Thursday, June 07, 2012

State of Connecticut vs. Corporate Dental clinics

Here is the complaint the CT Attorney General brought against a very long list of dentists and their illegal corporations. 

STANDING OVATION TO The State of Connecticut!!  North Carolina and 48 more states should watch, listen and learn.

State of Connecticut vs. Corporate Dental Clinics

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Four Questions for Insurance Companies–Re: Private Equity Dentistry

It’s getting about time these Malpractice Insurance companies as well as insurance companies such as United Concordia and Guardian answer some questions. I just have three:

1. Why are you knowingly ( and you damn well know it) providing malpractice insurance to illegal operations?

Has no one in the Insurance company ever questioned why they are selling malpractice insurance to a company with 500 dentists working for it?  The fact you do it, means you know it.

Yet, when malpractice cases come a callin’ you don’t want to pay up. But you damn well didn’t mind to take the premiums all these years, now did you?

2. Why are you sending patients to dentists who are practicing dentistry illegally?

It’s beyond me why I pay a weekly (however minimum) premium for dental coverage through employment. I am covered with Guardian. I find the name alone highly misleading, since guarding is not even near the top of their to do list.

I recently did a 50 mile radius search of providers on their website for myself. I was excited to see there were four pages -triple columns- listing a 103 dentists in my area. Then I actually read them.


Monday, June 04, 2012

All Smiles Dental Bankruptcy Update 6-4-2012

Wondering what’s happening at All Smiles Dental?  Here is their Schedules A thru H. A inside look at the company that Medicaid built.

Doc 71 All Smiles Dental Schedule A-G

Small Smiles Dental Centers - CSHM, LLC’s executives after the so called “sale” 6-1-2012

Wondering who is deciding the dental treatment, deciding what supplies can be ordered and how much the dentists can spend as well as setting the daily quotas for Small Smiles Dental Centers? As of of 6-1-2012 that would the the following people.

David R. Wilson – (Officer) Chairman, President, and CEO
415 Church Street, Suite 2004
Nashville, TN 37219
Ghassen (Gus) Souri, DDS - Chief Dental Officer
665 Easton Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Steven M. Looney
111 John Street, Suite 1510
New York, New York 10038
Peale Davies
Terrence L. Moore, MD
55 Rock Rimmon Drive
Stanford, CT 06903
MD at Garrison Investment Group – formerly at CIT Group
Brad Gardner (Officer)SVP/CFO
618 Church Street, Suite 520
Nashville, TN 37219
Small Smiles Dental Centers - CSHM,LL 2012 KY Annual

Missing in Action is Linda Zoeller’s name on this filing, seems weird not seeing it slapped on the document somewhere…  lol

Saturday, June 02, 2012

In 1998, Texas spent $16.5 million on stainless steel crowns, in 2010, 12 years later, Texas taxpayers spent nearly $108 million, up 650% in 12 years!

In 1998, Texas spent $16.5 million on stainless steel crowns, paying for 250,000 thousand of them. In 2010, 12 years later, it spent nearly $108 million, on 700,000 crowns. Up 650% in 12 years! Byron Harris reports on why that could be. Hint: think body snatchers!

June 1, 2012

U.S. Senate candidate, Tommy Thompson, is way too interested in North Carolina dental legislation to have clean hands. Just saying…




The front page of Tommy Thompson’s campaign website. Amazing, he and Jeb Bush both called North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis in regards to NC’s dental legislation – Senate Bill 655 – House Bill 698.


Tommy Thompson, Wisconsin Senate Candidate, Attacked For Involvement In North Carolina Health Care Bill

Tommy Thompson LobbyingDemocrats are criticizing Wisconsin U.S. Senate hopeful Tommy Thompson over published reports indicating his involvement with a bill pending in the North Carolina legislature.

[This Tommy Thompson, actually looks like a criminal in my opinion. There is a certain “creep” quality about him. ]

Bloomberg Businessweek reported that Thompson was one of four national GOP luminaries to contact North Picture of Thom  TillisCarolina House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-Charlotte, picture right)  regarding a bill covering new regulations for dental-management companies. Thompson, a former U.S. health and human services secretary, along with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour contacted Tillis about the bill, which has been opposed by private equity companies, Bloomberg BusinessWeek reported.

[Thom Tillis’ crooked smile may not be the only thing crooked about him. I believe he might have a problem with telling the truth as well, which of course is how we know he’s a perfect person to be a politician, right?]

Thompson is competing against former Rep. Mark Neumann, Jeff Fitzgerald, speaker of the state assembly, and businessman Eric Hovade for the Republican Senate nomination and the right to face Democratic Rep. Tammy Baldwin in the November election.

A former Wisconsin governor, Thompson is a partner in a New York private equity firm specializing in the health care sector and a former partner in a Washington law firm specializing in the health care industry. In recent weeks he has come under scrutiny for his acceptance of a board chairmanship at a Florida pharmaceutical company, a post he accepted after saying he was not taking on more corporate board seats. Thompson has served on more than 20 corporate boards since leaving the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2005.

