Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pueblo Gala Only Raises $2000; 400 People Attended, Including Dan DeRose

Another year for the Sons of Italy Gala in Pueblo.  My, how time flies.  Wonder why there are no daughters of Italy? Hmm...  Anyway, from the piece about all I got was how nice the tables looked and the food that was served (when I picture of that would have done nicely). I think the bigger story here is why did 400 people only manage to raise $2,000?   Read the mention of names and you have to wonder, right?  That is almost embarrassing..ok not almost it IS embarrassing. And wow, those scholarships!  $750 each!  It's not the 1960's folks...and hardly worth something called a "Gala" to hand them out.  Actually, if they only raised $2.000 and handed out 19 scholarships, they are in the hole, big time, and those checks might not be worth the paper they were written on!  Dan, ole boy, your well isn't dry...write those kids a 'real' check since that's where you made your money, destroying their health, their teeth and GOD knows what else!  The Chieftain needs to stop powder puffing the DeRose family's ass and get on with the real story!  When will they get then in a corner and drill them like they drill teeth about their Small Smiles, gold mine.
Posted: Sunday, March 28, 2010 12:00 am 
  Custom touches create stellar socials with foreign flair for large and intimate gatherings.
  "Our Story: The Italian American" themed the 11th annual Sons of Italy's early-March annual gala at the Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center's Jackson Ballroom. Nearly 400 supporters raised $2,000 for student scholarships at the event, which starred comedian Sebastian Maniscalco and was co-chaired by Gino Carleo and Al Spinuzzi.
   Accordion players Margie and Mike Aman entertained Denverite Bob Taylor, Dorsey and Louie Carleo, Gina and John Panepinto, Michael Salardino, Fran and Ed Posa and Sandie and John Obrin, among others, during the cocktail hour preceding the serving of the traditional-style family menu. The meal featured antipasto, Italian salad, pasta with meatballs, sausage, roasted pork and pancetta. White-and-black-clothed tables were styled with Italian and American flags atop gold posts in centerpiece baskets filled with cheese, bread, grapes and garlic.
   Personalized labels on wine jugs also decorated the table tops, denoting scholarship memorials with photos of donors and posthumous scholarship honorees. Framed photos of the donors and recipients were gifts to each scholarship winner.
   The 19 students, who were honored with $750 academic scholarships and gift baskets of restaurant certificates and entertainment passes, arrived onstage accompanied by video presentations of their accomplishments. The organization has awarded more than $125,000 in scholarships at the galas, which also include a surprise presentation for the Italian Citizen of the Year. [wonder who that was, or was the author trying to tell us that John Carochi got the award and was also given a plaque...I dunno]
   John Carochi, state Sons of Italy Grand Lodge president, was given a plaque for his local, state and national leadership to promote Italian culture. A film reviewing Italian courage, pride, loyalty and professional successes was followed by Rich Foresta's humorous Italian language presentation, incorporating New York idioms and slang.
   Maniscalco, who has performed in a variety of venues — from the Las Vegas Palms Casino to Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" — was absolutely hilarious with his quick-witted comments playing off audience localites Mike Occhiato, Barbara Fortino, Diana and Greg Armstrong, Dan DeRose, Sonny LeMaster and others. His ethnic humor hit home with Vivian and Frank Sagona, Jim and Ben Bacino, Tony Ianne, Amie and David Gohn and even the few non-Italian supporters. [I bet it did, he probably didn't realize how close to the truth he really was!]
  Alice and Ori Birch, Joe Prutch, Anthony Andenucio, Tom and Nick Rusler, J.J. Patti and Jan and Ralph Williams were some of the high bidders for the 50 silent-auction items, which included an antique slot machine, autographed sports paraphernalia and books, jewelry, artwork, baskets and more. Actually, everyone there felt like a winner with the fine food, top entertainment and outstanding student recipients.
   TRISH AND SCOTT SMILEY, Wynona and Wally Sullivan and Linda and Ray Kogovsek bid up the foundation dinner with honoree Judy Fonda for the silent-auction item at the annual Parkview Starlight Gala. Sharon and Keith Swerdfeger donated their exquisite Pueblo West home as the venue and Chartwell's donated the five-course Asian meal with an American twist.
  The dinner took place on the same evening as the Sons of Italy fundraiser. The black-clothed long table was accented with bronze metal napkin rings holding the black linen napkins and bronze chargers under the ivory plates.
   The centerpieces featured an octet of ivory square candles in a long, narrow bronze holder flanked with a duo of round ivory rose and calla lily arrangements, highlighted with bronze leaves.
   Partyers, including Judy's husband Roger, enjoyed fruit and cheeses before the seated dinner that began with pea shoots, cucumbers and carrots wrapped in phyllo with lemon vinaigrette. The carrot ginger soup shooters were accompanied by Asian tofu croutons followed by black-and-white sesame-crusted halibut over shredded radicchio.
   The nouveau cuisine, served on small plates, continued with a serving of hoisin grilled beef tenderloin and sushi tuna with eggplant batons. Dessert sushi with cookie chopsticks and sweet caviar served as the grand finale for the special evening of dining to start off the month for the generous group of folks.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Another Day Another Claim

