Friday, June 18, 2010
Kool Smiles is now Kool Smiles
Kool Smiles was started by Dr. Tu Tran and Dr. Thien Pham, back in 2002 after leaving the employment of Ed and Michael DeRose at the Smile High clinic on Colorado. (there a load of info on that on this blog)
By 2004 Tran and Pham reigned in the private equity firm, Friedman Fleischer & Lowe, a San Francisco base company. Kool Smiles Holding was formed to facilitate the transaction.
NCDR, LLC (National Children Dental Research) was formed to ‘manage’ the Kool Smiles clinics.
A couple of years ago, Kool Smiles II was created to take over the Kool Smiles in the west. It was managed under the name DPMS, LLC (Dental Practice Management Services). All still with FF&L holding the purse strings.
So all they have basically done was remerge. They once were one, then they were two and now they are one again.
Here’s the Corporate run down:
President – David Lowe
VP and Sec – Aaron Money
Director – Tully Friedman
CFO – S. Thomas Nance
Directors– William Brody, Paul Walker, DDS, Douglas Brown, Kevin Miller, Brian Bouma, and Joseph Mello.
Kool Smiles Reg D form can be seen here.
Kentucky Dental Board Asleep At the Wheel, again!
Do you see the name of the dentist who could be practicing in this Aspen Dental? I don’t. Nor is it on the huge signage on the building.
I called the number and spent about 10 minutes wading through the phone system, pushing 1 for this and 2 for that. Finally was able to speak with someone at the local office. I asked what the name of the dentist was who would treat me if I made an appointment. The person said, Dr. Jackson. Upon searching the dental board website to verify a dentist with the last name Jackson, I did find a name… FINALLY!
Dr. Robert A. Jackson, Aspen Dental, 5051 Frederica Street, Owensboro, Kentucky 42301. License issued 6-2-2008. Expires 12-31-2011. License number 8609 and he’s a General Dentist.
KRS 313.240
Professional service corporations, professional limited liability companies, and partnerships -- Use of names -- Places of practice -- Limitation on number of practices per person.
(1) (a) No person shall practice or offer to practice dentistry or dental surgery under the name of any company, association, or corporation except the name of a professional service corporation, established under KRS Chapter 274, a professional limited liability company established under KRS Chapter 275, a partnership established under the Kentucky Uniform Partnership Act, or a partnership established under the Kentucky Revised Uniform Partnership Act, or as provided under KRS 313.197. Any person practicing or offering to practice dentistry or dental surgery shall practice under his or her own name; the name of a professional service corporation, professional limited liability company, or partnership, which includes his or her name; or the name of a deceased or incapacitated dentist for whom the person practicing dentistry has contracted to perform continuing operations.
(b) No such person shall conduct a dental office in his or her name nor advertise his or her name in connection with any dental office unless he or she personally performs services as a dentist or dental surgeon in such office or personally supervises such services as are performed in such office during a portion of the time such office is operated by him or her only, and shall not use his or her name in connection with that of any other dentist, except as provided for deceased or incapacitated dentists in KRS 313.197.
(2) No person shall be an incorporator, director, officer, member, manager, or shareholder in more than three (3) professional service corporations, three (3) professional limited liability companies, or three (3) partnerships, or any three (3) of these business entities, rendering dental or dental surgery services. No dentist or dental surgeon or group of dentists or dental surgeons shall practice in more than three (3) locations.
Effective: June 26, 2007
History: Amended 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 53, sec. 1, effective June 26, 2007; and ch. 137, sec. 139, effective June 26, 2007. -- Amended 1974 Ky. Acts ch. 220, sec. 1; and ch. 269, sec. 1. -- Amended 1964 Ky. Acts ch. 12, sec. 15. -- Recodified 1942 Ky. Acts ch. 208, sec. 1, effective October 1, 1942, from Ky. Stat. sec. 2636-14.
Legislative Research Commission Note (6/26/2007). This section was amended by 2007 Ky. Acts chs. 53 and 137. Where these Acts are not in conflict, they have been codified together. Where a conflict exists, Acts. ch. 137, which was last enacted by the General Assembly, prevails under KRS 446.250.
