Friday, April 08, 2011

From WSRY Channel 9 : State scrutinizing Small Smiles dental clinic as families sue


WSRY Channel 9 in Syracuse is doing a fantastic job exposing the horrors of Small Smiles.  They are digging deep, interviewing patients, talking to New York state officials and trying to get some answers on why,  in 2010, children are still being abused, strapped in straight jackets for unnecessary dental procedures.  Some as young as 1 year old!

They are asking some hard questions and so are those making comments. 

You must head on over to their site and read the story.  Most interesting are the comments, as usual.  People come out, tell their stories and express their utter disgust with Small Smiles Dental Centers. 

The video is amazing!  See and hear the stories of these poor children and what the state has to say about it!  WSYR, you rock!

State scrutinizing Small Smiles dental clinic as families sue

While at WSRY Channel 9, be sure to click r”ecommend” to your facebook friends.  Spreading the word about these thugs is what is needed to finally “shut ‘em down”. 

I challenge everyone to share it on facebook, twitter, digg, where ever…  Let’s take it viral!

Now go on over to WSYR News Channel 9!