You just never know who is going to claim owning and managing Small Smiles / FORBA dental clinics.  Sounds so healthy and sweet doesn't it?  

About Us
Small Smiles / Children's Dental centers are managed by a family owned company. Our operating philosophy is modeled after our founder’s dental practice, which was established in 1965 in Pueblo, Colorado. We identify, develop and manage our practices with the mission to provide premium dental care to patients starting with their first tooth to 21 years of age. We strive to improve access for patients on Medicaid and the State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

Please be sure to click on the link to the left to review all of the opportunities we have available with Children's Dental in addition to Small Smiles.

Read it here

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Database Is Growing

Just as an example of all the information I've been gathering and putting together in a very large data base let's look at Dr. Gillian Allison Robinson Warner, DDS:

She has a licenses in Ohio, Maryland, Virginia and DC for example.

Actually 2 in Maryland, one is pending.

In Ohio her licenses number is 30.022442 and gives an address in Maryland ( I won't make that public, you can get it at the Ohio Dental Licenses site if you want to search for it yourself.)

In Maryland, one of her licenses gives a completely other Maryland address and the second licenses lists Cleveland Ohio as the address.

Her Maryland licenses under the name Gillian Robinson-Warner is pending with Ohio address
Her Maryland licenses under the name Gillian Robinson Warner is 14233 with Maryland address
Her Virginia licenses under the name Gillian Robinson Warner is 0401411804 Maryland address
Her DC licenses under the name Gillian Robinson-Warner is DEN3015675437 Maryland address
Her Ohio licenses under the name Gillian Allison Robinson Warner is 30.022442 with another Maryland address.
....and so forth.

Now when you get to checking into these 500ish licenses and crossing them across states very interesting patterns appear.  Then you look at each state provider lists, check that with state corporation filings and it's not hard to figure out which dentists has their asses...I mean licenses on the line.

There are a few that get very interesting when you check the 'Actions' taken against them and see how they have floated up and down the east coast at Small Smiles clinics...such as Sean Edmond Barnwell, DDS and others.  

It's also amazing just how many have their licenses address as 415 N. Grand, Pueblo, CO....  and in some states they list email addresses on their licenses and WOW, they are addresses and one is of all things. 

Some states, the actual clinics have to be licensed and I know of one that has expired big time!  

Wake up, Dr. Karen Leung Chu Gongora and Dr. Zane O. Palmer and Dr. Khaleda Imroz you guys have issues in various states that need to be lined out, at least it appears that way.  If I were you guys I'd be checking on them.  Question is, can you figure out in which states you have licenses issued?  Could be like before and you could have been 'credentialed' in states you weren't even aware.....

...and one that really has me concerned is Janis P. Madkins, DDS.  This one has licenses here and there and back again...down to Karuk Tribe Happy Camp, CA

FORBA Rented Your Dental Licenses?

