Friday, November 09, 2012

Mom’s complaining Kool Smiles are still up to their same old tricks–Papoose Boards and False Cavities


Posted November 6, 2012

-- MOM # 1  Ok so I made an appointment for my 3 yo at Kool Smiles for a cleaning a couple weeks ago I wanted to get it done before the new baby came so it would be one less thing I had to do.

Anyways my DH went back with my 3 yo because they were doing Xrays. I called my mother while I was waiting she said I meant to tell you not to take him to Kool Smiles.

She took my brother who was only 6 years old to the same Kool Smiles and they said he had 3 she took him somewhere else and he had none!

Kool smiles was going to strap my 6 year old brother down to fill cavities that he didn't have... I thought wow that's crazy no one could possibly do that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I put a child though all that pain for no reason but to get some money.

Then I thought maybe it will not be that way cause we do not have Medicaid we pay for insurance.  After they were done my DH informs me we need to make him another appointment to get work done. They said he had 3 cavities!!! (the same number they said my brother had)

They said my 3 year old had 3 cavities. I was soo upset I cried. I felt like the worst mom in the world! I'm 26 years old and only ever had one cavity and my little boy already had 3. He brushes his teeth and I brush behind him and he doesn't eat a lot of sweets.

I didn't make him another appointment. We just left. I'm taking him somewhere else. Has anyone had any problems like this? How do they get away with this sort of thing. It's terrible

--MOM # 2 Yes, it has happened to me. I had a gut feeling I didn't have a cavity (bc I never do) and I just didn't trust the guy. Went for a second opinion and I was right! Drs prob think that they "need" the $ and ins us paying for it anyways.

-- MOM # 3 -Be careful they will keep calling you!!! I took my son last year for his first appt and hated it, I told them I would schedule his next one when I looked at my calendar (lie, I was trying to be nice).

For the last 6 months they call from 3 or 4 diff numbers as early as 7 am and as late as 8pm. I even told them they had the wrong number and they keep on. Told them to stop calling and they still keep on! Hate them!

--MOM # 1 So funny you said that cause they actually called me today to confirm an appointment that they set for my son without me or my husbands permission. I will never bring my children there again the is actually a pediatrician in my area that has a sign posted saying not to bring your children to Kool Smiles.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

More legal troubles for Dr. Stephen M. Stein, but still no criminal charges or personal injury cases. Why?

courthouse newsDENVER (CN) - A dentist's history of "getting high before performing surgeries" and reusing needles ruined his partner's dental practice, the partner claims in court.
     Neil G. Dobro, D.M.D., sued Stephen M. Stein, D.D.S., in Denver County Court.
     Dobro claims Stein concealed his troubled history to persuade Dobra to form the New Image Dental Implant Center with him.
     Eventually, Dobro says, he uncovered disturbing allegations about his partner, including that the Colorado Dental Board had recently "voted to summarily suspend Dr. Stein's license to practice dentistry."
     "Among other things, Mr. Stein had been stealing medications from patients and Dr. Dobro realized that Mr. Stein would eventually face criminal charges," the complaint states. "With this inevitable and damaging public disclosure on the horizon, Dr. Dobro proposed a means by which Mr. Stein could smoothly exit the practice of dentistry-Dr. Dobro would buy all of Mr. Stein's dental practice assets (equipment, supplies, etc.), together with Mr. Stein's putative membership interest in New Image."
     Dobro says he prepared an asset purchase agreement for this, in November 2011.


Why aren’t corporate executives arrested for practicing dentistry without a license?

If people can be arrested for practicing dentistry without a license as they were in Houston recently,then pray tell why can’t these folks:

Jeff Lane  - NCDR dba Kool Smiles

Douglas W. Brown – Affordable Dentures

Michael Dell – DentalOne Partners

James Ferrell – ImmediaDent

David R. Wilson – CSHM dba Small Smiles

Stephen Thorne – Pacific Dental

Robert (Bob) Fontana – Aspen Dental

Greg Serrao – JLL Partners – American Dental Partners

James W. Leech – Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (OTPP) – Heartland Dental (if sale is completed)

Is it because the private equity owners hide behind 3-4 shell corporations and layers of regional managers? You bet it is.

For instance, Jeff Lane of FFL Partners has his office in Atlanta in the same building as National Children’s Dental Research (NCDR) - Kool Smiles. In fact Lane’s office and Dale Mayfield’s office are adjacent to one another. Mayfield is NCDR-Kool Smiles Chief Dental Officer.

