Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Papoose Board Consent Tactics Surface

Today I've received two separate reports from concerned parents that indicate FORBA-Small Smiles have changed it's tactics in obtaining consent to strap children down in papoose boards.  There reports are from two separate states. 

(Boy, the Papoose board sure is an important tool for these places aren't they)

Evidently they aren't having the parent or guardian pre-consent to the use of these devices anymore.  (They are calling them "protective wraps", isn't that sweet!)

From the two reports I've gotten just this morning, they are still separating the parents from the children, taking the children back for fillings, sealants, crowns whatever, then returning to to the parents saying:

"because he was wiggling and screaming and said that he was a danger to himself and the doctors"

It makes it seem that they are in the middle of a procedure and it's imperative they sign this consent so that they can finish the procedure.

Whatever the real reason, it's clear they have changed their tactics but still pushing on tying up children at any cost.

Now, FORBA, you want to make another statement about how you are improving things?  That is just pure BS!

Manama Al Manamah, Bahrain

June 18, 2008

Things must be really bugging the folks in Bahrain today.  Of course there is a major time zone difference but it's early here in the US, 10:30am or so and visitors from Bahrain have been here 6 times and that's very unusual. 

Something posted as really hit a cord with them I guess.  They are mostly interested in Roberta Baskin's latest  Small Smiles update.

My usual visitors are the mothers, parents, etc from children mistreated at Small Smiles and of course folks in Pueblo, Colorado; Nashville, TN; Colorado Springs, CO.  Visitors from Washington DC are also big visitors, as well as North Carolina and New York state, Maryland and Virginia. 

So when Manama Al Manamah (The Capitol of Bahrain) Bahrain shows up in my stats I know something is up.

Is this Small Smiles-FORBA thing going to end up turning into an International Incident?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Open Questions to FORBA-Small Smiles Management

Are you all just sick to death of the standardized statements from FORBA-Small Smiles saying they are doing everything in their power to address the problems brought to the publics attention in November 2007.
Honestly, it's not like FORBA didn't know all these things were going on, they were just confident the public wouldn't find out to what extent it was happening. FORBA-Small Smiles were/are making millions and millions of dollars and have for years doing this crap.
But since they keep making these stupid statements, I want to know exactly what they are doing, working on, improving or whatever term they are using today. Stop with the general statements and tell us exactly what you've done other than hire a papoose board expert.
Here are some other hard questions for you to answer, since the DOJ is questioning your current and former employees and criminal investigation are going on in several states something tells me you are going to be asked these questions by them pretty soon anyway so why not just bite the bullet and get it over with right here.
  • Do you still have papoose boards or pediwraps in your clinics? yes or no
You don't even need one, but people would accept having one in each office for use in case of emergencies. I' assuming each offices has as many now as they did back when this story broke since ebay isn't flooded with the things. Honestly you say you've been trying to address issues since November, how long does it take to dispose of these things anyway?
  • Are you still billing for things you didn't do or were not necessary? yes or no
As late as March 31, of this year, you told a mother you didn't tie her child up to a papoose board, but as I have shown you on the site, you entered a service code for 'behavioral management' which we all know means you tied the child up.
  • Are you supporting employees who complain about the dentists you employee who are mistreating children. yes or no
A few short weeks ago you fired an employee who complained about a dentist mistreating a disabled child. In another case you have told employees they may need to get their own attorney to represent them when speaking with the Department of Justice and State Inspector Generals.
  • Are children still leaving your clinics injured? yes or no
In April a 3 year old left one of your Smile Starter Clinics with a bloody nose. I could list even more if you like.
  • Do you still have a quota to meet each day, even though you now call them conversions, where you want so many children sent from the hygiene (cleaning) area to the operatory for some fillings, sealants or crowns? yes or no
According to employees, that answer is yes so be careful when answering this question.
  • Do you keep combs, brushes, hair blow dryers to use to clean children up after being "treated" (and I use that word loosely) before you take them back to the parents? yes or no
Careful answering this one too, as I have pictures of these items located in one of your clinics.
  • Are you now encouraging parents to come back with their children for treatment? yes or no
We know the answer to that one too don't we. You've done nothing to support parents being allowed back with their children. You should be dragging parents back there, even if they are the ones kicking and screaming but you are not.
  • Isn't it true that Michael DeRose and other family members are indeed receiving compensation out of the Small Smiles bank account? yes or no
Acaptia and CIT say they are invested with "current upper management", DeRose say's he has nothing to do with FORBA-Small Smiles.
  • Isn't it true that Michael DeRose is the backer of Dr. Raf Rivera in his so called purchase of Smile Starters, which in reality is still Michael DeRose stilling owning ever sticking bit of these brutal clinics? yes or no
  • Isn't it true that Root Management, the new management company of Smile Starter is operated by Ryan Root, a close friend and accountant of the DeRose clan of clinics? yes or no
  • Isn't it true that the clinics in Kansas are really owned and operated by FORBA-Small Smiles and not individually owned by private dentist? yes or no
I have a copy of the company directory that says they are clinics owned and operated by FORBA and in fact you refer clients who are moving to those clinics.
  • Isn't it true that you every time you get bad press you just change the name of your clinics and say they are under new management? yes or no
You just got into a world of crap in New Albany, NY and simply change the name to Albany Access Dentistry.
  • Isn't the Department of Justice investigating your clinics nationwide? yes or no
This is not happening for no reason now is it?
  • Haven't millions and millions of dollars been ripped off from the American People just to line the pockets of Michael and Ed DeRose? yes or no
I've posted picture of you homes, business and other news reports showing you guys have made a nice living "drilling for dollars"
  • Isn't it true that you have hired Lobbyist on the Federal and State levels to assist you in obtaining a larger piece of the medicaid dental payment pie? yes or no
Guys, you think these questions are hard, this is a tiny sample of what is yet to come.

