Monday, January 10, 2011

Marissa Kingery Was Not Dr. Henry Mazorow's First Death

Most shocking in the 911 call where you hear the dispatcher say they "go there all the time".
So how often do they go?  Who else has almost died?  Is someone checking this out?

Link to story and video

Other court cases where Dr. Mazorow was the defendant:
They can all be found here

98 cv 120669 Johnson v. Mazorow 1998
97 cv 160444 Crandall v. Mazorow 1997
00 cv 185118 Healy v. Mazorow 2000
98 cv 120705 Tower v. Mazorow 1998
95 cv 119901 Pryor v. Mazorow 1995
95 cv 114395 Onysyk v. Mazorow 1995
03 cv 134176 Hembree v. Mazorow 2003
02 cv 131752 Kowalczyk v. Mazorow 2002
01 cv 130029 Bailey v. Mazorow 2001
01 cv 129370 Hembree v. Mazorow  2001

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Dental Sleep Medicine? What's Next, Vasectomies and Tonsillectomies?

I've been thinking today and when that happens it usually doesn't turn out well.
I got to thinking about all the procedures dentists are now allowed to perform. 
townietop50corpdent11311I was reading the Top 50 Game Changers over at Dental Town and Corporate Dentistry made the list, as did Sedation  and Sleep Medicine. 
Sleep Medicine?townietop5011311
How did we get from tooth and gum heath to cosmetic injections such as botox and other facial esthetics and now sleep medicine?
'Botox Dentist' even has a facebook page so it must be important, right.
And yes, like sedation dentistry, there is a quick seminar to teach everyone how to get it done.  You can even order up a training DVD.
But Dental Sleep Medicine?
Admittedly I don't keep up with all the disciplines being awarded in the world of dental medicine, but it's getting to the point the profession is going to have to come up with a different name. 

Church Street Health Management–From Arcapita's Website 2011-1-9 18-8


I know I'm not the only one to notice, nobody says they "own" the clinics anymore. 

I've made a complete copy of their blog  There is not one word there that says anyone owns any clinic.  Everyone is always a "lead dentist".  Well, until it comes to the income, then FORBA wants to claim that, or the lawsuits, then those lead dentists suddenly become owners.  Cracks me up sometimes. 

Even in the local news video they posted, no own is introduced as "owner" of the Small Smiles clinic here in "fill in the name of the city".

All these Small Smiles dental clinics are either "affiliated with" or "associated with" Arcapita or Church Street Health Management, aka FORBA.

I'm sure they all hate the fact those initial press releases when Arcapita "purchased" these clinics were wiped off the web, sorry guys.

I get what they are thinking, they don't want their name on documents like this.

As you can see, and everyone working for Small Smiles and Church Street Health Management should take note of, everyone will be named in lawsuits. 


The cost of hiring an law firm to initially take the case will be very expensive.  Responsible or not, you've been named in a lawsuit.  Everything for you changes at that point.  And I mean everything! 

Think your family won't be effected, wrong.  Think your kids won't be effected?  Wrong.

Try going out on your own with a pending lawsuit hanging over your head.  Try doing much of anything with this kind of lawsuit hanging over your head. 

I hope everyone is looking over what kind of documents you've signed. 

Church Street Health Management (CSHM) is not going to protect you from the above.  They are hanging  you out to dry, in the end, you will be in this all alone. 

Everyone will need their own attorney.  Don't be stupid and think FORBA aka Church Street Health Management (CSMH) and their vast number of law firms and attorneys are going to protect you.  Look out for yourself.

If you work for Small Smiles and Church Street Health Management, I would think you can expect to see your name on one of these someday in the future.   

For those at other dental mills, be taking notes. 

Boo!  Run! 

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Church Street Health Management Paid Just Over $121,000 To Massachusetts Lobbyist

Lobbyist report

Another Child Dies At The Hands Of An 80 Year Old Dentist – 13 Year Old Marissa Kingery

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s another very sad day here at Dentist The Menace.  Another child has lost her life due to an incident involving dental treatment at a dentist office

On January 3, 2011, Marissa Kingery, the only child of Amber McEwen and Jason Kingery was pronounced dead after two weeks in an unresponsive state at a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.
Marissa started December 21, 2010 anxious and nervous about the dental procedure according to her mother. 
No doubt Marissa was on her Christmas break from school and excited because every child’s favorite holiday was just a few days away.  With presents already purchased and some under the Christmas tree Marissa Kingery was headed to the dentist.  In the end, there would be no Christmas for Marissa and no happy holiday for her parents.
That fateful morning, as any mother would, Marissa’s mother reassured her daughter and told her not to worry, “it will be OK.” It wasn’t ok.
Marissa’s father drove her to the appointment with 80 year old,Dr. Henry B. Mazorow.  Her appointment that day was to remove two baby teeth and one impacted permanent tooth.  It is not yet clear if sedation was really necessary. 
Something went terribly wrong under 80 year old, Dr. Henry B. Mazorow’s care.  An ambulance was called and she was rushed to the local hospital and later transferred to Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, where she was unresponsive and placed on life support...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Patients Loose Thousands Due To Allcare Dental Sudden Closing


Tens of thousands of patients are extremely upset tonight as they have lost hundreds of thousands by the sudden, unexpected closing of Allcare Dental.

