Friday, May 15, 2015

I think Nancy Grace needs to hear from more victims

It was clear Nancy Grace was outraged at the stories of abuse by Florida dentist Howard S. Schneider. Her program aired Wednesday May 13, 2015.  

Here is hoping insiders and victims of dentists and chain dental clinics across the county contact her show and let her know this is an epidemic and needs her attention in the worst way.

Link to the show that aired:

Disturbing video: Dentist torturing young patient?

Contact Information:

Nancy Grace Facebook Page

Nancy Grace on Twitter 


The Nancy Grace Show
1 Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Report on Indiana dentist Shadrach Gonqueh may have missed the real story

Below is a story from about yet another overtreating, Medicaid defrauding crooked dentist published May 12, 2015. In the story they mention the 2014 OIG Report about 95 dentists with “Questionable” billing. That’s where the real story lies.  Why do I say that, you ask? Well, out of those 95 dentists 28 work for Kool Smiles clinics, owned by FFL Partners, 13 work at clinics that were formerly named Small Smiles, also owned by private equity investors, and 10 work for Reachout Healthcare America’s “Smile Care” mobile clinics that tend to visit schools. The list of dentists is at the end of this post.

Indiana dentists accused of overtreating patients, overbilling Medicaid

May 12, 2015

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Kyong Farnsley feared she had cavities in her teeth.

She hadn’t been to the dentist in a while.

So in August 2012 when she walked into Amazing Family Dental in Indianapolis, she says she expected to have an initial exam and a treatment plan set up.

Farnsley says she walked out with half her teeth.

“(The dentist) proceeded to do the exam and told me I had an infection in my mouth and that some of my teeth were infected. He would need to pull them,” Farnsley told I-Team 8. “He said the infection was so bad that if I didn’t have (my teeth) pulled out, I could walk out and have a heart attack and die. I had never heard that before.”

Fearing for her health, Farnsley said she gave consent for Dr. Shadrach Gonqueh to perform the procedure. A copy of her dental records, obtained by I-Team 8, show 15 of her teeth were extracted.

“If he says it’s that severe and I’m going to die, I am going to trust him. I have two small boys at home. I can’t leave them. I am a single mom at that time; I can’t leave them,” she said.

Afterward, Farnlsey said she was given pain medication but no antibiotics. She left, she says, thinking she would eventually receive dentures. As weeks went by, she sought a second opinion from a new dentist who she says told her the procedure she endured was unnecessary.

Farnsley’s story is not unique. She is currently one of five former patients suing Dr. Gonqueh. Another lawsuit representing three former patients claims Dr. Gonqueh made them “believe that they were in imminent danger and needed to immediately have all their teeth pulled … or risk death by suffering a heart attack,” according to the lawsuit.

An I-Team 8 investigation found allegations of “dental overtreatment” or unnecessary work is not uncommon. In fact, it makes up nearly a third of the 44 active licensing complaints against Indiana dentists, according to Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller’s office.

In March, Zoeller’s office filed a licensing complaint against Dr. Gonqueh, accusing him of engaging in fraud by overbilling and receiving more than $27,000 in reimbursements for procedures performed on 158 patients.

“The Board of Dentistry is expected to consider this complaint at its hearing on June 5. At that time, the board will act as jury and judge to determine what, if any, disciplinary action will be taken against the license holder,” Molly Johnson, a spokeswoman for Zoeller’s office, wrote in an email to I-Team 8.


I-Team 8 spoke to Dr. Gonqueh by phone at his Raymond Street office, where he is still practicing. After a reporter identified himself and informed Gonqueh that he was recording the conversation for his news report, Gonqueh declined to answer questions, but did say:

“This story is nothing new,” Gonqueh said. “And I will refer you to my attorney for any further comments. I think you are looking for something where there is nothing.”

Gonqueh’s attorney, Peter Pogue, provided a statement that read:

“Amazing Family Dental, and its dentist, is aware of the recent filings by a few patients and the Attorney General’s Office.  These claims arise out of treatment from several years ago. Amazing Family Dental and its dentist is vigorously defending each of these claims as they proceed through the appropriate legal venue, and Amazing Family Dental and its dentist intend to avail itself of all appropriate legal defenses.  Amazing Family Dental and its dentist maintain that the treatment of each patient is medically appropriate and within the appropriate standard of care, and Amazing Family Dental and its dentist look forward to the opportunity to present the defense to these claims at the appropriate time and in the appropriate forum.  Beyond that, Amazing Family Dental and its dentist do not feel that it is appropriate to comment on pending legal matters.”

(Editor’s note: In the days leading up to this story, I-Team 8 received repeated phone calls from another lawyer, Steve Eslinger of South Bend, who claims to also represent Gonqueh.)

Eslinger’s statement said in part that “expert witnesses” contend that Dr. Gonqueh did nothing wrong.