Doral Dental Sending Patients to Small Smiles Across The Nation

Click here
Click Detail Search
Click the Search button beside Office Name
Enter Small Smiles, Kool Smiles, Ocean Dental and just about any state and click search.

What you will find is that Doral Dental is a major "pusher" "enabler" of these rogue dental chains.

Millions must be being made to keep all these hands in the cookie jar full of cash.

Think about it:

Medicaid Dollars pass to the subcontractors such as United Health and Doral Dental and all their stockholders and employees, then on down to Small Smiles/FORBA and all staff there, including investors such as CIT and Arcapita Bank, then they advertise they pay they working dentist $144k a year plus bonuses, and let's not forget the office staff, buildings, equipment etc. And let's not forget all the money the DeRoses have in their pockets, giving millions to Creighton University, living in multi-million dollar homes, etc. Then you have the lobbyist on the Federal Level, and just about every state level, several high powered law firms, and more than one huge PR firm.

Now that's a heck of a lot of money being made by strapping children on papoose boards and drilling away and any tooth they can get.

Heck this thing is so profitable their are other people opening up clinics everyday trying to cash in on the huge cash cow!

Is anyone out there gonna quit pushing these clinics and close their doors or not!

United Health Care Still Using Small Smiles: What The Hell Are They Thinking?

Despite Doral Dental, a sub-contractor for Maryland's Medicaid System, terminating 4 dentists and suspending Small Smiles for another 3 months for highly irregular and questionable practices, United Health Care, another sub-contractor doing business as Americhoice, finding more than $250,000 worth of "questionable treatments" will still send it's medicaid members to the following Small Smiles dental Clinics in Maryland for treatment.



In Washington DC they will gladly send you to:
  • VENIGALLA, LAKSHMI Informed They Are No Longer Employed With Small Smiles

What the HELL is United Health Group thinking! Hopefully you are one of the lucky recipients of Doral Dental and won't be sent to any of the above dentists and your child will be spared the torture and abuse of unnecessary dental treatment and being tied to a papoose board just for the ease of it all.

I suggest if your linked up with United Health/Americhoice you exercise your American Choice and call, write or email United Health Group and demand better service for yourself and your children.

If you are a dentist and no longer associated with Small Smiles please email me, state when you left and I will note that you are no longer employed with Small Smiles.

Email Me

Update 9/9/2008

I received the following email and after weighting the request I decided there was no real benefit in not granting the request.

Dear Ms. Hagan/To Whom It May Concern:
As best as we are able to discern, the "Dentist the Menace" web site is maintained by a Debbie Hagan. This email is intended to reach all persons responsible for the content of the site.

This law firm represents Sanam Toufanian, D.D.S., whose name appears on the June 17, 2008, "Dentist the Menace" web site posting regarding Small Smiles entitled, "United Health Care Still Using Small Smiles: What the Hell Are They Thinking?". Dr. Toufanian no longer is employed with Small Smiles. During her employment at Small Smiles, Dr. Toufanian at all times acted in the best interests of her patients, and there is no allegation that Dr. Toufanian engaged in any improper conduct. Your web posting is false, misleading, and highly damaging to Dr. Toufanian's reputation. We therefore demand that you remove Dr. Toufanian's name from the June 17, 2008 posting immediately.

