Thursday, August 12, 2010

FORBA Small Smiles - Public Health Hazard? Yes, I sure think so, what about you

FORBA Holding-Small Smiles Dental Center  Better Business Bureau Rating
Public Health Hazard?  Yes, I sure think so, what about you?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

National Union Fire Insurance Company Files Suit Number Two in Tennessee

The latest suit between National Union Fire Insurance Company (NUFI) and FORBA Holding/Small Smiles Holding (New FORBA) was filed August 8, 2010 in Middle Tennessee Federal District Court.

In short, NUFI says FORBA failed to disclose the fraud investigation by the DOJ, HHS and several state Attorney Generals.  Nor did FORBA disclose that American Insurance, the insurance company that previously had them covered, cancelled their coverage due to "claims experience".

This took place through an insurance broker-Affinity Insurance d/b/a Dentist's Advantage.  Affinity secured the policies for FORBA/Small Smiles in the beginning.

Then Affinity told FORBA American Insurance was not renewing their policies due to "claims experience"  At that point FORBA asked Affinity to get them other insurance.  Affinity was an "authorized dealer" so to speak for NUFI.  So, Affinity secured insurance for FORBA, selling them a NUFI policy.  (Affinity knew why FORBA had their insurance canceled, didn't they?)

Affinity wrote the insurance policies in August 2009 and onward they marched, according to the Complaint.

Then, came the investigations results and a multi million dollar settlement with the government.  As well, a Corporate Integrity Agreement with Health and Human Services was made.

When FORBA Holding/Small Smiles Holding (New FORBA) filed suit against "Old FORBA" (The DeRose-Padula-Roump Bunch) crying foul, saying didn't know how bad Old FORBA really was, they ended up spilling the beans on how much they really knew and when they really knew it.  Being Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves, it's hard to keep all the deception in order. 

The Complaint against Old FORBA revealed facts that made it clear, the information New FORBA gave NUFI was, at worse, fraudulent and certainly misleading. (surprise surprise)

Basically NUFI is saying they didn't know what dirty rotten scoundrels New FORBA really was either.  Just as New FORBA claimed against Old FORBA.  In the suit New FORBA v Old FORBA, New FORBA admitting knowing in late 2007 they were being investigated.

Wouldn't it be funny if I had evidence NUFI knew or should have known all about the various investigations.  Let's just say for example website visitor logs.  Not saying I do, just saying it would be funny.

New FORBA filed suit against Old FORBA for the same reasons NUFI is filing suit against New FORBA.  Pot, meet Kettle.

NUFI is asking the court to rescind the last two years of liability insurance coverage they had on New FORBA and all of its employees.  Basically they are wanting to not have to pay up on any claims that will arise for the period 8-2008 through 9-26-2010.

Just as New FORBA is wanting to rewrite dentists employment contracts - in case the courts do not rescind and make void the NUFI insurance policies, they want the court to rewrite the policies on what is/was covered would be minimized.

Wonder if FORBA is looking for new insurance?

Good luck with that.

Click here to read the complaint.
The Policies/Exhibits are here;
No. 1 ; No. 2 ; No. 3 ; No. 4

The Tucson Inspection a few weeks ago, did NOT go well.  After all this time, they still can't get it together.  In the suit above, NUFI called it a "Raid"!

Lawsuits Against Kool Smiles Filed In Kentucky

I've found reference to two suits, but I can only locate the actual complaints on one.  Not sure what is going on with that.

One is Taylor vs. Kool Smiles in Lexington, this on is on file with the courts.

The second on was referred to in an online news papers:

Jerrisha Coomer v Kool Smiles, see it listed here.  This one I've not located just yet and found no other mention to it other than in the online paper.

If anyone has info, please email me with the info.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

South Texas Dental -Dr. Kapadia


Bio | Email


Posted on August 10, 2010 at 9:10 PM

Updated Thursday, Aug 12 at 2:02 PM

NEWS 8 INVESTIGATES - South Texas Dental

Taking your child to the dentist can always be tricky. But what if you think a dentist is going do one thing to your child but then he does a lot more?

And what if your son comes out of the office black-and-blue and crying?

Hundreds of times a day, all across Texas, moms and dads take their kids into South Texas Dental to have their teeth worked on. It's a major corporation, employing dozens of dentists in four cities.

