuesday on allegations he practiced dentistry without a license in 2011.

Chester Kyle Little, 58, of Warner Robins, is accused of performing dentistry from June 30, 2011, to Aug. 25, 2011, at an office located at 2533 Hillcrest Ave. in Macon, according to an indictment filed Tuesday in Bibb County Superior Court.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Babies for braces? News 8's Medicaid investigations continue | wfaa.com Dallas - Fort Worth


DALLAS - No one would say being a single mom is easy. Especially being a single, teenage mother.
But the State of Texas appears to be encouraging teenage girls to become pregnant so they can receive free dental care under Medicaid.

Our investigation last year found hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money spent for free braces on kids' teeth under Medicaid. That spurred a federal investigation, because cosmetic braces aren't supposed to be paid for under Medicaid.
If that is an example of good intentions gone bad, Latricia Banks and her mom, Patricia Jones, may exemplify a good idea gone terribly wrong.

For them, home is a tiny, wooden house in the shadow of Dallas' skyscrapers, which they share with Latricia's 82-year-old grandfather. It is a household held together with love, not money. Medical and dental care came mostly through Medicaid.
A little more than two years ago, Latricia's mom got a postcard in the mail, like many people in the neighborhood.  Access Dental was offering to provide free braces for qualified children like Latricia, then 17 years old.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Pediatric Dentistry’s Revolving Door

We hear a lot about the “revolving” door in Washington, but seldom does anyone talk about the revolving door within agencies and professional organizations.  The same organizations that write the rules, regulations, tests, and guidelines that effect each of us in a more personal way. The same organizations that states and lawmakers trust to protect the public from harm. Chances of corruption are 100% when there are no checks and balances.

Their Publications and Studies

Looking are various websites including the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), you find publication after publication, study after study, dating as far back as the early 1990’s to the present.  Just about all of them are, rewritten and republished studies that are merely mashups of their own previous written articles and studies.

Here is just one of hundreds of examples :

Journal of Dental Education – Vol. 68, Number 1

General Dentists’ Perceptions of Educational and Treatment Issues Affecting Access to Care for Children with Special Needs. 
Written by:
Paul Casamassimo, DDS, MS;
N. Sue Seale, DDS, MS;
Kelley Ruehs, DDS

Casamassimo PS. The great educational experiment: has
it worked?
Spec Care Dentist 1983;3:103-6.

Seale NS, Casamassimo PS. Access to dental care for
children: profiling the general practitioner who treats
young and low-income children.
J Am Dent Assoc

If you get to looking at all the professional opinions, publications, studies, and continuing education courses concerning pediatric dentistry, the same names are there over and over.

Engine trouble eyed in plane crash - The Pueblo Chieftain: Local News


Posted: Saturday, February 4, 2012 12:00 am

Engine trouble eyed in plane crash By NICK BONHAM | ​nickb@chieftain.com The Pueblo Chieftain | 0 comments

An engine problem appeared to have caused the Thursday night slide-off of a Learjet at Pueblo Memorial Airport, a preliminary report by the Federal Aviation Administration said.

DeRose Learjet 35 photographed when owned John Denver

The plane "lost power in right engine during take-off and ran off side of runway," the report said.

Due to weather conditions, investigators with the FAA and National Transportation Safety Board won't arrive in Pueblo until early next week, said Mark Lovin, airport director, on Friday.

No one was injured in the Thursday night crash. The private plane was occupied by the prominent DeRose family of Pueblo. The group was taking off in poor weather conditions to Las Vegas to watch the Super Bowl. Lovin, however, has said it doesn't appear the weather was a factor.

The report said the plane sustained "substantial damage" in the crash. The name of the pilot has not been released.

The DeRoses were on Learjet ID number N31WS, which was once owned by singer John Denver, according to flightaware.com

"John Denver took delivery of this Lear in 1975. He named it WindStar 1. He created WindStar Aviation. His father, Dutch, was the chief pilot," the website said.

Records show the Learjet is now owned by Extra Point LLC, in Delaware. The plane's most recent flight was from Centennial to Pueblo on Jan. 27.

The Learjet was removed from the side of the runway late Thursday night and is being stored at the airport for investigators.

The airport was closed following the incident but was reopened Friday morning.

Engine trouble eyed in plane crash - The Pueblo Chieftain: Local News

Friday, February 03, 2012

DeRose Learjet crashes at airport - The Pueblo Chieftain: Local News

This morning I awoke to hear news about the big snow storm in the Rockies.  Next thing that was talked about was the flight cancelations and so forth.  Then it was mentioned a private jet had already slid off the runway in Pueblo due to the fierce snow storm.

Pueblo! The sudden adrenaline rush woke me on up, since I was still in bed half asleep. When I hear Pueblo, I think DeRose.

Being the meanie I am, I thought, “Oh, please let that be a DeRose jet.” 

Then the newscaster said, “luckily no one was injured.” Again, being the meanie I am I thought, “dang”. That little devil on my shoulder shows up every now and again, ya know.  (it does for everyone, I just might admit it more…lol)

That was the end of the report and the newscaster moved on.

The devil side of me disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.  I came to my senses and thought, there has to be dozens of private jets in Pueblo.Then, just moments ago a reader sent me a link to the following story!