Friday, June 18, 2010

Kool Smiles Open’s In Gary Indiana; Another View

I’m never disappointed when it comes to government agencies and their complicity in abuse, fraud and opening allowing criminal to operate with in their states.

As it’s happened once again, this time in Northern Indian.  Gary to be precise. 

Early last fall the regional manager for Kool Smiles was sent to the Statehouse to sell her snake oil in the name of quality dental care to the “underserved”. 

Being not as well informed as one might think he should be, Rep. Charlie Brown (the name could explain it) bought every drop she had and ordered more.  He asked her to bring Kool Smiles to his hometown, Gary.  Now we know Dr. Polly Bucky didn’t just happen to show up at the Statehouse, nor did one little speech set the ball rolling for this clinic.  It was already a done deal, this was just the dog and pony show that has to be made for the benefit of the public and, well, news outlets.

I wonder if Dr. Polly showed Rep. Charlie Brown the papoose boards.  Were they hidden away in the closet during the open house?  I wonder if he ever asked just how they deliver that ‘quality care’.

(Of course it was already planned to bring the clinic there, what do we think Dr. Polly was there for in the first place, but it does make for great theater)

So yesterday, the clinic was open and is located in the Gary Community Health Center, 1021 W. 5th Ave. 

This is being touted as a public-private partnership.  We know what that means.  Taxpayers are not only footing the bill for the clinic, they will be paying the dentist, hygienist and other staff via Medicaid dollars. 

I don’t understand why the taxpayers of Indiana even need Kool Smiles as more or less the middle man.  Just hire some dentist and put them to work.

When Rep. Charlie Brown (sorry, can hardly not giggle when I write that) said, “From start to finish, Kool Smiles has had Gary’s best interest at heart,” I puked in my mouth.  As will the children who go there for their version of “Quality Care”.

I wonder if Rep. Brown and whoever he got to ok the HRSA $$’s to put Kool Smiles there has access to the Internet?

You would think by they way this was presented, there was nothing like it in Gary and that just would not be true.

FORBA’s facility, Children’s Dental Clinic of Gary is open every day.

Amazingly just a few weeks ago,  April and May,  the founder of Kool Smile’s, Dr. Tu Minh

Tran,  license status at the board’s website was “under review” but still allowed to practice.  (Not that he’s ever seen a patient in Indiana)

It’s Dr. Tran’s license that keeps the clinics close to legally operating.  They are clean as a whistle today.  However in Georgia, where Kool Smiles (NCDR, LLC) is headquartered, his dental license expired 12-31-2009 and the renewal is “pending”.



I wish I could be there to see the faces of the other medical personnel who will share the building with Kool Smiles when they begin to hear the screams of pain and see the children as they walk out of Kool Smiles’ area.   I am glad there are other facilities there to offer medical care because those children will need it, if thing happen there as they do at every other Kool Smiles office.

I hope Rep. Charlie Brown cares enough about his district to make unannounced visits to check on things, his future political career now hinges on Kool Smiles.  Isn’t that scary!  I don’t know how many times I have to tell people to be very careful what you ask for, because you just may get it!

Oh and if there is any person in Lake County who would like to challenge Rep. Charlie Brown during the next election, keep a close eye on Kool Smiles.  It will give you all the ammo you need.  Below is Dr. Polly’s latest on camera video.  Wonder if she’s ever been through the Dale Carnegie program, I’m guessing no.  Actually, I’m guessing by the dumb look on her face she’s never hear of it.


Just a small example of horror stories from Kool Smiles:

My name is XXX BXXXXX and I have taken my kids to Kool smiles and our experience about 2 months ago was horrible. I refuse to take my children back to this dentist office. My son who is six years old was told that he could not go to the bath room while in the chair and that he needed to hold it, while screaming and hurting he peed on himself. In the event to cover it up or to make it not as noticeable they tried to dry him with a hand dryer. When I was informed about the incident I was mortified and more so hurt. To know that my son was made to sit there and use the bathroom on himself was painful to me and to him. When I questioned them I was told that he waited to the last minute to tell them and they were at a point where they couldn’t stop. I informed them that, that was not acceptable and I was very unhappy, they offered to put his clothes in a dryer, I refused. I called their corporate office the following day and left a message to file a complaint and I never heard back from anyone. After several attempts to file a complaint with them and no response I gave up. When I saw this article it gave me some relief that I am not the only one that is going through the pain caused by Kool Smiles.