Kool Smiles Open’s In Gary Indiana; Another View
I’m never disappointed when it comes to government agencies and their complicity in abuse, fraud and opening allowing criminal to operate with in their states.
As it’s happened once again, this time in Northern Indian. Gary to be precise.
Early last fall the regional manager for Kool Smiles was sent to the Statehouse to sell her snake oil in the name of quality dental care to the “underserved”.
Being not as well informed as one might think he should be, Rep. Charlie Brown (the name could explain it) bought every drop she had and ordered more. He asked her to bring Kool Smiles to his hometown, Gary. Now we know Dr. Polly Bucky didn’t just happen to show up at the Statehouse, nor did one little speech set the ball rolling for this clinic. It was already a done deal, this was just the dog and pony show that has to be made for the benefit of the public and, well, news outlets.
I wonder if Dr. Polly showed Rep. Charlie Brown the papoose boards. Were they hidden away in the closet during the open house? I wonder if he ever asked just how they deliver that ‘quality care’.
(Of course it was already planned to bring the clinic there, what do we think Dr. Polly was there for in the first place, but it does make for great theater)
So yesterday, the clinic was open and is located in the Gary Community Health Center, 1021 W. 5th Ave.
This is being touted as a public-private partnership. We know what that means. Taxpayers are not only footing the bill for the clinic, they will be paying the dentist, hygienist and other staff via Medicaid dollars.
I don’t understand why the taxpayers of Indiana even need Kool Smiles as more or less the middle man. Just hire some dentist and put them to work.
When Rep. Charlie Brown (sorry, can hardly not giggle when I write that) said, “From start to finish, Kool Smiles has had Gary’s best interest at heart,” I puked in my mouth. As will the children who go there for their version of “Quality Care”.
I wonder if Rep. Brown and whoever he got to ok the HRSA $$’s to put Kool Smiles there has access to the Internet?
You would think by they way this was presented, there was nothing like it in Gary and that just would not be true.
FORBA’s facility, Children’s Dental Clinic of Gary is open every day.
Amazingly just a few weeks ago, April and May, the founder of Kool Smile’s, Dr. Tu Minh
Tran, license status at the board’s website was “under review” but still allowed to practice. (Not that he’s ever seen a patient in Indiana)
It’s Dr. Tran’s license that keeps the clinics close to legally operating. They are clean as a whistle today. However in Georgia, where Kool Smiles (NCDR, LLC) is headquartered, his dental license expired 12-31-2009 and the renewal is “pending”.
I wish I could be there to see the faces of the other medical personnel who will share the building with Kool Smiles when they begin to hear the screams of pain and see the children as they walk out of Kool Smiles’ area. I am glad there are other facilities there to offer medical care because those children will need it, if thing happen there as they do at every other Kool Smiles office.
I hope Rep. Charlie Brown cares enough about his district to make unannounced visits to check on things, his future political career now hinges on Kool Smiles. Isn’t that scary! I don’t know how many times I have to tell people to be very careful what you ask for, because you just may get it!
Oh and if there is any person in Lake County who would like to challenge Rep. Charlie Brown during the next election, keep a close eye on Kool Smiles. It will give you all the ammo you need. Below is Dr. Polly’s latest on camera video. Wonder if she’s ever been through the Dale Carnegie program, I’m guessing no. Actually, I’m guessing by the dumb look on her face she’s never hear of it.
Just a small example of horror stories from Kool Smiles:
My name is XXX BXXXXX and I have taken my kids to Kool smiles and our experience about 2 months ago was horrible. I refuse to take my children back to this dentist office. My son who is six years old was told that he could not go to the bath room while in the chair and that he needed to hold it, while screaming and hurting he peed on himself. In the event to cover it up or to make it not as noticeable they tried to dry him with a hand dryer. When I was informed about the incident I was mortified and more so hurt. To know that my son was made to sit there and use the bathroom on himself was painful to me and to him. When I questioned them I was told that he waited to the last minute to tell them and they were at a point where they couldn’t stop. I informed them that, that was not acceptable and I was very unhappy, they offered to put his clothes in a dryer, I refused. I called their corporate office the following day and left a message to file a complaint and I never heard back from anyone. After several attempts to file a complaint with them and no response I gave up. When I saw this article it gave me some relief that I am not the only one that is going through the pain caused by Kool Smiles.