Why does the private equity firm, who is supposedly “acting like a bank” – according to Kool Smiles regional manager Dr. Diane Earle – need one of their partners inside NCDR-Kool Smiles headquarters in Atlanta, basically sleeping with Dale Mayfield. Heck they have to walk by each other’s office to get to the bathroom!

According to Kool Smiles Holding Corporation Form D at the SEC the executives and directors of Kool Smiles are mostly FFL Partners executives. They are as follows:

Tully M. Friedman  - Director
David L. Lowe  -  Executive Officer and Director
Aaron S. Money – Executive Officer and Director
Doug Brown – Director
William R. Brody, MD – Director
Paul Walker, DDS – Director
Kevin Miller – Director
Thomas S. Nance – Executive Officer, Director and Promoter
Brian Bouma – Director
Joseph Mello – Director

Fake Dentists arrested in Houston, Texas

KHOUlogoby Jeff McShan / KHOU 11 News
Posted on November 2, 2012 at 10:51 PM
Updated Friday, Nov 2 at 11:00 PM


HOUSTON—Armed with tips and a undercover camera, the Houston Police Department’s Major Offenders Division has been investigating and arresting people suspected of impersonating dentists.

During one undercover investigation detectives met Gilberto Ulloa. HPD captured Ulloa on video giving an examination and investigators said he offered to pull teeth and replace them for $1,500. He was arrested minutes later.

Outside in his driveway police boxed up the evidence that included dozen of dental tools that appeared to be un-sanitized.

In the last several weeks KHOU 11 News tagged along with investigators targeting nearly a dozen suspects. All of them were charged with practicing medicine without a license.

One of them was Julio Contento. Inside his apartment police said they found an entire dental office set up in the living room. He had dozens of tools, an air compressor and unfinished molds for patients he was allegedly treating.

In these tough times, many people with no health insurance can’t find affordable dental care and that’s why this phony dentistry is on the rise.

In Harris County low-cost service is available, but you must apply for it first through the county. We learned, after you apply, quick appointments are hard to come by. Many uninsured people who are in extreme pain end up going to hospital emergency rooms only to find out there are no dentists there.

The need for care is so great that some people waited in line all night recently to receive free dental care in Pasadena. The event was called Dentistry From the Heart.
By dawn, nearly 200 people registered hoping to be seen by one of just five dentists and their staff who volunteered their time.

“When my husband died I lost everything and I had to start over. I had no idea how difficult it was to get health insurance,” Trish Perry said.  Perry had come to the free event seeking help with her teeth.

Her story was just one of many we heard from all kinds of people who’ve fallen on hard times.

A large tent was the waiting room where the old and young were evaluated.

“A lot of people said I’ve waited to get this fixed for two years,” said Dr. Kimber Homes.

Homes is a hero among the villains who prey on people in need.

“Oh sweet girl, that’s an infection on your gum around a crowded tooth,” Homes told one patient.

After each exam was done under the tent the patients were sent inside to see the other dentists. There was also an oral surgeon on hand. One patient had his wisdom teeth taken out, but events like this are very rare.

That’s why the black market dental trade is thriving here feeding on the demand for care.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

WFTV’s 9 Investigates - Undercover investigation of Aspen Dental scam in Lake County = Aspen Dental Fail


WFTV Website


Monday November 6, 2012

A Lake County woman claims a major dental chain wanted to collect a few thousand dollars for some treatments she didn't need.

Action 9's Todd Ulrich found many other consumers have claimed the company's offer for a free exam can really end up costing them.

Cheryl Gifford had a cracked tooth and expected to pay something at the Aspen Dental clinic in Mt. Dora.

Gifford said she was blown away when the dentist handed her a $3,700 treatment plan to fix her tooth and treat gum disease. She claims the clinic wanted to get her signed up that day.

"And then it was like, 'You really need to get this done now,'" Gifford said.

Gifford said she questioned all the periodontal work since she routinely had her teeth cleaned. After insurance, she would have owed $1,800 and told the clinic she couldn't afford it.

According to Gifford, the clinic said it could all be financed.

"They had a finance program they could put me into and I could get signed up right now," she said.


Ontario Teachers Union Pension Plan “takes control” of Heartland Dental–Anyone Thrilled?