Heartland Dental Complaints

Things must be going to crap at Heartland Dental.  I can’t tell how many people have been to this blog using the term: Heartland Dental Complaints, including the State of Tennessee.

Heartland, whatever you’re doing, you better get it lined out, and fast.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Indictment of Four and One Dentist is NY Medicaid Fraud Scheme

On June 2, 2010 NY Attorney General announced the arrest and indictment of four people and three corporations for stealing 5.7 million through a Medicaid fraud scheme originating out of Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.

The complaint says from January 1,  2006 to April 7, 2010 David Ibragimov, Arthur Ibragimov and Kew Gardens as well as his son-in-law Mikhail Isakov.

These characters operated three dental clinics and were NOT dentist, so they were not permitted to own those dental clinics.

It’s alleged these men had an “arrangement” with dentists they hired.  In the deal the dentists had to pay the crook’s companies two-thirds of the revenues received through billing Medicaid. 

There guys took it a step farther than FORBA Small Smiles, Kool Smiles, and other.  They actually hired people to head into neighborhoods and homeless areas, offer the prospective clients a few buck to come to the clinics for “service”. 

Dr. Bruce Speiser is currently the only dentist indicted but other dentists are being investigated.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

North Carolina Board of Dentistry Wants To Hear From You.... really?

The North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners is holding a public hearing at it's office at 507 Airport Blvd, Ste 105, Morrisville, North Carolina.  The meeting will take place this Thursday, June 17, at 7 PM.  

Written comment from the public will be accepted through August 8, 2010 and can be sent to the board at the address above.  They don't seem to offer an email address.

The meeting  is to consider the following amendment to rule:

21 NCAC 16F.0103 CORPORATE OR LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY NAME(the strikethrough is to be deleted and the underlined to be added to the rule)

Corporation or limited liability company designations shall consist only of the use of the words "Professional
Association," "P.A.", "Professional Corporation," or "P.C." for professional corporations and "Professional Limited Liability Company", or "P.L.L.C." for professional limited liability companies. All names shall also contain only the name or surname of one or more of the shareholders or members and may include the word "Associate(s)." the words “Associate(s)”, “D.D.S,.” “D.M.D.” and the geographic location of the company, provided that the company name may not be false, deceptive or misleading.
History Note: Authority G.S. 55B-5; 57C-2-01; 57C-2-30; 90-48;E
Eff. September 3, 1976;
Readopted Eff. September 26, 1977;
Amended Eff. August 1, 2010; August 1, 2009; August 1, 2002; April 1, 1994; May 1, 1989.

It can be seen here.

Seems to me the only people who would object to the, still very liberal verbiage, would be the crooks.  However I believe the language could be much tighter.  Adding some name of a North Carolina licensed dentist, the last name of a shareholder or member of the PLLC and a location clears nothing up.  Am I wrong?  For example, FORBA's Small Smiles clinics in Ohio alone are listed as follows: 

SMALL SMILES DENTAL CENTER OF COLUMBUS, LLC - JODI KUHN, DDS AND OLIVIA CROOM, DDS  with a Trade Name of Small Smiles Dental Centers of Columbus.  You pick the city then add the two names and file a DBA (doing business as) or a Trade Name, as it's called in some states and you still don't have a clue who your dentist is, who is going to treat you, or whose name will end up on the billing.

This is EXTREMELY misleading.  Why, well because Olivia Croom, DDS is listed on various dental plan sites as working in Farmington, MI, Mishawak, IN, and Dayton, OH.  In fact her name didn't even show up of state corporate filings until February, 2010, just four months ago.  Until then it was Jodi Kuhn and Patricia Nicklas, DDS and before that it was Kenneth Knott and Robert Andrus, and they NEVER treated one patient in OHIO.  

