Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Aetna DMO only offers bottom of the barrel dental provider
This is a great example of an informed consumer. “Jenny” sent me this just the other day. Thanks “Jenny”!
From Lincoln Nebraska
My company gives a choice of Aetna PPO or Aetna DMO. I was looking over the options and found the DMO sounded nice but after doing a search it turned up only one option for me, Blome Family Dentistry with Gregory and Sara Blome(father and daughter). I hit one of the many "rate your doctor" websites and found that they both had sanctions against them. Both of the sanctions had to deal with the Mother(Cindy Blome as stated on the staff page of their website). She worked(maybe stills works) at the office and in 2008 the DEA looked into the large amount of hydrocodone being ordered by the office. The father Gregory had gotten himself put on probation claiming he knew nothing about it and then in 2009 the daughter Sara was put on probation about the very same thing. The mother was ordering these for her "migraines" but the sanctions states(Under Sara's) :
Poster recounts trauma of being strapped down
Well, I've not been to the dentist in about 5 or so years. I don't remember the last time, to be honest.
I have always had a huge fear of dentists, but my biggest trauma was being held down for cleanings and fillings as a child every 6 months. Even though I was cooperative, I would be strapped down. Being an abuse victim, this scares me to death. My other fear is the pain, as I am on long-term opiate therapy for chronic pain (my spine is just totally obliterated) stemming from an accident and cancer.
I know I have many problems with my teeth, and it is humiliating to go to the dentist. I have a lot of decay at the gum line, I know I have periodontal/gum disease, and I have many cavities I can feel, esp along the molar gum line on the lower jaw. I also have one tooth that cracked off halfway but that never has hurt. I have been eating Motrin like candy for a month, putting this off. Just thinking about calling a dentist made me go into panic mode. But finally I cannot take this lower jaw pain anymore. I know I have impacted wisdom teeth and several huge cavities on that side that hurts. The Motrin doesn't help at all anymore, and although most would probably think that with my narcotics I wouldn't feel pain...I do. It doesn't touch the tooth pain whatsoever.
I don't even know what the cause of my jaw pain is...the whole right lower side hurts. I have TMJ problems from an accident in which I hit my lower jaw on the steering wheel as well. So many problems!!!
Besides the fear of the dentist, my "rationalization" for so long has been that I don't have the money to get these fixed. I know it truly doesn't make sense, but...it was my excuse. For what little income I do manage to get, through selling things and whatnot, goes toward my two young kids. I avoided the dentist for so long because I had such a hard time finding a dentist that would accept payment plans, etc. My mom had to help me call places. Finally I found one yesterday, and I am hoping they will be able to help me. It is there that I will be going this morning.
Sorry for the length of this post. I have not slept all night, partly from the pain of my jaw, but mostly from sheer terror. I am also extremely worried about the pain, as I cannot just get narcotics from anybody. They all must come from my pain management doc, but he is not in the office until Monday. So that just adds one more level of fear on me. I hope and pray the dentist is kind and gentle, cause otherwise I may lose it!
I really appreciate finding that there is a forum out there for people who fear the dentist as much as I do. One of my friends goes to a sleep dentist, and gets knocked out for everything. She has a bad needle phobia as well. I don't' care about needles, I just fear the dentist in general! lol I wish I could afford the thousands of dollars it cost to see a sleep dentist. I will be happy just to be able to eat again and not suck down a bottle of Motrin like candy.
The worst part is, I feel like such a hypocrite for being so adamant about my kids brushing and flossing and seeing the dentist. When I haven't gone for ages. I had so much trouble as a child with teeth problems that I am always telling my kids "You don't want to have teeth like mine!".
I apologize for the long, rambling post. It sure feels good to know I will be understood here, though. My family thinks I'm crazy for avoiding the dentist. To them, quote "I should just get over it." That's their answer to everything. Suck it up and go.
Thanks for listening.
Dr. Kim Henry wanted to be heard, so here ya go, Kim
Saturday July 2, 2011
2:18 PM
Subject: You think you are valiant crusaderCame across your blog searching for info on Church Street Management, who sent me glossy brochures trying to hire me.
