Monday, November 26, 2012

Former dentists, Gary Anusavice in a hole of no return? It’s looking like.

NORTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. (AP) — North Kingstown officials say FBI agents will be joining local authorities in investigating a fire at a vacant million-dollar home whose last two owners were charged with fraud.

The 8,100-square-foot house on Potter Road was gutted in Friday's fire. The cause isn't clear yet. One firefighter who responded was taken to a hospital with chest pains, but was later discharged.

Fire Chief Fenwick Gardiner Jr. told The Providence Journal ( ) that FBI officials will be helping with the investigation. He didn't elaborate.

The home's last owner was a company controlled by Gary Anusavice, a former dentist now awaiting trial in an alleged $20 million Medicaid fraud scheme. The owner before Anusavice was Antonio Giordano, who was sentenced to one year in prison in 2007 for embezzling from nursing homes.


Information from: The Providence Journal,

Read more:


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Former employee of dentist arrested on bad checks charges speaks out

Video included

Dentist Derrick Broadaway is facing four felony bad checks charges.

It is a direct result of Andrea Ross and another former employee taking action to press charges.

channel3Ross came to NewsChannel 3 when thousands of dollars’ worth of paychecks from Broadaway’s dentistry kept bouncing after close to 17 years there.

The dentistry’s former business manager says she quit when Broadaway wouldn’t make good on the checks.

Friday, Broadaway turned himself in to Chesapeake police.

Authorities released him on bond.

NewsChannel 3 began investigating Broadaway for the bounced checks.

Our investigation into Broadaway’s bad checks led us to his checkered history with the Board of Dentistry. 

This summer, the board suspended him for 60 days and fined him 20,000 dollars. The decision was made partially because of questionable root canal work done on Rosemary Rogers.

We have also learned that Broadaway is facing three medical malpractice lawsuits.

Former patients claimed he left them “disfigured” and “permanently injured.”


Chesapeake dentist accused of giving out bad checks turns himself in to police

Former patient of suspended Chesapeake dentist speaks out

Employees take action against dentist accused of handing out bad checks

Chesapeake dentist faces millions in medical malpractice lawsuits

Chesapeake dentist blasted for bounced paychecks

More glaring evidence the California Dental Board is useless


NEWPORT BEACH (CBS2) – Several patients are accusing an Orange County dentist of charging them thousands of dollars for dental implants and subsequently never responding to their calls for help.

CBS2 investigative reporter David Goldstein discovered those patients never knew the California Dental Board filed a complaint last year against Dr. Thomas Teich. He was also found negligent this May in a medical malpractice lawsuit where the patient died.

That’s not all: Teich had served time in prison for mail fraud.

The dentist refused to comment on the allegations and the dental board’s complaint.

“Doctor, we’ve talked to a number of your patients who say they’ve been abandoned by you after paying you tens of thousands of dollars. How can you do that? How can you abandon these people?” Goldstein said.

Several patients who went to Teich’s Newport Beach office said the experience was nothing to smile about.

Sexual Assault at Kool Smiles–Lilburn, GA

What’s Moodys got to say about Aspen Dental?

"Aspen affiliates with its dentists through two models: the staffing model and the practice ownership program ("POP"). Under the staffing model (~55% of offices), dentists are at-will employees of affiliated PCs, where the PCs own the medical records, patient lists, and operating records. Under the POP model (~45% of offices), dentists purchase the medical records from the PC to essentially own their own practice. The company's audited financials do not consolidate the POP practices. Audited revenues for the twelve months ended December 31, 2009 approximated $260 million. The consolidated (unaudited) revenues for all Aspen branded dental offices, including POP offices, approximated $322 million over the same period."

Note: Moodys reports approx 55% of Aspen Dental offices have dentists as employees ("staffing model"). Moodys reports approx 45% operate under the POP model, where dentists purchase the "medical records". Although these doctors "essentially own their own practice", they can't freely sell this practice, nor dismiss Aspen Dental as a DMO, as might a true owner. There exists a serious difference between "essential ownership", versus true & valid ownership.