Here you can see when it was SSDC of C, LLC Kenneth Knott and Robert Andrus the phone book ad looked as though you would be making an appointment with either of the above dentists, but you would be dead wrong!   By the way, these clinics have changed their legal name 4 times in 6 years. 

 Let's look at the clinics in North Carolina that Michael DeRose and Tish Ballance owned and operated under the name Medicaid Dental Centers then changed it's name to Smile Starters.

Everyone thinks good ole Michael Anthony DeRose was ran out of North Carolina on a rail, well they too would be wrong.  He's alive and active in North Carolina.  As recently as September last year (2009) he changed the name of one of the companies.  (yes, I said one)  He changed Michael Anthony DeRose, DDS, PA to Michael Anthony DeRose, Inc.  (I suppose the DDS had to go after Colorado finally got off their asses and revoked his licenses).  

When Michael changed the name to Michael Anthony DeRose, INC he also amended the Articles of Incorporation to read to a Chapter 55B General Status and the nature of the Michael Anthony DeRose, Inc to: GENERAL BUSINESS MARKETING & CONSULTING.  (yes, his marketing ideas and advice is exactly what the dentists ordered!)
 HOWEVER, on October 6, 2009, the North Carolina Department of Revenue had other ideas for Michael Anthony DeRose, INC. and put the business was on suspension for violating N.C.G.S. 105-230 (a).  (he owes them money).  The suspension notices mentioned that once this was corrected they would remove the suspension.  It's hard to tell, but I believe everything was set straight with the Department of Revenue since it's status is Current-Active-Multiple.

But wait!  There's more!  Yes!  Ballance & DeRose, DDS, PA is Current-Active as well.  That's right, these two are still hooked up it appears.   Wanna take a guess where the current address is...  awe...c'mon...  YES!  2211 Executive Drive, Charlotte, NC  28201.  Not sure why, but one Incorporators name was left off the name of the company, his name- Robert D. Hinshaw, 185 Kimel Park Drive, Ste 200, Winston-Salem, NC  27103, he's an attorney.  But shouldn't he have been held as responsible for the actions of Ballance & DeRose, DDS, PA?   Just saying....

Ballance & DeRose, DDS, PA's Professional Service is -Dental Services.  So under the proposed change to North Carolina's rules, what would Mike, Tish and Robert do?

Well, the name contains the name or surname of one or more of the shareholders or members, it's a PA (professional association), so they are good there.  Since they are allowed to use "Associates" or "DDS" or DMD" in the name, that would be ok too, Tish Ballance is still licensed but they could always drop that and use Associates.  The only issue then is the location.   Well, all they have to do is add "of Charlotte" or "of Asheville" or "of Fayetteville" or "of Winston-Salem" or "of Greensboro" or "of Raleigh".  Then file the DBA as they do in Ohio and you still get Smile Starters and it clears nothing up and is still misleading.

If they are worried about something being 'misleading' they should look at the decor and advertising these places do that makes parents feel they are seeing pediatric dentists when they are in fact seeing someone who doesn't deserve to be called a dentist at all!

I know some are going to scream, oh no, Dr. Rafael Rivera, Jr. owns these clinics, and I say Bull!  He's just started his own PLLC (Professional Limited Liability Company) and contacts his services to these clinics...or something close to that.  

Root Dental Management is also alive, current and active in North Carolina, address is still the Executive St address in Charlotte.   Ryan P. Root filed his annual report in March 2010, wonder if Roger Walters is still on board there?  Ryan P. Root's address on the annual report is PO Box 816, PUEBLO, COLORADO.

So after looking at this, the only thing I see that improves the 'rule' is for the State of North Carolina Department of Revenue.  More filing fees for each location of each of the 'clinics', tax returns for each individual clinic as a separate business...

I don't see what the point is to add the geographic location of each clinic, if it doesn't matter whether the dentist who provide the services there are not necessarily on the ones on the state corporate filings, heck they may well not even live in the state!  

C'mon North Carolina Board of Dentistry, you can do better, children are being abused, medicaid is being defrauded and children are dying.

Where am I wrong here?