For you dentists that have been fool enough to 'rent' out your licenses to FORBA Holding, LLC here is what they are telling media in regards to who really really really owns the clinics:

"It is not uncommon for doctors and dentists to hire or outsource various professional and specialized services, including advertising, computer technical support, legal advice, and even human resource specialists to assist them in managing their practices.  For example, the Kansas Medical Society created a practice management firm to provide a broad range of office management services to physician practices around the state.  Such services are provided under a management services agreement, include a variety of services and are done for a negotiated fee, much like our agreement with Dr. Reza."

They didn't mention that Dr. Mohammad Reza Akbar doesn't even live in Kansas! 

This is why it's going to be you guys to take the fall and Michael G. Lindley, all the FORBA guys and certainly Michael, Dan and Eddie DeRose will still be running free.

Michael Lindley has been making a living off the skins of children in the US for years.  Her deserves a who blog to himself:

Just to name a few:
Keystone Education and Youth Services (at various locations and under various Keystone names)
Ameris and KIDS merged into Children's Comprehensive Services/Pricor, Inc
...and more

Tulsa dentist, Dr. William Letcher accused of mixing pain killing cocktail for patients, without patients knowledge

Tulsa dentist accused of making pain 'cocktail' for patients without patients knowledge, that's only part of it.

Posted: Mar 12, 2010 4:18 PM CST
Updated: Mar 13, 2010 2:10 PM CST
Tulsa Dentist Dr. William Letcher will face charges at the State Dental Board on Friday.
Enlarge this picture
Tulsa Dentist Dr. William Letcher will face charges at the State Dental Board on Friday.

The dentist, who also got in trouble with the board in 1995 and 2000, is accused of using his patients' drugs himself among other things.
Enlarge this picture
The dentist, who also got in trouble with the board in 1995 and 2000, is accused of using his patients' drugs himself among other things.

Dr. Letcher's attorney says the accusations come from a disgruntled former employee.

Enlarge this picture
Dr. Letcher's attorney says the accusations come from a disgruntled former employee.
By Lori Fullbright, The News On 6

TULSA, OK -- A Tulsa dentist is being accused of being a drug addict, using patients as guinea pigs and performing procedures without permits. The State Board of Dentistry has called an emergency hearing to hear the case against Dr. William Letcher next week.

It's not the first time Dr. Letcher has been in trouble. In 1995, the board put him on two-year probation after he admitted he failed to keep track of a large number of controlled drugs, like hydrocodone and valium.

In 2000, his license was suspended for a year, and he got another four years probation. That time he was ordered to get treatment for alcohol addiction, admitted giving controlled drugs to family members and performing procedures prohibited by the state.

This time, the accusations call him negligent, incompetent and a menace to public health.
Dr. Bill Letcher has had a dental license in Oklahoma since 1976. The latest allegations cover the past year and accuse him of being addicted to drugs and using his practice to divert controlled drugs from his patients for his own personal use.

It says patients have called after surgery, saying medication is missing from their bottle.
Another allegation is that Dr. Letcher has mixed morphine and septocaine to see if the combination of pain killers works better than morphine alone, but not telling patients he's doing it - essentially making them test subjects.

Another claim is that while he's allowed to administer conscious sedation, he lets patients become unconscious - which he's not authorized to do - then leaves them alone in the room with a dental assistant.

They say he's dispensing drugs without a permit and lies when he tells patients a resin appliance is better than porcelain ones and that his patented process is superior to traditional methods.

Dr. Letcher's attorney says they just recently received the petition, and the majority of the allegations are based on statements from a disgruntled former employee. He says the doctor will answer the board's questions directly and honestly.

At next Friday's hearing, people can testify, and Dr. Letcher can respond.
The state board could find there's no truth to the claims or find there is and take action on Letcher's license. The News On 6 will report on the outcome.

Hey FORBA when are you going to put the FORBA clinic in Gary, IN on your site?!

FORBA is still not acknowledging they own, are in control or are associated with the Children's Medicaid Clinic in Gary, IN. Not sure why, since there are ads all over the Internet.

