Friday, May 01, 2015

Mother says hearing-impaired child drew picture of dentist...

Hearing-impaired child drew picture of dentist hurting her
Mother says hearing-impaired child drew picture of dentist...

Howard S Schneider, DDS Jacksonville, Florida was sued for overtreatment of a 5 year old in 1994

By Samantha Manning


Capture1Action News has learned the Jacksonville pediatric dentist under investigation for allegations of mistreating children was sued nearly 20 years ago for performing unnecessary dental treatment on a child.

Amy Brown told Action News she brought her son Kyle Bramel to Dr. Howard Schneider in 1994 when Bramel was only 5 years old.

It was a decision she said that still haunts her.

“I felt so guilty and I still do,” Brown said. “I still feel very guilty.”

Brown said she brought Bramel in for a cleaning but instead Schneider ended up shaving down multiple teeth and put on silver caps without Brown’s permission.
Brown said her son was visibly injured and she rushed him to the emergency room.

“His mouth was cut open and he had bruises,” Brown said. “His lips were all swollen. He was choking on blood from crying.”

Brown filed a lawsuit against Schneider that ended in a settlement of $7,500 with the insurance carrier.

From that amount, $2,222.38 went to costs and $3,000 went to attorney’s fees. Brown received $2,277.62 as Bramel’s mother and guardian, according to court documents.

(settlement agreement at the end of this story)

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Another patient of Dr. Howard S Schneider recalls being restrained

Another patient of Dr. Howard S Schneider recalls being restrained.  Yet some of “experts”  have testified children do not remember. ( I have to wonder if Dr. Schneider went to the Eddie DeRose School of Papoose Board training at some point.)

Howard S. Schneider, DDS, Jacksonville, FL Being Investigated for Medicaid Fraud


News4JaxDentist investigated for possible Medicaid fraud Embattled Southside pediatric dentist under investigation by state
April 30, 2015


…Lt. Michael Maloney with the Florida Attorney General's office is in Jacksonville, investigating claims of Medicaid fraud by Dr. Howard Schneider…

…The mother who started the social media campaign against Schneider (pictured) said she decided to post to Facebook what happened to her child in December. Within a few hours of her post, dozens of parents flooded the News4Jax newsroom with calls and emails about Schneider, whose pediatric dental practice is on University Boulevard. Brandi Motley claims her daughter went in to get one tooth fixed but ended up with a mouthful of problems.

…“She's been going to the dentist since she was 2, and she's never had any teeth problems, no decaying no cavities, and now all of a sudden her whole mouth is messed up because of him,” Motley said.

…Motley said she wasn't allowed into the procedure room while Schneider was working on her daughter in December. She said the nurse came into the waiting room three hours later and told her there had been an accident. Motley said the nurse told her to take her child to the emergency room, but she said the story the nurse told her didn't match with the story her daughter told her.

Hear From A Former Patient of Howard S Schneider, DDS, Jacksonville, FL

Imagine the vast number of videos there could be from abused patients who visited Small Smiles and the other dental mills.  I hope Shawn inspires more victims to speak out; maybe even create a Abused At The Dentist Youtube Channel. 

Click the picture below to go to Shawn’s Youtube videos.

Posted April 28, 2015


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Just a few of the comments left by parents regarding Dr. Howard S. Schneider of Jacksonville, FL

April 28, 2015

**My two boy's was seeing him and he was very rude to my boy's told them to shut the hell up and that it didn't hurt that bad and he would be really rough with them . And then my son spacer fall out a week later i take him back and he told me that it was going to cost me 112.00 for it . and Both my kids had fill end and all that and even got caps in there mouths . Both my boys told me mom i don't wont to go back to him i told them well he is the olny person who take your ins so we have to see him . But i hope he gets whats coming because this is so wrong how he have don't people kids if he didn't like his job then he shouldn't been working around children .

**that same denist my daughter went because that only denist kids on the southside town of bye my house dont know what street it was butt that man trie he leg up and she was get root crawn and she was mad at him and he call her a bate.... she was 4 year and from that day she was so scare of denist. then denist in sc was so nice and told me she he had no right to tired her leg up and.. noww she not scare of denist any more she 12 year. that man is a jack ass

**he also treat kids that are in wheel chair too that dr was so mean to my daughter and was scare . I hope that dr go to jail.... what he did my child was wrong or any children.

**I took my son there when he was 2 1/2. He had him strapped down and my son screamed the whole time he drilled - he told me it was normal for kids to scream over the drill noise. I always suspected he didn't use anything to numb him. It was a terrible traumatic experience that day. I feel sick to know that I was right - that man needs to go to jail for a long time!!!

**My son was a patient of Dr. Schneider and it was the worst experience ever. my son was 3yrs old getting fill-in, root canals & caps. I couldn't understand why my 3yr old son had such bad dental hygiene especially if it wasn't like that before. Dr. Schneider or his employees don't know how to cater to small children. Instead he do incomplete work and create more problems. He don't care about his patience and is in it for the money. His office over schedule patience which makes your visit an all day process. This office need to be closed down because they are rude, disrespectful, unprofessional and hurt children. I report Dr. Schneider to the police and Medicaid and I'm happy something is finally being done.