How many children died this week at the hands of a greedy dentist??? Is your child next? Or are you the next dentist to kill one?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Dental Dreams Lawsuit

Several seem to be interested in the case brought against Dental Dreams, LLC in MA.  Here is what is happening:

Patrick Dermesropian, DDS filed a civil action against Dental Dreams, LLC,  Sameera Hussain, Field of Dreams Dental Management, LLC, Khurram Hussain, Peter Stathakis, Dental Experts, LLC dba Dental Dreams, LLC and David Wolle in the amount of $2.1 million.

The suit was filed June 10, 2009 in MA.  A complaint was filed; there have been motion after motion filed by Dental Dreams, asking it to be dismiss or this or that.  Dental Dreams had to file their Corporate disclosure statement but didn't do so until August 2009.  Dental Dreams has filed Motions to Strike Allegation, several times, filed motions to stay the Discovery a few times, the parties could not all agree with the judge so another judge was reassigned, Dr. Dermesropian filed a motion to Strike Allegations, most of these were denied.  Dr. Dermesropian had to file an amended complaint after other information became available, more Motions to Strike and Dismiss by  Dental Dreams.  Motion granted to Dr. Dermesropian to file a 31 page memo.  

More Motions to Dismiss or Strike in January and February 2010.  In May 2010 the judge finally granted Dental Dream's motion to dismiss Counts VI, VII, IX, and X but otherwise denied all other allegations.... and here we are.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dr. John Lyons, A Lyon Indeed – SmileZone Another House of Horrors?

In 2008 Michael A. DeRose and Letitia (Tish) Balanced agreed to pay the US government $10 million dollars rather than to face the charges of Medicaid fraud and possibility of serious jail time.  A civil lawsuit was brought against them and a few other dentists by the parents of 6 patients for the malicious treatment these of children.  At the time the clinics were named Medicaid Dental Centers.

It took more than two years before the North Carolina Dental board got off their ass and put DeRose and Ballance on probation (DeRose didn’t care, he didn’t even treat patients!) and sanctioned the other dentists involved.  Yes, just probation.  It wasn’t until 2009 that Michael DeRose’s dental licenses were striped from him in shame.  Dr. Ballance is still practicing dentistry in North Carolina.

Suddenly, when the settlement was reached the clinics were supposedly sold to Dr. Raf Rivera and the name changed to Smile Starters.  Mike DeRose financed the so called buy out…but my guess is if you walked up to Dr. Rivera and asked how much he wanted for his practice, he would refer you to Michael Scumbag DeRose.  Michael DeRose’s account’s son runs the Smile Starters Clinics for him, Mr. Ryan Root, under the name Root Dental Management.

What is scary is that DeRose and Ballance didn’t actually do the work, they just happened to be the owners.  The dentists involved only got a letter or reprimand from the lazy North Carolina Dental Board.  Like that is some big something, let me tell you, in the dental profession, it means nothing!  

The other dentists were: Dr. John Lyons, Dr. Jeffery Zieziula, Dr. Erron Brady, Dr. Lori Petree, Dr. Christopher Ballinger, Dr. Heather Berkheimer and Dr. Michelle Wilkerson.  According to the reprimands, Dr. John Lyons and Dr. Christopher Ballinger saw the patients, developed the falsified diagnosis and treatment plan and the other stupid dentists actually went along with it and did the work.

These dentists performed 16 root canals and put stainless steel crowns on a young girl named Sarah, and a 3 year old little boy got 14!!  HE WAS 3 YEARS OLD!!!!

His mother explained it, "When he came out he was crying, his whole shirt was soaking wet with sweat," Christy Dillbeck told reporters after Brandon emerged from the office. "His whole head was soaking wet and his mouth was full of gauze, just held open."

Presently Dr. Ballance operates Carolina West Dental in Waynsville, North Carolina.  So where are the others?

Dr. John Lyons didn’t forget what Michael DeRose and the DeRose dental treatment plan in which he was so well trained.  He’s doing the exact same thing today, with troublesome arrogance I'm told, and in my opinion I believe it to be true.