The company's long-term success indicates it is providing a valuable service.

But not for Nichole Villareal of Keller, who took her son to a South Texas Dental office in Fort Worth.

Anthony Martinez was left with a welt on his face.

"When I found out this was all done without my consent, and that he was in pain and he was hurt and he was bruised, I was furious," Villareal said. "I knew it was wrong because I work in a medical office, and I know."

The Fort Worth location of South Texas Dental is part of a chain of 23 clinics statewide. The company aims its practice at children.

Nichole Villareal took her son Anthony there because her husband was changing jobs. His company insurance hadn't kicked in yet, and she had to use a dentist who would accept CHIPS state insurance.

Anthony's previous dentist, Dr. Bridget McAnthony, said he did need treatment.

"When I saw him, he only had one cavity. It was on the outside surface of his tooth," McAnthony said.

T0810_south_texas_dentalhe dentist at South Texas Dental, however, said the eight-year-old had two cavities and needed sealant on two more teeth.

Villareal signed a consent form for that work to be done. When she took Anthony in, the dentist would not permit her to be in the room with her son.

When he came out? "It looks like he got punched in the jaw," Villareal said. "He has a bruise on the outside of his face that wasn't even supposed to be done."

Anthony said he was held down in the chair. It turns out that four of his teeth had been drilled.

Villareal said that work was done without her consent.

"And they didn't numb Anthony for the bottom procedure, so two fillings were done on the bottom and he wasn't numbed," she said.

When Villareal went back to complain, the dentist wrote Anthony a prescription for pain medication.

Dr. Kapadia did not respond to three phone calls from News 8 seeking comment.

His notes indicate Anthony was "very uncooperative" in the chair. The child's mom took him back to Dr. McAnthony to examine his mouth.

"It looks like they might have put some kind of intra-oral device in, and maybe they mashed down with their thumb on the inside to bruise him," McAnthony said. "It would have to be something that went from the inside to the outside, because he was bruised on the outside, too."

After we got no response from the dentist at the South Texas Dental office, we called Dr. Chad Park, who supervises three clinics in Fort Worth for the company. He said he is still investigating the matter.

The Texas Administrative Code says a dentist should maintain a consent form signed by a patient, or in the case of a minor, a form signed by his parent.

Villareal said no parent would give a dentist consent to do what was done to her son.

Friday, August 06, 2010

DeRose Buddy Could Be Lt. Governor of Colorado

This is just fantastic news!  (sarcasm)  Colorado State University-Pueblo President Joseph Garcia will be the running mate of John Hickenlooper in the Colorado's race.
Ya know, CSU…  Where the DeRose family plants football stadiums and millions more in various contributions.  It is where Dan DeRose is the football hero.
Here is a glowing blog post devoted to Dan. 
Puke and Gag. 
One comment actually congratulated Dan and his brother Mike calling them "class acts" and "crusaders". 


National Union Fire Insurance files suit against Small Smiles Holding in Tennessee District Court Friday Aug 6, 2010

National Union Fire Insurance files suit against Small Smiles Holding in Tennessee District Court Friday Aug 6, 2010.  Small Smiles Holding is getting the suit since it is the first named in on the policies.  If I were a dentist working for Small Smiles, I would be extremely concerned, that liability insurance you thought would CYA, just may not. 

Seems most of the evidence being cited in the TN suit comes from the New FORBA v Old FORBA case brought back in January, where they were fighting among themselves.  That case was quickly dismissed at the request of the parties.  That lawsuit let a whole lot of worms out of the can that will haunt All FORBA's for years to come.  Wonder what stupid attorney advised that lawsuit.

I'll post more later, I'm only on page 5, and there is 142! 

Oh, and in case you did not know, as I didn't, there was a suit filed against FORBA Holding, who is wholly  owned by Small Smiles Holding in Oklahoma on June 7, 2010 - Hernandez v FORBA (CJ-2010-1632)

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Inlaws of Small Smiles Regional Director, Jason Owen, Issues Threat?