When Leonard Green purchased Aspen Dental they utilized GE Capital.

The same GE Capital which runs CareCredit, which operates the consumer 3rd party payment system for Aspen Dental. This seems like a pretty tight relationship, & something which may merit further investigation?

From Aspen Dental corporate marketing on POP:’s-practice-ownership-program-pop-has-dr-timothy-owczarzak-in-a-“perfect-situation”/

An Aspen Dental President & "owner" of 2 Aspen Dental clinics, Dr Owczarak comments, "...Owning your own practice is a totally different animal. When you’re in private practice it seems like it’s 20% dentistry and 80% business. I simply became tired of it.”.

He later goes on to say about his POP position w/ Aspen Dental, "This has been a winning situation all the way around. I own a practice...". In reality, he doesn't own a practice.  Dr Owczarak may own a practice under the definition of ownership of Aspen Dental, but not true & valid ownership, under the legal definition of ownership. This misrepresentation proffered to dentists in this Aspen Dental marketing effort isn't very subtle nor sophisticated.

Friday, November 16, 2012

How cocky are Medicaid dental mill dentists feeling these days? Robin Lockwood of Ocean Dental–Stillwater, OK fought the law, and the law won.


ATTN: All Corporate Dentists

She had all the goods to be successful in life. Lockwood is a dentist; once was a promising inventor, she actually has a brother in Arkansas who is a minister. But she is STUPID!

This woman, decided it was better to abuse children, tie them up in papoose boards, do unnecessary dental procedures with little to no anesthesia and steal every penny should could from each taxpayer in America, instead of caring for her family and being the medical professional her parents sacrificed for her to become.

She chose to commit Medicaid fraud for her employer - Chad Brandon Hoecker, DDS. She chose abusing children, strapping them to papoose boards, over-treating and much worse to help her boss fuel his jet and live “high on the hog” as they say.

She also chose Federal prison. Robin Lockwood is going to be spending 18 very long months in Federal prison, plus pay $375,000 in restitution. Why? Because she bought into the corporate dental scam that has infected damn near every state. 

This was a plea deal, so imagine the goods they have on this woman!

Even the most hardened criminals have trouble stomaching those who abuse children. Pretty as she is, and ripe for the picking, I’m betting her cellmates are not going to like what she’s done to low income children. Many of whom may belong to her new cellmates. 

November 15, 2012

OKLAHOMA oceandentallogoCITY—Robin R. Lockwood, 44, a dentist from Oklahoma City, was sentenced last week to serve 18 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to committing health care fraud, announced Sanford C. Coats, United States Attorney for the Western District of Oklahoma. In addition, Lockwood was ordered to pay $375,672.27 in restitution to Medicaid.

Lockwood is a dentist licensed to practice in the state of Oklahoma and was employed under contract by Ocean Dental at offices located at 1610 Southwest 74th Avenue in  Oklahoma City. Ocean Dental’s dentists provided dental care to Medicaid-eligible children. The Medicaid Program is a cooperative program that provides federal and state funds to pay for health care benefits for individuals with insufficient incomes to meet the costs of necessary medical expenses. In Oklahoma, Medicaid is administered as “SoonerCare” by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA), a state governmental agency. Ocean Dental submitted claims to the OHCA for reimbursement of dentists’ services based on patient treatment notes created by the dentists. Ocean Dental paid Lockwood a percentage of the funds that OHCA reimbursed to Ocean Dental for services she personally rendered.

The information alleged that from July 1, 2007 through December 31, 2010, Lockwood engaged in a scheme to defraud Medicaid by submitting claims for dental services that she did not provide. Specifically, Lockwood recorded in the patient’s treatment notes that she had placed dental restorations on certain teeth when, in fact, she had not treated the teeth at all. On other teeth, Lockwood recorded that she had placed dental restorations on more surfaces of the tooth than she had, in fact, restored or recorded that she had placed a dental restoration on the tooth when, in fact, she had placed on the tooth a type of treatment that is non-reimbursable by Medicaid. Lockwood used the proceeds of the fraud for her own personal benefit.