Dr. John Lyons:
Dr. Lyons opened up SmileZone in Gastonia, North Carolina.DrJohnLyonsSmileZone 
SmileZone is located at 816 East Franklin Blvd, Gastonia, NC 28054 (704) 396-6166.
He looks so pleasant doesn’t he?  Well, he's most likely NOT!  He’s quit brazen with the audacity to thumb his nose at his patients, their parents, his staff and the North Carolina Dental Board.

Don’t be fooled by the smiling child in the dental chair, please remember it’s probably a stock photo.

What Dr. Lyons should understand is that people are watching and speaking up.  Dr. Lyons might think he’s performing his services in some dark alley or basement where there are no witnesses and no cameras.  So with all of this in mind and his history, I write to Dr. Lyons the following  letter.  (Of course I could always be wrong, and as stated everything is just my opinion.  You be your own  judge.  If you have hard evidence to the contrary please pass it along.)  

To Dr. Lyons:  
There is a camera on cell phones these days and people know how to use them.  These phones also have voice recorders on them in case you have forgotten.  I doubt you pay your employees enough that they would go to jail for you.  If any of them recognize the fraud and don’t report it, they are guilty of fraud as well.  

To add insult to injury, it doesn’t matter if you fired every employee you have, there will always be another ready to hand your head to the Department of Justice on a silver platter.  Why wouldn’t they?  They would end up with a pretty large chunk of change by getting a percentage of the fines and settlement. 

You might want to study the case of Dr. Roy Shelburn in Virginia.  He was living just a little too high on the hog, cars were just a little too nice, home just a little to big, kids getting just a little too expensive education.  Get my drift? 

You should pass this bit of wisdom on to your hired guns too, 

Dr. Noel F. Foxdentist_dr_noel

Dr. Antuan Herriott

I realize your hired associate dentists are going to be upset to make it to the Dentist The Menace site, but so be it.  If they have been stupid enough to let you lead them down the road of no redemption, I’m willing to push them along.

I’m hearing you are doing these same root canals and silver crowns on regular basis when the x-rays would indicate a filling.  

I’m hearing you do 2 hours of procedures on these little children who are crying and struggling.  

I’m hearing you are darkening the x-rays to make it appear the cavities are worse then they are.  Surely this isn’t true, is it Dr. Lyons?

  • Surely you aren’t working on patients as young as 1 year old. 
  • Surely kids are not vomiting during procedures and you just keep the suction going and keep on drilling. 
  • Surely you don’t mention anything about the need of higher productions.
  • Surely you don’t have a dentist who would rather pull wisdom teeth than have sex?  Yes, those wisdom teeth bring in more dollars for you don’t they?

As you can see Dr. Lyons, I'm hearing a lot here.  So if this is happening, I suggest you put down your drill and back the hell off these children.  

Have a great day, asshole!

PS Would it be just way too weird to have a Dr. Padula, working at a Smile Zone in Albany, NY?

Here is original complaint:

The name of the office is "The Smilezone."  He apparently was one of the dentists working under Tish Balance in Charlotte. 
**************************************************has told horror stories of the treatment given to kids at the office.  They are a medicaid billing office.  ***************they do pulpectomies and silver caps on small kids 'all the time' even when the x-rays would suggest that the cavities could be filled without difficulties. They do 2 hour procedures on little kids that are crying and struggling and also do 5 and 6 crowns in one sitting.  The dentist 'darkens' the x-rays to make it appear that the cavities are worse than they actually are. 

Patients are as young as 1 year old.  Kids vomit during procedures ************ told, 'use the high suction and keep going.' There is office talk about 'production' and billing to increase payments.  One of the dentist routinely pushes for removal of wisdom teeth even when kids aren't bothered by them because "they'll cause you problems some day if you don't go ahead and get them out."  He then told my daughter that he likes removing wisdom teeth cause they bring in a lot more money.

*********not sure about the laws or whether or not there is enough evidence to do anything.  Whom ******** talk to?

I can't thank you enough for your response! ********* not doing well.  **********to quit but unable to find another job and with bills ******can't afford to quit. ********* keep a diary.  ********just started to do this. ******************************scared to death; being *************************************.  Thanks again for the info.  We'll look forward to further info regarding possible attorneys ***********************  If not,*************would like to report him although he seems to be pretty savvy at covering tracks. It sickens my stomach to **************what the kids are going through and knowing that ************** helping carry out his orders.

