Thursday, March 10, 2011

Child Abused and Traumatized At Children’s Dental Group–Santa Ana, California

On March 2, 2011 4 1/2 year old “Sam” went to the dentist for his very 1st visit to the dentist.  His mom had prepared him for the visit by explaining what to the nice dentist would do, how the dentist was there to keep his teeth healthy let him ask question so that he was comfortable, maybe even be exited to be such a big boy and go see the dentist.

“Sam” is very bright, and articulate. He can express himself very well, and has been talking in full sentences since he was 2 years old. 

It’s very concerning to think that states are passing laws requiring children to have dental exam prior to starting school, when this is becoming the normal standard of care delivered by dentists here in the US.

Below “Sam’s” mom tells us what happened. 

Children's Dental Group-CaliforniaChildren’s Dental Group – Santa Ana, California

March 2, 2011

I went online and researched dentist offices in orange county, and attempted to find the most “kid friendly” practice, because my son had apprehension about going to the dentist and came across Children’s Dental Group.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Child Waterboarded at Small Smiles Dental Clinic In Oklahoma City

water-boarding-a-1Dr. Megann Wakelee Scott, DDS is named as a defendant in three lawsuits in Oklahoma.

Two cases involve Medical Negligence and one is Assault and Battery.  Witnesses claim Dr. Megann Wakeless Scott waterboarded a child in order to scare the child into cooperating with dental treatment. 

See Petition Here 

  I’m not sure why this is so surprising since the company who employed her at the time encourages putting children in straightjacket type devices to control their thrashing about from pain and fear, as well as to assist in the speed of treatment.  Adding the water was the logical next step.
Dr. Megann Scott is facing a series of problems over this and other frightening things she does to children such as locking them in a pitch black room.  [I am told she hit the “Risk Management “ report several times before leaving in April 2010, including a serious issue of over treatment the first week if January 2010.]

Yes, Dr. Scott, you are the next disgusting headline, as you should be.  Do you have children, Dr. Scott?  I surely hope not.

US Soldier accused of ‘waterboarding’ his 4 year old daughter over ABC's

Army Soldier accused of “waterboarding” foster son for wetting bed

Teacher's Aid accused of waterboarding Autistic Child


Saturday, March 05, 2011

Austin Smiles Dentist Arrested For Possession Of Child Porn: 400 Images Found On Computer

McCarty’s dental practice is not affiliated with the nonprofit Austin Smiles organization.

Austin Market Examiner
John Egan 

MichaelMcCarthyMugshotAustin dentist Dr. Michael [P.] McCarty has been arrested after authorities found child pornography at his home and office, the
Texas Attorney General’s Office said March 4.

The investigation started after the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children received a tip that an Internet user had illegally
uploaded child pornography images to an online group. Authorities allege that in November and December 2010, the 64-year-old McCarty used e-mail accounts registered under this name to upload nearly 400 images of young boys engaged in sexual activity.

While searching McCarty’s dental practice in Northwest Austin – Austin Smiles Dentistry – and his home in Northwest Austin, members of the attorney general’s Cyber Crimes Unit found images of child pornography on his personal laptop and his work computer. A search of McCarty’s briefcase uncovered CDs with images and movies containing child pornography, authorities said.

Several times, McCarty has been named a “Texas Monthly Super Dentist” as part of a special advertising section in the magazine.

Under Texas law, possession of child pornography is a third-degree felony. If convicted,

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Church Street Health Management's Small Smiles Dental Clinics–Multiple Oklahoma Lawsuits- Megann Scott, DDS and Monica Switzer, DDS Defendants in at Least Three

February 2010 Suit:
Oklahoma County

February 2011 Suit:
No. CJ-2011-921
Oklahoma County



The list above reflects even the part time dentists.  Good!  You just can't play with trash without getting dirty, can you?

In the first case above, CJ-2010-1632, Douglas Durst, DDS has been removed without prejudice, at the request of the plaintiff in fact.  However, as of today,  Dr. Douglas Durst remains on the case filed in February 2011. 

There have been two other Medical Malpractice lawsuits naming Dr. Mathew A. Berg in Oklahoma- CJ-2009-10685 with Charles Goodwin, DDS and CJ-2009-01390 in connection with Dr. Paul Esau and New Smiles, PLLC.   I think this makes Dr. Mathew Arnold Berg the wining Small Smiles dentists with 4.

Ocean Dental in OKC Now Star Dental?

Apparently Ocean Dental located at 47 NE 23RD OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73105 has changed its name to Star Dental.

We all know when a company changes its name its because they are not very proud of the reputation they have using the former name.  Voila, re-branding!  

While looking into a very disturbing report on one of their dentists, Megann W. Scott, DDS, I noticed when I searched the address above Star Dental showed up in the results.  Same when searching the phone number to Star Dental.

In checking the Secretary of State's website I searched Star Dental and was given Ocean Dental PC -  # 2200711131.  Looking at the address "street" view you can see the signage as Ocean Dental and those maps are usually a few years old, so I'm guessing Star Dental is the new and improved, less filling and better tasting Ocean Dental.  

Star Dental, Ocean Dental, whatever they want to call it, this dental mill is still owned and operated by the same slimball, Chad Hoecker, DDS.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Deputy Inspector General, Perez, Testimony Before US House of Representative; Wast, Fraud and Abuse Still A Major Problem For Medicare and Medicaid

March 2, 2011

Omar Perez testified before the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce subcommittee  on Oversight and Investigations.

