Monday, May 05, 2008

Western Dental Corporation Another Ruthless Dental Mill?

An Open Letter To Western Dental Reposted Here From The Hive Blog
Comments To Post At The Bottom, also reposted.

Here is the letter:

A letter to the corporate office of Western Dental... An absolutely INHUMANE treatment of low income patients by a facility that is advertised as caring for those with medi-cal or low income with respect and dignity AND great care... FAR FROM THE TRUTH
To whom it may concern:

Please accept this letter as my personal and adamant request for the services rendered and the absolutely filthy conditions of your Western Dental office located on Briggsmore Avenue in Modesto California to undergo some SERIOUS investigation.

I would like to explain the circumstances which have brought me to this point of complaint... and I'm doing so PRIOR to having received the full service of my initial visit due to the fact that I am absolutely livid over the way in which my dental procedure and status as a patient has been treated by various members of the Western Dental Team which has revealed itself to be an obvious standard for all other patients as well.

My reasoning for visiting WD was purely out of need to be seen on a Saturday and to get a broken tooth fixed by crown procedure prior to my private insurance undergoing changes - regular dental offices are not open on the weekends so.... I made an appointment for 8 am on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2007.

The waiting room was to capacity when I arrived by other patients who had an appointment at either the same time or very near the same time as mine. I waited for over 1/2 an hour before I was even given initial paperwork. The condition of the waiting room was filthy and the staff was beyond disorganized in the procedure of caring for those that should have come first...their patients.

Nearly an hour later I was led back to get X-rays by a very kind technician... yet obviously in a huge hurry due to the large volume of work needing to be done... as a result - I had to be re-xrayed later in the day. It was nearly two hours of my arrival that I was even seen by a doctor. He came in and told me I needed a root canal. Then upon examining my tooth - he admitted that he'd misdiagnosed and that I only had a broken tooth.. This is what I'd already written in my paperwork and had explained to each staff member that I'd come into contact... yet another obvious sign that even the doctor had far too much to do - to the point where reviewing my chart prior to seeing me hadn't even occurred. Again - this man was very kind.

The condition of the facility, was again, very dirty. From the sticky floors to the dirty containers which held materials that were eventually needed in completing my procedure. The facility appeared to not have been cleaned in a substantial amount of time.

Having NO CHOICE but to proceed with this procedure at that time was very frustrating. In all of my years of having dental work done, never before have I ever experienced such deteriorated services and poor conditions in which to have my teeth worked on. I am in full understanding that these offices are typically used by those having state funded insurance programs... to me the treatment received by those people in this office IS SHAMEFUL!!! I feel that by way of lack of care for their scheduling and the lack of cleanliness of the facility your company is essentially telling these people that A. Their time is not important and B. Since they have no other choices, or may not know that they have other choices - they are forced to be treated in filth.

I was at your office for well over three hours and had to leave prior to even getting the cleaning which comes with the service I'd received. The dentist was VERY professional, however once he finished drilling down the broken tooth he left me in the care of, once again, a VERY nice woman who admitted to me that what she was doing, fitting the temp crown, wasn't within her scope of practice... however because of the over scheduling and lack of adequate staff members, she was forced to do the work she isn't even qualified for. It took nearly another 1/2 hour for her to trim the temporary down to even fit...

After I asked if I could do the cleaning at another time as I'd been at their offices for nearly FOUR HOURS - I was clearly told that the crown would be in within 1 to 1 1/2 weeks. I stopped at the front desk - had to actually request to be helped by two staff members who clearly knew I was there yet continued with a very personal conversation - I was told that my portion of the bill would be $400 - I wrote a check for $200 and left.

Four days later the temp fell off - I visited the office that night and was again helped by the same woman..although VERY NICE... admittedly unqualified to do what she was doing. She put a stronger adhesive onto the tooth and sent me on my way.... with a huge gap between the temporary crown and the tooth itself. She said it would be ok as the permanent crown was going to arrive in a couple of days. Well... it hasn't and it's not ok.. it is painful...

Being patient and a rule follower I waited for two weeks and I phone the office to find out where the crown is - I was informed by the woman that answered the phone that no one would have told me 1 1/2 to 2 weeks as it NEVER takes less than THREE weeks to get the crown in. Having NO choice but to wait... I did and in fact have received a bill for UNDER $200 - which makes me grateful that I did not pay the full $400 that they were requesting at my initial visit.

At three weeks, this past Saturday, I phoned again - and after 20 minutes on hold and being called by the incorrect name twice - I was told that it would be yet another week until the crown arrived from the lab.