Last November, the Office of Inspector General from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a report on pediatric dentistry in Indiana that found “questionable billing practices” among 95 dentists in the state.


150514 parents close down schneider officeParents protesting Howard S. Schneider, DDS office in Jacksonville, Florida have shut him down.

Stop Dental Abuse - Nancy Grace Addresses Jacksonville Dentist Dr. Schn...

National Association of Dental Plans is worried the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners might have too much power! OMG!

No, I’m not kidding. We know that is not going to happen and is utterly ridiculous to even think that could be possible.  The NADP and it’s illegal dental clinic owners they refer to as DSO’s are safer in Texas than any state in the union!

DALLAS, TX--(Marketwired - May 14, 2015) - The National Association of Dental Plans (NADP) has urged Texas lawmakers to take steps to prevent the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) from passing rules that limit the effectiveness of dental support organizations (DSOs), as such action could jeopardize access to dental care for more than a million Texas Medicaid members.

Many of NADP's member dental networks in Texas include dentists in practices supported by DSOs. This includes carriers providing dental services through the state's Medicaid program.

Read more:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dr. Howard Schneider of Jacksonville, Florida outrageous treatment of children has landed the spotlight of Nancy Grace upon abusive dentistry.


A Florida pediatric dentist is the subject of a recently filed lawsuit that claims he is a “psychopathic sadist” who routinely “tortured” many of his young patients.

See the clip of the report to air tonight on HLH’s Nancy Grace program.

All you abusing torturing dentists, and the insurance companies who cover them… you are on notice!

Thursday, May 07, 2015

The $39 Million Small Smiles Dental Settlement Open to All Former Patients? Looks that way.

Looks like the $39 million dollar settlement will also be open to most any patient who received treatment at a Small Smiles Dental Center during its operating years by reading the story below.  Personally if my child had stepped foot inside the door of this place I would be contacting Dan Lain, ASAP to find out how to apply for my child’s compensation and certainly get my child on the list! (his contact info is at the bottom)

Nashville Business Journal
Insurers for troubled dental chain Small Smiles' to pay out $39 million in tentative settlement
May 7, 2015, 1:23pm CDT Updated May 7, 2015, 2:14pm CDT
Eleanor Kennedy
Nashville Business Journal
“…Former patients of a beleaguered Nashville-based dental company may soon receive their share of a nearly $40 million settlement.
… National Union Insurance Company, the insurer of Small Smiles Dental…reached a tentative agreement with the company…to pay out $39 million…
In a statement, James Moriarty, chairman of the trustee advisory committee for the Small Smiles…trust…said the settlement "…provide compensation for the children in the ongoing litigation and other victims who have not filed suit or hired an attorney."
“… The tentative settlement raises awareness of the need for all dentists who treat our most vulnerable children to allow parents to accompany their children, to avoid the routine use of physical restraint devices, to not over-treat children for profit, and to place the children’s best interests above their own financial interests. We must guard against dentists that mislead parents, intentionally over-treat under the guise of ‘protecting’ children, pull baby teeth that would otherwise soon fall out, intentionally place stainless steel caps on toddlers and perform unnecessary baby root canals."
Read the piece in its entirety at Nashville Business Journal

Dan LainLiquidating Trustee
CS DIP Liquidating Trust
Lain, Faulkner & Co.
400 N. St. Paul, Suite 600
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 720-7214

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

$39 Million Available to Small Smiles Dental Center Patients — Providing Approval by Court

Small Smiles Greed Collage 4It appears there has been an agreement reached between Small Smiles dental centers and the thousands of children injured due to malpractice, overtreatment, and down right abuse inflicted at those clinics.

In court documents filed this afternoon it states in the Settlement and Release Agreement (page 8, section xx) $39 million dollars will be “paid by or on behalf of the Insurers to the Liquidating Trust”. $39 million is an odd number…why not an even $40 million? 

There is a lot to digest but from what I can gather, so far, just about any child who ever received treatment at a Small Smiles dental center could be eligible for payment once approved by the bankruptcy court in Nashville, Tennessee.

I would assume for those who are represented by an attorney, that attorney should be contacted at once.  If a former patient is not currently represented I assume Dan B. Lain would be the go to guy. 

Dan B. Lain, Liquidating Trustee
CS DIP Liquidating Trust
Lain, Faulkner & Co.
400 N. St. Paul, Suite 600
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 720-7214


Documents filed May 6, 2015:

— Motion for Order to Approve Small Smiles Dental Centers Settlement - Filed May 6, 2015

— Small Smiles Dental Centers Settlement and Release Agreement - File May 6, 2015 (same as document above)

— Small Smiles Claims Distribution Procedures - Filed May 6, 2015

— Small Smiles Dental Centers Settlement Declaration of Dan B. Lain in Support of Settlement - Filed May 6, 2015

— Proposed Order Approving Small Smiles Dental Centers Settlement - Filed May 6, 2015

Friday, May 01, 2015