Seems things continue to worsen for dentist Gilberto Nunez. After his April 2015 Indictment of Grand Larceny, Insurance Fraud, and 5 counts of Falsifying Business Records he was released on $15,000 cash bail ($30,000 bond). (court documents below) According to Mid Hudson News, he's been arrested on charges of perjury brought by the Ulster County Sheriff's Office. I seldom hear of perjury charges these days! The original Indictment stems from a
February 2014 fire in which he claimed an $8,400 loss. I'm serious.
Poughkeepsie dentist arrested for perjury
May 29, 2015

KINGSTON, NY – A Poughkeepsie dentist was arraigned on Thursday (May 28, 2015) in
Kingston City Court on a felony complaint charging him with two counts
of perjury, two counts of offering a false instrument for filing, and
making an apparently sworn false statement.
Gilberto Nunez, a dentist with offices in Kingston, is also
under indictment in Ulster County Court on charges of grand larceny,
insurance fraud, and falsifying business records.
Both cases are being prosecuted by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office acting as special prosecutor.
The latest charges, brought by the Ulster County Sheriff’s
Office, stem from several allegedly false statements contained in a
pistol permit application Nunez filed in February 2014. They pertained
to his previous military service.
The complaint alleges Nunez was AWOL from the US Marine Corps
from August 1987 until he was apprehended in July 1990, and that his
subsequent “Separation in Lieu of Trial by court Martial” was a
“discharge for cause” that had to be reported on the application.
In his 2014 pistol permit application, Nunez checked off the
“no” box in answer to questions as to whether he had ever been
“terminated/discharged from any employment or the armed forces for
cause” and whether he had ever “been arrested… anywhere for any
Kingston Judge Lawrence Ball released Nunez on his own recognizance
pending a future court appearance in county court on the indictment
charging him with grand larceny, insurance fraud and falsifying
business records.