This was enough. I asked to speak with a floor supervisor and after several minutes of bantering back and forth with this woman about my right to speak with a manager regardless of when the crown would arrive she finally told me to hold on... again placed on hold for a substantial amount of time - only to have the SAME woman pick up the phone and inform me that the floor manager found the crown and it would be in on Monday - period end of sentence. I told her that I still wanted to speak to her - she told me the manager was too busy and that I needed to call her back in 15 minutes. I told her that I would appreciate her taking MY number and having her call ME back when she was free. She never did.

I did lodge a complaint with your corporate office and they were in fact kind. I was uncomfortable when I was describing the current condition of the tooth as being painful and then being corrected by your representative to be told that "oh so it's annoying you?" I received the canned standard answers that are expected when this type of customer service disaster occurs.

Here is my MAIN ISSUE...

If this is honestly the type of service that people with medical are expected to accept than I am horrified by the sad sad misrepresentation which Western Dental is pouring all over the media... had I not had the verbiage and ability to insist that I be treated with the respect that I, as a customer, paying or not paying out of my own pocket deserves.. than I would still be sitting here today with no resolution to this matter - well, in fact I am still sitting here with no resolution to this matter as I still have an improperly fitted temporary - and no absolute security that this suddenly post complaint found crown is even really found at all.

I was told by your corporate office that I was in fact the second complaint about the same property that day... how this could possibly be the first time for this to happen - I find VERY difficult to believe.

What really bothers me are the looks on the faces of the other patients in that office... knowing full well that they are being treated disrespectfully yet perhaps not having the voice or option to speak was a truly truly truly disturbing experience - to make it worse.. I still have to go back there to get the permanent crown placed... I was told by corporate that the staff at the office already knows that it was me complaining to them --- this makes me highly uncomfortable for my return visit.

Western Dental Corporate Staff... I am sincerely hoping that this type of inhumane service being provided to those less fortunate than others changes and changes VERY quickly... you are a huge company and the money is very important I'm sure... however the overworking of your staff in order to squeeze in as many patients that you can --- is, in the process, degrading the very people that pay your bills.

With HUGE hopes that this is resolved,

Comment 1
follow up on this complaint, Yo....don't let it slide. raise a banner if necessary. This should never be tolerated and I am so glad you did not do so for the sake of convenience.

Comment 2
Although, your letter certainly pointed out the problems your encountered during your visit to a Western Dental facility, I can tell you from personal experience and from all of the other complaints I have read about Western Dental, don't expect to receive any kind of acknowledgement or apologies from Western Dental. They are a shady outfit no matter what location you happen to visit.
My husband spent 9 hours at their office in Antioch, CA. According to the law, medical and dental practitioners cannot subject their patients to more than 3-4 hours of treatment or service in a 24 hour period. My husband's dental insurance policy pays contracted providers at 100%. Western Dental is a contract provider with United Concordia (our dental insurance carrier through California Field Inronworkers Union) and they were supposed accept the insurance payment as payment in full. However, Western Dental did not properly bill our insurance company for the services they provided to my husband and as a result, they were subsequently paid less than what they calculated.
Western Dental decided that they would try to bill us for the difference. They started sending us 2-3 collection letters a month and I would call them and explain that we owed them nothing because we had 100% coverage. Then they started making collection call to our home. They would call every other day threatening to send us to collections if we didn't pay. I call the ironworker union and United Concordia to let them know what was going on. However, there wasn't much they could do. I went around and around with Western Dental corporate billing office in Orange, California, and just about everybody I spoke to down there had absolutely no knowledge about the laws governing HMO providers.
Fortunately for us, this is what I do for living . . . . medical billing. I tried and tried to explain to them that what they were doing was against the law. Balance billing and HMO patient is a highly illegal practice. I knew that most patients don't understand the complexities involved in medical billing, so I decided to conduct a rather in depth investigation into Western Dental's billing practices and I discovered that they were doing the same thing to all of ironworkers and their families throughout the State of California.
I concluded that Western Dental practices this illegal billing tactic banking on the fact, that most people don't understand the medical billing and reimbursement policies associated with their insurance carrier. The majority of patients simply trust that their medical or dental provider wouldn't bill them (the patient) unless the amount was truly the patient's responsibility. I believe that Western Dental's main source of profit comes from two aspects of their bsuiness, 1) they provide shipshod treatment to the patients, and 2) they use highly illegal billing tactics in order to coerce their patients into paying them above and beyond the contracted rate that Western Dental has agreed to accept from the patient's insurance carrier.
In order for your story to have any affect on Western Dental, please file a complaint with the following agencies; 1) the ADA (American Dental Association), 2) the California Attorney General's Office, 3) the CDA (California Dental Association), 4) California Board of Dental Examiners, and 5) the California Dept of Consumer Affairs.
If I were you, I would seek out another Dentist's opinion of the work done by Western Dental and ask them to document their opinion in writing as your situation may eventually force you to file a malpractice suit due to the poor dentistry work and pain and suffering that you have already endured and still may endure in the future. Document everything that happens to you as a result of your visit to this Western Dental facility. If your teeth are not properly repaired , you could end up suffering from a multitude of other health issues that can be caused by poor dental treatment. I cannot stress to you enough to please protect yourself by following through with my advised suggestions above, otherwise you will no recourse in case something happens in the future.
Good Luck

