Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Dr. Anthony David DiNozzi threatens FBI
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
A former Youngwood dentist is slated to appear in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh today after federal agents raided his home late Friday after he allegedly threatened to kill an FBI agent.
Anthony David DiNozzi, 44, who lives with his parents at 714 Kennedy Way, is charged with threatening to kill FBI Special Agent Gregory A. Heeb.
According to an affidavit of probable cause filed yesterday, Special Agent Jeffery H. Tisak alleges that DiNozzi telephoned Heeb at 11 a.m. on Thursday at the FBI office in Pittsburgh and left a death threat on his office telephone answering machine.
″Hey, this is DiNozzi. How you doing, buddy?″ DiNozzi stated in the recording, Tisak said.
Tisak alleges that DiNozzi then swore at Heeb and DiNozzi then claimed that numerous FBI agents across the country were listening because ″I'm a witness for Eric Holder.″
″You call me again, I'll have you killed. In defense, do you understand that, you freak?″ DiNozzi allegedly said.
DiNozzi then continued a profanity-laced tirade against Heeb. He also is accused of telephoning Chief U.S. Judge Robert S. Lasnik in Seattle and federal agents there, demanding they prosecute Microsoft founder Bill Gates.
Agents subsequently traced the call to DiNozzi's residence.
DiNozzi had his dentistry license suspended in Pennsylvania in 2001, according to state records, and moved his practice to Ohio, where he was convicted in Newark, Ohio, in 2007 for Medicaid fraud.
According to the affidavit filed by Tisak, Heeb and DiNozzi encountered each other during an incident on Feb. 17, 2011, at Pittsburgh International Airport, where airport security flagged DiNozzi as ″a suspicious person″ and DiNozzi subsequently identified himself as a federal agent. Ultimately, no criminal charges were filed in that incident.
Court documents state that about a month after the airport incident, Heeb received a telephone voice message from a person claiming to be a bailiff for a federal judge in Seattle and recommending that the agent telephone Lasnik over an ongoing case. Federal court officials in Seattle subsequently identified DiNozzi as the caller and alleged the suspended dentist had repeatedly called Lasnik in Seattle.
The FBI interviewed DiNozzi in response to those calls, but no criminal charges were filed.
″After the interview, DiNozzi's calls to the court and the Seattle field office stopped″ until Thursday's telephone call to Heeb.
DiNozzi remains in federal custody in the Allegheny County Jail.
Monday, January 09, 2012
Visit to Nashville Small Smiles Headquaters

There is a lot of action in this old historic building for some reason. Groups of people being lead here and there. I could have sworn I saw Mike Lindley get off the elevator.
I will say the folks rambling around the place do a lot of chatting, especially getting on and off the elevators. Also sounds carry great in the building and the walls in the ground floor restroom carry sound very well.
I thought I heard a group of ladies chatting about several "centers" closing. The number I thought I heard was 20, but that could have been twenty places closing that had nothing to do with Small Smiles Dental centers, who knows.
Friday, January 06, 2012
Is this the beginning of the end for Small Smiles Dental Centers?
In the past three weeks I’ve seen more people with resume’s posted online over at indeed.com who list Small Smiles as their current or former employer.
[you can search resume’s. Not sure listing them as a former employer is a plus, personally, I would reconsider]
What is that saying?
Well, it tells me clinics are closing, being sold off-piece mill, massive layoffs are happening, or it’s very possible it could be all of the above.
Toledo closed the week before Christmas. One of the Oklahoma City centers closed a few months ago. I heard this week the Lead dentist (fake owner) in Phoenix, Dr. Karen Chu, enjoyed her final day last Friday, December 30,2011.
Add in the CEO and President, Michael G. Lindley and Al J. Smith, being fired along with at least one regional manager; it sounds like things are rocky, to say the least, at Church Street Health Management and their string of Small Smiles dental clinics.
This is pure speculation but the Carlyle Group could be purchasing a larger piece of the Small Smiles brand pie. Can you say “bailout”?