FORBA now known as Church Street Health Management and their Small Smiles Dental Centers is included,yet again, in another congressional testimony.  

My guess is this is not the last time either. 

By reading comments here and elsewhere sounds to me like Church Street Health Management have an "Operation" of their own, something kind of like "Operation Bite Me".

Read his full testimony here

More on Operation Bite Back

Monday, February 28, 2011

What does your tax dollar, Small Smiles dental centers and Tennessee’s Speaker of the House have in common?


Check-Up PAC

Rep. Beth Harwell, (R-TN) created Harwell PAC asked supporters to help fund her bid for Speaker of the House in Tennessee and FORBA/Church Street Health Management stepped in to help out.  Money raised by Harwell PAC were used to gain favors with fellow Republican Caucus members by making donations from the PAC to their campaigns. 

How you ask and what the hell is Check-Up PAC?

Money from 46 different Small Smiles dental clinics were spent on various other political campaigns.  A whopping $7500 was spent on an inaugural party for current Tennessee Governor, Bill Haslam.  Click here to see the pictures from the party you paid for but didn’t get to attend.

Remember that your tax dollars, all from states other than Tennessee help fund this shindig.  

Yes it’s a bit more complicated than that.  Your tax dollar made a few stops along the way before it ended up in Governor Haslam’s party coffers.

But, shoot, this ain’t nothing compared to the Football Stadium and multi-million dollar homes you bought for the DeRose and Padula’s of Pueblo, Colorado. 

Now it just happens to filter through Colorado and back to Tennessee to support the Michael Lindleys, Alfred Greens and the Todd Cruses of the world, just before it heads over to Bahrain of course.

I don’t know much about campaign laws, and don’t care to figure it out.  But something seems wrong when one company pulls money from all their very own pockets and pass the smell test of campaign finance laws.   I think this is the thing the Supreme Court decided last fall, which was so damn wrong in my opinion, for reasons such as this.

I notice they limited the pull from each of their own clinics to $1000.00.  What about their fake owners, such as Randy Ellis, Jodi Kuhn, Karen Chu, do they know they fake contributed to Check-Up PAC.  That answer would be no, since I’m sure they are allowed anywhere near their center’s checkbook!

This is just how it is, and the reason laws don’t get enforced (Kentucky, for one)  and other laws get changed in favor of crooks (Kansas).

You the people have no say whatsoever.


Check-Up PAC 3rd Quarter 2010 Report

Check-Up PAC Pre-General Election Report

Check-Up PAC 4th Quarter 2010 Report

Tennessee Campaign Financing Search

What is a PAC and how do I get one

Friday, February 18, 2011

Small Smiles looking for "Moonlighting" Oral Surgeons -


Oral Surgeon

Church Street Health Management - Albany, NY 12201

Now Hiring Oral Surgeons for dental centers nationwide. We recognize you have elite, specialized training and experience, and we have immediate moonlighting and part-time opportunities. Flexible scheduling, generous compensation, and a chance to supplement your current practice with a built in referral source and patient follow up. $5,000 referral bonus available. Please call or email today at  877-860-9939.

This probably explains the need for these two jobs that popped up on the Internet last night:

In house Attorney and Legal Assistant

Kansas House Bill To Allow Expanded Functions for Hygienists Apprears Dead

— A controversial bill to allow specially trained dental hygienists to provide more tooth care to patients was heard today in the House Health and Human Services Committee.
But that may be the end of it for this year. House Bill 2280 will not be voted upon by the committee, the chairperson said following the hearing, which was split into two sessions, the second ending about 7:30 p.m.
"It's the first year for it. There's lots of questions, lots of concerns," about the proposal, said Rep. Brenda Landwehr, a Wichita Republican.
Her decision to hold the bill is a setback for its proponents because of looming legislative deadlines that limit ways they now can push the measure forward.  The bill, sought by a coalition that includes children's advocates and the state's 39 safety-net clinics, met stiff opposition from Kansas dentists.

New provider class
It would create a new class of dental care provider called a Registered Dental Practitioner. Already licensed hygienists with an additional 18 months of focused training could qualify for the new license, should the bill become law.

Supporters said the new "mid-level practitioners," would...  more

Lawmakers Calling For More Oversight in VA Dental Clinic

If they just would get as passionate about the children being exposed to the exact same issues at the Medicaid Dental mills spread all over Ohio.  While they are at it, REPLACE YOUR DENTAL BOARD AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, they suck!

By Joanne Huist Smith, Staff Writer Updated 10:15 AM Thursday, February 17, 2011
DAYTON — Three Dayton area congressmen are calling for an investigation into the lack of oversight that allowed a dentist at a Dayton VA Medical Center clinic to violate medical standards for nearly two decades, potentially exposing hundreds of veterans to blood-borne pathogens.

On Wednesday, Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio; Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio; and Rep. Mike Turner, R-Centerville, sent a letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki, urging him to order a review of oversight practices at the Dayton VA.

“The fact that our veterans could have been exposed to infection, let alone over the past 18 years, without any intervention from supervisors at the Dayton VA is outrageous,” Turner said.
“Secretary Shinseki must take steps towards righting this wrong.”
The VA has identified at least 535 former patients who may have been exposed to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV.  more

WHIO-TV Video Report

Dayton ABC Story- Video Included