Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Not a soul looks happy to me. But I see a lot of stainless steel crowns!

First off, it doesn’t look to me that all these children need free screenings.  Second, it’s not free…  nothing is.  Rest assured the taxpayer is picking up this dime, which is all well and good, IF… and that is a HUGE if…  It’s needed.  Looks to me like at least one of these children were regular patients.  Just saying..





A trip to the dentist is a visit that's often dreaded by children and their parents. 

For children, a dental checkup can be a pain in the mouth. For parents, it can be a pain in the pocketbook.

"It's expensive," said Hilda Calderon, mother of 7-year-old Crystal Calderon.

Calderon got a break on Monday morning when Texas Smiles Dental Center offered free dental screenings in recognition of National Children's Dental Health Month. 

They called it "Healthy Smile, Happy Child Day".

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Private Equity's slave trade in America.

This may come off as racist, but it is not. I say this because its true, inhumane and needs saying.

Our dental offices are beginning to look like nail salons!

Private Equity firms are bringing foreign trained dentists to assist them in stealing every last dollar they can from our Medicaid system. They are doing this by training the unwitting immigrants to over treat and under protect children, preferably under age 5, in our poorest communities, through Medicaid dental chop shops.

Private Equity firms, such as the Carlyle Group and others are brain washing the foreign professionals into believing they are serving the poor here in the US.

Little do the poor souls know they are being brought here to assist Private Equity firms in raiding the US treasury. Not until it's too late, do they realize what has happened; they are not here to bring a better tomorrow to our children as well as themselves.

This seems to be a business model the greedy in America are unwilling to stop.

Just because they are flown in on a jet instead of a wooden ship crossing the ocean does not make it different.

Today instead of plantation owners it's executives of Private Equity firms, but still the same ole shit.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Kool Smiles facing alleged claims of mistreatment, excessive... | www.kfoxtv.com


By Kandolite Flores

EL PASO, Texas —

Kool Smiles Dentistry for Kids is the target of  San Antonio attorneys who are soliciting claims against the dental offices for allegedly using force on children or providing unnecessary treatment.
KFOX14 took a look into the claims.
TV ads sponsored by the attorneys are dark and allude to dental nightmares for children.

They are attention-grabbing and prompted KFOX14 to ask parents via Facebook about their own Kool Smiles experiences.
We received nearly two dozen positive responses, including Penelope Alba, who has been taking her two children, Greg Diaz and Ada Alba, to Kool Smiles for years. She said her kids love Kool Smiles.

Dr. Mark Jerman–Ohio-indicted on prescription fraud.

A Franklin County grand jury indicted a "Top Dentist" on Monday after he allegedly wrote false prescriptions to employees and friends.

Mark Jerman allegedly wrote false prescriptions for hydrocone pills, according to Franklin County prosecutor Ron O'Brien.

According to O'Brien, Jerman, 45, allegedly wrote prescriptions to employees and friends who were not treated as patients.  They would allegedly fill the prescriptions and bring the drugs to Jerman.

Jerman was named to a list of "Top Dentists" in the December 2011 edition of "Columbus Monthly."  His arraignment was scheduled for Dec. 16.

[It can’t be more evident that “Top Dentist” criteria standards are very low at the “Columbus Monthly” publication in Ohio.  This is humiliating for them, or at least should be.  I don’t even want to know who was “Bottom Dentists” !]

From Jerman Family Dentistry webstie:
Dr. Mark grew up in Central Ohio. He graduated from Upper Arlington High School in 1984. In 1990 he graduated from The Ohio State University in Economics. After several years working in the dental industry for Patterson Dental Supply, Dr. Mark decided to fulfill his dream of becoming a dentist like his father. He attended The Ohio State University College of Dentistry and graduated with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree in 1999.

During his 10 year career in dentistry, Dr. Mark has taken many hours of continuing education courses to ensure he is providing the most advanced dentistry available to patients.

Dr. Mark and his wife, Debbie, live in Upper Arlington with their two children, Taylor and Jason. Family and friends are very important to Dr. Mark. He also loves golf and when it's warm and he is not in the office, he is on the golf course. Dr. Mark is a member of the American Dental Association, the Ohio Dental Association, the Columbus Dental Society, Columbus Dental Veterans and the Seattle Study Club.

