Monday, April 13, 2009

Todd Cruse Involved In Shady Business While In Sundquist Administration

Todd Cruse is married to Lesa Hensley.  Lesa is daughter of lobbyist Tom Hensley "The Golden Goose" in Tennessee politics.  

NewsChannel 5 Investigates: Friends in High Places
E-Mail May Provide Valuable Clues in Contracts Investigation
(Story created: 10/31/03)

First, there were raids. More recently, there's been a parade of witnesses before a federal grand jury investigating state contracts. Now, thousands of e-mails could provide important clues about how the Sundquist administration handled those contracts.

Millions of people communicate every day by e-mail.

So when investigators began investigating contracts handed out by the administration of former Gov. Don Sundquist, they quickly issued a federal grand jury subpoena for thousands of e-mail messages. Included was a demand for messages to and from Sundquist and other top officials.

The probe was prompted by our Friends in High Places investigation

"People put things in e-mails never expecting that they are going to have to explain them," says retired FBI agent Ben Purser.

A sampling of the e-mails provided to the grand jury -- and obtained by NewsChannel 5 -- deal with a request for proposals for computer services. RFPs, as they are called, are supposed to be judged by an impartial selection panel.

"What you are holding in your hands could very well be evidence," Purser tells NewsChannel 5's chief investigative reporter Phil Williams.

For example, there's an August 2002 e-mail from Sundquist's chief administrative officer Todd Cruse.

"When do you anticipate putting together the selection panel," Cruse asks the state's head of information resources. "I have an interest in who we choose."

Cruse would later become a lobbyist for SCB Computer Technology, one of the state's big computer contractors and a bidder for the job.

"Perhaps, and I emphasize perhaps, there could be some influence there," Purser observes.

Cruse, however, tells NewsChannel 5 he was just expressing a naive curiosity about how the process worked.

But that's not how it was taken at the time.

"Honoring his request is simply out of the question," wrote Richard Rognehaugh, then the state's new head of information resources, to Finance Commissioner Warren Neel.

Neel responded, "My guide is and remains.. keep the process clean and above reproach.

That same process was used to hand out hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts. Investigators will want to know if there were efforts to stack other selection panels -- and if there were other department heads who were more willing to go along with those efforts.

Cruse's e-mails also hint at pressure from powerful Senate chairman Jerry Cooper relating to a homeland security project.

"I would like to be able to tell Senator Cooper when he calls, again, that I am getting a response out to her by the end of the day," the Sundquist administration official wrote.

The "her" was Cooper's wife, who was lobbyist for a company that wanted in on talks about the contract.

Purser says, "The e-mails that you've shown me would demonstrate the amount of political influence that is being used in a process that is supposed to be void of political influence."

Those e-mails are just a tiny fraction of what the state's computer experts are recovering from computer backups. The grand jury subpoena demands messages from the highest levels of the Sundquist administration.

The subpoena for e-mail records was issued last December. But the state's computer experts say restoring backups has been such a massive chore that they still aren't finished with the job.

"Some of the folks did not appear to be habitual e-mail senders or receivers," Rognehaugh tells Phil Williams.

He says how much evidence that's available for the federal grand jury will depend upon the e-mail habits of the Sundquist administration officials now under scrutiny.

"The federal grand jury in any public corruption investigation is following a paper trail," Purser adds.

In this case, it's not paper -- but a trail of bits and bytes that some probably never realized they were leaving.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Smile Starters Complaint #101

