Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Texas "Chop Shops"

Below is a report from WFAA-TV reporter Byron Harris on illegal dental clinics in Texas. But it's not just "chop shops" like these that are operating illegally,just about every corporate owned clinic in Texas is illegal in one way or another.

Report Byron Harris
May 20, 2011

Illegal dentistry entrenched in North Texas
MESQUITE - Illegal dentistry performed by unlicensed dentists used to happen in back rooms with makeshift equipment, where vulnerable customers gambled on low-quality care.

While the problems with quality are still there, what used to be an underground business is becoming an entrenched business.

Illegal dentistry is now an institution, with thriving permanent clinics practically daring authorities to take action.

Just off Central Expressway in Richardson, a neon "open" sign blinks for new customers. Inside, a dentist from Coahuila, Mexico requires cash up front, even though she's not licensed to practice in Texas or the United States.

In Mesquite, smack in the middle of a residential neighborhood, a three-bedroom house has been an established clinic for five years. It has security fencing, a parking lot and surveillance cameras - in part to insure the safety of the all-cash business. Inside, there are three dentist chairs and patients say at least one X-ray machine.

The property is owned by Rogelio Esparza. His brother, Arturo, said he is a dentist in Mexico, but does not practice here. That does not account for a bag of what appeared to be dental waste found in the parking lot.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Former Compliance Officer for Small Smiles Dental Centers, Allison Luke, is on the hunt for a J O B.


Post Job Free resume.

In case anyone needs to know anything about her:

ALLISON K. LUKE, JD, CHC *** *th Avenue N. #***
Nashville, TN 37203
(404)***-**** (mobile)
Primary Areas of Expertise
All aspects of healthcare compliance, generally, and strong knowledge of federal and state laws and regulations affecting healthcare providers, facilities and systems, including Federal and State False Claims Acts, Federal Anti-kickback and Stark laws, Medicare and Medicaid Regulations, HIPAA, and others;
Corporate compliance program development and implementation, including Corporate Integrity Agreement implementation; compliance investigations, resolutions, and development/implementation of corrective action plans; development of compliance audit programs, including creation of audit tools, and determination of audit criteria and implementation of compliance audits; policy development and training for healthcare providers; and
Representation of hospitals, healthcare systems, home health agencies, dental practices, and other healthcare providers in compliance investigations before federal and state authorities.


Some dentists reluctant to treat kids on Medicaid

I don’t know why, other than they have not been reading this blog!  Otherwise they would know exactly how to set it up!


May 23, 2011
Dentists Reluctant To Treat Kids On Medicaid, by Maureen Salamon HealthDay Reporter

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dental mills concentrated with nitrous oxide, are you in danger-yes; your children-yes, them too.


There is a problem with high levels of exposure to Nitrous Oxice.  Two studies done along with the ADA showed a higher incidence of hepatic, renal and neuralgic disorders among exposed personnel.  More importantly it showed an increase in spontaneous abortions in chairside assistants and the wives of dentists.  It also showed an increase in congenital abnormalities in children of assistants.  These two studies pointed to a problems for females who were pregnant and working in dental offices where nitrous oxide was used.
Cohen et al., 1980; Brodsky et al., 1981

In another study, Swedish midwives exposed to nitrous oxide showed they had trouble getting pregnant if they were exposed to Nitrous Oxide more than 30 times a month. G Axelsson, G Ahlborg, Jr, L Bodin Occup Environ Med. 1996 June; 53(6): 374–378.

Adverse Effects of Nitrous Oxide

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mom of 6 year-old, Jacobi Hill, Plans to Sue VCU Medical Center


Mom of 6 year-old Plans to Sue VCU Medical Center - wtvr

RICHMOND, VA (WTVR) - The mother of a 6-year-old boy who died after a dental procedure last May says she plans to sue VCU.

"People say it gets easier day by day. No, it doesn't", says Crystal Lewis.
One year later, Lewis, the mother of 6 year-old Jacobi Hill still wonders why a simple dental procedure killed her son.

"It's always going to be a question in the back of my mind like, what happened, but I guess we'll never know until I get to the bottom of things", she says.

An Intelligible Principle To Restrain Unelected Government Officials


An Intelligible Principle To Restrain Unelected Government Officials

Leave out the adjectives and adverbs and it’s informative and shows exactly what is happening from Congress all the way down to your local City Counsel, stopping at state agencies and boards, like your state Dental Board, along the way.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jenny Olenick died in April. Here is a statement sent to us from Jenny’s mother on May 14, 2011

"During the April 17 Celebration of Jenny's life I told the young people present not to worry about having dental procedures because Jenny's death was a freak accident.
That's what I truly thought at the time. But after learning there are at least 8 other children in the nation who have died as a result of dental procedures in US dental offices within the past 1 1/2 years, I no longer see this as a "freak" accident.
I now look at dental office-related deaths as relatively common, and believe these are needless deaths that could have been prevented.

These children did not have to die. And if we wish to honor these childrens' memories, we need to make certain not one more child dies as a result of having a procedure done in a dentist's office".
Cathy Garger, Mother of Jenny Olenick.

17 year old Jenny Olenick dead during oral surgery–April 6, 2011–Freak Accident? Not anymore!
(written Thursday May 12, 2011, prior to receiving the statement from Jenny’s mom.  Blogger was down and was not able to post until today.)

Marriottsville, Maryland

Jennifer Michelle Olenick died April 6, 2010. Jenny went into a coma on March 28, 2011 during a wisdom tooth extraction being performed by Dr. Domenick Coletti.

