Friday, January 25, 2013

Two reports on poor quality of care by dentists claiming expertise in implants


A story by the Bakersfield Californian, reports the California Dental Board has filed a complaint against Dr. Robert Tupac, DDs to the state’s department of consumer affairs.

Dr. Tupac reportedly told one patient “not to worry about a thing, I wrote the book on (dental) implants,"

The report says, the complaint was issued by the state Attorney General raises numerous issues that should result in his licenses being revoked or suspended: for discipline" against Tupac, including gross negligence, altering patient records, aiding and abetting an unlicensed person to practice dentistry, incompetence and obtaining fees by fraud. The document requests that the Dental Board revoke or suspend his license and pay restitution.

According to the report, his dental licenses remain squeaky clean, despite his own professional regulatory board having multiple complaints against him on file AND have filed their own complaint to the California Department of Consumer Affairs!!

“The Dental Board issued Tupac's dental license in 1974. The board's website does not show any previous disciplinary actions against him.”

In a report on KGET-TV’s website it says “The California Dental Board wants to suspend or revoke the license of…”  Well, then why don’t they??  

Newspaper report: Bakersfield dentist accused of incompetence, negligence

California AG Marc Greenbaum’s complaint filed against Robert George Tupac, DDS

Dr. Li Skelton

This situation with Dr. Tupac sounds much like a situation with an implant dentist in Texas who says their office “specializes” in dental implants – Dr. Li Skelton.  Heck her new clinic even promotes tourism dentistry, just to see her.

Missouri’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit reclaims $’s from Comfort Dental

January 25, 2013

Today’s Medicaid Fraud Recover story is from Missouri, where Attorney General Chris Koster has announced a $50M recovery by Missouri’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.

Of course crowing about the recovery and actually recovering the money are two completely different things. Personally, I read it as “We found $50M we were snookered out of and have they con artists an invoice.”

Of interest to me was this part of the statement:

  • Comfort Dental (3 cases):  Comfort Dental – a franchise dental chain based in Colorado with offices in the Kansas City area – billed Medicaid for services provided to individuals who were not eligible for Medicaid, resulting in a total loss to Medicaid of more than $17,000.  Additionally, the Attorney General’s investigation revealed that each clinic double-billed services to Medicaid, resulting in a loss of more than $4,200, and also charged Medicaid recipients for services paid for by the program.

In three separate settlements, the entities paid $66,265.22 to resolve claims of both the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit and the Consumer Protection Division.  The Consumer Protection Division sent checks totaling $6,265.22 to those Missouri citizens who were improperly billed for Medicaid covered services.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Joseph Bernat, DDS now associated with two dental organization nailed for Medicaid fraud.

New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman released a statement this week saying the state had recovered $335M in Medicaid that has been fraudulently obtained in 2012. 

The part I found interesting was the dental, of course.  Media outlets are reporting $1.6 million recovered from Kaleida Health’s – Buffalo Women’s and Children's Hospital Dental Clinic.

From WGRZ:


The state also recovered $1.6 million for excess Medicaid payments on claims for dental services provided by Kaleida Health through the Buffalo Women's & Children's Hospital Dental Clinic.


“Kaleida” and “Buffalo” rang a bell. Then I did some checking, and low and behold there it was: Dr. Joseph Bernat, DDS – Chair and Program Director of Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo.


Chair - Director - Bernat







Amazingly, Dr. Joseph Bernat, DDS — who is was so highly respected; who supposedly carries such influence — now has two organization nailed for Medicaid Fraud under his belt: Small Smiles Dental Centers in 2010 and Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo in 2012.

Way To Go, Dr. Bernat!!

Kool Smiles–NCDR, LLC still mistreating children according to parents complaints

Kool Smiles continues its dirty practices and children still suffer the previous trauma this company brought to millions of children over the last 9 years  according to posts over on Topix.


That’s a long time for authorities and dental boards to allow this.  How can any of them explain their lack of action?  I have to assume they think it’s OK.  What a screw up way of thinking!   


Wednesday January 23, 2013 - Be very leery about fraudulent diagnosis from this office. This facility is only interested in taking advantage of low-income families who have access to Hoosier HeathWise and/or Medicaid ... preying on the fact that most of these parents will not question any diagnosis given; ultimately, this facility is billing the government for services NOT needed.