Let me help you:

Children's Medicaid Dental Clinic of Gary, LLC
3506 Village Court
Gary, IN 46408

I realize it may be hard to keep track since it has so many names according to the Indiana SOS's site:

Medicaid Dental
Children's Dental Clinic
Children's Medicaid Dental Clinic

...but come on... it's been there since May of 2002!!!

All you gotta do is check the provider lists and all your dentist who are providers at one clinic amazingly are also providers at the Gary clinic as well!  

I see you have EEHC, Inc registered there as well.   

Monday, March 22, 2010

Concerns About Small Smiles Raised By Nevada CUSP in 2006

February 22, 2006 
Health Access Washoe County 
1055 S. Wells Avenue 
Reno, NV  89502

Small Smiles Dentistry of Reno: Mike Rodolico, Mike Roumph

At the last CUSP meeting, Mike Rodolico asked if anyone had any information about the new pediatric dental clinic in Reno, Small Smiles.  No one did.  Dr. Rodolico offered to go on the Internet to research the parent organization and report back at the next meeting.   Dr. Rodolico located several video news clips from a Colorado news station which he played for those present.  The primary concern raised in the video clip included injuries to children who had been restrained in papoose boards and the provision of excessive amounts of treatment during appointments.  

Mike Roumph, who was in attendance representing Small Smiles then made a PowerPoint Presentation about Small Smiles and played news clips from television stations in Oklahoma and Georgia.  The Small Smiles practice in Reno is owned by a Nevada licenses dentist, Dr. Adolph Padulla.  

( I wonder if Mike told them Dr. Padula also owned FORBA, was part of the problem, didn't live in Nevada and didn't practice dentistry.  Had they googled Dr. Padula they would have known he was also licensed in about 15 other states at the time.)

It is managed by Forba Management Company, LLC.  Forba is the largest provider of children’s dental services in the United States.  They manage 40 clinics in 13 states.  The clinics managed by Forba saw over 700,000 children last year.  

The Reno clinic had over 1,100 appointments scheduled when they opened their doors.  It has a staff of 25According to Mr. Roumph, papoose boards are only used on 6% of their cases.  (Bull Crap!)

He stated that dentists receive training in dental school on behavioral management.  (Really?) 

If those techniques are not adequate, then it is up to the provider to make the decision to refer the child for treatment under general anesthesia or to use the papoose board.  

Parents are counseled regarding the use of papoose boards and the parent, the dentist and a witness must all sign a consent form prior to a papoose board being utilized.  In terms of the amount of treatment provided at one appointment, that decision is left to the individual provider.   (Lying like a dog, but it sounds good!)

According to Mr. Roumph, their clinics have a policy (albeit unwritten) that no more than six teeth can be crowned at one appointment.  They are able to provide this amount of dentistry during each appointment because they practice six-handed dentistry (one dentist and two dental assistants).  

(Don't ya love it, Six Handed Dentistry.  One Dentist and two assistants, tying down a child, pinching his nose, scaring the living heck out of him, and doing 6 root canals and crowns, and somehow they thought this was doing something good and just)  

Chart audits are performed on a monthly basis.  Between 10 to 20 charts are randomly selected each month for the chart audits.  Clinic staff meet and review the findings of the chart audits. The findings are used to develop policies and procedures for all Forba managed clinics.  

(Randomly selected, huh?  By whom? and who did those audits?, the finding were used to develop policies alright, like how can we get more done in a shorter amount of time, and what kind of incentives can we use, Super Bowl Tickets anyone?)

Twice a year a physical audit is made of each clinic.  This includes a review of HIPAA and OSHA compliance, billing practices, personnel and additional chart audits.  

A Forba regional manager, who is also a dentist who has been employed by Forba for five years, participates in the physical audits.  These audits are benchmarked against other Forba managed clinics. 

(Yes, they sure are.  And if one clinic is under producing, heads roll!)