What I’m confused about is just how they can “sell” clinics they claim they do not own. After all, they claim individual dentists “own” the clinics and CSHM simply “manages” them. [liar, liar pants on fire] I’m suspecting if these clinics are ever sold, the IRS will have a field day!! In fact, I’m shocked the IRS hasn’t already had fun trying to figure out how Dr. William Nash came to own all these clinics in the first place and then he supposedly sold them to other individual dentists. He still remained as either president or secretary of all the various entities that have been created.
If I’m not mistaken one “owner” dentist claimed under oath, and penalty of perjury, they purchased their three clinics directly from Dr. Nash. However, under oath, they weren’t sure when they purchased them or just how much they paid for them. Bahahahah!
There is no doubt Arcapita Bank has experienced buyers remorse from day one. There are literally hundreds of legal claims and lawsuits against Church Street Health Management, their Small Smiles Dental Centers and various employees, and many more on the horizon.
This is just a guess, but they have probably wanted to cut the tongue out of the attorney who told them this illegal operation was legit in the first place. Since this person was irresponsible at the least and guilty of malpractice at the most.
In light of everything, any one would be foolish to buy any of these centers or this company as a whole.
I would also me very worried if Church Street Health Management or any of their individual Small Smiles Dental Centers owed me money. Personally, I’d me headed to 618 Church Street in Nashville, Tennessee and asking for a cashiers check immediately!
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Small Smiles dentist Karen Chu, DMD blogs.
Yep, blogging of all things. Not just one blog, but two of them.
Karen Chu, DMD Blog
Phoenix Small Smiles Blog
On one of her blogs, Dr. Chu gives the public a fun “how to ” tip to help parent prepare children for their first dentist visit, to her I suppose. (you’ll see what I mean)
She recommends story time saying:
“Much of the fear and upset young children experience on those 1st appointments come from having no "frame of reference" for the strange environment, strange people and even stranger actions happening to and around them.”
To further assist she’s taken the time (a lot it appears) to put together a little slideshow/visual aid to help parents spin a fun,yet accurate, fairy tale. It’s absolutely delightful, you’ll see.
Last I had heard about Dr. Karen Chu, DMD, the fake owner dentist of all the Arizona Children Medicaid Dental Clinics (Small Smiles Dental) she was not allowed to do anything more than hygiene on patients. I had heard she had failed a few chart audits and there might be some issues with slashing children’s gums while drilling, restraining their heads, yelling at the children, telling the children if they don’t hold still their mother will leave them, and lying about the real amount of anesthesia she uses on the children, i.e. writes down 1.5 carpules of anesthesia when she really used 3. I also heard she will leave a child in the papoose board for well over an hour, headed toward two, but only documents the time limit of 1 hour.
Dr. Chu’s profile says she believes every child should have a beautiful smile. I have to question then, what she considers beautiful. This?
Being that Dr. Chu is an “owner dentist” she must be quite loyal to the corporate heads, they only allow those they can truly trust or blackmail to be “owner dentists” I think. She was one of their top producers in 2010 that’s for sure. However, she is not indispensible, her last day was Friday December 28, 2011! Whoop Whoop!!
(it’s likely when I post this, the blogs will disappear within minutes, but not to worry, I have the nice slideshow presentation backed up if necessary)
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
One dentist’s view on the ADA
Posted by Frenchpotato
The reason they can take advantage of you is simply because there are too many dentists, and a lot more are coming down the pike.
The ADA does not care. The ADA has really disappointed me. ADA automatically gives all these new schools provisional accreditation.
I hope I live long enough to see dental schools start closing as they did in the 1980's. Maybe I will live long enough to see people wake up and stop joining the ADA.
BTW, when I was being encouraged to join the ADA, other dentists would say, if you do not join and you are ever sued, the opposing attorney will say, "she is not even a member of the ADA."
Seriously, I would like to hear ONE good reason to be a member of the ADA.