Caroline Judge Mehta

Caroline  Mehta  202.778.1836

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mom upset with Small Smiles New Albany

Here is a case of a mother who took her child to Small Smiles New Albany in New York:
Since Small Smiles is no longer a Medicaid provider in New York one mother asked for her child’s records.
What she got were x-rays and nothing more than a spreadsheet of sorts, listing dates of visits, (every 6 months regularly), procedures, service codes for billing Medicaid, and initials of doctors who did the work.
Looking over the so called medical records (1 full year of them) a pattern clearly emerges.
The first visit, the child was give
1. Hygiene instruction: How much instruction do you think a three year old understood after all the parents are allowed back there. (was Medicaid billed for that as well or is that included in the cost of the visit?)
2. Fluoride
3. Exam
4. Cleaning
Exactly 6 months later the child returned, got the same as above with added x-rays and low and behold cavities were found because the next week the child was in for 3 filling! Three!! Wonder how they missed those on the first visit, or do you think the hygiene instruction wasn’t clear for the child to have gotten that many cavities in that short of time.
By the initials of the dentist, Dr. Laura did these fillings.
Another 6 months pass, more hygiene instruction, fluoride, exam, and cleaning and there again, they found another cavity. This time it was Dr. NL who did they work. All this doesn’t say much for Small Smiles “hygiene instruction now does it”.
Since Small Smiles tries to keep their torture clinics friendly they just use the first names of the doctors, Dr. Laura for example so this mother has no idea what the real name of the dentist actually could be.
What really concerned this particular parent is this:
  1. She was told they did NOT use a papoose board on her child. She asked since her child came out very upset and said the dentist was “mean”. Yet according to this “record” behavioral management” of some type was used and it appears billed Medicaid for doing so. So they are lying to someone, either they used the papoose board and lied to the mother or they billed Medicaid for something they didn’t do.
  2. She is also concerned, and rightfully so, that these records seem to be a bit incomplete to say the least! Where’s the notes taken during the exam there has to be more than a tiny spread sheet don’t you think!
This is not long ago people this is current stuff, so don’t by the sales job they are trying saying they are “improving” anything cause they aren’t improving anything.
I’m wondering if Small Smiles/Albany Access Dentistry even have this child’s original records, documents showing where this child’s mom signed consent for anything at all to be done, where is all this stuff, could be in a heap of shredded documents for all we know.
I’ve been at this for months with these people and I’m not seeing any improvement, even with the Fed’s snooping through the records across the county nothing is getting a bit better!

Full Size image here

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Michael DeRose Living "Two" Carefree

I'm telling ya, life is just so strange and at times just down right funny. We've all heard about "vanity license plates", but what about "omen addresses"?

I found that a one Michael A. DeRose lived at....

....get this....

....are you ready?

2 Carefree Lane

Pueblo, CO 81001

at records say he lived there in 1993 & 1994

That should have told him all this would come to an end one day cause he was living too carefree LMAO LMAO

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Is Carolina Smiles a DeRose Clinic?

Today I noticed there is a dental clinic in North Carolina that accepts Medicaid called "Carolina Smiles". Now this wouldn't be odd if DeRose and FORBA didn't have clinics in Oklahoma called "Oklahoma Smiles" and the clinics in Texas called "Texas Smiles".

Now I'm not saying Carolina Smiles is another FORBA/DeRose clinic, I'm just saying the name is following they usual names.

Small Smiles New Albany Has Changed It's Name: Surprise Surprise

A month or so ago if you rang up Small Smiles in New Albany you would get the "Hello, Small Smiles" when the phone was answered. Then a couple of weeks ago that dropped to "Dental Office" we now it's "Albany Access Dentistry".

Looks like FORBA and Michael DeRose and Company have not learned any new techniques to cover their butts. Again, they just change then name, don't bother with changing the phone numbers or address, just slap a new name on the door, keep the same employees and go on about their business.

BEWARE, New York the name has changed but that's about it.

Does that word "Access" ring any bells with my readers, well it certainly rings a few of my bells.

Remember Tish Ballance in Asheville, NC who was fined 10 million dollars and was a business partner with Michael DeRose in the Smile Starters, Medicaid Dental Center and Carolina Dental Center, isn't her new state of the art clinic she's opening up in Asheville called "Access West"! Yep, I just checked, that's the name she's advertising!

Appears only a coincidence with the name "Access".  "Appears" being the operative word.  Tish went on to open Carolina West Dentistry in Waynesboro, NC under the business name of Ballancing Act.  In July 2010 she registered a business named CanHouse Sudios, it too in Waynesboro.  

Tish Ballance dose NOT live even close to Waynesboro ( or at least didn't two years ago).  She lives on the southern outskirts of Charlotte, NC about150 miles away.

Small Smiles Denying Some Parents Access To Medical Records

I'm getting a lot of email from parents who are having problems with Small Smiles handing over those medical records. You are entitled to a complete copy of those records. HIPPA laws have statues that cover this as well as many states have set their own standards. To the right in the Links section you will find a link to information and links to each states rules. Also in the download section is a sample letter for your use.

arrowarrowarrowIf you are denied access, you can file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service's Office of Civil Rights at:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Civil Rights
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C., 20201
Phone: (866) 627-7748