Here is a rebuttal from another reader:

I have been a regular on your blog checking it out everyday. Good stuff, up until tonight.
I just read your recent post about Dr. Lyons, and I have to completely "disagree" 100% with it. From what I was told from present and past employees was that he left Smile Starters to start his own private practice that sees children and adults up to 40 years old to do things totally differently from Smile Starters. 

I have been to his practice to check it out, and I saw that he even let the parents go back to be with their children while they were being worked on for cleanings and their operative appointments. I was pleasantly surprised!!  He welcomed parental involvement, and nothing was hidden like Smile Starters that I saw. This is what you and I and everyone else has been preaching for years. Very refreshing. I never saw the papoose board used.

I will be the first to call a spade a spade, but I will also will be the first to speak up when someone is wrong. When I read your post it really looked quite defamatory/wrong without knowing the correct facts of this guy and the practice. I have learned over the years to be really careful of what you hear/post from a possible disgruntled employee. I know nothing scares you or bothers you (LOL--taking on Small Smiles ), but you seem like a very fair and honest person from my conversations with you over the years. Someone mentioned to me that the practice even see more adults than children and more private insurance. I am all for shutting down these mills, but from what I saw his practice is not one of them. People around the community that I have spoken too have said that the practice has made a difference in  a good way.  I think they do a free clinics to treat people that are in pain for the adults every couple of months .

Might not want to be so harsh on this one, and change/delete that write up.  I would have a feeling knowing what I know about him and the practice that they might have a good case for slander and defamation on this one, so just be careful, but heck what do I know.You know way more about that stuff than me with what you went through with Small Smiles.  LOL Just trying to help as always:)


Note:  The website as it is today June 14, 2010 has Dr. Brian Dedmond as a dentist.  An inquiry with Dr. Dedmond resulted in the following:

Dr. Brian Dedmond worked at the Smile Zone from June 2008 until January
2009.  He had a six month contract there fresh out of school while waiting
for he and his father's new office to be built.  Brian has not worked at
the Smile Zone since January 2009, so their website is not up to date.

Thank you,

Dedmond Family Dentistry

Nothing But Liars! Yes, Kool Smiles, Small Smiles and others

I'm going to tell you, Kool Smiles, Small Smiles and any other dental mill that tell you how they have no rules against letting you be with your child while they torture them are LIARS!  Plain and simple!  And there is no need to complain to your state Dental Board or legislators about any of it, because they don't care!  They know it's happening and they refuse to stop it.  Many of us have been reporting on this since's 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   In my opinion if you go to a dental clinic and all you come away with is the dentist's first name...  ie..Dr. Polly...  Run  like the wind.  They don't want you to know who they really are!  Folks, the people who work in the clinics think you are the scum of the earth and don't have enough sense to get out of the rain. 

Here is the latest complaint about Kool Smiles:

At the time I thought about posting of our horrific experience with Kool Smiles but decided to keep it to myself. BUT SINCE YOU ASKED........went for cleanings on a 9 and 14 yr old...9 yr old cleaning went fine...14 yr old was traumatized..the lady cleaning her teeth had A. a very heavy accent and very hard to understand...B. a paper mask over her mouth...C. a plastic face shield...making it hard to hear her. I watched through the little two way mirror thing they have to watch your kids...(they recommend parents don't go back and baby their children unless absolutely necessary) after watching the hygienist break out the electronic cleaner thingy and torture my daughter who at this time was writhing around in pain...I went through the office and hall to see what exactly was the problem. She was yelling at my daughter to hold still and when asked why she would use that on a child she said they were behind schedule and it would be faster to use the electronic thing. While using that she ran up my daughters gums and cut it so it was bleeding badly and scaring my daughter . We went elsewhere to finish the cleaning.
My 9 yr old that was there was told to pull 3 of his own teeth while he sat in the chair. 2 were very loose so he pulled one out. The second one was not as loose so they used a tool to help but it was choking him while they were working on it. When the tooth came out, it fell in his mouth and he swallowed it. When I questioned why they were pulling the third one that was not even the slightest bit loose the tech said "oh it must be decayed" which it wasn't so I asked for the Doctor and asked the same question ....believe it or not she said the same thing and when I told her to look in his mouth and view the xrays on the light board she recanted and said "oh I see it's because it's a baby tooth with one underneath so instead of waiting we could just pull it" I expressed my opinion of the place to her and the office manager, as well as a few eavesdropping customers, took my son by the hand and left.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Angela Newberry, Dr. Karen Chu, Dr. Quentin Shaw, Jason Owen and Patient Complaints

