Dr. Megann Wakelee Scott, DDS is named as a defendant in three lawsuits in Oklahoma.
Two cases involve Medical Negligence and one is Assault and Battery. Witnesses claim Dr. Megann Wakeless Scott waterboarded a child in order to scare the child into cooperating with dental treatment.
I’m not sure why this is so surprising since the company who employed her at the time encourages putting children in straightjacket type devices to control their thrashing about from pain and fear, as well as to assist in the speed of treatment. Adding the water was the logical next step.
Dr. Megann Scott is facing a series of problems over this and other frightening things she does to children such as locking them in a pitch black room. [I am told she hit the “Risk Management “ report several times before leaving in April 2010, including a serious issue of over treatment the first week if January 2010.]
Yes, Dr. Scott, you are the next disgusting headline, as you should be. Do you have children, Dr. Scott? I surely hope not.
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