I believe I have been threatened by relatives of Debby Owen, Jason Owen's wife.  This comment was posted on the entry about Jason and whether he's quit or not.  The IP is from East Hampton, New York, 13 miles from Shelter Island, New York-home of Debby's family. Read it and you decide.
Mike Lindley, what do you think?  Al Green, how about you?  Dangerous bunch or no?
Nothing but class for FORBA, right?
Brandon <> (unregistered) wrote:
you are such a loser! since you don't have the balls to take on the government, who runs the medicaid program, you attack private citizens and blast their personal info on the internet. If your problem is with the dentistry, that is one thing. But to blather on pointlessly, about a man doing his job is absurd! If you think these kids are treated "unfairly" get used to it, it's called Obamacare and we all HAVE to have it, as far as I know, no one is ordering you under IRS penalty to take your kids here. It's just like any other government program, best service at the cheapest price. What next, are you going to bitch about no Swiss or Gouda Government Cheese and how the farmers are to blame? I appreciate you are trying to make things better, but picking on the underlings is cheap and petty, call Washington, call your politician, talk to them about your demands, but infiltrating someone's personal life to show what a dirt-bag you can be is very unbecoming. 
It won't be so cool when maybe someone who doens't agree with you or your beliefs, finds your info and shows up on your front porch one dark dreary night to discuss their disapproval of your life choices. Do unto others... Karma's a BITCH!  [
IP address:
Link to comment:

I'm guessing Jason will be called on the carpet tomorrow...

That Karma thing is something I'm counting on.   Hook 'em and Cook 'em.


From: Disqus
Date: 08/06/10 15:57:26
Subject: [dentistthemenace] Re: Inlaws of Small Smiles Regional Director, Jason Owen, Issues Threat?
Brandon <> (unregistered) wrote:
I don't care about your bullshit blog, or anything you have against any company. I have a problem with YOU putting MY name out there. I feel THAT is a DIRECT THREAT to me and my families safety and security you self-righteous bitch! I assure you that all your complaints bother me, not until YOU put MY NAME on your blog did i even know what FORBA was, so don't tie my comments into some way to try and get another man fired. I'm a big boy and I stand behind my words! This is between you and the medicaid dentistry program... KEEP MY NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH AND OFF YOUR BLOG AND WE WON'T HAVE PROBLEMS!
IP address:
Link to comment:

One thing for sure, the author what's this to be seen so that is what I've done.  If they wanted it private and didn't want everyone to see it, they would have sent an email.

 Just call me, Karma. 

I want to say here it was apparent that Jason and Debby wanted anyone in the world to read their lovely family blog.  Everyone, but me that is...  

Let this be a warning to all.  Not everyone likes you!

Kool Smiles Employee Warns Of Orange Jumpsuits; Wants Parents

Abileen Texas
Former Kool Smiles Employee


This dental clinic runs a very disorganized child factory. They truly only care to see "NEW" kids ages 4 and up that are well behaved as this is the age group that makes them the most revenue.

If your child is scheduled for a six mo cleaning expect to be rescheduled multiple times. Where is the continuance and quality of care? They rarely follow proper protocols on First Dental Home exams provided by the Medicaid program for babies age 6 mo to 36 mo.

The billing fraud that occurs throughout this company should be grounds for imprisonment or at the very least a through investigation by the OIG. I would high discourage anyone from taking their children to Kool Smiles, and find another employer unless you look good in orange jumpsuits. Not a good company to work for or take your precious kids to.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Smile Starters Still Abusing Children and Keeping Parents From Going Back With Their Child; After The First Two Visits Of Course.

Here is the story of a child who went to Smile Starters in North Carolina.  Her name is Kathy and she's 3 years old.  This is a sad story.  They make the mother feel as though she's a bad parent, they use the usual scare tactics and they've even blamed the child for not behaving properly.
Smiles Starters is part of the DeRose family of clinics, with Dr. Raf Rivera listed as being the owner.  Dr. Raf was a long time employee of Dr. DeRose and Dr. Ballance. 
When they got into trouble in North Carolina, Dr. Raf came to the rescue, offered up his name and they never missed a beat.  Wonder if DeRose and Ballance have paid the $10 million settlement yet?  If you have a child you has suffered at the hands of these ruthless creatures disguised as a dentist, contact Moriarty-Leyendecker.