Comment 3

Remember the twenty Modesto dentists who were arrested several years ago, for their horrible treatment of children, the elderly, and low-income people on Medi-cal? (As far as I know, they are still waiting for trial. Justice is slow.)
These scams have been popular for many years in other states as well--especially Florida. And that is what they are--scams, just for easy money. Unqualified people have pulled entire mouthfuls of teeth that should never have been pulled. Often screaming children and the elderly were not even given pain medication. In addition,conditions were filthy.
No, these conditions are NOT normal. A dentist's office must be spotless. Otherwise, diseases spread like wildfire. Everyone must know what they are doing. Of course, you should never go back there. It is too dangerous. You do need to see a REAL dentist.
A lot of con men are "very nice". That is why they are so successful. The "wolves in sheep's clothing" play their roles well. It is important to know who is putting their fingers in your mouth!

Comment 4
Well, if you are thinking of going back to that dentist, check out the really horrible complaints against Western Dental, all over California. In the computer search spot, type: "Complaints against Western Dental" or go to
One person had good teeth until Western Dental worked on nine of them. Then they had nine bad teeth.
They try to treat as many people as they can and do as many procedures as they can--even if the procedures are not needed, so they can bill for them.
In addition, the FBI is investigating them for insurance fraud.
One complaint was from Modesto. Even though the dentist never had time to see her (after a long wait in extreme pain), Western Dental sent her a bill. When she didn't pay it, they kept adding late fees. They have a long history of complaints about fraudulent billing.
A dental chain like Western Dental in Florida was even kidnapping low-income children from their yards to pull their teeth.

more can be seen here....

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Dentists React To Small Smiles

These are posts from a Dental Message Board in reaction to Small Smiles/FORBA

1. There is a small smiles clinic close to us and we see a lot of children who have been put through the ringer there. Most times the work is sub-standard and we are re-doing what wasn't done correctly the first time around. Many of the children who are referred are great kids and just need some TSD and patience. Unfortunately, at that point they are pretty traumatized. The thing that worries us here in our clinic is the disregard for max local anesthetic dosages, etc. It's hard to believe you can papoose a 3 year old and do 4 quadrants of dentistry in one sitting, staying within the safety limits for local anesthetic. I'm all for providing needed treatment, but I'm doubtful as to how much training and supervision there are at these clinics.

2. small smiles opened in our town about six weeks ago. a good friend of mine was working as a hygienist there--she quit after two weeks. i don't know how anyone can justify treatment like that. i see kids with medicaid as does another large pedo practice in town, as do several other family dentists i know. access to care isn't an issue in my area for these kids so they can't use the "we're your child's last hope" approach.

look at the aapd guidelines. they (small smiles) aren't compliant and i don't believe they provide the standard of care offered in my area.

previous to this story, i was talking with a friend on the local peer review on how to approach this group because i was concerned about what i was hearing.

I personally LOVED This one!!!!

3. At our SSPD meeting in September AAPD president Keith Morley said to watch out for these FORBA clinics. He said they are on the way to any rural area in which they can treat low socioeconomic children for Profit.

I too see Medicaid children b/c I feel it is my way of giving back to society. The News took the absolute worst parts of the entire story and put that on TV for everyone to watch. I've been in situations in which i've had to use a papoose board while the child screamed away b/c there was no other choice. I would think any of us pedos understand exactly what was going on there. Most of what they do may not be morally right and is against the ethics of the ADA and AAPD however it doesn't break any laws. We need to all band together and keep these clinics from opening in our areas.

4. Just completed 30 years of dealing with Medicaid. It tooks it's toll on me financially (somewhat), but more emotionally and physically (which is why I stopped). The stories I have heard even for adults can be incredible, and then we get to the "access to care" issue. Who in their right mind would like to stand in line for that kind of access?

I know that there are also some incredible providers of care to this population, adults and children. But, at times, it seems that as long as the care is being "provided" by a provider, that the state powers will look the other way. An acquaintance of mine who previously worked at a one of these facilities stated that some of the dentists, at this particular facility, should not have licenses to practice.

5. If providers would treat mediciad patients as a requirement for renewal of our state granted license to make money in this limited area, access issues would greatly diminish.

