Arizona’s Dental Dangers: Reports by ABC15 News Phoenix
By Michael Davis, DDS
This year investigative reporters, Dave Biscobing and Shawn Martin presented a series of very insightful reports for ABC15 News out of Phoenix, AZ. These investigative journalists openly challenged policies of the Arizona State Board of Dental Examiners (ASBDE). They took their investigations directly to the state legislature and governor. In our modern era of diminished resources for investigative journalism in the media, these local media market reporters exemplify the highest standards for service to their profession and the public interest.
The entire series of “Dental Dangers” stories can be accessed via this link:
Mrs. Biscobing and Martin have detailed problems as diverse as the protective “old boy’s club” for deviant dentists, within the state dental regulatory board. They exposed the dental board’s failure to disclose public record material on dentist violators. Their report on unlicensed and unregulated dental laboratories was also disturbingly informative. Patients and doctors may have no idea from what nation, and under what safeguards, their dental prosthetics may be fabricated. In fact, ABC15 uncovered that Arizona failed to provide criminal background checks for newly licensed dentists.
This reporting goes far beyond the interests of Arizona. It has significant merit nationally. Dental dangers to the public welfare can be found in most states. Our dental public regulatory agencies, which are supposed to serve the public interest, are often primarily serving a variety of other interests. This investigative reporting did in fact stimulate the process for positive changes to the operation of the ASBDE, although much more is required.
The courageous reporting of Mrs. Biscobing and Martin exposed elements within the state legislature and governor’s office, which discounted the public interest. That unfortunate fact came forth loud and clear. We witness a form of journalistic integrity, which is too infrequently seen on the national media stage, let alone a local media outlet.
We all owe a tip of the hat to Dave Biscobing, Shawn Martin, and the entire crew at ABC15 News in Phoenix. I encourage Dentist the Menace readers to click on the above link, and enjoy an inspired series of reports on dental investigative journalism.