My personal experience:
First of all, parents are not allowed in the back (a BIG red flag), nor shown x-rays, nor consulted in any way. Took my son to this dentist and was "told" that he had FIVE cavities (mind you, I was never shown his x-rays). The office tried to keep us there to do the fillings right then and there. I had an extremely uneasy feeling; therefore, I declined, and stated that I would schedule another time.

We have since consulted another pediatric dentist. Imagine my surprise being told that my son had NO cavities. None. Zero. Zilch. In fact, they told me that he had done an exceptional job keeping his teeth clean and healthy.

My recommendation: Do NOT give your business to a fraudulent business such as Kool Smiles in Terre Haute. Any facility taking advantage of low-income families and the Indiana state government should be audited and shut down for fraudulent business practices.

Tuesday January 15, 2013 - My daughter went to Kool Smiles when she was four for fillings. They put her in a straight jacket and she screamed until her nose bled.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dr. Kristi Ayn Liebau-Grassi doesn’t want to go to jail.

Remember the Erie, Pennsylvania dentist who headed to Texas for a more lucrative position with Pacific Dental d/b/a Modern Dental?  Well, she’s not wanting to go to jail. Didn’t work very well for Robin Lockwood in Oklahoma, however Lockwood’s dental license still appears squeaky clean! Amazing!




Published: January 22, 2013 12:01 AM EST
Updated: January 22, 2013 1:38 AM EST

Former Erie dentist seeks to avoid prison term

By LISA THOMPSON, Erie Times-News

A former area dentist who pleaded guilty to defrauding Medicaid is hoping a judge will spare her a term in federal prison so she can better care for her family.

Federal sentencing guidelines recommend a prison sentence of a year to 18 months for the dentist, Kristi Ayn Liebau-Grassi, who admitted in September that she repeatedly billed the government for dental work that was unnecessary or never provided.

Her lawyer, however, is hoping to convince a judge to give her a lighter sentence because of her clean prior record, her family's needs and she accepted responsibility.

"The defendant is a loving and devoted parent whose maternal responsibilities may be greater than almost anyone who has stood for sentencing before this Court," the lawyer, David Ridge, wrote in a sentencing memorandum filed in U.S. District Court in Erie.

Bileca sells to Matzkin or Towncare affiliates with Dental Care Alliance, it’s the same either way.

So it was announced last week that Florida State Representative Michael Bileca’s Towncare Dental Partners d/b/a Towncare Dental and Main Street’s Children Dentistry and Orthodontics is now “affiliated” with Dental Care Alliance based in Sarasota, Florida.  Of course that means he unloaded the clinics. Who knows he may stay on as CEO, President or whatever he claims to be.  Wonder if Mr. Bileca has bigger political ambitions and needs to rid himself of the DSO?

So, who is Dental Care Alliance?  Beats the hell outta me!  There’s a timeline after the press release.  You figure it out. 

What I do know is Steven Matzkin and Michael Bileca , their respective CEO’s are founders of that nasty group the Dental Group Practice Association (DGPA). So swapping control of dental clinics they illegally operate among themselves is akin to one of those underground “swingers” clubs.

Dental Care Alliance Press Release

dentalcarealliancehqtrsDental Care Alliance Acquires Towncare Dental Partners

Posted on January 16, 2013 by dca

Sarasota, FL – Dental Care Alliance (DCA) announces the affiliation of Towncare Dental Partners (TDP).

“Towncare is an outstanding, well regarded company, and we are excited to have their team join DCA and expand our administrative resources to better support the needs of our affiliated dental professionals,” says Mitch Olan Co-CEO/COO of Dental Care Alliance. “Both DCA and Towncare place the same emphasis on quality care, provider support and patient satisfaction.”

The Florida-based companies have similar operating philosophies and more than 40 years of combined experience supporting the dental profession. The combined company will now manage the administrative services of 145 dental practices in 8 states.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

February “Children’s Dental Health Month”– Parents and School Personnel Beware!

It’s almost that time of year again; February “Children’s Dental Health Month” or as I’ve come to call it “Chop Shop Victim Month”.  Like so many things, what started out with good intentions became a way for the crooks and unsavory dental mills to increase patient volume.  I suspect with their business model taking such a financial hit this past year, patient shopping is high on their list of priorities.

Here’s how it works. 

Schools and daycares in low income areas are called by the dental mill and asked if they would like to have a free dental screening day. All it is, a dental assistant doing a quick visual in each child’s mouth, no instruments used.

