Wednesday, February 24, 2010
FORBA's New Branding
FORBA "For Better Access, For A Better America"
What the heck ever! Nice try guys.
Since you've come up with a new slogan, wanna take the time to comment on EEHC, Inc, or should I?
Moriarty-Leyendecker Stepping Up To Fight For The Children Harmed
Warriors have arrived to take on FORBA and its Small Smiles chain of dental clinics in the form of the law firm Moriarty-Leyendecker . (Jim and Kevin respectively)
I couldn’t be more thankful!! It’s about time there is justice for the children who had to endure the paid from these dental mills.
As we know the states got their reimbursement for the fraudulent billing of FORBA’s Small Smiles dental clinics as did the Fed’s in the $24 million dollar settlement. (I’m thinking it probably cost more than $24 mil to do the 2+ year investigation)
So far, not one child has been compensated for the horrific mental and emotional damage, imagine the humiliation these children have suffered. Nor have they been compensated for the physical damage that may take years to repair, if it can be repaired at all. Much of the damage done will last a lifetime for these children, and there could be up to 300,000 or more of these injured children.
What about the damage done to the trust these children have in their parents to protect them from harm. Will these children ever trust their parents again? What about teachers, policeman and others of authority? At minimum these abused children will find it harder to form long lasting and loving bonds as a matter of course.
It’s likely the child’s brain development has been impaired and certainly interrupted and redirected. The way these children were abused and treated has changed who they were supposed to be, forever! This is undeniable.
Jim Moriarty and his partners are no strangers to medicine gone wild. That’s why I’m so elated to see they are standing up and stepping in.
In 1994 Jim Moriarty took on National Medical Enterprises (NME), later known as Tenet Healthcare. This sleaze ball company was, and I quote from the book Coronary: A True Story Of Medicine Gone Awry:
“deceiving parents into allowing their children to be imprisoned in mental institutions where at best they were warehoused and at worst they were subjected to alleged therapies that resembled torture more than treatment”
Sound familiar?
I encourage you to read the excerpt from Coronary: A True Story Of Medicine Gone Awry, by by Stephen Klaidman here.
As with FORBA, NME signed a Corporate Integrity Agreement with the Feds. When the federal fraud case was over NME thought the coast was clear. They were wrong!
Enter Jim Moriarty and “a pack of ex-patients and personal-injury lawyers” Jim is described as, and I again I quote:
“a motormouthed forty-eight-year-old former Marine door gunner in Vietnam. ” (he’s a bit older now, I’m sure)
“Moriarty is not necessarily someone you would like to have on your tail. When he focuses on something — it could be anything from a big, consolidated lawsuit to racing his hopped-up go-cart at 120 miles an hour — it is with the tenacity of a junkyard dog. ”
Jim ran into Tenet Healthcare again when one of it’s hospitals in Redding, California had an usually high rate of heart bypass surgeries. Jim was a bit disappointed the case didn’t go to trial so the story would be told. By settling with the 750 patients for $395 million dollars, Tenent kept the nasty truth off the front page. You can read about this outrageous health care scam online by clicking here: Money Driven Medicine, by Maggie Mahar.
Jim Moriarty and Moriarty-Leyendecker want to hear from you.
Please, contact Jim, Kevin and the crew, tell them your story.
Contact Moriarty-Leyendecker here.
***(BTW, no top management in the NME case went to jail, but others certainly did, something you dentists, hygienists and assistants who work for FORBA and Small Smiles should give a whole lot of thought to-like who is going feed your family when you’re in the clinker? FORBA bobble heads will through you under the bus in a New York minute!)***
Monday, February 22, 2010
Dr. Mark Janosky, Lead Dentist of Small Smiles Myrtle Beacn
MB dentist to offer free children's dental clinics
Posted: Feb 08, 2010 12:51 PM CST Updated: Mar 22, 2010 9:47 AM CDT
MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - A Myrtle Beach dental center will be offering free dental screenings in honor of "Healthy Smile, Happy Child Day" on Feb. 10.
The free screenings will be held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Small Smiles Dental Centers of Myrtle Beach, located at 1317 N. Kings Hwy. Event coordinators say the clinic is in part to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy smile during Children's Dental Health Month in February.
"Tooth decay remains the most common childhood disease," said Dr. Mark Janosky, lead dentist at Small Smiles. "Dental problems in young children can lead to a variety of health and developmental challenges including chronic pain, poor nutrition, distractions from learning and self-esteem issues."