The place I take my DD (dear daughter)is called smile starters and they pulled my DD's top 4 out . Caps on all but 1 tooth which was sealed and the bottom 4 has porcelain crowns in the back of them. And now her bottom 4 is going bad . And I cut out almost all sugar brush 3 times or more a day and she only has water or milk nothing else.
This place is the only one that takes Medicaid. And this next appointment I was told I can't go back with her that only 2 appointments the parents are allowed. They had to use a papoose each time cause she kicks.
But now I dread the appointment that is coming up this Friday (July 30, 2010) because they talk very stern to me the other times acted as if I was the worst parent in the world.
If I could find another place I would but there isn't a place that will accept Medicaid And I know they would want to put her through another oral surgery to pull those 4 bottom teeth and she had her first surgery last Dec.
I know her teeth are bad from genetics and they looked rough and I am caught in a hard spot cause I don't want them to report me for neglect and it states that they can if I miss a certain amount of appointments and I already rescheduled it .
And the health departments dental clinic is not equipped to  handle my DD's tantrums she has ( she kicks , scratches, cries, and pukes). She even has these when I brush her teeth.
I wish they was more equipped because they are nice to me about everything and didn't talk harsh to me . As soon as she grows out of these tantrums she has she is going to them.




Now what is it they say about needing to put crowns on teeth to hold the place for the permanent teeth?

I've also seen reports lately where parents are being asked to sign a waiver to let their child go back alone!

Mom Tells Of Recent Kool Smiles Experience In Massachusetts

A mom writes about her experience with Kool Smiles in Massachusetts.  This incident happened the week of July 26, 2010.  If you would like to read this and the numerous comments and other experiences, click here.

If your child has been injured from dental treatment such as almost happened to Kelly, contact Moriarty-Leyendecker here.

I took my kids to the dentist and I am in shock!  My kids have state insurance so I can only go to a few dentists that take Mass Heath. 

So we went to Kool Smiles.  I am ON my kids with brushing and flossing, they eat very little sugar and their teeth look pretty good.  My oldest had 2 spots that looked like they might be little cavities starting. But sadly I was not surprised cus the antiviral meds she has been on for 5 yrs has "stripping enamel of teeth" listed as the 2nd common side effect.

Well guess what?? Kool Smiles said my oldest needs 4 fillings, 2 root canals, and five crowns and my 4 yr old they said needed 3 fillings and 4 crowns!  WTH??????? On baby teeth! They are just trying to rob state insurance by doing procedures that do not need to be done.

So, I called my dentist (who does not take Masshealth) and they said they would give me a 2nd opinion for $30.  I am taking the girls in Wednesday.  But, my dentist was appalled!  He said he has never done a crown on a baby tooth and root canals on baby teeth are usually only for extreme cases! 

I am so pissed! If I can prove my kids do not really need all this dental work done i will be reporting Kool Smiles!

GRRR....Okay vent over! LOL!


So we went to my dentist today.  And the verdict is-        Kool Smiles SUCKS! I already knew that though! LOL!

So, Caitlin does have some bad cavities but NOTHING like Kool Smiles said.  She has 2 small cavities on the top that should be filled and she does have 2 bad cavities on the bottom that if they were permanent teeth would need root canals.  But, since they will fall out in less than 2 year it makes more sense to have them taken out and have spacers put in.  Because the cavity is deep it could cause damage to the permanent teeth underneath if not removed.  They are her 1st set of molars and should not cause any movement in her other teeth by being taken out.

The dentist said her teeth had no plaque on them her gums look great and her permanent molors that have came halfway in looked great.  So, she said it was probably the meds that caused these cavities and if we keep doing what we are doing her teeth should be good.

And the best part is she told me about a great private dentist who takes Masshealth.  When I called them they were not taking new patients, but my dentist called them and they are gonna see both my girls!

So, to summarize we went from Kool Smiles saying she needed 4 fillings, 2 root canals, and 5 crowns to my dentist saying she needed 2 fillings and 2 teeth out! Big freakin jump! huh?

And I called Masshealth and reported the abuse and they  and now have to send someone out to investigate.  And they are sending me papers to file a formal complaint.  And I am calling my local news station ( I have several connections there) and am going to try to get them to do an investigative report.  My dentist said they see this often from Kool Smiles or Small Smiles and on a regular basis from there group.  These kid dentist mills HAVE to be stopped!

Thanks for all the support girls!  I am So glad I got my happy ending!