I have read the article on the Smile Starters investigation. I wanted to share a story about my visit with the Winston-Salem, NC Smile Starters in 2001. I went in to have my teeth cleaned and see about having my wisdom teeth cut out. When I went in the I never had a problem with my teeth, not a spot on them. They took an x-ray and told me I had 8 cavities in all my mollars. When I asked about why my teeth didn't hurt or have any spots on them, they told my I had a rare tooth decay disorder that caused my teeth to rotten from the inside out. I was 17 so my mom didn't go with me and I didn't know I could tell them no they can't prefrom the fillings. So i let them start drilling my teeth, they gave my 10 shots in my mouth and I felt EVERYTHING!!! When I told the dentist this she told me well we have already given you too much medicine you are just gonna have to be a big girl. Then I was flinching and moving while she was drilling and her exact words to me were : "You better sit still or I'm going to cut your mouth all up. I can't stop drilling fast enough to keep from cutting you." They couldn't cut my wisdom teeth out that day so hey scheduled me for 2 days later. I went in that day and they broke my jaw removing my teeth! They claim that I had roots that are 1.5 cm longer than normal and they curved backwards and attached themselve to my jaw bone. On top of that they give my 800mg IBuprofen to manage my pain.This was the worst experience of my life. Since then I have had nothing but problems out of my back teeth. I was someone that use to pride myself on my teeth. Now I have these large black fillings in my mouth that I hate. I hope these so called dentist are not allowed to put their hands on anymore children.!!!
Heather K

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Who Owns Pueblo, Colorado

Emails question who owns Pueblo, Colorado.


I had emailed you a few weeks back about the DeRoses and life here in Pueblo, Colorado. When driving to work each day I can't help but notice a very large and fancy building being constructed in a new business park in Pueblo. I was wondering what type of business it might be. Yesterday I received a flier in the mail for "Park West Dental". Owners: Dr. John Millea and Dr. Juliann Padula Millea. "General Dentistry for Youth". "Most insurances accepted including MEDICAID...." This new office is about a quarter mile away from the new YMCA in Pueblo which is being heavily funded by donations from the DeRoses.
A few observations...
1. Again, I guess I'm surprised how much money there is to be made practicing pediatric dentistry.. Am also amazed that with such an expensive and elaborate building that one would be purposely trying to attract Medicaid patients. Most physicians in town cringe at the thought of a Medicaid based practice as you would go broke in a short amount of time.
2. Is reimbursement for Medicaid dental services still too high? I don't think the original intent of the program was for dentists to get rich off it.
3. How much do you want to bet the financing for this pair of young dentists (each looks to be in their early thirties) came from the DeRoses?.. I have a hard time believing that they are financing the building themselves. There are too many coincidences.
Of course, none of this is illegal. It just raises a question in my mind about the potential for ongoing fraud given the associations noted---i.e. Padula-DeRose-child's dentistry-close proximity to the "DeRose" YMCA building, etc...


So I sent out an email asking about this and here is what I was told:

Yes the dental clinic is owned by Dr. padula which is Dr. Eddie DeRose's brother in law so I am guessing it is Dr. Padula daughter and son in law. Dr. John Millea use to work at....guess what....DeRose Dentistry or now known as Small Smiles of Pueblo on Liberty lane. The YMCA is being funded and built by Dr. Eddie DeRose. The clan down there involves Dr. Eddie DeRose, Dr. Adolph Padula(bro-inlaw), Dr. John Parrish(bro-inlaw). Both Padula and Parrish were part owners of Small Smiles before FORBA bought them out and I am pretty sure the non compete clause included them so hence....they use their kids names. Probably gonna start up new clinics under their names to run FORBA out of town.


Saturday, April 04, 2009

DeRose Involved In Health Club?

I found this post the other day on a website and was wondering if anyone has anymore information on this?

Dan DeRose is Mike DeRose's brother, and he was the subject of Medicare fraud charge in the mid-90s when he owned a local health club. The results of the lawsuit against him were never made public.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Pay for Preformance

As ridiculous as this concept is, I hope FORBA execs are first inline.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Look Into Kool Smiles In Kentucky

Each week I'm going to be taking a look into state filings of Kool Smiles, I'm starting with Kentucky.

