Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dentistry For American's "Insourced" Via Dental Corporations


It's a bit tricky "outsourcing" dental treatment, but no one said it could not be "insourced". 

With turnover rates of close to 50% the dentists pool must be running a bit dry.

Actual turnover rate for Lead Dentists is around 19%, but they are making well over $200K, most $300k and more.  Turnover rates for associate dentists are 46+% and with other staff it runs about 40%.  Those figures speak volumes about these dental mills with jobs as scares these days.

There is a website that tracks employers who "sponsor" people to come to the US under work visas.

The sight, Immigration Help, is loaded with everything you need to know from health insurance to popular boy and girl names.

Curiosity got me and I had to see how many dentists were imported in 2009.  I was a bit shocked there were so many; about 600.  I didn't look into this, but it appears each company can import one dentist.  I'm guessing that is why each clinic is registered as a separated entity.  Another reason Corporate Dentistry is NOT a good idea and illegal in most states. 

Of course, being illegal hasn't stopped these dental mills from operation or putting imported dentists to work.  Imagine for a minute,…

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Former Kool Smiles Employee Says She Is Attacked With Direct Energy Weapons

OMG!  This is freaky and from a past employee of Kool Smiles.  She swears she's being electronically attacked by the government.


This doesn't mean anything. But, I wanted to prove that the state my grandmother grew up in and did a lot of community service for bascially gets me no where. My grandmother has awards from the governor and the mayor of Kentucky along with article's where she was featured in The Courier Journal numerous times and I have emailed the news paper so many times asking for help and I have been ignored. Steve Bashear the governor of Kentucky has done nothing to help me and the police have laughed in my face and over the phone when I tell them I am assaulted with driect energy weapons and that I have been stalked, harassed and threatened.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ads For Executives Reflect Corporate Ownership of Small Smiles Clinics

You can't read this, but it's a posting for a job with FORBA, [clearing throat]I mean Church Street Heath Management. [The link will take you to the job posting]

The job ads published by these dental mills have always been such a great source of information, inspiration and my bloviation. 

CSHM is looking for a SVP, Operations.  Remember what I told everyone about those corporate titles.  Be careful!  Actually you should "beware".  To be considered an "executive" of a company can open yourself up to things beyond your wildest imagination. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dr. Mazorow Back Treating Patients. Is Ambulance in Parking Lot?

Please read the comments.  Marissa's grandmother is in so much pain. 
It has just 22 days since 13 year old Marissa Kingery, stopped breathing, became unresponsive and later removed from life-support in Dr. Henry B. Mazorow dental office.  Some say Marissa had been stopped breathing for 8 minutes before paramedics were called.
It's only been 5 days since her young body was lowered into a  6 foot deep dark hole in a cold and frozen cemetery by grave diggers after her loving family said their final goodbyes.

Has this slowed Dr. Mazorow?

No.  This old man continues to see patients.  He's not skipped a beat.  His staff hasn't even been had enough time to recover from watching a child die right in front of their very eyes.  [Please, God, tell me his support staff does not include an 80 year old wife as well.]
Senile?  Dementia?
Maybe Dr. Mazorow is senile or suffers from dementia and doesn't remember killing Marissa.  That would explain the madness demonstrated.
Senility is all I can think of that would explain why an 81 year old man, having had two dental patients die under his care, get up the next day and head to the office.
Dr. Mazorow was 68 when Rosemary died in his care
Thirteen years ago, Dr. Henry B. Mazorow settled a wrongful death suit for causing the death of 57-year-old Rosemary T. Johnson.  The cost for that killing was $550,000.
Five years later, all evidence of any Dental Board reports, investigations or hearings were sent to the incinerator.  [I doubt they were shredded at that time]
That same year, Dr. Mazorow was 68 years old and Marissa Kingery of Elyria, Ohio was born. 
Dr. Mazorow was at least three years into his retirement and drawing his monthly social security.  Yet he was still heading to the office sedating patients and putting lives at risk. 
Had he stopped at his retirement age, he could have stopped practicing dentistry without any deaths. [Unless there are others we are unaware of or there is a more sinister reason]
High Hopes Dashed
It was reported that he had agreed to stop performing general anesthesia and IV sedation surgery on patients and there was a collective sigh of relief across the country.
Hearing that news, gave high hopes that his mind had cleared enough to recognize it was time to step away from the drill. 
However, that is not the case.  He continues to treat patients awaiting a ruling on the actual cause of Marissa's death.    Is Dr. Mazorow swimming in Egypt? [Denial]
Apparently, Dr. Henry Mazorow believes he and/or his staff had little to do with killing Marissa.  He appears to be staged at the starting line and ready to continue with his reckless ways as soon as his attorney feels it's safe.
The coroner states the tentative cause of death was "lack of oxygen to the brain" and is awaiting results of other tests.  Hopefully someone will be testing Dr. Mazorow relatively soon. 
It's reported that the Ohio Dental Board is performing an investigation, but those of us who follow these deaths realize there is a 99.999999% chance nothing will happen and in 5 years any paper trail that an investigation was even initiated will disappear in a shredder, never to be seen again.
I hope the Ambulance is sitting in the parking lot or at least installed a hotline directly to his office.  As can be heard in the report "Marissa Not His First" you can hear the EMT's say they are there all the time. 
Marissa Not His First
January 11, 2011 Chronicle-Telegram
January 12, 2011 The Oakland Press

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Marissa Kingery Death– Ohio Dental Board Destroys Records After 5 Years!!