6. There is one down the street from me called Vital Smiles, formally the Tooth Zone. I used to say "Who else is going to treat these kids" (I take medicaid by the way) From seeing some of the dentistry, and hearing from patients, former staff members, and a former Dr. there, a lot of those kids would be better off if they had not even gone.
7. If the Democrates get the s-chip legislation passed they will providing about 1 million more American kids with the kind of treatment that is getting blasted. S-Chip in most states is lumped into medicaid. I could care less about Dem vs Rep, but this is to make legislaotors (sp?) look good by providing insurance to these poor kids. What kind of care will be provided? Will they have access to care with this insurance?

8. small smiles clinics do not sedate or offer GA. What upsets me is not the use of the papoose per say, but it is how the clinics are run. There are several Kool Smiles clinics in the area where I practice, and they are run in a similar fashion to Small Smiles. they over treatment plan just to do pulp and crowns. I see at least 3-5 patients from their clinics , and the parent shows me the tx plans. many times it is crowns, where simple ONE surface restorations suffice. These clinics do not have a good reputation where I live.

Warning To Dental Grads Being Wooed By Corporate Dental Companies

Be careful about how you interpret the word "guaranteed” income when being wooed by a corporate dental management company such as FORBA, Heartland or Western Dental. Read this next paragraph very carefully.

A lot of these
corporate associateship contracts are set up so that you are guaranteed a certain salary based upon a specific (and sometimes unattainable) level of production. If you don't hit that level of production, you are still "paid" that salary, but you then owe the corporation the difference between the salary and what you actually produced.

So, in many cases it may seem that you will be guaranteed big dollars right out of graduation, but often that is based upon unrealistic levels of production. They spin it as "guaranteed" because you will in fact be making that money, but you will ultimately have to pay part of it back.
Go ask a few optometrists or pharmacists how much they like the corporatization of their respective professions, and you'll hear all the reasons why every effort should be made to preserve dentistry's professional autonomy.
Then you get hooked up with a Corporate Dental Company that gets nailed for mistreatment, over treatment and over billing insurances or using a blanket DEA number for prescriptions and your once stellar reputation is tarnished forever.

All those long months, days and years spent preparing yourself for a wonderful noble career is gone down the drain in less than 6 months. Not even mentioning the enormous education debt you’ve accumulated and now you won’t be able to get a job that would earn enough wages to make your loan payments let alone live, have a family or anything else. All those dreams of a fruitful life that got you through all those years of study are gone in a flash.

Lets say you don't like the procedures they teach you at their "training camps". What are you to do, you have signed a "non compete" clause in your contract. Then what are you going to do. Talk about stuck between a rock and a hard place!

There's no altruism involved in these corporations' business decisions. Corporate mills are notorious for encouraging over treatment in order to meet production goals. If you're seriously trying to come up with a minimally acceptable treatment plan for a Medicaid patient, you're looking at sealants vs. restoring every pit & fissure in the mouth, complex direct restorations instead of pressed ceramic crowns, periodontal debridement, flippers instead of implant-supported bridges, etc.

Heartland and Western shareholders are just like the ADHP proponents in that respect--they're out for their own best interests, not the public's, but they also know saying "it's for the greater good!" is a nearly impenetrable moral shield for them to hide behind.

The moral in both cases is that dentistry needs to start being proactive about figuring out solutions to the access to care problem, instead of letting other groups seize the initiative and then trying to fend them off while backpedaling.

Some companies like Kool Smiles ask employees to sign a 'restrictive covenant for 1 or more years in a radius of 5-10 miles. This mean you might be SOL if you want to work in that area.

A portion of Small Smiles /  FORBA contract says:
...for a period of 2 years following termination, you can't provide dental services for Medicaid patients within 10 mile aerial radius of the Practice Location, or Employer's practice location on the date of termination if Employer has moved its location, or the location of any of the Employer's related practices.

Add this to the $500 a day penalty for not giving them a 90 day notice and you are just screwed!  What if you had relocated!  What now?

A Discussion on Corporate Dentistry's Workings

Click Here for the sales pitch so to speak about Heartland Dental.

Includes how it works, what cuts the docs get and Employee Stock Options.

But what I find interesting is this: (The Interesting Part, is the Investment Bank involved. They were at this site for several hours last week. Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin.

Anyway this is a information release concerning Employee Stock Option...

EFFINGHAM, Ill. (January 21, 2004) – Employees of Dental Health Resources, Inc. (d/b/a Heartland Dental Care, or “Heartland”) have acquired a 38.5% ownership stake in the dental practice management company. The price of the acquisition was not disclosed.

Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin, an international investment bank, acted as exclusive financial advisor to Heartland. Houlihan Lokey structured the transaction, designed the ESOP security and arranged the financing for the purchase.