Organization Number- 0669850

Name- Kool Smiles, PSC

Type-Kentucky Corporation



File Date- 7/30/2007

Last Annual Report- 5/14/2008

Principal Office- 400 Galleria Parkway, Suite 800, Atlanta, GA, 30339

Registered Agent-CT Corporation System, 4169 Westport Road, Louisville, Kentucky, 40207


Corporate Officers:

President: Tu Tran

Director: Tu Tran

Incorporator: Tu Tran

Kentucky- Small Smiles and FORBA Holding


FORBA Holding, LLC
Small Smiles of Lexington, PSC
Small Smiles of Louisville, PSC

3-17-09 report

FORBA Holding, LLC

Organization Number-0674614
Organization Name- FORBA Holding, LLC
Type-Foreign Limited Liability Company
State Originated-Deleware
Origination Date-4-17-2006
File Date-9-28-2007
Principal Office-618 Church Street, Suite 520 Nashville, TN
Signed by Manager-Rodney Cawood, Manager, EVP, CFO

KY 2008 Annual Report
KY 2009 Annual Report

Small Smiles Dental Center of Lexington, PSC
Organization Number-0673476
Name- Small Smiles Dental Center of Lexington, PSC

Type-Kentucky Professional Corporation
Status- Good
Standing- Active
File Date - 9/12/2007
Last Annual Report- 7/29/2008
Principal Office - 618 Church Street, Suite 520, Nashville, TN 37219

Registered Agent- National Registered Agent, 400 West Market Street, Suite 1800, Louisville, Kentucky.
Authorized Shares- 1000
Current Officers:
President- Kenneth E. Knott
Secretary-William Nash
Director-Robert F. Andrus
Director-Robert F. Andrus
Shareholder-Robert F. Andrus
Shareholder-Robert F. Andrus
Incorporator- Kenneth E. Knott
Assumed Names:
Small Smiles Dental Center
Small Smiles Dental Centers of Lexington

Small Smiles Of Louisville, PSC
Organization Number- 0662918
Name- Small Smiles of Louisville, PSC
Type-Kentucky Professional Corporation
File Date-4/24/2007
Last Annual Report-7/29/2008
Principal Office: - 415 N. Grand Ave, Pueblo, Colorado 81003 (isn't that FORBA's address in Colorado...hmmm)
Registered Agent- CT Corporation System, 4169 Westport Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40207
Corporate Officers:
President- Jodi Kuhn
Secretary-William Nash
Director-Jodi Kuhn
Shareholder- Kenneth E. Knott
Shareholder- Robert Andrus

Shareholder-Jodi Kuhn
Incorporator-Jodi Kuhn
Assumed Names: Small Smiles Dental Centers of Louisville, Small Smiles Dental Clinic, Small Smiles Dental Clinic of Louisville.
Now it's my understanding that Kenneth Knott and Robert Andrus were fired by FORBA over some 'credentialing fraud', but I don't know that as fact.
They used to be listed as the following until FORBA updated their Corporate Contact sheet in August or September last year.
Ken Knott- SVP Central Region
Robert Andrus-SVP West Region
So doesn't this mean these two either worked solely for FORBA and lent their name and dental licenses for business filings OR they owns the clinics in Kentucky as well as work for the company that so called 'manages" those clinics.
That being the case, should it not be these three, (Ken Knott, Bob Andrus, and Jodi Kuhn suing me in Federal Court instead of the company that just 'manages' the clinics for them?
But wait, according to the trademark office, FORBA Holding owns the rights to the Small Smiles logo. Boy this sure is confusing isn't it.

update: 2-1-2010

Small Smiles of Louisville, PSC
Kentucky Organization Number: 0662918
Formed 4-24-2007 By Jodi Kuhn
Name and address of Original Shareholder:
Jodi Kuhn
5615 Sarah's Oak Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45248

Name and address of Incorporator:
Jodi Kuhn
5615 Sarah's Oak Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45248