Heartland Dental Complaints
Things must be going to crap at Heartland Dental. I can’t tell how many people have been to this blog using the term: Heartland Dental Complaints, including the State of Tennessee.
Heartland, whatever you’re doing, you better get it lined out, and fast.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Indictment of Four and One Dentist is NY Medicaid Fraud Scheme
On June 2, 2010 NY Attorney General announced the arrest and indictment of four people and three corporations for stealing 5.7 million through a Medicaid fraud scheme originating out of Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx.
The complaint says from January 1, 2006 to April 7, 2010 David Ibragimov, Arthur Ibragimov and Kew Gardens as well as his son-in-law Mikhail Isakov.
These characters operated three dental clinics and were NOT dentist, so they were not permitted to own those dental clinics.
It’s alleged these men had an “arrangement” with dentists they hired. In the deal the dentists had to pay the crook’s companies two-thirds of the revenues received through billing Medicaid.
There guys took it a step farther than FORBA Small Smiles, Kool Smiles, and other. They actually hired people to head into neighborhoods and homeless areas, offer the prospective clients a few buck to come to the clinics for “service”.
Dr. Bruce Speiser is currently the only dentist indicted but other dentists are being investigated.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
North Carolina Board of Dentistry Wants To Hear From You.... really?
Written comment from the public will be accepted through August 8, 2010 and can be sent to the board at the address above. They don't seem to offer an email address.
The meeting is to consider the following amendment to rule:
Corporation or limited liability company designations shall consist only of the use of the words "Professional
Association," "P.A.", "Professional Corporation," or "P.C." for professional corporations and "Professional Limited Liability Company", or "P.L.L.C." for professional limited liability companies. All names shall also contain only the name or surname of one or more of the shareholders or members and may include
History Note: Authority G.S. 55B-5; 57C-2-01; 57C-2-30; 90-48;E
Eff. September 3, 1976;
Readopted Eff. September 26, 1977;
Amended Eff. August 1, 2010; August 1, 2009; August 1, 2002; April 1, 1994; May 1, 1989.
It can be seen here.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Dental Dreams Lawsuit
Patrick Dermesropian, DDS filed a civil action against Dental Dreams, LLC, Sameera Hussain, Field of Dreams Dental Management, LLC, Khurram Hussain, Peter Stathakis, Dental Experts, LLC dba Dental Dreams, LLC and David Wolle in the amount of $2.1 million.
The suit was filed June 10, 2009 in MA. A complaint was filed; there have been motion after motion filed by Dental Dreams, asking it to be dismiss or this or that. Dental Dreams had to file their Corporate disclosure statement but didn't do so until August 2009. Dental Dreams has filed Motions to Strike Allegation, several times, filed motions to stay the Discovery a few times, the parties could not all agree with the judge so another judge was reassigned, Dr. Dermesropian filed a motion to Strike Allegations, most of these were denied. Dr. Dermesropian had to file an amended complaint after other information became available, more Motions to Strike and Dismiss by Dental Dreams. Motion granted to Dr. Dermesropian to file a 31 page memo.
More Motions to Dismiss or Strike in January and February 2010. In May 2010 the judge finally granted Dental Dream's motion to dismiss Counts VI, VII, IX, and X but otherwise denied all other allegations.... and here we are.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dr. John Lyons, A Lyon Indeed – SmileZone Another House of Horrors?
To Dr. Lyons:
You should pass this bit of wisdom on to your hired guns too,
I’m hearing you are darkening the x-rays to make it appear the cavities are worse then they are. Surely this isn’t true, is it Dr. Lyons?