Friday, January 18, 2013

TEXAS LEGISLATURE: Health care bills aim to reduce fraud

TEXAS LEGISLATURE: Health care bills aim to reduce fraud

By Matthew Waller Scripps Texas Newspapers
Published Wednesday, January 16, 2013

go sanangeloAUSTIN — Texas lawmakers are looking at ways to cut down on billions in fraud and waste in Medicaid, health funding for the poor, they announced Wednesday.

The question is whether the proposed laws will discourage medical practitioners from operating or accepting Medicaid as payment, a Texas Tech professor said.

Medicaid fraud and waste cost Texas $6 billion from 2004-11, lawmakers said Wednesday.

Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, and chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, plans to tackle that number with two pieces of legislation aimed at reducing Medicaid fraud and improving Medicaid services based on quality of care.

"It's depressing," Nelson said of the reports of Medicaid fraud. "I feel like we're playing Whac-A-Mole. We have one problem uncovered, and we try to deal with it, and then we see another one emerge. … We have to assume our responsibilities and head off some of these problems before they begin. … It's infuriating to hear report after report of the kind of abuses that are taking place."

Earlier this month, for example, the attorney general announced a $36 million settlement with pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Endo on claims that the firms overcharged Medicaid for drugs.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Texas Vows to crack down on dental Medicaid fraud

I’m guessing Texas is not exactly the best market anymore for the Medicaid dental mills and DSO’s in general.

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Posted on January 16, 2013 at 6:48 PM
Updated yesterday at 9:55 PM


AUSTIN — State Sen. Jane Nelson (R-Flower Mound) put it simply Wednesday, speaking to a group of reporters at a news conference in Austin:

"It is infuriating to hear of the kind of problems that are taking place... problems that are particularly serious in Medicaid dental, orthodontia and transportation for Medicaid patients," she said.

For the past two years, News 8 has been investigating the Texas Medicaid Dental program and hundreds of millions of dollars the state has spent on orthodontics under Medicaid.

Sen. Nelson specifically mentioned the parents of Medicaid children who had been solicited by "marketers" bearing free gifts and cash, the subject of several News 8 stories.

Senate Bill 8 is designed to cure some of those abuses.

"It strengthens the prohibitions against solicitation of Medicaid clients," Nelson said. "We heard story after story about that. We are going to prohibit that and make sure it doesn't take place."

So far, the bill does not specifically prohibit handing out gifts and cash to parents to induce them to take their children to certain dentists. Nelson says hearings over the next two months will flesh the bill out.

The legislation also articulates the Inspector General's role in uncovering and reporting fraud, and bans a dentist from participating in Medicaid if found guilty of fraud.

The bill moves Medicaid Transportation into managed care, and directs the Department of Health and Human Services to reduce inappropriate ambulance use.

Even though the specifics of this bill haven't yet been hammered out, there's already huge opposition to it. That's a sign, Nelson says, that as it is, some dentists are making lot of money.


Over 11,500 comments just 24 hours after Yahoo news picks up the story of child’s mouth of metal in Arizona.

January 17, 2013 10:55 AM CSTyahoonews

Since being picked up by Yahoo News, “Arizona mother gets shock after daughter’s trip to dentist” now has over 10,000 comments since it’s post on Yahoo, 22 hours ago.










AZ Child 2









Photos courtesy of and 3 On Your Side

3 On Your Side Reporter Gary Harper:

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If Dr. Richard Chaet is what is representing Pediatric Dentistry in Arizona no wonder there are so many dental abuse stories coming from that state. At least 1 in 3 that I received come from there.

A Quote from the story and Dr. Richard Chaet, “ Chaet explained that while Savannah's dental work is shocking to look at, it was probably necessary. "This is a child who is obviously very high risk for decay," he said, noting that crowns will save other teeth from deteriorating.

Seriously Dr. Chaet?  Well then for heavens sake let all American’s all get crowns on every in their head to prevent “deterioration”.  Then we won’t need assholes like yourself!

Better yet, let’s all run down to Aspen and have every tooth jerked out of our head and get a crappy set of dentures slapped in!  That would work too wouldn’t it?

Can anyone say, “Agency Capture” well it’s been captures in Arizona and if nothing else this story revealed that much!


Sadly this is probably the best that could be done to repair what the monster dentists did to this beautiful child. 

the fix