FORBA Holding and its parent company, Small Smiles Holding seem to be having a magnitude of problems getting their insurance companies to pay up and/or continue coverage. I am just taking a wild guess here but I think that might get much worse in the future.
Imagine the liability and increase in risk when clinic fully implement the sedation of children, either at a local hospital, surgery center, and in some cases, in house!!!!!!!!!! Please see Meet The Dead Children On the Right.
Today FORBA filed a lawsuit against Zurich:
See It Here
On January 15, 2010, FORBA signed a settlement agreement with the United States Department of Justice and OIG-HHS whereby FORBA agreed to make a structured settlement payment of $14,285,644.75 (plus interest) to the United States, in exchange for a release of claims against it, its current officers and directors, its parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and the Small Smiles Dental Centers arising from the alleged wrongful conduct.
FORBA also agreed to pay attorneys’ fees in the aggregate amount of $182,183.52 to three relators that filed qui tam actions alleging wrongful acts on the part of FORBA, as well as other defendants.
Pursuant to settlement agreements with each of the states and the District of Columbia, FORBA agreed to pay the aggregate amount of $9,714,355.25 (plus interest) to Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia in exchange for a release of claims against it, its current officers and directors, its parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and the Small Smiles Dental Centers arising from the alleged wrongful conduct.
Payment of $24 million is chump change to protect its current officers and directors, keep them out of jail. In addition to keeping their families all nice and cozy in their elabrate homes and jet setting lifestyles.
Since the agreement was signed and the token pledge of the Corporate Integrity Agreement, FORBA has managed to bill medicaid over $131 million in the last 10 months.
FORBA states in the lawsuit they informed Zurich in November 2007, while the policy was in force, about the investigation and costs involved in defending themselves. Zurch says too bad, you did not get a draft settlement until August 2009, so you are on your own.
I'm no genius, but does there seem to be a pattern emerging here? No insurance company wants to cover FORBA, Small Smiles Clinics, Small Smiles dentists and other employees for all their misdeeds. The ones that have hung on, are doing so "eyes wide open" and most likely "rates sky high".
I am concerned FORBA and Small Smiles Holding have failed to inform their insurance companies of the hundreds of lawsuits in the works against, the clinics, the dentists, the staff, the directors, the officers down to the cleaning lady. Ok, that was a lie, I'm not concerned one bit!
To you those dentists who have been fool enough to lend your name to FORBA so they can use you as an "owner", you may be in the worst shape of all. You would be wise to storm the FORBA offices and demand your rubber stamps back and your names removed from all legal filings, and do so before the shredder gets fired up.
Do any of you have any idea all the documents they file a year with your name stamped all over it?
Dr. Jodi Kuhn
Dr. Olivia Croom
Dr. Helen K. Petersen
Dr. William Nash
Dr. Monica Switzer
Dr. Mark Toncini
Dr. Victoria Fletcher-Barnes
Dr. Medrina Gilliam
Dr. Gloria King
Dr. Latanya Gallon
Dr. Kevin Kingry
Dr. Karen Chu-Gongora
Dr. Randy Ellis
Dr. Bonnie Mora
Dr. Toni Adderly
Dr. Daniel Spears
Dr. Todd Bjur
Dr. Zane Plamer
Dr. Ken Knott
Dr. Robert Andrus