You are a prolific writer, but a real coward, as you have the comments disabled on all of your posts.
I am an enemy of corporate clinics also, but you don't know crap about dentistry, lady. You are just a pompous windbag.
Kim Henry, D.M.D.
Clearly Dr. Kim Henry hasn’t been here before it would be clear that comments are open, even anonymously, and I do not delete for filter any of them.
At one time, when I fist installed the Disgus comment software, it was set to cut comments off at 30 days, that was the default. When I noticed this I immediately corrected this problem!
More of Dr. Kim Henry: Ghana Community.com
I am a US citizen who sent quite a bit of money to a Ghanaian woman to start her in a tailoring business. This included money to buy land for the shop.
A good while later I was contacted by a man purporting to be an Interpol officer, with a record of my money transfers. He told me this woman and her accomplice was a scammer.
He suggested a Ghanaian attorney who would help with their prosecution for a fee. I paid him.
I supposedly won a $21,300 award in a Ghanaian court against these scammers. To pay it, the scammer's bank accounts were supposedly seized. I received a copy of the one-page court decree, but it looks suspiciously phony.
The attorney said Ghana levies a 7% tax on damage award. He said I must forward $1483 to pay the court before the check can be turned over the the Ghanaian Embassy in Washington for me to pick up. Frankly, the whole thing sounds like a scam.
Could anyone with any knowledge of the Ghanian legal system help me? Does this 7% tax exists? How can I verify the court award?
Thank you!
Dr. Kim Henry
I think we now know why she was sent a flier to come join the crew at CSHM.
…more on Dr. Kim Henry:
Dr. Kim Henry says:
I traveled to Ghana in 2006 for the first time. I was impressed by the friendliness of people there. I met a young girl in Aburi Garden who was gracious enough to show me around.
When I left, an e-mail correspondence ensued, in which she confessed romantic attraction to me.
Very soon, she wrote to tell me that she lost her job in a sewing factory. As I was grateful for her help as a tour guide one day, I sent her the money for a sewing machine, business cards, and a cell phone.
Later she said it was impossible to work in her house, so I sent her money to have a container converted to an office. She reportedly placed this on a street on Tema until the officials cleaned off the streets and forced her to move.
After that I sent her money to buy a piece of property adjacent to a busy road. The lawyer fees and land registration fees were enormous. And of course along the way, there were the usual illnesses of the girl and her family, them getting thrown out of their house, and countless other supposed difficulties.
When I finally said “no” to sending any more money, I got an e-mail from a supposed Interpol investigator saying they had been tracking these scammers for awhile and wanted to convict them. He had me send a lot of supporting documentation about my transactions.
The the policeman told me in Ghana courts of law, the victim of a scam crime must pay for the prosecution by a good attorney. I thought this was very weird, but I agreed to pay $1400 for the lawyer.
The case supposedly went to trial, and the scammers were convicted. I was awarded $21,300 in damages. But guess what? I was told the Ghana taxed court awards at 7%. When I sent this money, he guaranteed me that a check would be sent me by the Ghana embassy in Washington.
Now every day this attorney pesters me, saying I will lose the court award if I don’t pay the taxes soon. I wanted back-up evidence, and he sent me a scan of a court decree from the proceedings. Only trouble is, some words are not spelled correctly. It looks fishy to me. I remember that the phoney land deed was a very convincing piece of work.
Can anyone help me verify this policy of Ghana taxing victim compensation awards, and possibly verify the existence of the judge and the case number on this decree?
I hear it is common in Nigerian scams to offer “help” to a scam victim, in order to extract more money from them.
