Monday, December 12, 2011

ADA, AGD, AAPD, ASDA, ACP, AAE and American Association of Dental Boards… all same Chicago address….hmmm

American Dental Association

Academy of General Dentistry

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

American Student Dental Association

American College of Prosthodontists

American Association of Endodontists

and…drum roll please…..

The American Association of Dental Boards

I’m sure there are more….but these “associations” are all located in the same building in Chicago, IL.

211 E. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611

DR. CHRISTOPHER JON FREYERMUTH D.M.D–Smile Center, Plymouth MA billed for services he’s not qualified to perform–Othodontics

Mass. dentist accused of $250K in Medicare fraud

By DrBicuspid Staff

Dr. Bicuspid story here

December 12, 2011 -- SmileCenter, a dental office in Plymouth, MA, received at least $253,519 in unallowable reimbursements from MassHealth, the state's Medicaid program, according to the state auditor's office.

Most of the billing was for orthodontic services performed by a dentist who did not possess the required accreditation, State Auditor Suzanne Bump stated in a press release.

According to MassHealth regulations, dentists who practice orthodontics must complete a minimum of two years of training in a specialized program administered by the ADA.

SmileCenter's sole dentist, who is also its sole proprietor, did not complete such a program, but still billed and received $201,509 from MassHealth for orthodontic services.

As a result of the investigation, MassHealth will terminate SmileCenter's specialty as an orthodontic practice, transfer its members for treatment to other dentists, and seek restitution, according to the state auditor.

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Small Smiles – Church Street Health Management restructuring

I’m hearing there are changes happening all over the place at CSHM.  I know none of this as fact, just rumors, but interesting rumors I must say.
1. Michael Lindley – Fired
2. Al Smith – Fired
3. Todd Cruse – Promoted to replace Michael Lindley
4. Jason Owen – the South and West Regional Manager – Fired
5. Looking for yet another Compliance Officer – seems they have serious issues in this area doesn’t it.
6. Dr. Olivia Croon – Promoted to regional manager, possibly to replace non-dentist Jason Owen.  Remains “co-fake owner”of Ohio clinics.  Poor Jason, guess he will have to get out there and “eat what he kills” as well.
7. Toledo dental center, where Dr. Croon is “lead dentist” is being closed
8. Dr. Kevin Reilly – North and East regional manager promoted.
9. Dr. Marlene Navaro hired to replace Dr. Kevin Reilly as North and East regional manager.
10. Rodney Cawood – Filing state documents changing their Registered Agent in several states.  Something, Linda Zoeller usually does.  Changing from CT Corporation Systems to National Registered Agents

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Dr. Edward Dove - Bakersfield Dentist gets high-profile attention

If your child was hurt, injured, over treated or mistreated by Dr. Edward Dove, Email Me for more information about this dentist.
High-profile attorney enters fray over controversial dentist
BY KELLIE SCHMITT Californian staff writer | Saturday, Dec 03 2011 09:00 PM


  Photo details at end of article

As the California Dental Board investigates claims that a Bakersfield dentist mistreated his young patients, some families are seeking representation from a high-profile Colorado attorney.

In August, dozens of local parents formed a Facebook group alleging Dr. Edward Dove improperly cared for their children, including scratching and hitting them while they were not sufficiently numb and restrained with Velcro straps. Dovept

This week, a representative from Dove's office said the dentist had no comment, and that office staff had been instructed not to discuss the matter, either. In a previous interview, Dove, who currently has a clean disciplinary record, told The Californian that he gave excellent care and that the parents were inventing the allegations.

Attorney Jim Moriarty, who said he's ready to sign with the parents, has been involved in several national healthcare matters -- including a case against Tenet Healthcare for unnecessary heart procedures at a Redding facility. That case that resulted in a $430 million settlement for the plaintiffs and a $24 million payout to the government.

More recently, Moriarty is representing hundreds of plaintiffs in a case unrelated to Dove against Small Smiles dental centers, a chain of clinics that serves low-income families throughout the nation.  (Moriarty contract information in the right had column-Jim Moriarty)

Moriarty alleges the chain makes money "by exploiting the Medicaid system," and doing unnecessary procedures that "traumatize" children. In that case, Moriarty has investigated what he describes as routine over-treatment and extremely fast care that "can't be done without emotionally and physically traumatizing children."

Moriarty, who met with some Bakersfield parents in October, said he was drawn to the local case in part because of its extraordinary mobilization effort. Parent Chris Cook, who was angry about his son's care, created a Facebook site that ultimately attracted hundreds of fellow parents, supporters and observers. The site drew patients from both Dove's Bakersfield and Chatsworth offices, who did not know each other previously.

"What Cook and these parents have done is sheer brilliance," Moriarty said. "They've done more to shine the light on this issue than any other parents in the country."

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Dentist accused of Medicaid fraud–Utica, NY

Dentist accused of Medicaid fraud, pleads not-guilty

By WKTV News

Story Created: Dec 6, 2011 EST  

UTICA, N.Y. (WKTV) - A local dentist is facing charges, accused of Medicaid fraud.