The question was raised as to what Small Smiles is doing to comply with the community’s standard of care which is that children who need extensive dental treatment are hospitalized and the procedures are done under general anesthesia.  Mr. Roumph stated that Small Smiles is trying to get hospital privileges for at least one dentist in each of the clinics they manage.  

(OH DEAR GOD!  How did that work out!)

They also have a policy that appointments will not exceed one hour in length (no new procedures will be initiated after one hour).   

(One Hour!!!  Hell NO, they sure won't/didn't or shall exceed one hour, 20 minutes max, for those 6 root canals and caps, that's why the papoose board is needed, heck after shots it takes 10-15 for those to kick in doesn't it, by that time, 99% of those 6 teeth have been derooted and capped, the rest of the time is used to clean the puke and pee up.)

Parents are not encouraged to be in the treatment room; however if the parent wants to be present, the dentist and parent meet and the dentist can make a decision to allow the parent in the treatment room.  

(you guys just never did get your lies lined out on this one did you)

Mr. Nowak was asked if the DHCFP has thought of implementing policies/guidelines related to length of appointments, number of procedures done at each appointment, use of papoose boards and allowing parents in treatment rooms.  Mr. Nowak stated that Forba and the DHCFP have had discussions regarding these topics. 

(During these discussions I wonder if they talked about how to get FORBA to back the hell off, Colorado had to pass a law to get them to cooperate?)

The DHCFP has informed Forba that they will support them in the event that a parent wants more treatment performed at one appointment than a dentist in a clinic managed by Forba deems prudent.  

(Well, I'm sure that was never a problem, nor would I think it would be, but a nice try at spinning it anyway.)

Mr. Nowak also stated that the DHCFP will be utilizing an external quality review organization and their findings may provide additional guidance.     

(Where can a person get a little 'look-see' at those reviews and provided guidance?)                  

Mr. Roumph finished his presentation by issuing an invitation to CUSP members to come by the Small Smiles clinic in Reno to visit at any time. 

He also asked if Dr. Ashley Angaran, who is a Reno native, could be placed on the e-mail distribution list to receive agendas and minutes.  He would like Dr. Angaran to start attending CUSP meetings as a representative from Small Smiles.   

(How's that working out?)

Colorado's HB 1175 Aims To Fast Track Licensing Out of State Dentists; Some Could Just Be Interviewed

This doesn't have "Ft. Carson" written all over it.  It's got FORBA and other dental mills written all over it.  How fitting for the state who is home to the company who refined the practice and trains more dentists how to tie up children, pull, drill and cap teeth in the quickest manner to optimize medicaid reimbursements,  home to the company who literally wrote the book on how to separate parents and children in order to torture and abuse children, and invented dental assembly lines.  It's a damn disgrace is what it is.  

FORBA Small Smiles was born in Colorado.  Kool Smiles came from two doctors who trained at Small Smiles as did Adventure Dental/Captain Smiles. 

Not long ago Dr. Ed DeRose, Dr. Michael DeRose and Dr. William Mueller were sanctioned by the state Dental Board for bring dentists to Colorado and let them 'practice' on underserved children, now it's open game.  I suspect we shall see a grown in 'train for gain' labs springing up across Colorado.  Citizens beware! 

Licenses by Interview...WOW!  Wonder if it will just be a phone interview.  I've got another question, just exactly how many Ft. Caron does this really effect?  Anyone got any numbers that justifies this act.  Why didn't they include Real Estate Agents and other licensed professionals?

DENVER — The Senate on Tuesday granted final approval to a bill that makes it easier for professionals in certain regulated fields to practice their occupations in Colorado after moving from another state.

State Sen. Abel Tapia, D-Pueblo, sponsored HB1175 in the Senate. Rep. Marsha Looper, R-Colorado Springs, was the House sponsor. Tapia said it's aimed to help military families transition to the state.
The bill calls for streamlined processes for licensing chiropractors, dentists, dental hygienists, optometrists, nursing home administrators and physical therapists in Colorado when they move from other states.