When the dental community is averaging killing one child a month, it’s not a freak accident!
Answers sought in dental surgery death of Howard County teen
Jennifer-Olenick-April-6-2011_thumb2By Kellie Woodhouse kwoodhouse@patuxent.com
The state Medical Examiner’s Office is investigating the death of a 17-year-old Marriotts Ridge High School junior, who died last week after complications arose during routine wisdom tooth surgery.

Jennifer “Jenny” Michelle Olenick, of Woodstock, an aspiring professional singer, went to a Columbia oral surgeon on March 28 for a tooth extraction procedure and went into cardiac arrest during surgery, her mother said.

She was taken by ambulance to Howard County General Hospital and then flown to Johns Hopkins Hospital, in Baltimore, where she died 10 days later, on April 6.

Cathy Garger, Olenick’s mother, said her daughter’s sudden death was baffling.

“Her heart tests at Hopkins showed normal functioning of her heart. She was in the best of health,” said Garger, who accompanied her daughter to the surgery with Olenick’s father, John Olenick.

Dr. Domenick Coletti, the Columbia-based oral surgeon who performed the operation with the assistance of an anesthesiologist, said he was “deeply saddened” by Olenick’s death.

Texas Citizens Picking Up The Tab for Unnecessary Orthodontics


Bio | Email 

DALLAS — Nobody has ever died from crooked teeth, some orthodontists say. 

Historically, straightening teeth with braces is viewed largely as a cosmetic procedure, done for cosmetic purposes.

Yet, last year, Texas taxpayers paid for braces for more than 120,000 children under Medicaid. The total bill was more than $184 million, which was far more than the next 10 states combined.

A News 8 investigation found that Navarro Orthodontix, which controls 11 clinics across the state, was paid more than $22 million in Medicaid last year. That's more than the entire state of California, which paid out $19.4 million.

All told, Texas paid out over $184 million for Medicaid orthodontics last year, which is nearly double the amount from 2008. The money is supposed to go for teeth determined to be so crooked they could handicap a child, usually between the ages of 12 and 19 according to state rules. Judging by the increased payouts, the teeth of Texas children are growing more crooked each year.

"There's a large population of people that are somehow qualifying for Medicaid treatment that seven years ago weren't qualifying," said Dr. Greg Greenberg, a Dallas orthodontist.

While the worsening economy has put more kids into poverty, it's also true that orthodontics is booming.

On Garland Road in Dallas, two clinics are paired off like gas stations across from one another. All Smiles Dental sits directly across the street from the Smiley Dental Clinic. Smiley's vans, used to pick up patients, prominently display "Medicaid Accepted" in their bright yellow paint scheme.

Last year, Smiley took in nearly $2 million in Medicaid through its affiliates in North Texas. All Smiles collected $7.5 million. Together, the two chains collected more than twice as much as the entire state of Illinois paid out last year.

In Tarrant and Parker counties, doctors Sheila Birth and Charles Stewart run six offices, and like all the clinics mentioned in this story, they employ several orthodontists. All told, they collected more than $5 million in Medicaid last year, according to state records. That's twice as much as all the providers in the state of Florida.

Birth declined to be interviewed on camera for this story. In e-mails, she pointed out that a lawsuit in Texas forced the state to expand its Medicaid coverage in 2007, and that states have differing criteria for Medicaid reimbursement, which makes comparison inappropriate.

Texas was successfully sued over Medicaid underpayment, dental care included, but orthodontic care was not part of the lawsuit. Texas specifically prohibits Medicaid reimbursement for cosmetic orthodontic care

Critics say the state simply doesn't evaluate claims.

"There's no accountability," said Dr. Larry Tadlock, an orthodontist with a private practice who's also an associate professor at Baylor Dental School in Dallas.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Leesburg Virginia couple charged for practicing dentistry without a license


Posted at 11:48 AM ET, 05/13/2011

Leesburg couple accused of illegal dentistry

By Maria Glod

A Loudoun couple who allegedly ran a dental office in the basement of their Leesburg home have been charged with practicing dentistry without a license, officials said.

Nelson A. Castro-Diaz, 47, and Matilde A. Lindarte-Vargas, 35, had a full-service office in their home in the 1200 block of Tennessee Drive that included a dental chair, waiting room and a receptionist desk, according to Loudoun Sheriff’s officials. Authorities said the office catered to the Latino community.

The couple told investigators they had worked as dentists in their native country, according to sheriff’s spokesman Kraig Troxell. Troxell said he didn’t know what country the couple were from.

Castro-Diaz and Lindarte-Vargas were released on their own recognizance, authorities said.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Small Smiles Dental Center wants to put my child to sleep for dental treatment-Good idea?


I can’t answer that. 

But I can tell you that the nasal spray of “midazolam” along with nitrous oxide gas- inhalation sedation (IHS) - was studied on 100 children between the ages of 3 and 13, who were originally referred for “general anesthesia” and 96% of the required dental treatment was completed successfully.  There was no need for general anesthesia and parents were present with the children during the procedure. 

The National Institute of Health recommends this technique instead of Dental General Anesthesia. (DGA)

You can read the study for yourself here:
The safety and efficacy of intranasal midazolam se... [SAAD Dig. 2010] - PubMed result

Of course skilled dentists and staff as well as life saving equipment and medication is a must! 

I can tell you general anesthesia is close to death, and I’ve lost count of the number of children who have died in the last two years. (8) and rising.

I can tell you seven studies of Inhalation sedation, using nothing but nitrous oxide (along with local numbing), without the nasal spray have taken place.  These studies also used children who had been referred for general anesthesia.

The studies were reported to have a “remarkable degree of consistency in the reported treatment effectiveness despite other differences in patients”. 

What were the results?