Dr. James Deyulio was doing work out of a local nursing home where the alleged fraud took place. According to the New York State Attorney General's Office, Deyulio is now charged with grand larceny.

He pleaded not-guilty to those charges in Oneida County Court on Tuesday, where the Oneida County District Attorney's Office offered him a plea deal.
Deyulio will return to Oneida County Court on January 6 to let the judge know whether he will accept or reject the plea offer.

The charges stem from work he did at a local nursing home, but authorities will not say which nursing home he was working at.

Child in braces for 9 years!–More Texas Medicaid Fraud Exposed


Bio | Email


Posted on December 6, 2011 at 10:41 PM

DALLAS - When you don't have much money, and receive medical and dental care at state expense, it's rare to complain.

Texas received only 712 complaints from Medicaid patients in the last year. But sometimes the quality of care becomes so questionable, patients speak up.
The case of a Garland girl points to some weaknesses in Medicaid Orthodontics, a program that's paid out hundreds of millions of dollars to Texas dentists in the last three years.

You can actually watch Anntornett Taylor grow up through her dental records, in the still photos taken of her when she visited her orthodontist. Medicaid paid for her first set of braces when she was 12 years old. Now she is 21. She has had braces for nine years. And they are still on.

"It would be extremely unusual for a patient to be in braces for nine years," said Dr. Larry Tadlock, Associate Clinical Professor at Baylor College of Dentistry.
That fact is lost neither on Anntornett, or her mother. Her records show her treatment was to have been completed several times in the last six years - in 2006, in 2008, and 2010. But inexplicably to the Taylors, the braces have not been removed.

"Every time they told me they'd be through in a couple of months," Antornette said. "Then a couple of months come, we'll be through in a couple of months. There's always something."

Monday, December 05, 2011

Lawyer wins braces for kids — and catches flak


Lawyer wins braces for kids — and catches flak

A week or two vacation to Texas would have gotten these kids braces.

Heartland Dental, ReachOut America, Dental One, and others...

I notice a lot of folks visit this blog looking for information on Heartland dental; complaints, fraud and lawsuits.  Same with this rogue Reachout Healthcare America mobile dental setup.  If you've got something you would like to share, email here.  

Don't go nuts, this has nothing whatsoever to do with CSHM!

Sunday, December 04, 2011


By Dr. Henry Kim D.M.D.
December 4, 2011

Your friends that work for big business have dental plans. You hear them talk about it paying for so much of their dental needs: crowns to make their front teeth pretty, and braces for their kids. You are self-employed, or work for a small family-owned business. It’s only natural to want the same great deal your friends have. Then you see a poster on a telephone pole, advertising a great family dental plan. It will cost only $20 a month, but supposedly save you 30, 40 or even 50 percent on the cost of dentistry. Should you bite?

First, it is interesting to note that dental “insurance” (a misnomer if there ever was one) was not invented as a cost-efficient way to make dental care more affordable. It was an animal birthed by labor unions in the late 1950s. They correctly saw that high progressive tax rates of the era would wipe out a lot of any wage increases they negotiated. So instead, they pushed for dental insurance, which let them shield wages from taxes.So corporate dental plans were really a clumsy and inefficient idea that were not well conceived. At least 30%, and sometimes up to 50%, of dental premium dollars is eaten up by claims administration. Not a good deal at all!

Once instituted, dental insurance became a sought-after employee benefit in the non-union sector as well. It offered the same tax-shielding benefits for non-union employees. Unfortunately, no one ever examined the efficiency or wisdom of the convoluted claims administration process employed by dental “insurance” carriers.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blogging dentist unloads her real feelings. Maybe she picked the wrong profession.

This 36 year old dentist’s name is Lora, she is a dentist in…drum roll please…. Colorado!

← The Big Reveal

10 Reasons Your Dentist Probably Hates You Too

Posted on November 28, 2011 by lolabees

lolabeesNow that I’ve left my career and cut some dead weight out of my life, I feel ready to look back and have a laugh– or just finally be able openly bitch about it.  So here’s my confession: I am a dentist who really didn’t love the dentist either being a dentist.  A few months ago I came across a funny post titled, “10 Reasons I Hate The Dentist.“  It appeared right when I was in the thick of my career transition.  It inspired me to write this, so, RedHead Chronicles, thank you for the inspiration.

10 Reasons Your Dentist Probably Hates You Too

1.  The first thing you say when you sit down in my chair is, “I hate the dentist.”  Really?!?  Did your parents teach you any manners?  Did they ever teach you that it is impolite to tell someone you hate them the moment you greet them?  What I really want to say back is, “aww, I hate you too.”

2.  You come to your appointment, and it’s obvious you haven’t brushed your teeth in days.  I’ve had some people with great hygiene come in and apologize because they’ve just eaten lunch and couldn’t brush.  This is not what I’m talking about.  I mean food and thick plaque everywhere.  After 10 years of seeing blood and rotten teeth and some really nasty things, this is still the 1 thing that makes me dry heave.  You know when you come to us that we have to be in your mouth.  Would you clean your home before having company?  Additionally, I have spent hours literally bending over backwards repairing your teeth.  Could you at least pretend that you are caring for the work that I have struggled to complete for you?