Thompson's spokesman told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel that he did not contact Tillis to lobby but rather to learn about the bill.

[Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!]


Friday, June 01, 2012

Connecticut AG with Kahunas Files Suit Against Corporations and Management Companies

Standing Ovation! 

AG names 28 in civil complaint alleging illegal Medicaid billing scheme

Jun 1, 2012 - 9:25 AM

HARTFORD, CT - Attorney General George Jepsen has brought a civil action against 28 individuals, dental practices and corporations alleging an elaborate and illegal scheme, which resulted in more than $24 million in fraudulent Medicaid clams over two years in violation of the Connecticut False Claims Act and Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act.

The complaint seeks restitution, treble damages and civil penalties as well as a permanent injunction against the unlawful acts and practices alleged in the complaint.

The individuals named in the State’s complaint are Gary Anusavice (former DDS)of North Kingston, R.I., Mehran Zamani, DDS of Pound Ridge, N.Y. and Stamford; Paul Anusavice of North Grafton, MA; John Gallagher of Manchester, MA; David Wu,DDS of Cheshire and Alphonso Mack,DDS of Bloomfield.

Gary Anusavice and Zamani were arrested last week on federal criminal charges for their alleged involvement in the same billing scheme.

“This is the first case the state has initiated under the Connecticut False Claims Act,” Attorney General Jepsen said. “It gives the State the rightful ability to seek compensation for taxpayers from those who seek to abuse the system with false claims for reimbursements they are not eligible to receive.”

The Attorney General brought the unfair trade practices complaints at the request of Consumer Protection Commissioner William Rubenstein. “The allegations of the complaint are serious, and our consumer laws against unfair and deceptive practices protect state taxpayer dollars whenever medical providers make wrongful claims for reimbursement from the Medicaid program,” Rubenstein said.

Department of Social Services Commissioner Roderick L. Bremby, said “We greatly appreciate the Attorney General’s dedication of both resources and expertise to bring forward this major case of alleged provider fraud. DSS investigators first identified the suspected fraudulent activity and worked with the AG’s Office and federal authorities to develop the case. The role of the Department of Consumer Protection is also important in our collective efforts to root out fraud and abuse on behalf of taxpayers.”

The DSS administers the Connecticut Medical Assistance Program, which includes Medicaid, a joint federal-state program, which provides medical benefits for more than 500,000 low-income Connecticut residents.

The State complaint also names the dental practices and other corporations created or controlled by the various individuals. They include
E.G.A. Mangement, Inc.
Haven Consulting, Inc.
AMZ Consulting, Inc.,
Dental Care of Connecticut, Inc.,
N.B. Dental, Inc.
Electron Marketing, Inc. of Fall River, MA
Dental Group of Stamford, LLC
Dentists Group of Stamford, PC.

Mehran Zamani, LLC,
Mehran Zamani, DDS, PC;
Dental Group of Connecticut, LLC,
Dentists Group of Connecticut, PC;
Dental Group of Waterbury, LLC,
Dentists Group of Waterbury, PC;
Dental Group of Danbury, PC;
Dental Group of New Britain, PC;
Dental Group of Hartford, PC;
Hartford Dental Care, LLC;
Hartford Dental Incorporated, PC;
Arbor Dental Association, LLC;
Alpha Dental Group, PC;
Wintonbury Dental Associates, PC.


Bloomberg’s Private Equity in Dentistry Series Gives New Meaning to “Drill Baby Drill” for 2012 Republican Campaign

May 16, 2012
By Sydney P. Freedberg

Dental Abuse Seen Driven by Private Equity Investments

May 30, 2012
Republicans Target Dental Bill That Private Equity Hates
By Sydney P. Freedberg and Jason Kelly - May 30, 2012 11:01 PM CT

The likes of Jeb Bush, William Frist, Tommy Thompson and Haley Barbour aren’t typically heard from in the office of Thom Tillis, the Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives.

Yet the four Republican Party stalwarts, none of them a Carolina resident, have contacted Tillis’s office over a little- known bill to toughen state regulation of dental companies. They’ve been joined by Grover Norquist, the Tea Party favorite and anti-tax crusader who heads the Washington, D.C.-based Americans for Tax Reform.

“It’s not terribly common to have these types of names” intervening on a state bill, said Jordan Shaw, a spokesman for Tillis.

Their interest marks the Tar Heel State as the front line in a national struggle over dental management companies. Fueled by Wall Street money, at least six such firms are under scrutiny by two U.S. senators and authorities in five states over allegations that they soak taxpayers through excessive Medicaid billings, abuse patients via needless treatments and run afoul of laws that say only licensed dentists can practice dentistry.

READ the entire article on BLOOMBERG