Read the Full Report here on Dr. Alireza "Allen"' Yekta Nazeri, WA license # DE00006673.
What blows me away in this is that it too 32 complaints before his licenses were suspended!
Here is the final order:
California: In April 2005 the Dental Commission placed the license of Alireza Y. Nazeri, a dentist licensed in Washington (DE00006673), on a stayed suspension for five years, but he may not practice in Washington until the commission authorizes.
Nazeri failed to comply with the terms and conditions of a prior order.
Dr. Nazeri was to undergo psych evaluation.
Here is Dr. Nazeri's now practice Cornerstone Dentistry in Palm Desert, CA.
Be sure to check the "In The Media" link for a nice picture.
Dr. Alireza (Allen) Y. Nazeri is another graduate of Creighton University, same as the DeRose's. See Dr. Nazeri's bio here, and is a member of the Iranian American Dental Association.
I guess Dr. Nazeri is still working, here is where he taught a class in December 2007 on:
Secrets behind your patients saying “YES” to an Elective and Comprehensive treatment revealed!!!
You just gotta check this one out! He shows you how to get more fee for service from dental patients.This man should not be practicing dentistry anywhere yet has a posh clinic in Palm Desert. What is wrong with this dental system anyway! Is anyone at all watching!!!!!
Anyone reading this board what to take a guess where Dr. Nazeri went to dental school?
Creighton of course! What the living hell are they teaching these dentists over there anyway?
1 Must Read Comments:
Hi Debbie.
I think you'll be interested in the updates on our blog about Dr. Nazeri.
Turns out Washington state finally suspended him indefinitely after even more claims of substandard dentistry were sustained.
California? Well, that's up to them.
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