Kim Henry’
Friday, July 01, 2011
Church Street Health Management, LLC Managers
Rodney Cawood – 618 Church Street Suite 520, Nashville, TN 37219
Jack Draughon –2928 Habersham Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Charles Griffith – 4209 South Bellaire Circle, Englewood, Colorado 80113
Charles H. Ogburn – 3807 Vermont Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30319
Bowen Diehl – 2945 Stanford Avenue, Dallas Texas 75225"
Michael Lindley – 857 Curtiswood Lane, Nashville, TN 37204
Alford J. Smith – 1652 Jacobs Drive, Gallatin, TN 37066
Scott A. Buschmann – 75 14th Street 24th Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30309
Dental Associations receive nearly 50% of its monies from corporations
I’m sure this is quite normal, but there just seems like there is something wrong with it and I can’t lay my finger on exactly what it is. Not right now anyway, if you could see my house you would understand.
Seems like receiving a discount for using particular companies is one thing, but if said companies actually contributes to nearly 50% of an organizations income that is whole other ball of wax. I’m sure someone can enlighten me about this.
In the Tennessee Dental Associate 2010 Source Book it highly suggests it’s members use certain companies saying:
“When you use the services and products endorsed by the TDA, you not only obtain a good value but also assist in keeping TDA dues low. These companies provide the TDA with a royalty based on the amount of business generated by TDA members and their offices; non-dues revenue accounts for almost half of the TDA’s yearly income. When contacting these companies, tell them you are a TDA member”
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Murder suspect arrested at place of employment–Kool Smiles!
Another example of the “quality” care brought to the “underserved” children by dental mills like Kool Smiles, Small Smiles and various others.
Ever wonder how well these dental mills vet their employees? Not very damn well!
I mentioned in a post a month or two ago, I bet there were all kinds of criminals working in these places. I had in mind, child molesters since abusing children sets pretty well with the folks there.
However, it’s accused murders as well!
Just think of the children this dental hygienist had his hands on. He is accused of suffocating a 26 year old woman to death in 2004. Was he thinking about suffocating your child while he was so close to their little faces? Was he thinking about putting your child in the Charles River where he is accused of dumping Julaine? What about his co-workers? Aren’t you Kool Smiles folks ready to blow the whistle wide open on this retched company.
Probably! How could he not!
Think of all the personal information this creep had at his disposal? Scary!
Here is the woman he is accused of murdering. Julaine Jules, a Hatiean-American woman who had worked at a children’s museum.
North Carolina Senate Bill 655–HB 698–Dentistry Management Agreements
Let’s break with tradition and “Read the Bill”.
You can read the proposed bill putting much needed limits on dental management companies in North Carolina by clicking here.
Primary Sponsors - Louis Pate; Austin M. Allran;
Co-Sponsors -Tom Apodaca; Doug Berger; Andrew C. Brock; Ed Jones; William R. Purcell; Richard Stevens;
Click here to keep up with the Bill. See where it has been, and where it’s headed.
Wonder if this was designed to cut the head off the Michael DeRose head. It is my whole heartedly belief he still profits from the Medicaid Dental Centers k/n/a Smile Starters.
Within weeks of the $10 million dollar fine/settlement he and Dr. Tish Balance signed all the clinics were amazingly sold to one of their Lead Dentists, Dr. Raf Rivera. However, the management company remained-Root Dental Management.
In 2010 Michael DeRose was put on the no fly list, i.e. List of Excluded Individuals, where he is not to profit directly or indirectly from collecting Medicaid for services. Well, I consider the sham in North Carolina, Dr. Michael DeRose profiting indirectly
Wonder if Roger Walters is also still involved down there?
Root Dental Management-FORBA Smell the Same April 21,2008
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Small Smiles Dental Centers owners guided by Shari’ah-Sharia- Rules and Principles
Arcapita Bank-Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain-is the investment firm who purchased the Small Smiles Dental Centers/Church Street Health Management from the DeRose family in 2006.
The following statement is taken from Arcapita Bank’s Annual Financial Statement as of June 30, 2010, Ernst & Young auditors:
“…and that the Bank has complied with the terms of its banking license and has also complied with the "Islamic Shari’ah Rules and Principles as determined by the Shari’ah Supervisory Board of the Group.”
I’m thinking they would prefer me beheaded.