Wasn’t it this same union who invested heavily in some dental clinics in NY a few months ago? No, it was Ontario Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (OMERS )and GEDC Super Holdings Inc., who bought 170 Great Expressions dental clinics.

WOW, that’s two Canadian pension plans who are invested in American’s dental care to the tune of 545 dental clinics!! Is anyone concerned about this at all? Buehler?

I don’t see the words: sell, sold, bought, but rather “take control” in the Heartland take over. I’m told it is all about Heartland’s ESOP plan.

November 6, 2012

Reuters – Ontario Teachers Acquires Control of Heartland Dental

Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan has agreed to take control of Heartland Dental Care Inc in a deal that values the US dental practice management firm at about $1.3 billion, writes Reuters. Ontario Teachers is buying a majority stake in Heartland, while founder and chief executive Rick Workman will retain a minority stake along with management and employees.

Reuters – Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan said on Monday it has agreed to take control of Heartland Dental Care Inc in a deal that values the U.S. dental practice management firm at about $1.3 billion, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Sharon O'Steen, Florida Dentist, Allegedly Used Laughing Gas In Front Of Patients


Sharon O'Steen, Florida Dentist, Allegedly Used Laughing Gas In Front Of Patients 

The Huffington Post  |  By Posted: Updated: 11/05/2012 8:10 am EST
Going to the dentist ranks among Americans's greatest fears, and many swear by nitrous oxide -- you know, laughing gas -- to get through the procedures. Now imagine if the tables turned.

That's right. Dentist Sharon O'Steen of DeBary, Florida, has been accused of inhaling laughing gas in front of patients before performing procedures on them. In a no-brainer move, Florida health officials have suspended O'Steen's license.

Dental malpractice is considered highly difficult to prove, though patients have been awarded millions of dollars in dental malpractice suits in the past.

Take Aspen Dental, a large corporate-dental chain in Denver that was sued a few weeks ago for allegedly overcharging patients, performing unnecessary treatments and forcing patients who could not afford dental treatments into debt.

Another story of dental malpractice shocked Floridians in 2010, when Tampa dentist Ralph Eichstaedt allegedly left a drill bit embedded in a patient's jaw. After months of nosebleeds and sinus infections, the patient finally discovered the bit.

California Dental Board failed to keep creep away from patients


A Merced dentist was arrested on Tuesday by police, accused of sexually assaulting a patient under sedation.

Sang Hyuk Park, 43, was taken into custody around 10 a.m. after the patient contacted Merced police, reporting an alleged incident of assault by Park that happened while receiving dental work. The victim reported being in and out of consciousness, and awakening with his or her pants down and Park exposing himself, according to Lt. Tom Trindad.

Police haven't released the gender or age of the victim.

The alleged victim reported the incident on Oct. 23 and police arrested Park after serving a search warrant Tuesday at his 3040 Park Ave., Suite H office. While serving the warrant, police seized a photograph from Park's office that "helped out" with their investigation, Trindad said, although he wouldn’t elaborate further about the evidence.

Park was booked into the Merced County Jail on suspicion of felony sexual battery involving a restrained person and misdemeanor sexual battery. He was released after posting bail, police said.

No one was at Park's office on Wednesday. A sign posted on the front door said the office is closed until Thursday. Efforts to reach Park for comment were unsuccessful.

According to records from the state's Department of Consumer Affairs, the state had considered revoking Park's license in May 2009 after a variety of alleged violations surfaced against him, including unprofessional conduct, like subjecting patients to procedures they didn't need -- and even extracting teeth when it wasn't necessary.

Rather than revoke Park's license, however, the state placed Park on probation for a period of three years. According to state documents, Park had previously garnered the nickname "Speedy Gonzales" when working for Hatch Dental between January and April 2001, because he could perform more dental procedures on more patients in a shorter amount of time than his fellow dentists.

According to the state documents, Park was also accused of insurance fraud, and "charting, documenting, billing and submitting claims for and/accepting payment for dental work that was in excess of what could reasonably be accomplished by a competent dentist" during his time at Hatch Dental.

Police are asking anyone who believes they may have been a victim, or has information about the case to call Detective Raquel Rios at (209) 388-7766. Residents can text a tip to TIP411 (847411) using "comvip" as the first word in the message. Tips are kept confidential, and those providing tips can remain anonymous.