Heartland’s newly formed Employee Stock Ownership Trust, or ESOT, purchased convertible preferred stock representing 38.5% of the ownership of Heartland using senior credit and mezzanine funding. The transaction provided liquidity for certain selling shareholders, including Dr. Richard Workman, who founded Heartland in August 1997. The unique structure of the ESOP security and transaction provides the ESOP with an annual dividend yield while providing the company with significant future tax savings.

Workman, president and chief executive officer of Heartland, said, “Everyone is extremely excited about the ESOP and what it means for our future. The employees understand they have an opportunity to have a positive impact on the dental profession. They also realize they will create an economic interest for their knowledge by helping dental practices with management responsibilities.”

“We appreciate the dedicated professionals Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin assembled for the ESOP. The entire transaction team should be complimented for all their hard work and professionalism,” Workman said.

Lou Paone, managing director of Houlihan Lokey’s Washington, D.C., office said the transaction is expected to generate significant value to the employee owners in future years. “Heartland and its executive management team have a very strong employee ownership orientation,” Paone said. “The ESOP transaction and implementation marries a shareholder liquidity event with the corporate goal of aligning the employees with the future direction of the firm.” The Heartland transaction represents an innovative example of the growing trend of shareholders seeking liquidity by implementing a partial ESOP buyout structure, Paone said.

Patrick Hurst, managing director and head of Houlihan Lokey’s Healthcare Group, stated, “There haven’t been many liquidity events for shareholders of dental practice management companies in recent years. The ESOP structure is a creative alternative to selling to a financial or strategic buyer, and has the added benefit of giving the employees a real economic stake in the future success of the company.”

About Dental Health Resources, Inc.
Dental Health Resources, Inc. is a privately held company headquartered in Effingham, Ill., that provides a full range of management, administrative, and financial services to dental practices in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, and Tennessee throughout cities with populations that range from 40,000 to 500,000. By providing management services to handle the business aspects of the dental practices, the company allows dentists to use their management and business skills to be responsible for certain operations of the company and to focus primarily on delivering quality patient care. Heartland also provides capital for the development, growth, and acquisition of additional dental practices.

Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin, an international investment bank established in 1970, provides a wide range of services, including mergers and acquisitions, financing, financial opinions and advisory services, financial restructuring, and merchant banking. In 2003, Houlihan Lokey ranked as the No. 1 M&A advisor for transactions under $200 million and the No.4 advisor for transactions under $1 billion. The firm has been the No. 1 provider of fairness opinions for the past four years and has the largest financial restructuring practice of any investment bank in the country. The firm has approximately 600 employees in nine offices in the United States and the United Kingdom. It annually serves more than 1,000 clients ranging from closely held companies to Global 500 corporations. For more information, visit Houlihan Lokey’s Website at

© 2004 Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

Dr. Alireza Nazeri: Suspended Washington Dentist Practicing In Palm Springs


Read the Full Report here on Dr. Alireza "Allen"' Yekta Nazeri, WA license # DE00006673.

What blows me away in this is that it too 32 complaints before his licenses were suspended!

Here is the final order:

California: In April 2005 the Dental Commission placed the license of Alireza Y. Nazeri, a dentist licensed in Washington (DE00006673), on a stayed suspension for five years, but he may not practice in Washington until the commission authorizes.

Nazeri failed to comply with the terms and conditions of a prior order.

Dr. Nazeri was to undergo psych evaluation.

Here is Dr. Nazeri's now practice Cornerstone Dentistry in Palm Desert, CA.

Be sure to check the "In The Media" link for a nice picture.

Dr. Alireza (Allen) Y. Nazeri is another graduate of Creighton University, same as the DeRose's. See Dr. Nazeri's bio here, and is a member of the Iranian American Dental Association.

I guess Dr. Nazeri is still working, here is where he taught a class in December 2007 on:

Secrets behind your patients saying “YES” to an Elective and Comprehensive treatment revealed!!!

You just gotta check this one out! He shows you how to get more fee for service from dental patients.

This man should not be practicing dentistry anywhere yet has a posh clinic in Palm Desert. What is wrong with this dental system anyway! Is anyone at all watching!!!!!

Anyone reading this board what to take a guess where Dr. Nazeri went to dental school?

Creighton of course! What the living hell are they teaching these dentists over there anyway?

Heartland Dental Management Dentists Accused Of DEA Number Sharing

From Federal Compliant File 4-2008

US vs Heartland Dental Care, Inc.

Heartland Dental Care, Inc. referred to as "Heartland" is a
Delaware corporation in good standing located at 1200 Network Centre Dr., Effingham, Illinois.

Heartland manages dental practices throughout the state of Illinois and elsewhere. Heartland
Dental Care, Inc., which was not incorporated until 2006, is the successor entity to Dental Health
Resources, LLC, Dental Health Resources, Inc. and Heartland Dental Development, Inc.
(collectively "DHR entities"). The DHR entities managed the dental practices, entities, dentists
and employees whose conduct is described below.