From The Chronicle-Telegram

ELYRIA — Dr. Henry Mazorow, the 80-year-old oral surgeon under investigation in connection with the death of 13-year-old patient Marissa Kingery, has agreed to stop practicing — at least on a temporary basis, according to a representative of the Ohio State Dental Board.

Mazorow has not seen patients since the medical emergency involving Marissa three weeks ago, according to Lili C. Reitz, the dental board’s executive director.
“He’s agreed not to see patients for the time being,” Reitz said.
Reitz said that the board had been informed of the earlier death of 57-year-old Rosemary T. Johnson, who died Oct. 21, 1997, while having six teeth removed by Mazorow.

She said no disciplinary action was taken against Mazorow, who has been practicing since 1956, after Johnson had a reaction to the halothane anesthetic and suffered a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.
“It was reported, but the board...

Carlyle Group invests in UK dentisty

January 2011
A new force in dentistry is being created by Carlyle, the US private equity group, which has bought two of the biggest UK dentist chains and merged them into a group with almost 450 practices.

Carlyle said on Friday it would acquire Integrated Dental Holdings from the private equity arm of Bank of America Merrill Lynch and merge it with Associated Dental Practices.”

Read more by at the Financial Times website

Monday, January 10, 2011

Marissa Kingery Was Not Dr. Henry Mazorow's First Death

Most shocking in the 911 call where you hear the dispatcher say they "go there all the time".
So how often do they go?  Who else has almost died?  Is someone checking this out?

Link to story and video

Other court cases where Dr. Mazorow was the defendant:
They can all be found here

98 cv 120669 Johnson v. Mazorow 1998
97 cv 160444 Crandall v. Mazorow 1997
00 cv 185118 Healy v. Mazorow 2000
98 cv 120705 Tower v. Mazorow 1998
95 cv 119901 Pryor v. Mazorow 1995
95 cv 114395 Onysyk v. Mazorow 1995
03 cv 134176 Hembree v. Mazorow 2003
02 cv 131752 Kowalczyk v. Mazorow 2002
01 cv 130029 Bailey v. Mazorow 2001
01 cv 129370 Hembree v. Mazorow  2001

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Dental Sleep Medicine? What's Next, Vasectomies and Tonsillectomies?

I've been thinking today and when that happens it usually doesn't turn out well.
I got to thinking about all the procedures dentists are now allowed to perform. 
townietop50corpdent11311I was reading the Top 50 Game Changers over at Dental Town and Corporate Dentistry made the list, as did Sedation  and Sleep Medicine. 
Sleep Medicine?townietop5011311
How did we get from tooth and gum heath to cosmetic injections such as botox and other facial esthetics and now sleep medicine?
'Botox Dentist' even has a facebook page so it must be important, right.
And yes, like sedation dentistry, there is a quick seminar to teach everyone how to get it done.  You can even order up a training DVD.
But Dental Sleep Medicine?
Admittedly I don't keep up with all the disciplines being awarded in the world of dental medicine, but it's getting to the point the profession is going to have to come up with a different name. 

Church Street Health Management–From Arcapita's Website 2011-1-9 18-8


I know I'm not the only one to notice, nobody says they "own" the clinics anymore. 

I've made a complete copy of their blog  There is not one word there that says anyone owns any clinic.  Everyone is always a "lead dentist".  Well, until it comes to the income, then FORBA wants to claim that, or the lawsuits, then those lead dentists suddenly become owners.  Cracks me up sometimes. 

Even in the local news video they posted, no own is introduced as "owner" of the Small Smiles clinic here in "fill in the name of the city".

All these Small Smiles dental clinics are either "affiliated with" or "associated with" Arcapita or Church Street Health Management, aka FORBA.

I'm sure they all hate the fact those initial press releases when Arcapita "purchased" these clinics were wiped off the web, sorry guys.

I get what they are thinking, they don't want their name on documents like this.

As you can see, and everyone working for Small Smiles and Church Street Health Management should take note of, everyone will be named in lawsuits. 


The cost of hiring an law firm to initially take the case will be very expensive.  Responsible or not, you've been named in a lawsuit.  Everything for you changes at that point.  And I mean everything! 

Think your family won't be effected, wrong.  Think your kids won't be effected?  Wrong.

Try going out on your own with a pending lawsuit hanging over your head.  Try doing much of anything with this kind of lawsuit hanging over your head. 

I hope everyone is looking over what kind of documents you've signed. 

Church Street Health Management (CSHM) is not going to protect you from the above.  They are hanging  you out to dry, in the end, you will be in this all alone. 

Everyone will need their own attorney.  Don't be stupid and think FORBA aka Church Street Health Management (CSMH) and their vast number of law firms and attorneys are going to protect you.  Look out for yourself.

If you work for Small Smiles and Church Street Health Management, I would think you can expect to see your name on one of these someday in the future.   

For those at other dental mills, be taking notes. 

Boo!  Run!