Parents who are interested in scheduling an appointment are asked to call (843) 626-5437.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The Rahm Effect
To me it's the Rahm effect. No, not this quote "I wake up some mornings hating me too"- however that might fit- but this one:
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
I guess if I knew they really did have children's best interest at heart I would applaud them.....maybe and that's a huge maybe.
Here they are set up at a benefit to raise money for fire victims. I guess there is no place they won't go to 'patient shop', at least that's the way I see it.
Fire victims aided by Holyoke event
Sunday, February 21, 2010By LORI STABILElstabile@repub.comHOLYOKE - A benefit for Lyman and Beech streets fire victims was held Saturday at the War Memorial, featuring services available for the displaced tenants and information for the public.
A box for monetary donations for the fire victims also was at the event, which was sponsored by Centro de Restauracion Emanuel Church.
A fire relief fund has been set up at New Alliance Bank for the 15 families affected by the Dec. 23 fire at 103-105 Lyman St., and the donations will be split evenly among them, said Felicita "Nina" Lopez, outreach coordinator for the complete story here.
Excerpts From "The American Way of Dentistry" by June Thomas
Here is an excerpt:
Part II: The Disappearing Dentist (9/28/09)
- As the US population is increasing, less people are becoming dentist.
- Dental schools are closing because of the extremely high cost of training dentist.
- More and more dentists are becoming specialist
- More dentist are working less (which helps control overhead)
- Because of supply and demand, the cost of dentistry is going up.
Here is another excerpt:
Look at item 5 above, don't suspect all those numbers are quickly on the rise?Part IV: How Dentists Think (9/30/09)
- 80%-85% of American dentists practice as owner-operators, as compared with only about 20 percent of physicians.
- Unlike medicine, dentist must bear the full cost of the patient care such as:
- Equipment, supplies, utilities, x-ray machines, several kinds of insurance, rent, equipment loans, and the biggest expense…salaries of a large staff (appointment maker, billing person, dental assistants, hygienist, office manager,…).
- Most dental offices are only open 4 days a week.
- This helps control staffing costs.
- Many people are afraid of the dentist.
- Approximately 45 million people in the US are nervous or terrified of the dentist.
- 23 million people avoid dental care because of fear.
- Improvements in dental technology has taken a lot of the pain out of dentistry.
- Dentists are a trusted profession.
- 2003 poll showed that 61% of people rated honesty and ethical standards of dentists as “high” or “very high”.
- Only nurses, physicians, vets, and pharmacist ranked higher.
- Dental health in America has improved, but Americans’ satisfaction with their teeth has declined.
- This has helped bring on the increase in cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening and veneers.
Note item 6 above. They need to take that poll again!! With all the children who have grown up in the age of dental mills I bet that rate has dropped. If it hasn't dropped it certainly will in the near future.
Friday, February 19, 2010
FORBA ads on Craig's list
Here is an ad for Dentists:
I see the phone number to call in interested is at the Pueblo Office.
Funny how New FORBA, who is suing Old FORBA, is allowing the Colorado office (Old FORBA) continue run the show, do the hiring etc. Maybe New FORBA is just the venue for capital after all.
You would think if there was this horrible breach of contract between New FORBA and Old FORBA as is alleged in the complaint, New FORBA would still allowing Old FORBA to control things. New FORBA says they own all the clinics, and Old FORBA just provided the management of the practice. In fact the idea that New FORBA is still allowing Old FORBA to run things tells me that New FORBA must like the way Old FORBA is doing things. Oh, wait! Maybe, just maybe it's not Old FORBA still running things. Maybe it's EEHC, LLC, who amazingly has the exact same employees as Old FORBA.
Here is another ad and I see their starting pay has dropped $20k.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A New New York Reader
Corporate Dentistry Pitfall number 101–Floating dentist filling in where needed.
I was working with a chain practice for a year right after I graduated. In this type of practice, the management asks of their employee to cover another office in another location, if the dentist at this location has a day off. I was asked to cover one such office. That means, I would be seeing new patients to determined treatment.
I saw this patient in May07. I inserted a PFM on #3 ( the tooth was endodontically treated. The crown prep was not done by me. I inserted the crown after I took a BW x-ray and checking for occlusion and contacts. (Unfortunately, I forgot to document in her chart)
Now I no longer work for the company. I received a letter from the board stating that this patient has a complaint against me. In march 08, this patient complained that #3 has been hurting. The treating dentist examined her and determined that nothing was wrong and adjusted the occlusion.
