Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Texas - WFAA TV–State takes action after Byron Harris expose'

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Posted on June 19, 2011 at 9:51 PM
Updated yesterday at 4:17 PM

News 8 Investigates

From the air, it looks like there's a shark in swimming pool of the 13,000-square-foot mansion in Frisco. Turns out the shark is only painted on the bottom, complementing the water slide, next to the tennis court, which gives the place the look of a resort.

It all belongs to owner of Smiley Dental Clinics, which last year collected at least $1.9 million in Medicaid orthodontics (MO) fees, according to state records.

While the shark in the dentist's pool may be an illusion, it's not imaginary that Texas dentists have been swimming in a sea of Medicaid money over the last three years.

I think Small Smiles Dental Centers and Church Street Health Management is on the verge of more sanctions

ChurchandCapitalCornerSignBefore I get into this, let me say the following is not even close to being based on anything other than my observations. Maybe that sounds a bit odd to admit.  But according to the covey of “artful dodgers” at Small Smiles Dental Centers and Church Street Management, everything on this blog has no basis and is pure hogwash.  So I don’t know why they visit here forty ‘leven times a day.

However, I’m smelling something happening at 618 Church Street, Nashville, Tennessee.  I’ve heard “chatter”  CSHM is reviewing their “breach” of the Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) signed in January 2010 with the Office of Inspector General.
1.   I’m told they are scurrying to gauge exactly how far from the truth the reports sent to the OIG, as required by the CIA, with their actual patient/parent complaints from the third party call center, employee exit interviews, employee complaints via the “hotline” and Daily Patient Logs, that reveal the actual overtreatment still taking place on a daily, patient by patient basis.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Where is Dr. Thien Chi Pham, Kool Smiles founder, now?

I was told some time ago, when Dr. Pham left Kool Smiles he landed in Arizona, guess that report was correct.  

molar magic
Molar Magic Orthodontics LLC
1864 E Florence Blvd
Ste 1
Casa Grande, AZ 85222
Phone: (520) 876-5200
Fax: (480) 393-0926

Super Pages

According to Molar Magic’s facebook page, they opened in August 2009.Dr.PhamandMolarMagicstaff


Must be a Medicaid clinic, at least it’s not a mill, but never forget he was trained by Dr. Eddie DeRose,

“Molar Magic is a comprehensive general dentistry and orthodontic for children and young adults ages 1-20. At Molar Magic we believe oral health care can and should be fun, comfortable, and easy. Stop in anytime for a tour! Let us work our magic!”

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dental Group Practice Association (DGPA)– Supporting the corporate practice of dentistry where executives get rich, dentists get the shaft and patient care is not even considered.

drmecklerDental Group Practice Association (DGPA)
“a non-profit industry organization representing Dental Service Organizations (DSOs).”
Collectively, practices serviced by DGPA members have:
-1,500+ dental practice locations in 46 states
-3,200+ affiliated/owner dentists
-5 million patient visits
-Projected revenue of more than $5 billion by 2015

So is this “group” going to be the “World Organization” to oversee all facets of dental care at a corporate dental clinic near you?  I hear they meet, and basically divvy up the country and decide who can take over where and set prices, as well as put the pressure on the insurance companies to had them the cash.  Of course they will give you some shitty dental treatment in the midst of it all, but that is NOT the goal.

Appears they are tight with the American Student Dental Association by sponsoring many of their events. Also the Student National Dental Association.  Gosh wonder why that is?
You must read on and learn about this bunch.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

ATTN: Former Kool Smiles Dental, Ocean Dental, Dental Dreams employees

I would really like to hear from any of you.  Please contact me at cckaddie@yahoo.com

Is “Patient Advocate” Angela Newberry out of a job at Small Smiles Dental Centers?

Here is a listing for a job opening at Church Street Health Management dated June 17, 2011.  Pity the poor fool who takes this job! YIKES!  I hope any applicant takes time to read the Corporate Integrity Agreement this company has signed with the Department of Justice and Inspector General’s Office.  Read it carefully!  Smell the jail?

Director/Patient Advocate

Duties include:
Reporting to the SVP, Chief Compliance Officer, the selected individual will be responsible for recording, remedying, and responding to comments, concerns and complaints by patients of CSHM Associated Dental Practices. The Patient Advocate is also charged with ensuring that patients and, for minor patients, patients' parents and/or legal guardians are informed of CSHM's commitment to quality care and provided with contact information for submitting complaints. The Patient Advocate will report to the Chief Compliance Officer. The Patient Advocate will also be a key member of the Compliance Department and a member of CSHM's Compliance Committee.

Angela has been the topic of conversation of late at CSHM due to her prior association with Universal Health Services (UHS) and it’s string of “youth education” treatment centers.  UHS has complaints out the wazoo about the abuses that goes on behind the doors to pre-teens and young adults.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Standard still being lowered when it comes to dental anesthesia

My point in sharing these links is to point out that even though kids are dying from teeth extractions performed by DDS and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons... standards are being lowered still !