Patients showed up at Allcare dental centers across the country this week only to find the doors locked.  A phone call to the company returned nothing but a busy signal.

Patients are furious and have been told that unless Allcare were to file bankruptcy it is unlikely they will recover their money.

Allcare Dental and Dentures' Better Business Bureau rating had dropped to a D- in the last few months. 

Heck, that's nothing, FORBA Holding and it's Small Smiles Dental Centers rate F. 

This is why you never pay for services until rendered and another example on why these drive thru dental and denture clinics must NOT be allowed.  State dental boards must get off their tuchus and enforce the laws on the books.  The laws are there for a reason, and this is one of them.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Allcare Dental Closing Doors

allcare-dental_20110103200052_320_240Looks like Allcare is shutting the doors, leaving hundreds of employees without jobs. 

The closing was suddenly announced without warning, leaving employees in shock.   The announcement came on New Year's Eve of all things. 

It flat ran out of money.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with the poor quality of care and thousands of complaints.

They even shut down their website.  However they did set up to assist patients they left hanging.


One down, hundreds more to go.  I can remove those files from the file cabinet.  However, will still be tracking their dentists  for complaints.

Marissa Kingery-Another Child Dead From Dental Treatment

On January 3, 2011, Marissa Kingery, the only child of Amber McEwen and Jason Kingery was pronounced dead after two weeks in an unresponsive state at a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.  Marissa had been sedated for treatment by Dr. Dr. Henry B. Mazorow.

....more on this to come

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Mosque Street Health Management

Shouldn't FORBA's name change have been more like Mosque Street Health Management?

Church Street Health Management just seems odd, considering....don't you think?

Just saying.

Thanks J for point out the irony is

Altair Intelligence helps Small Smiles target customers–Go Altair!

Altair Customer Intelligence Extends Strategic Partnership
Strategic use of customer intelligence helps bring dental care to children

Altair Customer Intelligence is pleased to announce the continued partnership with Church Street Health Management for 2011. Altair has been providing Church Street Health with strategic database marketing and consulting insight for the past two years. By using Altair’s FiveStar™ process, Church Street Health has leveraged industry leading analytics, modeling, and reporting techniques to sustain continued market growth for their network of associated Dental Centers and improved marketing resource utilization.

“Our mission is to ensure access to quality, professional dental care for low-income, underserved families and those seeking comprehensive care—and we’re better able to do that with Altair,” said Mike McCulla, SVP, Marketing, Church Street Health. “Altair provides the information we need to more effectively maintain our existing customer relationships, and identify and reach out to additional children and their families. Altair is a vital part of our business.”

Under this agreement, Altair continues to deliver a comprehensive solution providing data, selection, modeling, and customized access using its proprietary multi-sourced consumer database that contains 1,000 different data elements on 200 million consumers supporting Church Street’s prospect acquisition. This allows Church Street to select, analyze and review targeted prospects knowing that their marketing efforts are based on informed decisions with the most accurate data available.

According to Steve Collins, President of Altair Customer Intelligence Analytics Division, “This is a deep relationship that continues to grow and contribute to Church Street’s marketing success. Our data, speed, and flexibility is what sets us apart. We are thrilled Church Street has chosen Altair as their partner.”

About Church Street Health Management
Church Street Health Management assists children and families in accessing dental services in areas that have historically had limited availability of dental providers. With an associated network of 72 Dental Centers in 22 different states and the District of Columbia they ensure that more than 700,000 children a year receive the dental care they deserve.

About Altair Customer Intelligence
Founded in 2001 and led by veteran direct marketers, Altair has become the leader in Customer Intelligence, providing superior direct marketing resources through better access, analysis, strategy, and reporting. Altair is dedicated to helping businesses get more from their marketing investments by supporting extraordinary companies through a better use of Customer Intelligence for more informed decision-making. Altair has developed an expertise in helping companies gather, analyze, and use internal and external data to make better business decisions. Their extensive industry and marketing expertise gives customers unfettered access to information for improving their business and marketing goals.
More information is available at