- Surely you aren’t working on patients as young as 1 year old.
- Surely kids are not vomiting during procedures and you just keep the suction going and keep on drilling.
- Surely you don’t mention anything about the need of higher productions.
- Surely you don’t have a dentist who would rather pull wisdom teeth than have sex? Yes, those wisdom teeth bring in more dollars for you don’t they?
PS Would it be just way too weird to have a Dr. Padula, working at a Smile Zone in Albany, NY?
Here is original complaint:
The name of the office is "The Smilezone." He apparently was one of the dentists working under Tish Balance in Charlotte.
**************************************************has told horror stories of the treatment given to kids at the office. They are a medicaid billing office. ***************they do pulpectomies and silver caps on small kids 'all the time' even when the x-rays would suggest that the cavities could be filled without difficulties. They do 2 hour procedures on little kids that are crying and struggling and also do 5 and 6 crowns in one sitting. The dentist 'darkens' the x-rays to make it appear that the cavities are worse than they actually are.
Patients are as young as 1 year old. Kids vomit during procedures ************ told, 'use the high suction and keep going.' There is office talk about 'production' and billing to increase payments. One of the dentist routinely pushes for removal of wisdom teeth even when kids aren't bothered by them because "they'll cause you problems some day if you don't go ahead and get them out." He then told my daughter that he likes removing wisdom teeth cause they bring in a lot more money.
*********not sure about the laws or whether or not there is enough evidence to do anything. Whom ******** talk to?
I can't thank you enough for your response! ********* not doing well. **********to quit but unable to find another job and with bills ******can't afford to quit. ********* keep a diary. ********just started to do this. *********************. *********scared to death; being *************************************. Thanks again for the info. We'll look forward to further info regarding possible attorneys *********************** If not,*************would like to report him although he seems to be pretty savvy at covering tracks. It sickens my stomach to **************what the kids are going through and knowing that ************** helping carry out his orders.
Here is a rebuttal from another reader:
I have been a regular on your blog checking it out everyday. Good stuff, up until tonight.I just read your recent post about Dr. Lyons, and I have to completely "disagree" 100% with it. From what I was told from present and past employees was that he left Smile Starters to start his own private practice that sees children and adults up to 40 years old to do things totally differently from Smile Starters.
I have been to his practice to check it out, and I saw that he even let the parents go back to be with their children while they were being worked on for cleanings and their operative appointments. I was pleasantly surprised!! He welcomed parental involvement, and nothing was hidden like Smile Starters that I saw. This is what you and I and everyone else has been preaching for years. Very refreshing. I never saw the papoose board used.
I will be the first to call a spade a spade, but I will also will be the first to speak up when someone is wrong. When I read your post it really looked quite defamatory/wrong without knowing the correct facts of this guy and the practice. I have learned over the years to be really careful of what you hear/post from a possible disgruntled employee. I know nothing scares you or bothers you (LOL--taking on Small Smiles ), but you seem like a very fair and honest person from my conversations with you over the years. Someone mentioned to me that the practice even see more adults than children and more private insurance. I am all for shutting down these mills, but from what I saw his practice is not one of them. People around the community that I have spoken too have said that the practice has made a difference in a good way. I think they do a free clinics to treat people that are in pain for the adults every couple of months .
Might not want to be so harsh on this one, and change/delete that write up. I would have a feeling knowing what I know about him and the practice that they might have a good case for slander and defamation on this one, so just be careful, but heck what do I know.You know way more about that stuff than me with what you went through with Small Smiles. LOL Just trying to help as always:)
Note: The website as it is today June 14, 2010 has Dr. Brian Dedmond as a dentist. An inquiry with Dr. Dedmond resulted in the following:
Dr. Brian Dedmond worked at the Smile Zone from June 2008 until January
2009. He had a six month contract there fresh out of school while waiting
for he and his father's new office to be built. Brian has not worked at
the Smile Zone since January 2009, so their website is not up to date.
Thank you,
Dedmond Family Dentistry