On Monday, June 12, 2017 3-year-old Daleyza Avila-Hernandez died at Saint Joseph’s Hospital after what was a simple procedure at Children’s Dental Surgery Center, in Stockton, California.
According to Fox40 News, Daleyza was referred to Children’s Dental Surgery Center by a dentist at Western Dental.
“I don’t want this to happen to another mother like it’s happening to me,” said Araceli Avila, Daleyza's mother.
“All I did was I took my daughter to the dentist because they were going to fix her teeth, and about 30 minutes later they brought her back dead,” Avila said.
The mother says she was not allowed to go back with her child during the procedure but while waiting for her daughter she saw an ambulance arrive.
“And I stood up and went outside because I was like 'they are coming for a kid,' but I never thought it was for my child," she said.
Within moment a nurse appeared and told the mother something went wrong and her daugther’s heart stopped, and that “maybe she had underlying heart issues”.
The mother disputes that saying her child “was a very healthy”. Avila and her husband, Jose Hernandez, recalled seeing the toddler "vivacious and full of life" just before the procedure.
According to FOX40 website:
“FOX40 spoke to David Thompson, the administrator of Children's Dental Surgery Center in Stockton, who says they only do general dental procedures -- such as filling cavities and putting on crowns.
Her parents say Daleyza went in to have two teeth pulled and have caps put on two other teeth.
Thompson says the girl had a reaction to the anesthetics, was stabilized and then sent to Saint Joseph's Hospital. They don't know why she died.
"It’s a terrible, terrible tragedy honestly and our thoughts and prayers are really with the family right now," Thompson said. Thompson said staff members at the center were well trained and have years of experience.
"We’re committed to helping kids every single day. That’s our mission, that’s why we’re here. It’s risky. Not everyone wants to do it," he told Fox 40.
The Dental Board of California released the following statement:
"The Dental Board of California is aware of the tragic situation. An investigation is underway so specific details of the case cannot be shared at this time. Consumer protection is the board’s highest concern and we want to extend our deepest sympathy to the family."
The Stockton Police Department is also investigating. Spokesman Joseph Silva says at this time the case isn't suspicious or considered criminal, but it is still an active investigation.
According to ABC10 Children’s Dental Surgery Center is a non-profit ambulatory surgery center located in the 1500 block of East March Lane in Stockton.
Really? Non-Profit? Hmmm…
Staff according to Children’s Dental Surgery Center website:

According to his LinkedIn page Perry Solomon, MD is an Anesthesiology and Cheif Medical Officer at HelloMD, described as:
“HelloMD is the leading digital healthcare platform for the cannabis industry. Patients use our service to connect with a doctor, get a medical cannabis recommendation over live video (Telehealth), and gain seamless entry to thousands of cannabis products, dispensaries and advice on medicinal efficacy.
We are the largest reliable source for cannabis information about medical conditions and products, have our unique platform called Answers where questions are posted from all over the world and are answered by our physicians, product manufacturers and other patients, building a community of like minded people.”
Solomon’s LinkedIn page also says he is:
- Medical Director at Children’s Dental Surgery and Central California Dental Surgicenter.
- Medical Director for Cardiac Rehabilitation for Tenent Healthcare
- Owner of Bridges Mecical Clinic
Sung “Caleb” Cho, DDS operates Ygnacio Dental in Walnut Creek, CA.
Looking at Children’s Dental Surgery Center website, for reasons unknown the title of the page linked to the Patient Information Packet is Sierra Kings Dental Surgery. Huh?

Since search the business entity names at the California Secretary of state site revealed zero results for the company names, a little more research finds Central California Dental Surgery Center is actually US Dental Surgery Center, Inc. incorporated in March 2008 by Philip Goldberg.

March 2015 annual report at the California Secretary of State’s website shows US Dental Surgery Center is owned and operated solely by Carol E. Freeman, 429 Chateau Grimaldi, Mandeville, Louisiana 7047. Carol E. Freeman appears to be a licensed Psychologist in Louisiana doing business as CAROL E. FREEMAN, PHD, LLC

The January 1, 2017 annual report for US Dental Surgery, Inc shows no change and Carol E. Freeman still listed as “owner”.

So what in the hell is a psychologist, from Louisiana doing operating dental surgery centers in California?
And exactly what is this “referral partnership” between her and Smiles Depot, Northern Valley Indian Health, Western Dental, Charter House, Shasta Community Health Center, Fremont Dental, Access Dental and ProDental, as shown on Children’s Dental Surgery Center website?