Dental abuse ranging from lying to the moms, pulling teeth without pain relief, grossly excessive use of stainless steel caps, unnecessary baby root canals and widespread use of physical restraint devices on infants as young as 18 months.
reasons I cannot comprehend, many of the honest and legitimate dentists
sit silently, the dental boards responsible for policing dentist do
nothing and most of the criminal and civil state authorities charged
with protecting the public, and the taxpayers do little or nothing.
can identify hundreds of dental offices secretly and illegally owned by
private equity firms ranging from the money behind the propane gas we
use to cook on in the back yard, billionaires from the middle east and
even the husband and wife who started one of the largest computer
companies in the world.
complained at every level of county and state government and produced
evidence to show this illegal and abusive conduct. All almost for
27 year old Medicaid mom, severely pissed off by the visible and
obvious abusive treatment of her daughter single handedly brought this
guy down. Turned down by the police, ignored by the dental board and
refused by lawyers who she sought to hire to stop this behavior, she
turned to Facebook and the court of public opinion and then the stuff
hit the fan.
hat is off to this mom. She has done more to protect the public than
legions of trial lawyers, endless numbers of state and
local authorities and every sit-on-their hands dental board in the
hat is also off to John Phillips, a brilliant, aggressive young lawyer
who does not tremble at the thought of fighting mano on mano in the
court of public opinion.
Please watch this 15 minute video (3 segments):
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