States where dental hygienists may administer locals


States where dental hygienists can administer nitrous


Dental Hygiene Practice Act Overview:

Permitted Functions and Supervision Levels by State


Comparison of Tasks: Dental Therapist vs Advanced Dental Therapist


The principles, competencies, and curriculum for educating dental therapists

(American Assoc of Public Health Dentistry Panel)


Another Kool Smiles "Chop Shop" opens on taxpayer dime in East Chicago, IN

Here ya go folks, taxpayers get to pick up the tab for another Kool Smiles "chop shop".  Wonder if these lawmakers realize they are opening an illegal clinic, sure they do! Many of these dental mills stay out of Illinois due the their Medicaid system.  It's low and slow.  But not Kool Smiles or Dental Dreams, nope they don't care how low they go or how long it takes to get your tax dollar.  If you have something to say about these illegal clinics, email me at cckaddie@yahoo.com.  I want to hear what you have.


New Office Marks Extension of Successful Public/Private Partnership Inaugurated in Gary, Indiana

EAST CHICAGO, Ind., June 17, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- East Chicago residents will soon have something new to smile about. Kool Smiles, a leading dental health provider dedicated to expanding access to quality dental care for children and families in underserved communities, is opening a new office in East Chicago in partnership with the East Chicago Community Health Center (ECCHC).

The new location will open June 20 and is located within the East Chicago Community Health Center at 1313 West Chicago Avenue. It will be the company's third office in the area, bringing East Chicago residents a convenient option for quality dental care. The grand opening was celebrated on June 15th. Attendees included State Representative Earl Harris, State Representative Charlie Brown, State Senator Lonnie Randolph, Ms Gilda Orange, Chairman East Chicago CHC and East Chicago Councilwoman, Frank Mrvan Township Trustee, Mayor Anthony Copeland, Ms Te-Reika Chambers, representing Congressman Visclosky, Mark Vanderheight, Primary Healthcare Associates, Dr. Gerri Browning, East Chicago CHC Chief Medical Director, Mr. Dwayne Mitchell, CEO East Chicago CHC, Dr. Ricardo Hood, East Chicago CHC Medical Director and Health Commissioner of the City of Gary.

This new office aims to replicate the success of the 2010 launch of a similar center in Gary, IN which is celebrating its one year anniversary. In only 3 months after the Gary public/private partnership was established, dental patient access more than doubled from 12 patients receiving oral health care to over 30 patients receiving oral health care each day.  To establish a similar access opportunity for East Chicago residents, the new office will increase access to the area's residents who need it the most, offering families a centrally located resource for dental care that will complement the existing medical offices.  The East Chicago Community Health Center is funded by taxpayer dollars through the federal Health Resources and Services Administration.

Read the entire Press Release

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kool Smiles Dental Clinics (Chop Shops) - Dr. Tu Tran–King of the Hill-

7729 Stables Dr Atlanta front view
In 2002 the dentist who owns this $1.2 million dollars home in the suburbs of Atlanta was merely a dentist working at a Medicaid clinic in Denver Colorado.  The clinic was owned by Dr. Edward (Eddie ) DeRose and his son Michael DeRose.

Dr. Tu Tran and his buddy Dr. Pham both worked for the DeRoses.  They learned the business model, tore out on their own and opened up their first chop shop in Atlanta in 2003. 

In 2004 they lured Friedman Fleischer and Lowe, a private equity firm in San Francisco, to hop on the gravy train and spread illegal Kool Smiles dental centers across the nation.

Send me your Kool Smiles information or documentation its time they too stop torturing children and raping the Medicaid system in their illegal clinics.



Here is the sign off highway US41 in Terra Haute, Indiana pointing to one of the Kool Smiles Dental Centers.

I recently took this during one of my stops on my “where in the world is the next illegal dental clinic” tour which I began in April. 

I also took the time to check out the clinic and even spoke with the next door business owners, who had a lot to say.

There was a cute little shop right next door that two lovely grandmother type ladies owned.  I was in need of a wedding gift so I went in to see what they had.  After I picked out a couple of nice items, the graciously offered to gift wrap them, which gave me time to ask them about the dental clinic next door. 

Immediately the woman scowled.  I knew that she knew it was a bad bad place.  Just a few inquisitive questions got her to talking.  She told me about the horrible and terrifying screams they hear through the walls.  She told of the many times her patrons who would be shopping would look at her and gasp.  She told me there are times where customers have become extremely upset hearing the shear terror in the tiny screams coming through the walls. 

IMG_0885She said it was where a lot of Medicaid children went, she didn’t know I l already knew all about these folks.  This day, it was nice outside, sun shining and a slight breeze, they had their backdoor open to let the breeze flow though.

She said her and her partner had stepped out back earlier and listened at the back door of the Kool Smiles and it made them both sick.  They had called in a complaint a time or two but nothing was ever done, it’s a dentist office, that treats children, who cares if there are screams she was told.

Who cares?  I do.  Don’t you? 

If you are a former employee please contact me, send me what evidence you have, your identity is strictly confidential.  I couldn’t know all I know if I didn’t keep my informants identity a secret.  Heck, just send me some documents anonymously, that’s fine too.