Mailing Address of Principal Office:
415 N. Grand Ave
Pueblo, CO 81003
File Date-4/24/2007
Last Annual Report-6/17/2009
Principal Office: - 415 N. Grand Ave, Pueblo, Colorado 81003 (isn't that FORBA's address in Colorado...hmmm)
Registered Agent- CT Corporation System, 4169 Westport Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40207
Corporate Officers:
President- Jodi Kuhn
Secretary-William Nash
Director-Jodi Kuhn
Shareholder-Jodi Kuhn
Incorporator-Jodi Kuhn
Assumed Names: Small Smiles Dental Centers of Louisville, Small Smiles Dental Clinic, Small Smiles Dental Clinic of Louisville.
(Note in 2009 report Dr. Robert F. Andrus and Dr. Kenneth E. Knott are no longer 'shareholders')
KY 2008 Annual Report
KY 2009 Annual Report
On June 25,2009 they finally changed the Principal Office address to FORBA Holding, LLC's address at 618 Church Street, Suite 520, Nashville, TN.

Ky Change of Principal Office 2009

Small Smiles Of Lexington, PCS
Kentucky Organization Number: 0673476

Formed 9-12-2007 By Dr. Kenneth E. Knott

Name and address of Original Shareholder:
Robert Andrus

1499 Blake Street

Denver, CO 80202

Kenneth Knott
7530 S. Biloxi Ct.
Aurora, CO 80016

Name and address of Incorporator:
Kenneth Knott
7530 S. Biloxi Ct.
Aurora, CO 80016
Mailing Address of Principal Office:
618 Church Street, Suite 520

Nashville, TN 37219
Organization Number-0673476
Status- Good
Standing- Active
File Date - 9/12/2007
Last Annual Report- 6/17/2009
Principal Office - 618 Church Street, Suite 520, Nashville, TN 37219

Registered Agent- National Registered Agent, 400 West Market Street, Suite 1800, Louisville, Kentucky.
Authorized Shares- 1000
Current Officers:
President- Jodi Kuhn

Secretary-William Nash
Director-Jodi Kuhn

Director-William Nash

Shareholder-Jodi Kuhn

Assumed Names:
Small Smiles Dental Center
Small Smiles Dental Centers of Lexington
(Note in the 2009 report Dr. Robert F. Andrus and Dr. Kenneth E. Knott are no longer 'shareholders' or 'directors')
KY 2008 Annual Report
KY 2009 Annual Report

Looks like Dr. Jodi Kuhn has laid a hell of a lot on the line for FORBA Small Smiles House of Horrors.

Kansas TV Station Looks Into Small Smiles

Families Concerned About Small Smiles

Posted: March 17, 2009 03:40 PM

Updated: March 17, 2009 09:30 PM

Jason and Naomi Pinkston called FactFinder Investigators shortly after taking their four-year-old daughter, Aerial, to the dentist. They say they knew right away something wasn't right.

"I feel they took advantage of my daughter to make a profit," says Naomi.

Jason says the family did research shortly after their experience at the clinic.

"All you have to do is Google these guys to get page after page of horror stories. It felt like a nightmare we couldn't wake up from," says Jason.

That nightmare, as Jason describes it, is the work Small Smiles performed on Aerial. The family showed us before and after pictures of Aerial's teeth. Her baby teeth were showing signs of decay so Small Smiles ground them down and put crowns on them. But the Pinkstons say their problems began before any work was performed.

"She didn't explain anything to me about why it would be important to Aerial to have crowns-whether we didn't do it what would happen or what a crown was. Absolutely nothing," says Naomi.

We don't know if the work was necessary; it's too late to get a second opinion because her teeth are gone. We can tell you four of Aerials front teeth that were crowned by Small Smiles will have to be pulled by another dentist.

We wanted to talk to Small Smiles about Aerial's dental work, but instead were referred to a company in Washington, D.C. Spokesperson Don Meyer tells us the clinic thinks Aerial's treatment plan was appropriate, but the execution was less than ideal. He says because of what happened, dentists in the Wichita clinic will seek continuing education.

"What we're finding is that some of our dentists may require some extra training on what's called a ‘New Smile Crown'," says Meyer.