The deaths at the dentist office we don’t hear about
This was posted on a dental forum/message board back in April 2011:
A friend of mine is an associate for a dental office. There are two doctors working that day, he and the other doctor ( i will call her Sue). Dr. Sue attempted to perform a surgical extraction #17 on the patient. The patient is 39 yr old male. After spending some time unsuccessfully trying to remove tooth, Dr. Sue decided to stop and refer to OS. Pt. was dismissed from the chair, and walked to front desk to reappoint with OS. Pt. complained of dizziness shortly after. He went to use he restroom. Dr. Sue didn't want to enter the restroom so she asked my doctor riend to check on him. He went and checked blood pressure of patient. Pt. had bp 250/110 and called paramedic. Without going further into detail, Pt. was taken by paramedic. My friend doctor found out later the pt. had hx hypertension and didn't take his bp meds that day. Also, my friend found out only later that night pt also fell while trying to use restroom. Pt. had surgery for something in his head (no specific details given) in ER and went into coma. Apparently he never came out and passed away a month later. My friend said Dr. Sue never checked her pt. med hx prior to procedure. No blood pressure was taken either prior to work and no consent forms were signed for extraction procedure. Dr. Sue did state in her notes that she administered local anesthetic with epinephrine and she stated same to paramedic upon questioning by them. My friend was the one who took the pt. blood pressure and called 911, helped get Oxygen for pt and stayed with patient. Dr. Sue was working on another pt the whole time and didn't come out until paramedic came. It seemed she defer all responsibility to my friend when it was her patient. What type of legal repercussions will this have on Dr. Sue or my friend doctor. I know he was not the treating doctor but since this is involved a pt. death what is going to happen legally here for everyone? The owner of the dental office is neither Dr. Sue or my friend.
So you want to work for a corporate dental chain? What should Dr. Beth do?
Beth A. Dorain, DMD
Lafayette, Colorado
Employer: Perfect Teeth
Management Company: Birner Dental Management Service, Inc – Mark Birner, DDS-President
I am working for a corporate chain. I do not like it, and I thought they were jerks. The CEO called to yell at me about October's low production. (FWIW, there were many legitimate reasons for the low production in October.) Not worth listing here. Production more than doubled in November. The next day, he called to say he was going to change my compensation to purely a percentage of production. After the first phone call, I was 100% certain that I was going to quit in short order. So, I went ahead and signed it.
Now, I've come to realize that I make 30% of insurance reimbursements and patient's co-pay. The problem is that they take a lot of DMOs with capitation checks. I spend a lot of time doing exams, fillings, etc. and discovered that there is no re-imbursement for those procedures. The compensation for the work comes in the cap check. But, they will not give me ANY percentage of that cap check. I did not realize that I was doing exams, fillings, etc. FOR FREE. In many cases, the fillings are $0.00 or the co-pays are ridiculously low.
For example, I did three anterior root canals on one patient. The total reimbursement for it was $120.00. So, I made $36.00 for the three root canals.
Is it even legal for this organization to expect me to work for FREE.
My contract does say (excludes capitation check)
I'm getting a lawyer!!!!!!!!
I did forget to mention one very important detail, one month after I signed the Addendum, I did get another offer which I accepted. However, I am supposed to give my current employer 90 days notice (which I did on December 15. That keeps me in "jail" until mid March. I am hoping to not honor those 90 days due to the language of the original agreement.
Monday, January 02, 2012
A very disturbing search term that was used December 29, 2011, that brought someone to my site. The person was from Jackson, Mississippi and used the term “child overdoeses at kool Smiles” IP was
If you have information about this, please email me at cckaddie@yahoo.com
Dr. Jay Jensen–Former Iowa dentist pays fine for poor quality dental care. He’s now in Leander, Texas
Dr. Jay Jensen is now unleashing his dental care to the citizens of Leander, Texas, and apparently he has a problem with quality. He just paid a $5000 fine to settle one complaint and there are three more complaints against him. He’s employed at Crystal Falls Dental. For some reason, this guy still has a dental license!
November 28, 2011
WEST DES MOINES — A former West Des Moines dentist has been fined $5,000 over allegations he provided poor care.
The Des Moines Register reports Dr. Jay Jensen agreed to pay the fine to settle the case filed in 2009 by the Iowa Dental Board. He's accused of making several mistakes during a full-mouth reconstruction.
Jensen used to own Restoration Dental. His attorney says he's moved to Texas and now practices in the Austin area.
Meanwhile, another West Des Moines dentist has surrendered his license to the dental board after admitting to a relapse into alcoholism. Dr. Bruce Krook says he hasn't been accused of poor care and hopes to have his license reinstated in the future.
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