She still complained of pain.
She was told that it was her wisdom teeth that were the reason of her pain, so she got her wisdom teeth extracted. #3 was asymptomatic each time it was been examined, patient stating that pain was a "5 out of 10".
In the meantime, she saw another dentist who said that the crown was big. Again the dentist got #3 out of occlusion totally,. Patient still complained of pain..............
Now the case is with the board.
I have no clue what would happen. How should I proceed. I am very very scared as they could take any action.
There were different providers involved here.
The one who did the prep quit (management told me he was on vacation....but had actually quit).
Also the patient saw a different provider next time she came in to the center (after 10 months) who checked her crown and found nothing wrong). Then after she had her wisdom teeth out with an OS, she saw a different provider the next visit (this provider saw her at all her subsequent visits)
This provider recommended other options (re treat endo etc) but he told her nothing wrong with the crown.
She went to another local dentist, who told her that crown was not good. This is when she complained to board.
I got a letter last year and they asked me what had happened. I wrote the letter myself ...did not contact malpractice. I told them hat had happened during that brief half an hour appt. I did not hear from them until nearly after a year and now they tell me that case is with the board. I do not know what to expect.
Any advice would be helpful
Please help,
Scared out of mind new grad dentist
How it ended -
After being advised to contact his malpractice insurance carrier and gathering all the information and documentation he could, which was NOT easy! His attorney fees in this were astronomical just trying to obtain the patients treatment documentation.
He ended up getting nailed by the dental board. A black mark on his record remains.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Missouri Hit With Disgraced Dental Chain; Small Smiles?
Here is her email:
I was absolutely shocked and mortified to read the Feb. 16th article on your site. I have been taking my children to this clinic since about that time and have always had great experiences. The staff is friendly and comforting with all of the children I've seen on each of our five visits to date.I would suggest whoever owns this clinic change its name ASAP. The name Small Smiles and Dental is only going to get worse.
I was appalled to see our dentist's name and practice dragged through the mud with no apparent investigation. After my own investigation, I have found that Small Smiles at West Edgewood Dental has absolutely NO affiliation with the Small Smiles/FORBA in other states. Small Smiles in Jefferson City, MO, is a private practice where Dr. Marchack treats each child and parent with the utmost respect. On each visit, we have been welcomed to accompany our children in the exam rooms and have been with them through the entire visit.
During a routine sealant visit, one of my children began telling the Doctor about his toothache, Dr. Marchack looked at it and scheduled him to come back at the end of the day to have the tooth filled and another capped. (We had already been through the antibiotic regiment as a precaution prior to the visit.) I was moved to tears that there our children's dentist would volunteer to stay late on a Friday afternoon just so my child wouldn't have a toothache for another three weeks, until his next scheduled appointment.
I have recommended this clinic to every parent I know, as I am sure you would if you ever went there with your children. I appreciate the magnitude of the allegations regarding the other Small Smiles/FORBA clinics, but some true investigation should be made before you publicly slander another clinic and doctors for merely having a similar name.
One thing for sure, FORBA is registered to do business in Missouri. The actual name of the clinic is West Edgewood Dental Small Smiles. It used to be named West Edgewood Dental Group.
West Edgewood Dental Small Smiles
Jefferson City, MO 65109-6877
(573) 638-3897
Get directions
Here is even another phone number (660) 638-3897 I found here. Both area codes are Missouri codes.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Park West Dental; Padula ring any bells?!
There's a new DeRose related dental office opening in Pueblo, and yes, they take Medicaid. Awe, hell you follow the links and check it out, I've got a headache! Don't forget the Secretary of State site to search for the corporation papers, and check out the property and who owns it. And note in all your looking around, you'll see N. Grand Street, Pueblo, Colorado! Let me save you a bit of trouble. Click here, and as we are so accustom to finding, Dan DeRose's name it's associated with 409 N. Grand Pueblo, Colorado!! No big surprise there! Oh, there is another company on the horizon...I'll talk about it later. I have come to loath these people, every last one of them.
Park West Dental
John Millea D.D.S, Juliann Padula Millea D.D.S.Pueblo, CO 81003
(719) 543-4022
Here, they will introduce themselves.
Just how damn many generations of DeRose and Padula's are citizens going to have to suffer through. Will one of you PLEASE get fixed and stop procreating!!!
Have any of you thought about a new line of work, honestly you're wearing this dentist thing out! Have you ever thought about Park Ranger or something???