Although Small Smiles markets exclusively to children, we were told none of the dentists at the clinic have pediatric qualifications. They are trained only in general dentistry.

We talked to pediatric dentists in the Wichita area. All of them told us many of their patients come from Small Smiles. Patients like Shelbi Meisch's daughter Amaya.

"She's terrified to see the dentist, still. Every time we go she's scared to go in," says Shelbi.

Like the Pinkstons, Shelbi doesn't feel her options were explained and Small Smiles ended up pulling six of Amaya's teeth.

"No they didn't tell me they were going to be pulling all those teeth. I was under the impression they were going to crown two back teeth and pull the front teeth," says Amaya.

Another dentist had to perform corrective work Amaya's case.

Then there is Stacy Luthy and daughter Emma. Stacy contacted us after learning we were working on the story.

"They informed me that they had a harness they put the kids in that restrains them. They made it sound routine and no big deal."

Stacy wasn't allowed to be in the room with her daughter when they went to Small Smiles about two years ago.

"About 20 or 30 minutes later they came out and said she had been throwing up. They brought her to me. She had been screaming. She was horrified. She was in tears," says Stacy.

Like Aerial and Amaya, Emma has also had corrective work performed. The teeth Small Smiles crowned fell out, leaving her with nothing until her permanent teeth come in.

The parents say all three girls now have to be sedated to even visit the dentist.

"She'll never not be afraid of a dentist, which is alone is horrible because it's such an important thing to do," says Naomi Pinkston.

That's why the Pinkstons came to us. To encourage other parents to ask the questions they didn't ask.

More Company Response:

Forba, the company that manages Small Smiles, tells us many changes were made in late 2007. They include some of the following:

  • Parents are now allowed back with their children during visits. Small Smiles made the change after receiving complaints from parents.
  • It conducted about 12,000 surveys seeking parental feedback.
  • Working to better communicate with parents.
  • Dentists have been retrained on the use of protective restraint
  • Created a toll-free number for parents to call with concerns or complaints (1-877-302-KIDS)
  • Kansas law requires dentists' offices to be locally owned. This is the company's response to corporate ownership concerns.

It is not uncommon for doctors and dentists to hire or outsource various professional and specialized services, including advertising, computer technical support, legal advice, and even human resource specialists to assist them in managing their practices. For example, the Kansas Medical Society created a practice management firm to provide a broad range of office management services to physician practices around the state. Such services are provided under a management services agreement, include a variety of services and are done for a negotiated fee, much like our agreement with Dr. Reza.

Click here for the transcript of the live chat that took place after the segment aired.


This blogger's Comments:

I don't care what kind of crap they say, Dr. Mohammad Reza Akbar doesn't own this clinic. At the Kansas Secretary of State's Office it says the mailing address is:

Linda Zoller
618 Church Street, Suit 520
Nashville, TN 37219
(FORBA Holding and FORBA Services Address, Linda Zoller is just the VP of the legal department and does most of the state business filings.

I don't even think Dr. Reza Akbar lives in Kansas but I could be wrong, he didn't used to.

As you noticed no one at FORBA would speak on camera, heck they don't speak off camera. They only send their PR guy, Don Meyer to appear, or write responses or start a blog to defend and promote the company. You would think Dr. Reza would want to defend his own clinic wouldn't you?

Don Meyer says a lot of changes took place in 2007. Well, evidently not near enough since I didn't start this until early 2008 and I've heard these horror stories for well over a year now, and they still keep coming in. All of their talk is nothing but Hogwash and they think people are actually going to be gullible to believe it.


Here is just one comment from the KWCH TV Website: (go to the bottom of the page and click on 'see all comments')


Thursday, March 19, 2009

To Jason, you are welcome and yes I am employed at Small Smiles. The guest brought up some good points...why am I still there? Partly because I do know what goes on and even if I can only save a couple of kids from being traumatized by the procedures and roughness that and unnecessary work I have done a little to stop some of it.