"It was really a military-driven bill," Tapia said. "It's for people coming to Fort Carson and their spouses. For years people have been assigned there, and their spouses had to work six months or a year toward a certificate or a license. In some cases, these are people who've been competent professionals for 20 years before they came to Colorado."

Tapia said the Department of Regulatory Agencies, which grants credentials in the fields named in the bill, is agreeable to abbreviated processes for issuing certificates and licenses for new residents to the state.

Depending on the experience the new residents bring with them, they could be issued certificates or licenses to practice in Colorado based on interviews, testing or truncated periods of work in their field here.

  In committee hearings on the bill, lawmakers heard from witnesses who said strict licensing requirements for professionals can sometimes separate military families, when a spouse doesn't want to leave their field or take a professional step backward.
Tapia said he hopes this bill will rectify that.

"A lot of families coming to Fort Carson, and some of them to Pueblo, will have a much easier transition because of this."

Having earlier been passed by the House and by the Senate on Tuesday, the bill is awaiting the governor's signature to become law.
 Maybe a close look into the sponsors of this bill is in order.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Big Red Bookshelf Align With Controversial Dental Clinic; Small Smiles

I don’t understand why communities keep opening their arms to Small Smiles.  Until they are rejected they will continue to slither through communities spreading abuse to the most innocent of Americans, the children.  That’s my opinion anyway.
A few weeks ago I noticed I kept having this person from Ithaca, NY spending lots of time on the site.  Well, just this week the name of this city in NY has popped up twice.  One directly related to FORBA’s Small Smiles and another time, more indirectly.
The more indirect is from Greenville, SC who is trying to get books to children in low income parts of the community.  The project is called “Bright Red Bookshelf”.
Leadership Greenville Class 36 is assisting Ready 4 Reading in launching the Bright Red Bookshelf program.  (pretty confusing isn’t it, like why so many organizations?)
A big dedication ceremony for the launch of the program is set for March 24th and the very first “bookshelf” will be dedicated at…  Drum roll please…  Small Smiles Dental Clinic!
What on earth is wrong with Leadership Greenville’s head, Flavie Harton?  I realize money is being thrown at them.  But it coming from  FORBA, that money is from the blood, sweat, puke, and rivers of tears from tiny children. 
In this program, Bright Red Bookshelves are place in public waiting location…and the very first one for Greenville, SC is in Small Smiles waiting room. 
Dr. Sara Mansbach, executive director of Ready 4 Reading said many more sites are needed.  “The challenge is to find community partners that will adopt a bookshelf on an ongoing basis and continue to restock them with gently used books.”
One thing we know for sure, is that ‘reading’ is NOT something FORBA’s Small Smiles heads support.  ie.. the consent to tie up my child even though it might lead to death form they pressure parents to sign.
So what does this have to do with Ithaca, NY.  Well, The Bright Red Bookshelf” originated in Ithaca, NY by the Family Reading Partnership.
Now the second time Ithaca has come up this week is what I shall now deem, the Big Red List, the much anticipated list of professionals who associate themselves with FORBA’s Small Smiles clinics.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Small Smiles Quality Initiatives Are Rubbish

FORBA’s 3 page statement released  Jan, 18, 2010 entitled:
Safeguarding Children’s Dental Health:
FORBA Quality Initiatives Since 2006
…is nothing but rubbish and says little more than they have said time and again.  The only part in the whole statement that is note worthy as being honest and factual is “since 2006”, that’s pretty much it.

You would think by reading it they had put all kinds of great new policies in place but you would be mistaken. The pledge, the hotline, the Advisory Board, etc, all that is R & R (Rinse and Repeat) bull!

At their own website there is a press release, dated March 7, 2008 (over 2 years ago) where they had put Dr. Steven Adair on the payroll, opened the ‘not line’, posted the “Pledge” and admit they have 70 clinics, not 69.  (and note that it was only after Roberta Baskin’s explosive expose’ before they even gave any thought to pretending to clean up their act.

(a company with out these serious allegation of fraud and abuse wouldn’t really need a hotline, advisory board, a pledge or a Quality Initiative statement would they?)