Lockwood pled guilty on July 11, 2012.

This case was the result of an investigation conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Health and Human Services-Office of Inspector General, and the State of Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office, Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Amanda Maxfield Green.


Robin Lockwood, DDS

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Derrick Broadaway, DDS–Millions in Medicaid Fraud

news8Chesapeake, Va. (WTKR) – After NewsChannel revealed former employees of Chesapeake dentist Derrick Broadaway are upset over bounced paychecks, investigator Jessica Larche uncovered millions in medical malpractice lawsuits against him.

One former patient claimed he “left a drill inside a tooth while performing a root canal” and did not tell the patient. Another said she has been “disfigured” and is “permanently injured” by dental implants Broadaway installed.

Meanwhile, Broadaway is on the heels of a $20,000 fine from the Virginia Board of Dentistry and a 60 day suspension of his license that ended in August. The sanctions, according to public records are for Broadaway’s questionable dental work. In August, his paychecks to employees kept bouncing. NewsChannel 3 confronted him about it Monday.

Chesapeake dentist blasted for bounced paychecks

“Why doesn’t he feel the need to pay me?” asked former employee Andrea Ross, who said Broadaway owes her $3,800.

According to the Board of dentistry’s records, Broadaway has had problems dating back to 1998. Over the years, the board found that Broadaway performed “incomplete extractions of teeth.” Records say he “drilled too deep into a tooth” causing the patient to have a root canal. Documents also say Broadaway billed a patient’s dental insurance for work he never did.

However, the board is allowing him to stay in business under a stayed indefinite suspension, as long as he meets certain guidelines.

Broadaway has met several of the stipulations that could lead the board to revoke his license, but they have not.

All of Broadaway’s malpractice lawsuits go to trial next year.

Broadaway Board of Dentistry Document

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Are disciplinary actions against DMSOs on the rise?

Are disciplinary actions against DMSOs on the rise?

dbclogoBy Michael W. Davis, DDS , contributing writer

November 13, 2012 -- More than 30% of disciplinary actions discharged by the New Mexico Board of Dental Health between June 27, 2011, and August 7, 2012 involved dental professionals affiliated with dental management service organizations (DMSOs).

According to the state regulatory board's website, 24 different entities were sanctioned during this time period. One violator, which accumulated five different sanctions, was recorded as a single violator. No other violator generated more than a single dental board sanction.

Violators were divided into four categories:

  • Nonprofit (public health clinic, Veterans Affairs clinics, native tribal clinic, teaching facility, etc.)
  • Solo private practice
  • Small group practice (three doctors or fewer)
  • Interstate DMSO

Each violating entity was assigned a lettered designation, although the identity is public record information. DMSOs were likewise assigned a lettered designation. Tracking down the employment association at the time of violation was sometimes available within the dental board's formal complaint. However, often an Internet search was required.

Violations ran the gamut from alcohol and chemical abuse to advertising violations and breaches in standard of care, and everything in between. No attempt was made to correlate the type of violation to the employment association of the offender.

Interestingly, there were no disciplinary actions discharged against nonprofit entities or their dentists, during this time frame. The largest group generating disciplinary actions was assigned to solo private practicing dentists (54.2%). However, according to the ADA's 2010 Survey of Dental Practice-Employment of Dental Practice Personnel, solo practitioners comprised 69.6% of all dentists employed in private practice for 2009.

The statistic of concern is the 33.3% of disciplinary actions involving employment association with interstate DMSOs. According to the 2008 Health Policy Resources Center, only 3% of dentists are associated with very large group practices (20 or more dentists; ADA News, April 9, 2012). This represents a statistical order of magnitude of one, or approximately 10 times.