**Don't let this so-called "doctor" fool you. He's been at this a very long time. 40 years ago, I was but a child, when my brother and I used to go to him. He was very rough and abusive with us, and if we cried one iota he would slap our faces, and told us to "stop crying." If cried louder, he would choke us. Thank GOD, our father heard us. He pushed through the front nurse, grabbed my brother, and myself right out of the chairs, and we were never brought to him again.

Howard S. Schneider, DDS: 2008 ‘'The child of today is smart, manipulative, and, spoiled”


Published in the Southern Society of Pediatric Dentistry Newsletter, August 2008

The Last Word

Howard S. Schneider Nov 2008By Howard S. Schneider, DDS MSD Editor

CHANGE! This election may be remembered as one of the most exciting elections in American history.

Yes! It is time for change. Not only do we need change in our political system, we need change in how we deliver pediatric dentistry. All of us have hung the sign on the door notifying the parent that we are taking the child to the operatory WITHOUT THEM. That was the way it was as long as I can remember. After completing treatment, we brought the happy / or unhappy child out to the parent and discussed procedure and results. And, yes, the parents accepted the comments, made another appointment and case closed. However, changes have slowly been taking place. There is change in the 2008 parents in the philosophy of raising their children; There is change in the child who has a mind of his / her own; change in the laws in treatment of the child / changes in public attitude and their concerns and trust in the professions. All the child has to do is tell the parent “they hurt me.” Then you spend the next hour explaining why you helped him. The child of today is smart, manipulative, and, spoiled. They know how to work the system. Oh yes! The word change in this article is in no way any endorsement of my political preferences. That is one man’s opinion, and,THAT IS THE LAST WORD

No, Dr. Howard S. Schneider, that’s NOT The Last Word!

Dr. Schneider attacked

Another one of those fine dentists who accepts Medicaid! Parents claim Dr. Howard Schneider, a Jacksonville, FL dentist has abused their children and are protesting.

Dr. Howard SchneiderThe disturbing story about Dr. Howard Schneider, DDS Jacksonville, Florida is nearly identical to the one about good ole Dr. Edward Dove in California. (Providing dental care under Medicaid shouldn’t mean just any kind of care, for Heaven sake!)  Look at that big brute of a woman, even Dr. Schneider is hiding behind her, imagine her brute force in controlling this poor child!

There are thousands of children who have been treated like this and what is being done; little to nothing. Wonder how much these hotshot attorneys would think their child deserved to be compensated for this type of abuse..? That's a question they are too damn afraid to answer! Bet it would be more than a free cleaning on their next visit!! GRRRRRR!!!


Parents claim local pediatric dentist has hurt children

A local pediatric dentist is under fire after multiple parents came forward Tuesday, accusing him of hurting their children while in his care.

Dr. Howard Schneider has been practicing in Jacksonville for 49 years and accepts child patients on Medicaid.

On Tuesday, nearly a dozen people began protesting against Schneider outside his south side office, the result of a Facebook page that was established by parents who advise against his work.
After hours of protests, and his staff’s refusal to answer Action News’ requests for a statement, we found Schneider sitting on the steps of his Riverside home Tuesday evening..

- See more at:


Raw video of parents confronting Dr. Howard Schenider, DDS

People have plenty to say over on Yelp about Dr. Schneider.

Google Reviews on Dr. Schneider

Sign the Petition demanding an investigation of Dr. Howard Schneider.

Contact info:

Howard S. Schneider, D.D.S., P.A.
Address: 1871 University Blvd S, Jacksonville, FL 32216
Phone:(904) 721-2565

Florida Dental Board Search


Friday, April 17, 2015

Dental Practice Office Managers Making Dental Treatment Decisions Should Be Shaking In Their Boots.

The news about the arrest of Valbona Yzeiraj, an office manger at a dental office in Bronx, NY for performing root canals on patients seems to have people in 2015-04-17 09.01.01shock and awe; it even landed in the Wall Street Journal today. 

Yzeiraj is charged with assault, reckless endangerment and unauthorized practice as well as a charge of larceny. 

To the public it appears they are shocked, to those of us who have been watching this for years are not. 

Yeah this office manager pulled teeth and performed root canals; allegedly.  But, office managers make dental treatment decision that put patients health at risk every day in the corporate-owned branded dental chains.  I can’t tell you how much evidence there is or how often I’ve heard dentists tell me they feel like they are working for the office manager in the branded clinic they mistakenly decided to practice their profession.

Heck, why aren’t the corporate heads who are sitting in their plush offices and flying around in their corporate (and privately owned) jets getting arrested for the same?  They make treatment decision endangering patients as well; many with severely more negative outcomes. 

Aspen Dental Business Practices Remain Under Fire

Below is a story I received yesterday about Aspen Dental. The relator asked to remain anonymous, I understand why.

I read your recent post regarding Aspen dental. What happened to that patient you most recently wrote about happens all the time. As a former employee of Aspen Dental I know firsthand that if we see a mistake made by a dentist we are to keep her mouth shut. If we speak up or God forbid inform the patient of a mistake we are terminated. We are not allowed to question a doctors treatment plans. It is very frustrating especially when you have over 10 years experience in the dental field and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt the treatment is incorrect. I have watched doctors pull the wrong teeth, leave root tips and charge the patient for an extraction, sell them prosthetic devices they don't need and illegally bill them. When a doctor is caught pulling the wrong teeth, the document is falsified saying the remaining teeth were found to be periodontally involved and we extracted them for free for you, then the patient is tricked into signing it.