Richard E. Workman, D.M.D. is the President and Chief Executive Officer for Heartland.

In the Complaint dentists employees by Heartland at various locations used DEA numbers of other registered dentists to write prescriptions regulated medications.

DEA Inspector reviewed conduct between 2003 and 2007 and found numerous instances of misuse of DEA numbers.

Heartland employed newly graduated dentist who were not yet registered and issued a DEA number for dispensing prescription of controlled substances. Therefore in order to conduct business these dentists used DEA numbers of established dentists.

Heartland Dental was aware and facilitated in this procedure.

Wow, I wonder if this goes on at other Dental Management Companies as well, namely FORBA!

If any of you employees out there know of fraud and corruption at FORBA you could well end up like the woman in Illinois who reported them under the false claims act as a Whistle Blower entitling her to a portion of the fine/settlement. As well she won over $300K for wrongful termination.

I've put links on the side bar regarding the False Claims Act Laws and Whistle Blower Protection.

New York Leave State Vulnerable to Corportate Dental Abuse

§ 6604. Requirements  for  a  license  as  a dentist. To qualify for a
license as a dentist, an applicant shall fulfill the following

(1) Application: file an application with the department;
(2) Education: have received an education, including a doctoral degree
in dentistry, in accordance with the commissioner's regulations;
(3) Experience: have experience satisfactory to the board and in
accordance with the commissioner's regulations, provided that such
experience shall consist of satisfactory completion of a
clinically-based postdoctoral general practice or specialty dental
residency program, of at least one year's duration, in a hospital or
dental facility accredited for teaching purposes by a national
accrediting body approved by the department, provided, further
that any such residency program shall include a formal out come
assessment evaluation of the resident's competence to practice
dentistry acceptable to the department;
(4) Examination: pass a written examination satisfactory to the board
and in accordance with the commissioner's regulations;
(5) Age: be at least twenty-one years of age;
(6) Citizenship or immigration status: be a United States citizen or
an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States;
provided, however, that the board of regents may grant a three year
waiver for an alien to practice in an area which has been designated a
federal dental health professions shortage area, except that the board
of regents may grant an additional extension not to exceed six years to
an alien to enable him or her to secure citizenship or permanent
resident status, provided such status is being actively pursued;
(7) Character: be of good moral character as determined by the
department; and
(8) Fees: pay a fee of two hundred twenty dollars to the department
for admission to a department conducted examination and for an initial
license, a fee of one hundred fifteen dollars for each reexamination, a
fee of one hundred thirty-five dollars for an initial license for
persons not requiring admission to a department conducted
examination,and a fee of two hundred ten dollars for each triennial

Dr. George C. Brain: Another Terrorist Dentist In Tacoma Washington

The state Department of Health has opened a new investigation into a Tacoma dentist accused of mistreating young patients.That action comes on the heels of an exclusive KIRO Team 7 Investigation into Dr. George C. Brain.

Children have repeatedly complained over the years that Brain choked, shoved, assaulted or grabbed them by the throat.Now, Investigative Reporter Chris Halsne pins down the Dental Board about its handling of Dr. Brain.Dr. Brain's resume includes nine police reports from kids who claim to have been assaulted during dental work.

Those resulted in a charge of assault on a child, but no criminal convictions.However, in addition, for the first time, we dig inside Dr. Brain's licensing file to discover more accusations of assaultive or threatening behavior.Pediatric dentist Dr. George Brain has been under scrutiny for professional misconduct for years.

Records at the Dental Quality Assurance Commission show seven complaints of assault, abuse or verbal threats towards children.One led to disciplinary action. A 2006 case shows a girl complained Dr. Brain choked her and pulled some teeth without permission. The board assigned Dr. Brain to a "monitoring" program and required an "anger management evaluation."Laurie Jinkins, an Assistant Secretary at the state Department of Health, oversees dental licensing complaints.She tells KIRO Team 7 Investigators, “That would not be a typical number of complaints. That is a high number and it is something that causes us concern.”Jinkins defends the state’s disciplinary process, saying Dr. Brain has been on their radar and they’re watching him.“We're concerned when any patient has a bad experience with their health care provider, but especially with kids or vulnerable people.

That makes us especially concerned because kids can't protect themselves.”Five-year-old Cameron Laducer and his sister, Courtney, are the latest kids to accuse Dr. George Brain of hurting them. A complaint, on file with the dental board this week, alleges Dr. Brain overmedicated Courtney, yanked a tooth, and filled a cavity in another tooth without parental permission.It also accuses Dr. Brain of creating scratches on Cameron's face and causing a grossly infected lip.The children’s mother, Brooke Laducer, tells KIRO Team 7 Investigative Reporter Chris Halsne, “I'm very, very angry with the State of Washington. Number one, I want to know why this man still holds a license. I want to know why he can still work on children. “Laurie Jinkins says she can't talk about the Lacuder's new complaint; it's under active investigation.