City Editor Victor A. Patton can be reached at (209) 385-2431 or

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Factoids from the Texas House Hearing on Public Health October 15 2012

Statement to committee by TSBDE Executive Director,Glenn Parker

Total number of dentists accepting Medicaid

  • 4687 in August 2007
  • 7399 in August 2012
    Increase of 57%

    Total number of Orthodontists accepting Medicaid

  • 142 in August 2007
  • 368 in August 2012
  • 226% increase in providers

    Civil Orthodontia "Whistleblower" Lawsuits

  • 20 cases involving 400+ potential dentist defendants
  • 8 convictions so far
  • 2 plea agreements so far
  • 4 indicted currently 
  • 9 awaiting the Grand Jury
  • Credible Allegations of Fraud (CAF) Payment Holds

    • 89 for non-orthodontic services
    • 26 Orthodontic services

    Criminal Medicaid Fraud Cases

  • 153 total criminal cases (dentists, support staff,private equity investors)
  • 45 are orthodontia related
             30 % orthodontic are fraud cases
  • 27 orthodontic provider investigation completed
  • $229,000,000 of probable fraud
  • 93% is the average of cases where patients did not qualify for braces. Ranging from 39% to 100% of records checked so far.
  • $154,000,000 in general dentistry of probable fraud
  • 55% is the average of overutilization - billing fraud; overtreatment. Ranging from 25% by some providers to 99% by other providers.
  • Office of Inspector General & TMHP
  • August 2008 audit of TMHP revealed problems
  • 2011 was follow-up on 2008 audit
  • 12 investigation in 2011
  • 108 so far in 2012

  • Time needed to complete an investigation
  • 4 years in 2011
  • 8 weeks by end of 2012
  • How do the new DMO's (MCNA & DentaQuest) in Texas negotiate to enroll providers?
  • Individual dentists - if the own their own clinic
  • Management, i.e. NCDR, LLC and CSHM - in the case of group practices.
  • TSBDE cases turned over to district attorneys
  • 200 in 10 years - of individuals practicing dentistry without a license
  • 3rd degree felony
  • 5 convicted and jail time
  • if acted upon, most have plea agreements and board is not notified
  • Curbing illegal corporate practice of dentistry and patient shopping
  • DentaQuest -  Cease and Desist Letters
  • Texas State Board Dental Examiners (TSBDE) -
  • Forward to AG's office for investigation
  • Could but have not sent Cease and Desist Letters.
  • Look if someone is working for a non-dentist owner and take action against that dentist
  • Non-dentist may not influence or attempt to influnce a dentist in treatment, doing so is practicing dentistry without a license.
  • i.e. Doug Brown - Kool Smiles
  • i.e. David Wilson - Small Smiles
  • i.e. Stephen Thorne - Pacific Dental
  • i.e. Michael Dell – Affordable Dental
  • Have had cases where dentist being investigating said he or she was influenced by a Office Manager or other employee of a DSO.
  • 5 dentists reported such in last 2 years
  • Took action against the dentist
  • # of Dental Practices or Dental Management Organizations
  • Unknown by TSBDE
  • Acronyms for illegal operating dental management companies

  • DSO – Dental Service Organization

  • DMSO – Dental Management Service Organizations

  • NDOE – Non Dentist own entities

  • Indicator of fraud
  • Billboards offering Free Braces
  • OIG re: Jail Time:

    There will be, and there are, and it’s a parade of horrors. We don’t see the end of the parade but we are going to make sure that every body that participated in the parade gets to be evaluated to see if we can criminally prosecute them. We’re going to make sure that if there’s an ability to recover under the Texas Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act we will pursue that.

    We are coordinating with the Office of Inspector General through our task force, if we find that the quickest way to get resolution and recover the money from them is to go through the Office of the Inspector General processes, through SOA, we will do that. So we are trying to attempt to anything and everything to facilitate the quickest resolution and get the state of Texas money that has been stolen from it, back.

    It’s the “quickest resolution” that gives me pause.

    Monday, October 29, 2012

    Could they survive without Medicaid?

    I’m talking about the private equity firms.

    Just for the heck of it, let’s say, one of these dental mills were cut from the Medicaid program in Texas.

    Let’s say they have 35-40 clinics and gross about $70 million dollars a year.

    Taking the fact they are operating illegally out of the equation.

    Without a scam like Aspen, rename their clinics, turn them into private pay-adults and children- and still survive?