I know I can't stop it all but anything helps. Yes I will be out of a job but there will be a lot of kids that won't be put through this there. As for the dentist in Colorado....yes it is a different state but Small Smiles is nationwide and all of the training is done in Pueblo, CO for the dentists so you see...they have one way of training and we have had a number of dentists that were just as bad, maybe not taking drugs but doing terrible work or pulling permanent teeth when it should have been the baby tooth, or numbing the right side and then working on the left side and ignoring the child's screams of pain.

I know they have the same sub standard type of dentists across the nation. Maybe not ALL of them but a good portion of them are very substandard. The good dentists that we have had didn't last long. They left because they refused to work like that and didn't want to jeopardize their licenses. Trust me...when I first started working there I couldn't believe this type of care was actually going on in America. Maybe I will loose this battle and they will continue to operate but at least I tried and I know I have saved a few kids from the horror and pain along with the parents.


By Michael Schwanke (WICHITA, Kan)



Every year we see thousands of children who receive compassionate, high-quality dental care at our dental center. Through our parent surveys, comment line and direct interaction with caregivers, Wichita families regularly express high levels of satisfaction with our care.

However, based on the story aired by Channel 12, an internal review of standards, quality and compliance has been initiated at the Small Smiles Dental Clinic of Wichita.

We take seriously any parent who expresses concern with their child's care, and we are always looking for ways to improve. We strongly urge any parent who has concerns to contact our parent hotline at 1-877-302-KIDS.

Kansas Dental Board is asking that anyone with a complaint regarding Small Smiles contact their office.
You can file an offical complaint at or call 785-296-6400.

This blogger's comment:

1. The key word in that statement is the word "our". If Dr. Akbar owned that clinic wouldn't the term be "my" but no, they once again FORBA admits to owning these clinics.

2. I've heard this same statement over and over for 2 years! Why do you think that hotline number was set up in the first place?

3. The Kansas Dental Board has been alerted on several occasions about Small Smiles and their tactics and haven't done a darn thing so far. But I highly suggest you give it a go anyway.

4. I like to hear from those patients who were actually treated by Dr. Mohommad Reza Akbar himself.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Man Died After Having Wisdom Teeth Pulled; New Jersey Jury Awards $11 Million for Dental Malpractice


March 09, 2009 10:06 PM

In the largest oral surgery malpractice verdict in New Jersey history so far, a jury awarded $10.2 million this week to the family of 21-year-old Francis Keller of Woodbridge, who died from suffocation after having his wisdom teeth removed by oral surgeon Dr. George Flugrad, of Perth Amboy.

Because Keller had a genetic immune disorder which caused severe swelling in reaction to trauma, he should not have been a candidate for dental or any other surgery. The morning after his tooth extractions, he began to have trouble breathing, and suffered from throat swelling that ultimately led to suffocation and death.

The Middlesex County jury found that Dr. Flugrad committed malpractice when he extracted the wisdom teeth in full knowledge of Keller’s genetic condition.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Colorado Springs Gazette Mentions 20/20 Probe

Colorado Springs Gazette's reveals 20/20's probe into Small Smiles.


Small Smiles dentistry focus of ‘20/20′ probe
March 5th, 2009, 2:02 pm by Brian Newsome

Small Smiles Dental Centers, a national chain with offices in Colorado Springs, Denver and Pueblo,  will be featured Friday in a “20/20″ report about questionable practices. Small Smiles, which serves mostly children on Medicaid, has come under fire in various media stories for restraining kids, not allowing parents to be present with them, and doing unnecessary procedures to get Medicaid reimbursements Here is a YouTube clip from an ABC News investigation in the D.C. area.

A spokeswoman for “20/20″ confirmed the report will air Friday at 8 p.m. MST. Correspondent Deborah Roberts reported from Pueblo, according to 20/20 media relations publicist Alyssa Z. Apple, but Colorado Springs is not specifically mentioned.