This finding was confirmed by Lili Reitz, executive director of the Ohio State Dental Board, who reported for a "Frontline"interview that in 2011 25% of complaints filed with the dental board (140 complaints in all) were against dentists at corporate chains.

The data in this report may be of interest to state regulatory dental boards, state and federal regulators of dental Medicaid, overseers of fraud and abuse for private insurance carriers, and state and federal prosecutors. But the findings of this report should also prompt concern for the general public and dental consumers in particular.






















Friday, November 09, 2012

Mom’s complaining Kool Smiles are still up to their same old tricks–Papoose Boards and False Cavities


Posted November 6, 2012

-- MOM # 1  Ok so I made an appointment for my 3 yo at Kool Smiles for a cleaning a couple weeks ago I wanted to get it done before the new baby came so it would be one less thing I had to do.

Anyways my DH went back with my 3 yo because they were doing Xrays. I called my mother while I was waiting she said I meant to tell you not to take him to Kool Smiles.

She took my brother who was only 6 years old to the same Kool Smiles and they said he had 3 she took him somewhere else and he had none!

Kool smiles was going to strap my 6 year old brother down to fill cavities that he didn't have... I thought wow that's crazy no one could possibly do that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I put a child though all that pain for no reason but to get some money.

Then I thought maybe it will not be that way cause we do not have Medicaid we pay for insurance.  After they were done my DH informs me we need to make him another appointment to get work done. They said he had 3 cavities!!! (the same number they said my brother had)

They said my 3 year old had 3 cavities. I was soo upset I cried. I felt like the worst mom in the world! I'm 26 years old and only ever had one cavity and my little boy already had 3. He brushes his teeth and I brush behind him and he doesn't eat a lot of sweets.

I didn't make him another appointment. We just left. I'm taking him somewhere else. Has anyone had any problems like this? How do they get away with this sort of thing. It's terrible

--MOM # 2 Yes, it has happened to me. I had a gut feeling I didn't have a cavity (bc I never do) and I just didn't trust the guy. Went for a second opinion and I was right! Drs prob think that they "need" the $ and ins us paying for it anyways.

-- MOM # 3 -Be careful they will keep calling you!!! I took my son last year for his first appt and hated it, I told them I would schedule his next one when I looked at my calendar (lie, I was trying to be nice).

For the last 6 months they call from 3 or 4 diff numbers as early as 7 am and as late as 8pm. I even told them they had the wrong number and they keep on. Told them to stop calling and they still keep on! Hate them!

--MOM # 1 So funny you said that cause they actually called me today to confirm an appointment that they set for my son without me or my husbands permission. I will never bring my children there again the is actually a pediatrician in my area that has a sign posted saying not to bring your children to Kool Smiles.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

More legal troubles for Dr. Stephen M. Stein, but still no criminal charges or personal injury cases. Why?

courthouse newsDENVER (CN) - A dentist's history of "getting high before performing surgeries" and reusing needles ruined his partner's dental practice, the partner claims in court.
     Neil G. Dobro, D.M.D., sued Stephen M. Stein, D.D.S., in Denver County Court.
     Dobro claims Stein concealed his troubled history to persuade Dobra to form the New Image Dental Implant Center with him.
     Eventually, Dobro says, he uncovered disturbing allegations about his partner, including that the Colorado Dental Board had recently "voted to summarily suspend Dr. Stein's license to practice dentistry."
     "Among other things, Mr. Stein had been stealing medications from patients and Dr. Dobro realized that Mr. Stein would eventually face criminal charges," the complaint states. "With this inevitable and damaging public disclosure on the horizon, Dr. Dobro proposed a means by which Mr. Stein could smoothly exit the practice of dentistry-Dr. Dobro would buy all of Mr. Stein's dental practice assets (equipment, supplies, etc.), together with Mr. Stein's putative membership interest in New Image."
     Dobro says he prepared an asset purchase agreement for this, in November 2011.