She did, however, address another of our questions.We discovered Dr. Brain made around $1.5 million last year from the state in return for treating low-income children and their families.Halsne: “Does a patient who doesn't have any money, who has to use a state welfare voucher to get that work done -- should they receive any lesser care than someone with premium insurance?”Jinkins: “Everyone in this state, no matter how rich or how poor they are, whether they have insurance or don't have insurance, they are entitled to the same level of care, the same quality of care in this state."

Dr. Brain has chosen to remain silent and is not speaking with us regarding our investigation.Others are not so quiet.Dozens of people have called and e-mailed Tuesday, wanting to tell KIRO Team 7 Investigators about their treatment inside Dr. Brain's office.If you have any concerns about his conduct or the conduct of any other dentist in Washington, the state Health Department wants to hear from you.

Click Here for Video Report, Interviews with patients, police reports and more.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Should Michael DeRose Ever Been Licensed In North Carolina?

Should Michael DeRose or any corporate dentist group actually have access to treating patients under North Carolina Law is the question here. I say unless that dentist is licensed and actively practices in North Carolina, they should have their licenses revoked! But of course this is where dentists like Dr. Raf Rivera and Dr. Tish Ballance come in isn't it. They become the "local" actively practicing dentists.

If you "google" those in charge of Small Smiles, Kool Smiles, Ocean Dental and others, they have offices as well as licenses in various states across the US. But you and I both know they don't "actively" participate.

For instance, Dr. Adolph Padula, Mike DeRose's uncle) with FROBA Small Smiles says he can be seen in New York, Massachusetts, Colorado and Ohio. In the MassHealth Directory it says Dr. Padula is accepting new patients. I see this over and over. Now grant you they are a bit careful. But in the instance of getting on lists of providers not so much. The names crop up in state after state.

I understand that each state is different, but most require them to "actively" practice dentistry and it's that way for a reason. This is where Tennessee got Dr. William Mueller a few years back that was reduced to an advertising sanction. They get licensed and advertise in states where they have a licenses, but fail to "actively" practice dentistry.

Let's Look At North Carolina:

North Carolina General Statutes:

§ 90-36. Licensing practitioners of other states.

(a)The North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners may issue a license by credentials to an applicant who has been licensed to practice dentistry in any state or territory of the United States if the applicant produces satisfactory evidence to the Board that the applicant has the required education, training, and qualifications, is in good standing with the licensing jurisdiction, has passed satisfactory examinations of proficiency in the knowledge and practice of dentistry as determined by the Board, and meets all other requirements of this section and rules adopted by the Board. The Board may conduct examinations and interviews to test the qualifications of the applicant and may require additional information that would affect the applicant's ability to render competent dental care. The Board may, in its discretion, refuse to issue a license by credentials to an applicant who the Board determines is unfit to practice dentistry.

(b) The applicant for licensure by credentials shall be of good moral character and shall have graduated from and have a DDS or DMD degree from a program of dentistry in a school or college accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association and approved by the Board.

(c) The applicant must meet all of the following conditions:

(1) Has been actively practicing dentistry, as defined in G.S. 90-29(b)(1) through (b)(9), for a minimum of five years immediately preceding the date of application.

G.S. 90-29 (b)(1) thru (b)(9)

(1) Diagnoses, treats, operates, or prescribes for any disease, disorder, pain, deformity, injury, deficiency, defect, or other physical condition of the human teeth, gums, alveolar process, jaws, maxilla, mandible, or adjacent tissues or structures of the oral cavity;

(2) Removes stains, accretions or deposits from the human teeth;

(3) Extracts a human tooth or teeth;

(4) Performs any phase of any operation relative or incident to the replacement or restoration of all or a part of a human tooth or teeth with any artificial substance, material or device;

(5) Corrects the malposition or malformation of the human teeth;

(6) Administers an anesthetic of any kind in the treatment of dental or oral diseases or physical conditions, or in preparation for or incident to any operation within the oral cavity; provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to a lawfully qualified nurse anesthetist who administers such anesthetic under the supervision and direction of a licensed dentist or physician;

(6a) Expired pursuant to Session Laws 1991, c. 678, s. 2.

