April 28, 2015
**My two boy's was seeing him and he was very rude to my boy's told them to shut the hell up and that it didn't hurt that bad and he would be really rough with them . And then my son spacer fall out a week later i take him back and he told me that it was going to cost me 112.00 for it . and Both my kids had fill end and all that and even got caps in there mouths . Both my boys told me mom i don't wont to go back to him i told them well he is the olny person who take your ins so we have to see him . But i hope he gets whats coming because this is so wrong how he have don't people kids if he didn't like his job then he shouldn't been working around children .
**that same denist my daughter went because that only denist kids on the southside town of bye my house dont know what street it was butt that man trie he leg up and she was get root crawn and she was mad at him and he call her a bate.... she was 4 year and from that day she was so scare of denist. then denist in sc was so nice and told me she he had no right to tired her leg up and.. noww she not scare of denist any more she 12 year. that man is a jack ass
**he also treat kids that are in wheel chair too that dr was so mean to my daughter and was scare . I hope that dr go to jail.... what he did my child was wrong or any children.
**I took my son there when he was 2 1/2. He had him strapped down and my son screamed the whole time he drilled - he told me it was normal for kids to scream over the drill noise. I always suspected he didn't use anything to numb him. It was a terrible traumatic experience that day. I feel sick to know that I was right - that man needs to go to jail for a long time!!!
**My son was a patient of Dr. Schneider and it was the worst experience ever. my son was 3yrs old getting fill-in, root canals & caps. I couldn't understand why my 3yr old son had such bad dental hygiene especially if it wasn't like that before. Dr. Schneider or his employees don't know how to cater to small children. Instead he do incomplete work and create more problems. He don't care about his patience and is in it for the money. His office over schedule patience which makes your visit an all day process. This office need to be closed down because they are rude, disrespectful, unprofessional and hurt children. I report Dr. Schneider to the police and Medicaid and I'm happy something is finally being done.
**Don't let this so-called "doctor" fool you. He's been at this a very long time. 40 years ago, I was but a child, when my brother and I used to go to him. He was very rough and abusive with us, and if we cried one iota he would slap our faces, and told us to "stop crying." If cried louder, he would choke us. Thank GOD, our father heard us. He pushed through the front nurse, grabbed my brother, and myself right out of the chairs, and we were never brought to him again.