Then there is the November 5, 2008 press release where they talk about their new “Compliance Officer”, Allison Luke.  She was really gonna whip things into shape, according to them.  I’m giving her a big fat F.

By reading the ‘quality initiatives’ BS you would come away thinking they had put a new Advisory Board together too, but that would be a wrong assumption as well.

March 7, 2008 - Dr. Steven Adair was put on the payroll to send out memos on occasion and completely ruin his reputation among his peers. There are reports as late as February 2010  of the same treatment happening.  So, Dr. Adair is not new and he gets a big fat F as well.

2007- FORBA established it’s Pediatric Dental Advisory Board with;

Dr. Paul Casamassimo, Dr. Arthur Nowak, and Dr. Joe Bernat.  Other than adding Dr. Anupama Rao Tate to the mystery board, there is nothing new here either. If the dentists on this board can’t do any better than they’ve done in 3 years, they need to turn in their dental licenses.  So each one of them get a big fat F too!

The only thing ‘new’ they have done is move Angela Newberry from Keystone Education and Youth/Universal Health payroll to FORBA payroll and finally admit to being associated with several clinics they previously denied having anything to do with, like the clinic in Gary, IN, the clinics in Oklahoma and Kansas, but they still continue to lie like junkyard dogs and say they don’t “own’ the clinics.  But we all know that is the biggest lie of all.  Anyone seen a clinic for sale lately?  

On November 6, 2007, FORBA’s CEO, Michael Lindley issued a statement to Good Morning America mentioning:
“Small Smiles has no policy that prohibits parents in the treatment area. Allowing a parent in the treatment area is up to the treating dentist in collaboration with the parents based on their belief of the best way to treat the child. Such a family-friendly policy encourages our dentists to allow parents in the treatment area to be part of the patient's treatment experience.”
(choke and gag) Even though a memo entitled Tips From Others In The Field had been issued on October 12, 2007 by Lisa Mullinix (3 weeks earlier) stating the following:
Unsure how to tell parents we do not want them in the back, here are some suggestions from others:
"For your child's safety and your safety, we do no allow parents in the Hygiene and OP room. We want your child to focus on the dentist, hygienist, and assistants directions." 
You can also go on to say:

"We promise to come and get you if your child needs you."
You also can continue to say the following:

"Usually when parents are in the room with their children, they tend to cry and get upset and look at you to save them. That usually places you in a difficult position because your child won't understand why you are not taking them away. We have found that when they are alone they focus better and normally don't cry." (
larger view of memo)
or what about the bottom part of page 4 of the Small Smiles Dental Clinic Manual!

He also said FORBA;
“has no reason to believe services were needed that actually were not” and that they take seriously ANY allegations which calls into question our commitment to deliver quality care.  That is why we are taking such extraordinary steps to share with you our values, our commitments and to do so in as transparent a way as possible”
See Statement from Michael Lindley here.
(choke and gag) I guess the 10,000 reports phoned into that ‘not line’ didn’t raise any red flags worth looking into, did they?  This so called ‘hot line’ is nothing more than a ‘gotta cover our ass fast’ line.  As a parent, the only phone call you need to make is to any attorney, ASAP.

And we can't forget that just a little more than a month after Lindley made this statement, they updated the bonus program so employees in the front office could get bonuses too, they were being cheated out of the 'production' bonuses. 

Bonus page 1
Bonus page 2
Bonus page 3

Even more scary..  the “Community Partnerships” they want to create.  God Help Us All.

In conclusion, no there is nothing new to FORBA’s Small Smiles clinics or the quality of care and quality of their work.  

All these so called initiatives have been in place for a long time, some for 3 years and look at all the reports of torture than has been reported in those 2 years!  They still have not had their ‘come to Jesus moment’. .. but it’s coming, rest assured, it’s coming.

I’m not so sure the Federal and State governments should not also be on the hot seat here, for allowing the doors to remain open, knowing full well what they are doing.  At the very least state Dental Boards have let the public down!

What’s going to happen when the next child is hurt or another one dies from being treated at one of these clinics?  What then?