(7) Takes or makes an impression of the human teeth, gums or jaws;

(8) Makes, builds, constructs, furnishes, processes, reproduces, repairs, adjusts, supplies or professionally places in the human mouth any prosthetic denture, bridge, appliance, corrective device, or other structure designed or constructed as a substitute for a natural human tooth or teeth or as an aid in the treatment of the malposition or malformation of a tooth or teeth, except to the extent the same may lawfully be performed in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 90‑29.1 and 90‑29.2;

(9) Uses a Roentgen or X‑ray machine or device for dental treatment or diagnostic purposes, or gives interpretations or readings of dental Roentgenograms or X rays;

(2) Has not been the subject of final or pending disciplinary action in the military, in any state or territory in which the applicant is or has ever been licensed to practice dentistry, or in any state or territory in which the applicant has held any other professional license.

(3) Presents evidence that the applicant has no felony convictions and that the applicant has no other criminal convictions that would affect the applicant's ability to render competent dental care.

(4) Has not failed an examination conducted by the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners.

(d) The applicant for licensure by credentials shall submit an application to the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners, the form of which shall be determined by the Board, pay the fee required by G.S. 90-39, successfully complete examinations in Jurisprudence and Sterilization and Infection Control, and meet the criteria or requirements established by the Board.

(e) The holder of a license issued under this section shall establish a practice location and actively practice dentistry, as defined in G.S. 90-29(b)(1) through (b)(9), in North Carolina within one year from the date the license is issued. The license issued under this section shall be void upon a finding by the Board that the licensee fails to limit the licensee's practice to North Carolina or that the licensee no longer actively practices dentistry in North Carolina. (1935, c. 66, s. 9; 1971, c. 755, s. 7; 1981, c. 751, s. 6; 2002-37, s. 2.)

Does anyone reading this blog think that Michael DeRose, living in his Pueblo Colorado 3.4 million dollar recording breaking home EVER "actively" practice dentistry in North Carolina as defined?

Michael DeRose has sanctions in other states, namely Colorado for one.

He would have had to one of the following to be considered actively practicing dentistry:

(1) Diagnoses, treats, operates, or prescribes for any disease, disorder, pain, deformity, injury, deficiency, defect, or other physical condition of the human teeth, gums, alveolar process, jaws, maxilla, mandible, or adjacent tissues or structures of the oral cavity;

(2) Removes stains, accretions or deposits from the human teeth;

(3) Extracts a human tooth or teeth;

(4) Performs any phase of any operation relative or incident to the replacement or restoration of all or a part of a human tooth or teeth with any artificial substance, material or device;

(5) Corrects the malposition or malformation of the human teeth;

(6) Administers an anesthetic of any kind in the treatment of dental or oral diseases or physical conditions, or in preparation for or incident to any operation within the oral cavity; provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to a lawfully qualified nurse anesthetist who administers such anesthetic under the supervision and direction of a licensed dentist or physician;

(6a) Expired pursuant to Session Laws 1991, c. 678, s. 2.

(7) Takes or makes an impression of the human teeth, gums or jaws;

(8) Makes, builds, constructs, furnishes, processes, reproduces, repairs, adjusts, supplies or professionally places in the human mouth any prosthetic denture, bridge, appliance, corrective device, or other structure designed or constructed as a substitute for a natural human tooth or teeth or as an aid in the treatment of the malposition or malformation of a tooth or teeth, except to the extent the same may lawfully be performed in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 90‑29.1 and 90‑29.2;

(9) Uses a Roentgen or X‑ray machine or device for dental treatment or diagnostic purposes, or gives interpretations or readings of dental Roentgenograms or X rays;

Kool Smiles Turned Away in Arkansas March 2007

I'm wondering how Kool Smiles PC was able to skirt the laws and get two offices opened in Arkansas.

In March 2007, Drs. Tu Tran, Thien Chi Pham and Dr. David M. Strange, Jr. went before the Arkansas Dental Board to apply for licenses, they were turned down.

From the Minutes Dated 3-2-2007
Drs. Thien Pham and Tu Tran each appeared before the Board for an Arkansas dental license by examination. After some discussion, a motion was made and seconded to grant Dr. Pham a license. With 4 Board members voting in favor of granting him a license and 4 Board members voting against granting him a license, the Board President broke the tie and voted against granting a license to Dr. Pham. After additional discussion, a motion was made and seconded to table Dr. Tran’s application until the Board office receives a copy of his dental school diploma and New York license verification.

David M. Strange, Jr., DDS appeared before the Board for an Arkansas dental license by credentials. After some discussion, a motion was made to grant him a dental license, but the motion died for lack of a second.

Maybe Drs. Thien Pham and Tu Tran, two Vietnamese dentists finally came up with copy of his dental school diploma. However as you can tell, at first it was a no go for these two, then it was decided that if they came up with actual diploma's they would reconsider.

As for Dr. David M. Strange, Jr, DDS, it was a flat NO.

To see the minutes of the meeting click here.


Looks like Dr. Pham came back on September 14, 2007 with Paul Walker and got Kool Smiles in the door.

Click here to see the minutes.