I've been wondering how Angela Newberry, who was hired to fill the fantastic, awesome, cure all position of Patient Advocate, is coming along.  I'm not sure exactly how great of a job she can do to 'advocate' for patients being that she's being paid by the abusers.  I sounds good, but not likely to produce much improvement.  I know there have been complaints made, I'm just wondering if Ms. Newberry is seeing that they are reported to HHS.

Just to let you know that there are times complaints are sent to me as they get to you, here's just one:

Dr. Karen Chu - Phoenix
I wanted to let your office and staff know that Dr. Karen was very rude and not professional at all.  If I knew that she would be working on my son then I will switch dentist's.  Dr. Karen told me to remove me hand, I was just trying to calm my son down and she was so rude about it.  The whole time she was rude to the dental assistants, ordering them around telling I believe her name is Anna, "if you don't remember the numbers you need to write it down."  that is no way to talk to a co-worker no matter what position you are in.  Dr. Karen also was telling my son during the procedure, if you don't want your teeth to be worked on, then you need to brush your teeth. I do not need Dr. Karen or anybody else treating my son  bad.  If you have any questions feel free to give me a call.
Sylvia ** ** xxx-329-74xx
This mom is talking about Dr. Karen Chu.  I hear this is the perfect Small Smiles dentist.  To say she's the devil would be a step up from what she's usually called. She's had numerous complaints filed but nothing is ever done because, after all, she's a top producer or at least was.  I'm told Dr. Karen doesn't ask the parents for permission on very much at all, she just does it and asks later.
My guess is Sylvia will get a letter soon from FORBA firing her as a client.  They've fired several lately...(a completely different story), when they fire you, they fire the siblings of the child they are abusing too.  Which by my count is GREAT!  Keep on firing those clients, FORBA, makes my day.  I know at least 400 children have been fired (saved) in the past few weeks.  More to come? You bet your ass there is...!
Alerts out today for Office Manager needed in the Phoenix Office...  I guess the one who was there, finally had enough of Chu's mouth and attitude.  How many does that make this year that have left the Arizona clinics?  
But maybe Dr. Chu is just under enormous pressure since production is down about 50% in AZ offices, due to the cut in ACCHS fees and other factors.  At one time AZ was near the top and now they are sucking hind tit. 
I hear FORBA won't buy the employees coffee, cups, etc and the only thing free around the clinics these days is water...and if they could figure out a way to charge for that, they would.  Think it could be all these legal fees they are incurring?  The fact their own liability insurance company is trying to ditch them speaks volumes doesn’t it?

Atif A. AbdulmalikOh well, let the Arab banker open up his coffer and pay up.  It's time.   He's abused our children long enough while being allowed to pillage our Medicaid system.   Smell that...  I smell oil $$ and it's not coming from the Gulf.
Every time you take a child to FORBA Small Smiles you help plaster this man’s palace in gold.
I wonder if Dr. Chu realizes what’s she’s doing when she’s tying up a child in a papoose board and drilling away?  So she gets a nice Mercedes and a so so place to live.  Sorry, no Mercedes is worth the hell. (honestly the biggest piece of shit car I ever owned was a Mercedes). 
I know Jason Owen is on her ass every day to produce, produce and produce.  However, I don’t feel sorry for her, who would? 
At least Dr. Quentin L. Shaw was fired, and for heaven’s sake don’t take your child to him where ever he ends up hanging his next shingle.  He was the worst papoose board abuser of all in the clinic.