Saturday, June 11, 2011

Your tax money for Wall Street, no not the bailout-Worse!


In 2009 the Richard J. (John) and Leanne Malouf home rated 42 in top 100 most expensive homes in Dallas!  He’s just a dentist!  What did his neighbors think he did?  How did he explain he was screwing his neighbors as well as taxpayers to live like this?  He’s only 45 years old!
Bio | Email
June 8, 2011

Last year, lax state regulations allowed dentists to legally collect nearly $200 million to straighten the teeth of poor children in Texas at taxpayer expense.
That's more than the rest of the United States combined.
Orthodontic treatment for children is generally an elective, cosmetic procedure that many parents spend thousands of dollars on for their children. But Texas pays for orthodontics under Medicaid like no other state in the country.
In 2010, Texas spent $184 million on Medicaid orthodontics.
Medicaid is designed to provide health care for the poor.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Want out of your employment contract with your dental mill? Tell ‘em to shove it! The company is operating an illegal operation, and they know it.

You might want to read up on Penny v OrthAlliance 2003
Corporations practicing dentistry is down right illegal, always has been.  Now, when is someone going to enforce the laws?

Currently, some Dental Boards say they do not have the authority.
Well, what the hell do we need them for?  Monthly dog and pony shows?

Thursday, June 09, 2011

American Association of Dental Boards

Our Mission Statement

  • To serve as a resource by providing a national forum for exchange, development and dissemination of information to assist dental regulatory boards with their obligation to protect the public.

  • Values Held by the AADB

  • AADB values protection of the public whenever it seeks dental     health care.

  • AADB values collaborative relationships within organized dentistry among educators, accreditors, examiners and regulators.

  • AADB values meeting the needs of all its members.


Monday, June 06, 2011

Small Smiles Dental closing one of it’s Oklahoma City dental centers.


I’m hearing is only temporary, hope to reopen in the fall.  I hope that is NOT possible by the time fall gets here!

Isn’t Oklahoma where that waterboarding dentist, Megann Scott worked?

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Church Street Management - Small Smiles Dental Centers - New Malpractice Carrier

I'm hearing it's CNA.

So folks, when you are making your complaints and reporting incidents and "adverse events" at the dental centers, don't forget to shoot off a report to CNA!

Massive influx of foreign-trained dentist and complete take over of our medical and dental health care profession? You decide

Someone found this on the Internet and sent it to me.  I felt it absolutely should be reposted as it is yet another picture of what is happening right under our noses and we all need to wake up from our peaceful slumber:


We will soon see a massive influx of foreign-trained dentists. While everything else has been outsourced, the last majorly unaffected areas of the American economy are health care and the service sector. By virtue of the logic that health care not be outsourced, we as a profession were complacent.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Small Smiles Dental Centers, more lawsuits filed, this time in Rochester, NY

June 2, 2011

Sheila Sawyer joining Small Smiles Dental Centers as In House General Counsel–the previous candidate backed out.

Sheila Sawyer is leaving Wallar Lansden, where she was partner.  
“For the past five years, Sheila’s practice has focused on litigation and government investigations and during that time she has been instrumental, acting as our outside counsel, in assisting the Company with numerous state investigations, successfully resolving all of them.”
Sheila will be leading the Human Resources team, with consists of among other, DeRose relatives, Jacob and Jenna Kochenberger.  Combing “legal” and “human resources” should be a hoot.
It’s said, Sheila has been “a fan of, and terrific advocate” for Small Smiles Dental Centers Church Street Health Management. 
Sheila’s start day is July 18 if all goes well.

Texas gone hog wild and pig crazy with taxpayer sponsored dental care


2007    $399,000,000
2008    $768,000,000
2009    $961,000,000
2010    $1,235,000,000

In essence, Medicaid expenditures in Texas for dental services have gone up 300% in 4 years.  I suppose it’s a case of out of control kids going to sleep with Sippy cups.  Or theft on a monumental scale.  No wonder every dentist in the country wants to come to Texas to make his/her fortune!

Actually you don’t have to actually be a dentist to profit, just hire one.  I’m packing now, look out Texas, here I come.

Section 5 page 6 of Texas Medicaid and CHIP 8th edition – January 2011

Yet today, Texas announced it was “expanding” it’s Medicaid spending for dental care!  Texas taxpayers, your Texas government has lost it’s ever lovin’ mind!

Here ya go, Texas, bend over!  Oh wait, sorry, you already are bent over, well, stand back up and do it again.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

VA infection issues lead to 13,000 veteran’s tests

May 29, 2011 4:10 PM CDT Sunday,
May 29, 2011 5:10 PM EST

Associated Press

DAYTON, Ohio (AP) - Herman Williams came home safely after fighting in the jungles of Vietnam as a Marine. He was shocked to learn four decades later that his military service had again placed him in jeopardy - this time, because he got a tooth pulled.

Williams is among 13,000 U.S. veterans who have been warned in the last two years that their blood should be tested for potentially fatal infections after possible exposures by improper hygiene practices at five VA hospitals in Ohio, Florida, Georgia, Missouri and Tennessee. This Memorial Day finds the Department of Veterans Affairs under political fire and numerous veterans upset after enduring fear and uncertainty over their health.