Update: February 17, 2012

John Futty

The Columbus Dispatch
Thursday February 16, 2012 12:39 PM
A Worthington dentist was placed on probation for two years and fined $500 today for feeding his
addiction to pain pills by writing prescriptions that were filled by employees and friends.
Mark S. Jerman, 45, pleaded guilty in Franklin County Common Pleas Court to five counts of
illegally processing drug documents.

Judge Guy Reece imposed the sentence, which was recommended by the prosecution and defense.
The judge said he would send Jerman to prison for eight months if he violates the terms of
his probation, which include continuing treatment for his addiction. Reece also suspended Jerman’s driver’s license for six months but will allow him to drive for work or treatment.

Jerman, of Burbank Drive in Upper Arlington, has a dental practice at 510 High St. in

Jerman’s dental license remains active, but the Ohio State Dental Board is likely to take
disciplinary action at its next meeting on April 11, said Lili C. Reitz, the board’s executive

In the meantime, Jerman could reach an agreement with the board that would suspend his
license while he undergoes treatment, Reitz said.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Virginia Regulatory Commission asking for public comment on Dental Rule change to help save lives - Dentists Appose The Rule Change

The Virginia Regulatory committee is asking for public comment on a rule change that would require dentist to train in the 6 links of survival for emergency preparedness. 

I sit here shaking me head astonished. For some reason I'm still surprised, dentists are opposing this. Every person opposing the rule change are dentists, their patients are supporting it! The dentists are citing reason after reason but basically it's too "burdensome" or "costly" on their asses! Their patients are citing their lives need protecting!

8 Children have died in the last 12 months
20 Children since 2007
Is a first-aid kit too much trouble and costly as well??

It's simply training in the 6 links of survival~!

Dental Treatment Deaths - 20 Dead Children Since February 2007

Deamonte Driver dies in February 2007, from a brain infection due to a cavity. http://deamontesdentalproject.org/. 

Since then there have been at least 20 children die during or just after dental treatment.  Those are just the ones we know about.  It is my personal belief there are three others in 2011.

The pediatric dental community stormed the halls of Congress demanding better access to dental treatment. In the process of trying to do something good, as what many times happens within the Halls of Congress, a good intention has gone terribly wrong. 

Children are dying at a lightening speed, children are being over treated with high reimbursement procedures where the money lands on Wall Street and state budgets are off the charts.  But NOT a soul, NOT ONE, from the Pediatric Dental Community has made their way to the halls of Congress demanding something be done to stop the deaths from the dental treatment its self.  1 can die from lack of treatment, 20 can die because of treatment, and we can't even get a 2 minute segment on the morning talk show to run a story sitting in their vaults.


ABC News has had a segment filmed and completed for well over a year.  It was to be shown on Good Morning America.

NBC News started to film a story about this in mid December 2011, the postponed it. Likely didn't plan to run it at all.  Then the next day or two, a couple of teens dies during Christmas break.  They decided to bring everyone back to NYC and film the segment the first week of January.  Not seen it yet!!

3 year old Juan Quiej's and 6 year old Kyneicha Pagan death by Dr. Patrick Bamgboye, DDS - Both children Papoosed!

NEWARK — An Irvington dentist who was disciplined by the state after a 6-year-old girl died during a routine procedure eight years ago is again under investigation following the death of a second child in his care last week.

Patrick Bamgboye, 64, was still on probation for the earlier incident when 3-year-old Juan Quiej and his mother arrived at Dental Health Associates last Wednesday.

Juan, who was there to have cavities fixed, was restrained in a cocoon-like papoose to limit his movement and administered a local anesthetic, his mother said.

[FYI to investigators - There was a death much like this in NM a few years ago. Dr. Mathew Nolen, since deceased was working for Dr. Eddie DeRose at the time in the Small Smiles Dental Clinic]

Shortly afterward, the boy went limp, his lips turning blue. He had stopped breathing. He was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

- Dr. Patrick Bamgboye-Another dentist has killed two children - One in 2004 and another one last week

Two sets of parents are demanding a criminal investigation into the same dentist in New Jersey. 

A child from both families suddenly died after routine visits to the dentist.
"He was my dream.. My future. The light of my life," said Jose Quiej, the patient's father.

Little Juan Quiej was just three years old and suffered cardiac arrest during a routine dental procedure. His mother watched helplessly as Juan slipped away.

"I started shaking and crying," Antonia Chajchalac-Garcia, the patient's mother said, "To this day, I don't know what happened or why."

She brought her son to Dental Health Associates in Irvington, New Jersey.
The procedure was conducted last week under local anesthesia by Patrick Bamgboye.

His dental license was suspended after a six-year-old patient died under somewhat similar circumstances in 2004.
"This is shocking, and they should have done something in the first place," said Farah Torres, the patient's mother.

Kyneicha Pagan had cerebral palsy and suffered a seizure.

But, his license was suspended for, "Failing to obtain an appropriate medical history, failing to adequately assess the patient's medical condition, and failing to ensure all emergency equipment was available."
Dr. Bamgboye, the board concluded, "Has engaged in repeated acts of negligence."
State regulations allowed the dentist to resume practicing under probation.
Joseph Ginarte is now representing both families.

Has your child suffered injury due to the unnecessary orthodontic Medicaid treatment in Texas?

I'm hearing a firm in Texas is interested in Texas Orthodontics cases.  Here is the contract information.

4203 Montrose, Suite 150
Houston, Texas 77006
713-528-0700 or 800-677-7095

Moriarty-Leyendecker on Facebook

Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement yeilds record breaking amounts

HHS released their annual report today on their efforts to control Medicare Fraud and the amount they recovered in Fiscal Year Ending 2011.  They are reporting a record amount recovered a whopping $4.1 billion dollars. Of course every year is a "recording breaking:" amount. 

I'm not so sure this is anything to brag about, I'm leaning toward NOT!

I'm thinking if every year I was returning a record number of cows to the barnyard, I would not qualify for a bonus. I'm just guessing, but I think I would be fired for continually letting a record number escape.

Just saying...
$2.5 billion was recovered in 2010
$1.63 billion was recovered in 2009
$1 billion was recovered in 2008
I'd like to see that number down to all but $0!  

February 14, 2012

Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Efforts Result in Record-Breaking Recoveries Totaling Nearly $4.1 Billion

Largest Sum Ever Recovered in Single Year
WASHINGTON –Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today released a new report showing that the government’s health care fraud prevention and enforcement efforts recovered nearly $4.1 billion in taxpayer dollars in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011.  This is the highest annual amount ever recovered from individuals and companies who attempted to defraud seniors and taxpayers or who sought payments to which they were not entitled.
These findings, released today, in the annual Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program (HCFAC) report, are a result of President Obama making the elimination of fraud, waste and abuse a top priority in his administration.  The success of this joint Department of Justice and HHS effort would not have been possible without the Health Care Fraud Prevention & Enforcement Action Team (HEAT), created in 2009 to prevent fraud, waste and abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, and to crack down on the fraud perpetrators who are abusing the system and costing American taxpayers billions of dollars.  These efforts to reduce fraud will continue to improve with the new tools and resources provided by the Affordable Care Act.
“This report reflects unprecedented successes by the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services in aggressively preventing and combating health care fraud, safeguarding precious taxpayer dollars and ensuring the strength of our essential health care programs,” said Attorney General Holder.  “We can all be proud of what's been achieved in the last fiscal year by the Department’s prosecutors, analysts and investigators – and by our partners at HHS.  These efforts reflect a strong, ongoing commitment to fiscal accountability and to helping the American people at a time when budgets are tight.”  more here
Prior Year Reports

Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control (HCFAC) Fact Sheets

Prevention and Public Health Funds for your state


September 23, 2011

Moving Aggressively on Improper Payments

Today, the Washington Post ran a story about an Inspector General report that showed that from 2006 to 2010, the Office of Personnel Management paid $601 million to retirees who are dead.
Unfortunately, paying people the wrong amount or paying the wrong people – what we call “improper payments” – has been happening in the Federal government for far too long, and it is just plain wrong. It’s why, as faithful readers of OMBlog know, the Obama Administration has moved aggressively against improper payments and wasteful government spending since day one.
President Obama set a goal of preventing $50 billion in improper payments and recapturing $2 billion in erroneous payments. The Administration has taken important steps towards achieving the President’s goals, which have yielded early results.
In 2009, the President ordered agencies to identify programs with the worst records in this area and to select a senior official to be held accountable for coordinating agency program integrity efforts. The Administration set up a public website to track progress on reducing these payment errors and hold leaders accountable and called for action against government contractors for failing to report significant overpayments received on government contracts in a timely way.
In 2010, the President directed that Federal agencies use technology to attack this problem and return billions of erroneous payments to American taxpayers. As the Vice President announced in June 2010, we have expanded the use of cutting-edge fraud mapping tools to gather enormous quantities of information in real time, analyze the data, and connect the dots to identify indicators of possible fraud or error. ...more here